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Friday, November 19, 2010

No Idea What I'm Supposed to be Doing, But I Know it's Something, the Teacher Keeps Coming Over to Check How I'm Doing with it... :/

This title is how I usually feel in class. Specifically history and Norsk/Religion. As of right now I am typing while staring blankly at the texbook open under my elbows. My thoughts on this text book are that it has really odd pictures and cannot be properly explained with a couple of paragraphs per chapter on it's website. Itjust doesn't have all the information. Which does not seem to get through to the history teacher, no matter how many times I tell her... Maybe someone else can explain this for me?

Anyway! How has this week been Devyn? How was tuesday because you already wrote about monday!

Tuesday... hmmm... good question. Really, I seem to have memory loss most of the time, though im not sure not being able to remember events on tuesday when it is friday constitutes long term or short term memory loss... I should google it. But my history teacher scares me to try more than blog while in her class... I think her hair is poofy to desguise her horns... maybe we can shave her during russ week, blame it on the alcohol and crazyness... whoops, here she comes again... *flips to other page*

ok, false alarm, Im back.

Anyway, I know I attended school tuesday, and I thinks soemthing happend, but im not sure... I think that was the day that I tried to buy headphones for skype, but then Pappa bought them. So I will leave them in Norway. I tried to buy them, but he got to the register first... :/ Oh well, I can get better ones off of newegg when I return. The Dad and I can talk to eachother when we start playing WOW long distance. :D Yep, now that I try to remember I am sure that it was tuesday that happened.

wednesday I decided to be daring and go to the new grocery store (harstad has 5+ grocery stores of various sizes... it's so odd... they are all within walking distance of eachother too, if you dont mind taking an hour or so to wind through all the strange little roads that make this town a "city". And you have to avoid the people in cars/trucks/buses/variousdrivenvehiclesofDEATH!... anyway you get the picture... drivers are scary in norway... So to get to this new store I took the bus from school that was heading towards Borkenes (the place I had a "tour" to... remember?) and got off on the side of roundabout (like Maine, Norway likes round abouts, unlike Maine they use them even when a traffic light might be wiser... so many round abouts...) I danced down the sidewalk to the store and found that despite what I had been lead to believe the soda there was just as expensive as at the grocery I normally attended. Oh well, it was a nice walk.

I still had about 20 min until the bus that went towards home left the station, so I decided to make tracks home, seeing I would probably get there before the bus got to me, but I was met with a nice suprise while walking out of the parking lot. Pappa and Mamma were driving in as I was leaving, which ment I could get a ride home as opposed to walking down the twisty, snowy, slushy, slippery road home. I was very happy to slump in the back seat while Mamma ran in to get the remaining things for middag and some medicine for something about her teeth...

I have been very tired, even taking my supplements and getting to bed at a reasonable hour. I am not quite sure what else I can do to combat this chronic fatigue, so if anybody has any suggestions please tell me. I am sick and tired of being tired... im not sick so i cant say that... :/

Thursday was the normal long day at school. We watched a movie during Norsk/religion, but unfortunaly it was not in english and I am still not very good at reading subtitles på norsk. sigh. it was about suicide bombers in... the middle east, I cant remember the country, but I know that was one of the only words I understood.

After school I had work. Instead of getting a ride there I took the bus, which was stressful because I didn't know if the bus I took was actually the right bus. But I got there easy-peasy! The only really difficult part was trying to walk the short distance to the house... The whole place was an ice slick, and there were a few moments when I had to stand stock still and try to figure out if I could move as a normal human being and not fall, or if I should crawl until I was to the house... im sure it was quite entertaining for anybody who happened to be watching. I felt like some sort of ninja or something when I made it without breaking anything or falling :)

I did my normal work and got my necklace stolen by Agnette (the baby girl who is absolutly adorable!) and Aksel wanted to stay and help me clean again, until I told him that if he wasn't going to go swimming I would go and he could stay and vaccuum. He decided that going swimming was more fun. especially after I carried him upside-down down the stairs towards his boots and such. oh how he giggled! I love little kids... they are so interesting!

I think I now have enough money to get an industrial if I wanted one now... but I have other plans so piecings will have to wait. And to make things even better I might be getting another cleaning gig! Some of Marte's (Marte being the woman who's house I clean) friends from the pool were asking after me for the same job I do at Marte's. she said it was more than likely, but she would ask me first. She will give them my number when she sees them next! I feel like I'm raking it in, even though by norwegian standard 800 kr a month must be reletivly little. but it's more than I got at my last job. the hourly pay is better here!!!!!!!! :D

I am in math now, thankfully I only have 10 min left, so I will be putting this away in about 5 so that I can get down to the bus station to get home. I probably wont finish this post until later in the day though, since it is only 11:26 now. I might get a good story in the next few hours!!! Maybe not, but I'll be optimistic.

Well all,you should be glad I waited to end this post. I did get a new story.

I am now proud to say that I am daughter... no, grand-daughter to the Borkenes resident, Violet. I am one of her sons' daughters, Im not sure which. One lives in Oslo, and the other in Lillehamer. She is going to go visit them for Chirstmas, for 2 weeks before coming back. She was very sweet, and was very humourous to listen/talk to. She seemed to like me, especially since one of the only reasons she came over to me was because the old drunk guy that I see all the time (got carted off by the police, remember?) was talking to me... again. It was really funny to see and hear him continously (sp) asking if I was her daughter and if I live in Borkenes too...

Much funnier in the moment. still makes me smile though.

So what are my plans for tonight? Maybe I will go see what Kristin is up to, but mostly I WILL SLEEP!!! Im an so tired... But I am very happy it is the weekend. I get Thai food tomorrow, and I get to talk to my family forthe 2nd time since I arrived! G's birthday is on Monday, he'll be 15, but I get to see him open his presents a day early. I can't wait to see if he's excited... or if he is mearly happy. I hope it is the first.

Also, did people watch the commercials? Aren't they funny! I love norwegian commercials...

KK! vi snakkes!


  1. seriously, devyn, you should take around 4,000 IUs of vitamin d to make up for the lack of sunlight (this is true in maine, too). i bet your vitamin doesn't have that much - go get yourself some D!

    also, chronic tiredness is a pretty common symptom of being an exchange student! zoë didn't really start to feel like herself energy-wise til well after christmas, i believe.

  2. Good to know, thanks Liz, I will up my dosage of vitamin d...
    I really hope I regain my normal energy level soon... I dont like this oozy feeling of being exhausted most of the time... :P
