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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday attempt...


This makes 3 days in a row that I have blogged! huh... hope I don't run out of things to say!

Yesterday I had a normal day at school yesterday. I did my best to pay attention, but was rather unsucessful... instead I started writing letter... or a letter... I will be sending the next batch with the christmas package! :D

The eventful part was after school. I walked to sentrum and met Kristine there! We looked at tattoo magasines and chatted. Then I met one of her friends and Kristine convinced me to wait until the next so I could go "shopping" with her... I however had already bought the last present I needed, so I followed her around and avoided opening my wallet for anything. :D

Eventually I realized I could eithertry begging a ride from her mom or taking a bus home... I chose bus. funny part? we both got home at the same time! And she went shopping with her mom before coming too... sigh...

SO, i ended up dropping my sack off at my house then jumping the fence to go hang out with her! we watched the japanese drama i think I mentioned, Last Friends, and having fun. I managed to come back at about 9pm and get presents wrapped and the package prettymuch packed... I was in bed at about 11...

Today i had 2 tests...:P one in bio and the other in math... i think i failed both. I know i failed math... :P but eventually I was allowed to escape... Oh, i talked to Ulf the advisor too... so far I am still a student in that history class, but i suggested I could do something like an independant study and check in with a history teacher... but he has to talk to the higher uppers, which i thought he was already supposed to have done... >:[ anyway, I am still fighting!

I got down to sentrum and made it to the post office in time to go get the bus home! The package is on it's way mum if you didn't guess. I did some vacuuming and I am now waiting to see if Mamma will come home before I leave to go to Yngvild's again! speaking of which... I actually gotta grab my sack and start walking...

I don't think that I will do this again... not very entertaining... any-whoo...

Vi snakkes!!!!

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