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Monday, December 6, 2010

Working in a cafe for a week is much nicer than taking exams. no?


Despite my best efforts to buy myself liquid joy, I was denied the bubbly goodness twice this weekend. Rimi doesn't take Visa, or at least visa gift cards... That was rather annoying... :P

But, I didn't mind so much, I am re-reading the Black Magician trilogy, so I had something to do besides bemoan my caffeine-less state... :/ I really like those books :)

Saturday, was nice! I got up early so that I could get a bus into town. We (being the AFS students (excluding Morgen) and Ruth from Narvik) went to Hilde and Asbjørn's house (Morgana's contact family) to eat food, make pepperkake (gingerbread) and christmas cards. It was fun when Ruth's hostmother wasn't scolding the desprate use of english. Seriously, we would be trying and trying to say something in norwegian, and as a last resort we would try to explain in english. Try because Ruth's host mother would interrupt and tell us to speak norwergian, or where we that bad at the language that we only knew a few words. She was quite rude really, and none of us could really ask her to be quiet since we were all at different levels of the language... and she's Ruth's host mother. *sigh* but we had fun anyway.

We drank gløgg too, which has a peculiar taste that I can't really describe. You also drink it with chopped nuts and raisons. very peculiar... But yummy all the same. I tried again when going home to get my caffeine, but they were out. :( no cola... *teary eyed*

There was a nice suprise at home, Mamma finished the sweater she has been knitting for me! I love it, and it is very warm. I was planning on getting a picture, but I haven't yet. Maybe after I finish this chapter of math studying.

Sunday I woke up late then after breakfast Mamma, Karro and I walked to Tante Berit's housee for cookies and chatting. Im not sure what exactly we talked about, but it lasted for a good 2-3 hours. then we walked back. We kept meeting horses on the way too! They were a little skittish, which was understandable, Kazan is jumpy, and the snow makes feet sound loud, so it was understandable. So pretty! I love horses... :]

When we got back Karro and I played cards and watched TV together. Eventually it was time to get ready for bed, about which time Guro came home! I am glad she's home, we get along well :)

Today was the normal depressing math class. My only consolation was that I would be avoiding the exam because it was my last day of arbeidsuke (work week) the day we have that exam. note past tense, but im getting there.

In gym we went to Harstad Hallen, a gym place where actual games take place. We played volly ball, again. Today seemed okay though, I actually felt like I was more help than the other girl on my team. I managed to hit the ball over the net a few times, though I can't serve... All the guys are really nice though, they keep trying to cheer me up and applaud me when I actually managed to keep the ball off the ground when it comes flying towards me. Suprisingly, I have only been hit in the head once during the whole time we have played volly ball, and that would be today when I was trying to get the ball back when it was trying to escape. Yet, I manages to hit myself in the head with the ball. wow, just... wow.

So, anyway, I managed to ask if I could get a ride with someone other than Silje and/or Weronica. Instead I asked Ingvild, which even though we hang out with each other when Silje and Weronica are there (because of them really) I have never asked her for a ride before or anything like that. I was very relived when she said it was fine and she didn't mind. :) Which meant that I got back to school on time for class. which might be a half blessing.

We had a semi normal utvekslingstudent norsk class, and might i add that it is rather difficult to switch from norwegian where you use "k" for klasse and "c" for class... okay back on topic, we ended up talking about what we want to do for college and beyond. Knut (the teacher) looked shocked when I told them that I want to be a forensic pthologist. it was really funny to see his facial exspression.

after school I started on my way to get a ride with Mamma and Pappa, which means that I pass the China Butikk (cant remember how to spell "butikk" in english) and when I looked through the window I saw my dear little sister! Karro was shopping for christmas presents, so I went in to say hi. Then was commanded to pick out my christmas present. I am getting a lovely pair of chopsticks, but Im supposed to remember that. So now I am going to forget it :)

When we were in the car my safty net of not having to take exams was ripped. No, I wont take the Biology or Sociology final, the ones I might actually do well on. No, I HAVE TO take the math and possibly the norwegian tests. Math, I have no hope of passing. I have been studying to try and understand what we have been doing in class but im only in the first chapter and I am having problems. AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! And I have NO IDEA what we have been studying in Norwegian, we have been skipping around the textbook and never following a specific subject, except maybe nynorsk. And if the test is in nynorsk then I dont have to take it...


Okay, Mamma and I made pepperkake (gingerbread) and I really want some! So I am going to leave you with the knowledge that Iam feeling slightly better, but Im going to bed early and I will be trying my best to study to pass the one maybe 2 exams I have even though I DONT WANT TO TAKE THEM WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!!! especially since the math exam is on the last day I will be working in the cafe... D: I want to keep working there, well, as far as I know I want to work there... I'll talk about it after I actually have, sound good?

Vi snakkes!!!


  1. I'm going to do you the honor of giving you some advice that a member of my Cadre once gave me: use the boost to get through!

  2. And what cafe is that? For what? please elaborate.. xox Mom

  3. Oh, im not sure what the cafe is called, I know it is in a shopping center in Kanebogen, i will see it on saturday :) it's for arbeidsuke (work week) which is supposed to save us from "mock" exams... not really working for me though... oh well, fun anyway :)

  4. we do not have sociology mock exam until the final exams in the spring :) so you haven't missed anything there ;)
