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Friday, November 26, 2010

I only had 2 days of school this week... SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D


So, I was sick until this morning. The symptoms developed on tuesday, I had a headache and felt like I was going to puke, which I might have mentioned, but they didn't go away as I was hoping on wednesday. Nope, they got worst. So, I stayed home and slept the day away. I also read Howl's Moving Castle. I know, I was supposed to write, and I did, but I am a little stuck.

I was rendered immobile, and this didn't really bother me. I got chicken soup, which was yummy, but can't compare to the 5 miles of ramen i am supposed to eat... Maybe somebody can have Mr. Pierce send me the required amount? :D

I was sick on Thursday too, and again I again slept most of the day, and then I enjoyed reading the blog of my friend Sam, or Sunder as he goes by on blogger. (I felt like trying to increase your readership, so I am not the only reader. just the first :] ) I have to thank you Sam for being reliable with posting. It provides me with more than just the fellow AFS-ers in this town to hear/read stories of how life is going in new situation. I might suggest that any AFS-ers with blogs take your lead and provide reading material for me... :D

Thursday was otherwise quiet. Besides listening to a song that I heard/saw on the music chanel. you must tell me what you think, I love it, it's got a nice creepy feel...


Sorry about not posting yesterday, but i went to see a tree get lit up, and go shopping. I got a cute dress and some awesome snow boots. The boots are gold! and then I got an invitation to a movie party thing that they had forgotten to invite me to before the day of. Aom was with me when I was at the tree and shopping, it's her fault that I found the dress, btw... I wouldn't have gone into that shop if she hadn't made me. :)

I had a great time at the party. I have a tendancy to act like a teenage guy when around a group of them, and last night was no exception. I rough-housed and joked around with them all... it was really fun! We watched the un-rated version of the Number 23... which was just as corny as I remember. During that time I successfully pushed at least 2 guys off the couch, stole a really nice, warm, ear-flap hat and drank half a bottle of coca-cola. It was wonderful,and even more fun than the last one I went to! It ended around 1am for Yngvild, Aom and me. We called Aom a taxi and I slept over at Yngvild's house.

I was treated to eggs and bacon for breakfast! It was a little too early for me after such a late night, but there was not really any other option since there are so few buses on the weekends... It was nice to have such relaxed morning, so much quieter than the ones at home... :D

I am watching Grey's Anatomy, but I need to go wash the floor. Sooo... I should probably give up on this... sorry it's so all over the place today...

OH! one last thing. Something absolutly amazing happened last night! while i was waiting for the bus I saw something scamper under a bus. The cute little slinky-like critter was my very favorite animal in the whole wide world! I SAW A WILD OTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant stop grinning!!! I love them... :D I have loved otters for as long as I can remember... Mum probably remembers when exactly I started loving them, but I just remember that I was very, very wee. :]

Okay, I will have pics on Monday of my new dress and my cool boots! Vi snakkes!


  1. I would tell you if I liked the song but I got this... This video contains content from EMI, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds... as a msg. when I went to listen. bummer, huh?

  2. AHHH!!! in that case, look up Røyksopp (royksopp will work too) What else is there, on youtube! The official video is the best!
