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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am slightly sad that I finished the Mistborn series... but I saw a little fox this morning so that makes it slightly better. :]


Sorry about yesterday! I didn't get home until a little bit before supper and then I had to run for a bus!

So, the weekend first... Saturday I woke up earlier than I would have liked, but later than I should have. I managed to get ready (shower, dress, makeup, grab apple and sack from aunt Laura) and get out the door in about 25 min... which I think constitutes skills. :]

I caught a bus into town where I met Morgana at the bus station. We couldn't figure out where Morgen was since she should have taken the same bus as Morgana. I texted Aom to try and get Morgen's number, but Aom seems worse at returning messages than I am... ugh. Anyway after going to the post office and coming back to the bus terminal we met up with Morgen. We ended up having to accompany Morgen to the licqour (sp) store. (Morgen and I will definintly be opposite Russ... I won't get drunk, she will probably be drunk every night... she was complaining that she had only gotten drunk once in the 3 months we have been in norway... ugh.) It was a little ackward, Morgana and I standing outside the shop waiting for Morgen to come back, as both of us are under the drinking age... I think the shoppers there felt the same way... lol

We also went to a toy store to try and find something for Morgana's cousin's christmas present. We failed, but I found a geek-like store that is pretty fun! I also didn't have my money with me, so I couldn't get what I want to get for another small christmas present for G. I think I am spoiling my little brother while I am in Norway... I probably shouldn't... but I like to see him happy. It makes me glad to be able to get him something he likes. :)

Any-whoo! We eventually made it up to Aom's house... which is up an insanly long, steep and slippery hill... or a series of hills. But I think it was well worth the insane hike, the house is BEAUTIFUL! It has a really cool lay out, and the whole outside of the building has a very oriental feel to it... So many great rooms and hiding places. So obviously after tormenting Morgana into eating "spicy" meat stuff. We got a video of us chasing her around and eventually force feeding her... it looks a little questionable at one part, but really it was just us clamping her nose and then stuffing the food into her mouth, not between her teeth though... it was really funny! back to what I was origionally saying, after tormenting Morgana we had a few rounds of hide and seek. my best hiding places were in a folded comforter at the end of a bed, and under the benchs in the sauna... yes, a sauna... and a pool. AWESOME HOUSE!!!

We ate the Thai food we made, and downed about 2 cartons of milk while consuming the food. SOOO SPICY!!! LOOOVE IT!!! It made me sooo happy to eat food that actually made me tear up. I accidently inhaled soup while trying to eat it and I couldn't really feel my throat for a while... only an intense burning sensation... :]

I eventually got home and went to bed. After being told that I needed to attend a garage sale thing the next day. and help at it too... ugh.

I got going just in time to get a ride there... and I am glad I did! there was a BEAUTIFUL japanese style tea set, and some bowls and spoons in the same style, though with different patterns... I got them for 50 kroner, which is less than $10! can anybody say STEAL!!! I did, amid my squealing and bouncing and jealous protection of my prize... >:D

I managed to hide most of the time, but then Mamma found me and ordered me to help the goodies bar thing... yum. But crazy... I kept trying to do the math, but it was really strange to do half of said math partially in norwegian and partially in english... and there were so many people there that it was difficult for me to make out what the people were saying... ahhh... hard...

But I made it through, and eventually got home. I was excited and soon nervous for my skype in with my family. I deiscovered that the upstairs computer was having problems connecting to the internet, which was causing problems. So I installed skype on my laptop, and quickly realized that you can't just plug in the web cam and have it work... no, you have to install various programs to get it working... :P I tried doing so and realized that with about 24% more to load my computer had frozen. So in a last ditch effort I tried the desk top again. And thankfully it worked.

Good news! G loved his presents. He actually smiled! He put on his Norway flag soccer shirt and read the Serenity cartoon book I had sent! He was going to be mean to me and take his time opening them until I threatend to not send his christmas present. I was bouncing when I realized that he really liked his presents! soo happy!!!

It was nice to be able to talk to my family again. It was only the second time since I got here. It's really odd, thinking that I am okay with seeing my family only once a month. I get to stay in contact, but if I saw them every other week would be really hard... Once a month means that I do get some form of support other than emails but also that I can do things on sundays without making sure to plan in getting back home in time every other week or so. I miss them, and I don't have the same connection to Mamma and Pappa as I do with Mum and Dad, so that's to be expected. I don't think I will ever have as such a stong connection to anybody in a parental role, as I do to my parents. They have set the bar high for my host family, which has been a little hard for me to deal with. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a different family, and I am in a different situation than I previously was in.

