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Friday, December 3, 2010

As of right now I only have 50 min left of hell* but when I finish this post it will be when I get home...

*Also known as History class

It is 9:00 here, do you know where your child is? Well in my parents' case they know roughly where I am, but not exactly. Which is a really odd thought. They are also asleep, seeing as it is 3 am there... I wish I was asleep too, but the gum I got today from the advent thing makes me a little bit happier.

I also read a really funny post from Hyperbole and a Half that is still making me laugh. I had considered doing something like what she did before I read this post, and now Im glad I didn't. Her's is much funnier. here you go, enjoy!


Okay, i dont think I posted about tuesday because that would ruin my posting ...

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! I just learned that this will be the LAST HISTORY CLASS before JANUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay, class is over. We "watched" a movie on the soviet union and the power struggle that happened in it after Lenin died... at least that's what I think it's about. :) Now I am waiting to see if anybody will show up for math class even though the teacher said she wouldn't be here... I hope nobody shows, that means I can ditch and hope a bus will rescue me from the ice slick that covers the present (withing walking distance) world. Seriously, everywhere is covered in about an inch of clear yet visable ice. even the gravel that is supposed to help ones feet remain on it's surface cannot make it safe to walk on at a reasonable pace. The proper technique for walking on this terrifying frozen element is to take little, no, itty-bitty shuffly steps that really should't be considered steps seeing that you really dont pick your feet of the ground. you keep your arms loose and knees bent so that when you fall (when, not if) you can hopefully catch yourself on the nearest pole or treebranch rather than being sprawled out and visible for everybody to see... the worst places are actually the roads where the cars drive regularly (I have discovered that sidewalks are not always for walking, the occasional car will bully it's way through what i had taken as a place where a pedestrian could concentrate on the task of walking, but obviously I was mistaken)

Anyway, you must be very determined when crossing roads because the cars dont always seem to know they should slow for you, and the roads themselves would like to see you thorwn under the tires of said car. evil twisty icy roads... :P

Nobody has shown up for math, I think I might pack this machine away and begin my journey to the grocery store where I can buy a 2lt bottle of joy (cola with sugar, not the stuff that has been bought recently... sugar free = AAAHHHHH!!!!!) and read some more before taking the bus to the road of doom and eventually home. Yep, that's what I'm gonna do.

(but before I go I will mention that I am listening to the Mariner's Reveng Song and various other songs that encourage randomness and a ever changing tempo in how I feel things should be read... you all probably read this at a sedate pace, but this song (We Both go Down Together) has a really (sickly sounding) weird tone to it and a beat that makes me want to dance... which normally I would, but im in school and I dont think the door is closed, and it would be rather embarassing if (oh, song change, now it's Eli, the Barrow Boy) since they would not hear the music that encouraged such random convulsions. Anyway, I will probably still be listening to this music when I get home so you can expect me to be just as disjointed as i have been so far, except there wont be 50 min breaks between each paragraph... well, hopefully there wont be.) I really didnt need " ( ) " around that paragraph, but it makes me smile so I will leave them there.

Alright, so I'm not listening to music right now, but im watching Ghost Whisperer so that should make me sutiably random... and distracted. This episode is really sad, its about a little girl who got sick and died trying to talk to her divorced parents...

So, I am officially allowed to stay in the country until august!!! Yes, that means I got my visa FINALLY!!! I have to go visit some office to let people know that I'm here (people being the town) so I need to get Morgana or Morgen to show me where this office is.

I got my visa on tuesday, after waiting for the woman in the office to answer 2 phone calls and deal with the couple infront of me that had to fill out paperwork. It was kinda annoying, and it reequired me to run to the library so that i could get the book that Weronica, Silje and Marte and I will be reading. It is Pride and Predgiduce, but i wish there we some zombies involved, that would make it better.

Everybody seemed like they had to be extra slow, the woman at the library took extra long to finish with the woman infront of me, then I had to get a library card and check out the book. Thankfully Silje had her car, so since i only had 5 min to get a bus or wait an hour she gave me a lift to the bus station. I made it JUST! in time, literally, it was pulling out as I was trying to run towards it.

On wednesday I had a normal day, though it was the 1st of december. I had my first experience with an advent calender thing. I got a piece of chocolate with a story about foxes written inside. I cant understand the whole thing, but i know one of them died. Im still trying to figure out the rest.

Yesterday was okay, I had a full day at school. and history, where I drew a pic of Bente... it wasn't very good, and it doesn't show her full evilness, but maybe I will posta pic of it. :P

I did my normal house washing, though I was delayed by Aksel telling me that I was sick and I needed to ly down on syksengen... i cant really think of the word in english... it's too late. but I will try to finish this post. Aksle then decided he was a nurse, or a doctor, im not sure which and he had to give me a check up. which involved sitting on me and making sure there were no lumps in my tummy... then he told me that the couch was unnaceptable for a syksenge and I needed to go to his room to the other syksenge... it was quite humourous to be told by a 2-3 year old that i needed to go to his bed as he was sitting on top of me. The only thing i could think was that if he was this forward when he was older he would definitly make somebody laugh. After being sat on and drooled on for a little I picked him up and swung him around until he told me (between giggles) that he didn't like it. Agnette (baby sister) thought this was very funny, especially when I tossed him on the couch.

I also had to dance and listen to an old norwegian song, that seems to be Aksel's equivilant to what Lovely Ladies was for me when I was around his age... Such a cuty!!! Agnette will be walking soon I think, she keeps standing and bouncing around and she could walk if she had support... she is such a smiler!!! chubby cheeks X) i love kiddies :D

Today I had only one class, and I managed to read through most of the class without attracting attention. I thought I might have math, but as you read earlier. I got home and vaccuumed and read. really boring. I am going to bed now, because I cant think in coherent sentances and the show that is going on right now doesn't help anything.

god natt! vi snakkes!

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