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Monday, December 13, 2010


The ski hill opened yesterday! I am happy beyond belief! and as a result really quite sore... I would also like to express my dislike of t-bar lifts, and my happynes that I am not male. To get up the slope on a snowboard requires either great tenacity while clinging to the bar and trying to keep the "T" part under your butt... or you can stick the "T" inbetween you legs and have it jammed into one's crotch and pulling heavily against the leading leg's thigh... yes, it's different, but im not feeling like the "it's not good or bad" motto can be applied when my thigh feels like someone tried their hardest to pull it off my body... I am much more inclined to say that the normal lifts in USA are much more comfortable for snowboarders... which might be why so many people ski here... *pondering*

So! my weekend was enjoyable! Saturday I got to sleep in a little before trying to take a bus to Kanebogen. I got to the bus stop 5 min early, and much to my dismay I thought i had missed it anyway... I walked down to the next stop where another bus route met up with the line i was origionally on... and 10-15 min after the bus (the one I was waiting for) was supposed to show, it arrived. I had to flag it down, seeing that it was going too fast and the bus normally misses the stop I was at... Then I ran for the bus that left only a minute after I borded.

I got to Kanebogen Senter, and decided to give to my desires and buy something I had noticed on my first visit... in the asian market there was a stock of Pocky, for only 10 kr... WOW!!! Of course I ate it all, but I did share with Brujar (sp), Karin (my contact mother) and Ingar (2nd contact brother). But since we stopped at the grocery and had to shop for chocolate... and I discovered some dark chocolate that had a ginger and citron filling... yum... I allowed Brujar one piece and kept the rest to myself... and you know what? I DONT REGRET IT!!! I have been craving chocolate, and not milk chocolate, not I need DARK chocolate... om nom nom :D

I spent the night with my contact family, got beaten on by my youngest contact brother Gunnar (until I flipped him over and threatened to drop him on his head), forced the older two guys to watch Grey's Anatomy by holding the remotes hostage ( :D ) and ate pizza. Then much to my shock I learned that Brujar was going to be driving me... oh god... thankfully his mom was in the car to make sure he behaved and didn't get us killed...

The next morning I was ready to go by 10:30, but due to a failure to communicate I was not picked up until about 20 min after 11... oh well, I was still one of the first people to try and get on the slope. Try being the operative word.

It took me about 20 tries to get on the stupid lift, and then I discovered afore said pain... but besides that and almost running kids into the ground when they decided the patch of snow right in my path was the best place to be. I am starting to get my ability to carve back, which is great, and I definitly have to practice flatspins and 180's. :) thank goodness I only live about 3 min from the slope!

After finishing for the day (well, really it was more like night skiing... it gets dark so early here now...) I went home and had a shower before going over to Kristin's house. We hung out and Daniel, one of Kristin's friends came over too. We eventually made a rainbow cake

That's me putting some of the batter into an ungreased pan... why is it ungreased? well, one would have to ask Kristin what distracted her... I actually have no idea, I think I was bemoaning my poor arms after using them to whip butter and sugar into nice fluffy and thick cream! I could only have done it better if I had an electric beater... but I think Dad would have been proud of my ability!

I also met Kristin's older sister Lisa, who is really cool! She gave me some patches for my russ pants! I just have to remember that my pants need to appear slightly appropriate... if I am going to be weating them and a language camp. :) It was nice to spend some time with Kristin! She's really quite humourous. :)

today was interesting. I got up at the normal time I would for school and caught the bus to catch another bus to my arbeidsuke job. I did alot of potato peeling, and i shelled eggs, I did remove ribs from boxes/bags and place them into tubs. And I did wash up too. It was really fun, and I think I was asked about 3 times if I have a boyfriend yet... *shakes head and rolls eyes and chuckles...* and I only spoke in norwegian! and they only spoke norwegian to me too! YAY!!!

After work I managed to catch a bus back to the city as soon as I got to the bus stop! I caught a bus back and decided to walk to Rimi the closest grocery store and get my much needed bottled joy... And without it's (minor) restorative powers I probably would have blown off this post to read or stare blankely at the tv screen while waiting for sleep to overtake me. which I plan on doing very soon.

I am sorry my posts have been so brief lately... I have been a little... i dunno... off...

anyway, everybody raise a glass to my liquid joy for providing a post! cheers!

vi snakkes!


  1. My glass is raised! I guess the buses are about as finicky in Norway as they are in Portland, eh?

  2. they are... it is quite annoying that the schedual doesn't match up with real life... thus randomly needing to walk home in the freezing cold... ugh :)