Speaking of dealing with my situation. I keep having to remind myself that this year is a moving year. I have moved out, and I mostly depend on what money I have saved and am earning, sometimes using my card to get some things (like boots in the near future) but avoiding that as much as possible. I have a form of family here, but aside from feeding me and giving me shelter, they are relitivly unenvolved in how I spend my time and my needs finacially. Whenever they ask if I am okay there I happen to have gotten some money, but not enough for me to feel secure getting any extra's for me. My spending for myself each month is a weekly (maybe getting one extra per month) soda which is 22 kr. which is a measly 110 kr. per month. only a fraction of what I supposedly have... haha... I hate the visa company right now, and this seems the time of year for school related payments... pictures, year book (yes, already! weird huh?) and russ stuff... *sigh* that and I have a birthday to supply for and christmas as well... :$ oh well... soon it should be over.

Anyway, back to a review of my monday and tuesday, since something realtivly exciting happend!

Monday I watched a movie and was talked at in school for hours. I was also given caffiene (sp) during the last class, which annoyed the teacher (it was exchange student Norsk, so nothing big :D ) as well as an influx of candy as well. :D

I managed to get home and eat in time to catch a bus (after locating Karro, who was at a friend's house) so that we could see HP 7 pt 1. It was a good movie! I really enjoyed it, even though Karro and a relative of hers Morten (her age) sat 2 rows back. I invited Aom to see it with me. The movie started a half an hour later than the website said it did (typical eh?) thus it got out later than I was expecting... too late for a bus unless we waited an hour. at that point everywhere is closed, so we would have had to wait in the cold. Or we could have walked, which would have taken over and hour. Or we could call and ask for a ride home. Obviously that is what we did, and we were quickly assured that the next time that happened we would be on our own. ugh. my thoughts.

Today I had to walk from a gas station to school (about 10 min away) and about half way there a little, itty-bitty fox, about the size of the beagle at home, and a beautiful red coat ran across the road only about 10 feet infront of me. I was worried that it would be hit by a car, but it made it across safely! The car that could have hit it saw it and slowed enough so that it could live. "thanks car! I like foxes!" except when they eat cats...

other than that, school was short. I learned that I am no longer allowed to read, I have to write the story that I half way abandoned about a month ago... I am no longer allowed to read the books loaned to me by the person who loaned them to me... D: I love to read... I was told by about 3 people in the past 24 hours that they don't read. Between them they have maybe read 10 books. well, one did say he had only read one book in the past 3 years, but that still boggles my mind... I don't think I could survive without a thorough supply of reading material...

About said reading material. I hate library books. I actually like libraries, they are peacefull places, but the books themselves. They smell and they have weird feels to them... and you don't know where they have been, who has touched them and where their handlers have been... all in all EEEWWWWW!!! But even they would be preferable to not having any books. That would be my own personal hell. Death would be preferable to life without books. :/

Okay and on that note, I have finally finished the Mistborn series. And I wish I hadn't. It made me sad. Vin is the main character, and she is kick a**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of my favorite characters of all time really. If you haven't read these books you should. the author is one of my favorites... Brandon Sanderson, he is currently finishing the Wheel of Time series, which was started by Robert Jordan... yes I've mentioned it before, but books really equal life to me... I would be nothing without them... I won't talk anymore about the book, especially since I want others to read it.

I WILL(!!!!!!!) upload pics tomorrow, but for now I am racing to bed. And I found some more commercials for your enjoyment.

Here is a gum commercial. I think it is pretty understandable... :)

This one is for a retirement (sp) firm. I like the song...

And these are for some sort of lotion... I think they are funny as well, I saw the first one first and didn't really understand what it was talking about, but after seeing the 2nd I got it :P

okay! Natta! vi snakkes!

1 comment:

  1. Ve is back in Portland. She and I are reading your blog together. The bus missing story was funny to her, because she can relate. I saw a fox this week too, but I was the car who almost hit it. Little stinker ran out of the dark. Love to hear what you're doing.
