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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WHOOPS! my blogging ethic seems to be slipping... sorry!

Sorry about that! I got distracted yesterday and completely forgot to post something... that is I forgot until just before I was collapsing in bed. My internet decided to be flaky as I was trying to order Karro's Christmas present (I will post pics when she gets them :) ) and it agrivated me so much that I gave up until right before lights out... It did finally work by the way, which was great beacuse that meant I didn't miss the 25% off sale thing. :D

So, my weekend. Ass you know I spent the night at Yngvild's and had breakfast with them (bacon and eggs if you don't remember...) then after watching some cross country skiing I was givin a lift to the bus station so I could take one of the ellusive weekend busses home... I got back at about 1, then took a shower. I like showers, they make me feel clean. The only thing I feel I must mention about all showers I have seen in norway thus far, is that they don't seem concerned with keeping the water in the space provided for it... which is rather unfortunate when you want to dry your feet when getting out of said space. also, they are rather tall showers, but really quite cramped. It is quite dificult to shave ones legs in the shower, thus I dont do it very often... I dont have the skills required... maybe by the end of the year, hmm?

Sorry, I went off on my own thing. That right there is a slightly filtered thought from my mind. I would advise trying not to understand what normally happens in my head. Half the time I don't understand it. :D

I got to talk to Mum on fb for a little bit, and broke the news that I bought some new winter boots and a dress for myself. The only consulation is that both together were less than I thought the boots would be. And they are both really cool! My boots I described briefly, but I will assure you that only when I get my camera from home will you fully appreciate the awesomness of my boots.

oh, speaking of awesome, I was looking through one of the tattoo magasines on friday (while waiting for a non-existant bus) and was looking at some of the script and found one that had a spelling mistake. across a man's back were the words "I'm Awsome" missing the first "e"... I was suprised that 1st I had caught the mistake (because my spelling is atrocious) and 2nd that the magazine hadn't...

Now for something completely different.

Haha! know what that's from?! After my random and hurried blog attempt on friday I washed the floors and went over to Kristin's house. It was really fun, I met 5 new young ladies who were all very entertaining. they were all about 15-16, so not really that much younger than me, but in a way they were... but thankfully I digressed quickly and was able to relate to them after a rousing hour of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Every friday they play it :D I know what I want to watch at that time!!!

Unfortunatly the show ended, then the wii came out... ugh. I was harrased into playing mario cart and as I expected I was the biggest loser. the only time I got over last place was when I somehow managed to jump ahead and get 5th. :D Yeah, I suck at video games. I have never been good at them.

But, I had fun anyway. It's always nice to hang out until about midnight... :P

Sunday I slept in until and un-known hour, and started a new book. Magician's Guild and the 2 books after it are AMAZING! I request that Dad buys them for my library :D He would enjoy them too. They are kinda like the mistborn series, but then again they aren't... You guys just have to read them for yourselves. (Note to my parents because I am too lazy to send an email: G might like them too, so after you guys have read them you might suggest that in his free time he could read them. really very exciting, so don't let him be dettered (sp) by the size :D )

Other than that, Sunday was rather un eventful.

Monday was interesting. I had the same boring math class, I decided that I should try going over the chapter again to see if I could absorb anything other than the knowledge that the math is going way over my head.

The norwegian teacher was gone, so I pretty much got through the 2nd book in the trilogy :) Then we had gym...

It was actually okay, we started with dancing again. It was a circle dance (I guess you could call it that... thinking contra dance words) that quickly gained momentum. It was really fun, and it made me realize, again, that I really miss dancing. I can't wait for January, that's when I start my Salsa dance course. :D

But then, we did some strange and difficult execises. I need to work on my arm strength. Then we played volly ball and floor hockey again. I find it rather humourous that I am afraid of flying balls (not meaning to sound dirty there, it's just how it is) but I really enjoy sparring.

I didn't do too badly this time, when the ball came my way (in my circle) I tried harder than normal to keep it off the ground. I even scored a point (running into a team mate in the process, though she was just trying to cover for me :] ) when the ball came straight at me I managed to get it over the net and smack dab in the middle of four of the other players (opposite team)

And I am actually not bad at floor hockey, I got the first point for my team, and me and one of the other guys on my team were the most active (3 people per team). We gave the other team a run for their money.

After gym it was really quiet. I did however order Karro's christmas present! Unfortuantly I realized too late that it wont get here in time fr christmas, but I have a plan. I will print out a picture of her gift and put it in a cd case with a cd. We always sing a song together when the commercial comes on, so I think she will appreciate it. Now I just have to find a CD store. :D

I will tell you guys about what happened to me today on friday, partially because I am hungry and partially because I am more interested in the medical show (mystery ER) than rambling on about what I've already talked about. SO, I'll spare you.

Vi snakkes!

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