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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pictures from russetida!!!

At the shore when we were going to do the first russkrav, which is taking a dip in the ocean before the 1st of may. this is Weronica getting out of the car right before deciding to get back in. XD

Weronica in her bathing suit not very happy about whats coming up.

Silje trying to be positive.

Me, shivering already. havent even come near the water. XD

One last pic before getting wet.

cant you see the crazy in her eyes? why the heck are we doing this?

Oh my god the crazy of norwegians has officially infected me!!!

You cant see it but my lips were a lovely shade of plum, my feet had been numb since to seconds after walking into the water and would remain so for the next 1/2 hour + and i didnt stop shivering for a while either. note that the water was -4 degrees celcius... COOOOLD!!!


Silje"Dr House" before being "baptized" as Russ...

Marte "Jeger'n" ("The hunter" is the translation i believe...) before russedåping.

Ok, about russedåping, the russ baptism, its not having water or some form of alcohol poured over your head (i say alcohol because really it seems more likely if you know what russ do over russetida XP. No, its shots. Shots at 10 IN THE MORNING!!! oh my gawd! really! i didnt have any booze with me so Silje gave me a can of cider, she took some of Invild's tequila. actually most of the girls had tequila, the guys who had to take shots at the same time as the person being "baptized" were very quickly begging that no one else took tequila... but at the same time when i went up with cider they almost made me switch to jegermeister... O.O"

Weronica had been working so she couldnt be baptized, so we went to do it, not with alcohol since she was working. no, we used Burn, a really powerful energy drink that is way more popular than red bull in harstad at least.


finishing the shot XD

Tying the condom that was randomly given to us on our russelue (the hat that we're supposed to wear the whole time) because if you are given a condom by some random person it's a russekrav... one of the things your supposed to as a russ, usually involving drinking too much or having sex. but i think the best ones are the funny ones. like having lunch or breakfast or sleeping in a roundabout. XD

The Russekort im in the process of eating. Thanks for the donation Silje.

See? Im eating it! its a lot harder to chew than gum though.

My Russelue! with the condom i was given and a copy of the russekort i ate :) and can you see my russenavn? it's karate kid XD

Ingvild and Silje!

Øyvind and Marte!

Ingvild and Silje again :)

The snacks at our drinking place. Which is the apartment that Silje is dogsitting at (i accidentily wrote godsitting... i think thats kinda funny no?)

A mark on one of the couches from the night before, from one of Weronica'siron on patches on her russebukser! thought it was funny so i took a pic XD

The refrigiator of the russ. the bottom 2 racks are all alcohol, and a little on the 2nd rack too. the rest of the fridge is rather empty... only some butter, cheese and deli-meat. XD

Ingvild writing on Marte... you'll see what in a sec :)

Silje taking a picture of Ingvild writing on Marte XD

Now Ingvild's writing on Silje!

Close up!

The writing on Marte: Ingvild H wants these breasts (actually its more like boobies but whatever!)

Writing on Silje: Ingvild H wants this breast!

And even on me?!?! I want these breasts, Ingvild...

pffff! so funny!!!


  1. devyn, i LOVE when there are photos on your blog!! you should do that more - it's so fun to see photographic evidence of what you're describing! xoxo

  2. there will definitly be more of these, basically because i wont have much time to blog this month... russetida is until the 17th of May and then there are exams... so since i'll be taking a lot of pictures i'll be subbing most of the text with pics :)

  3. Glad to see you're still a little nutty and having fun:)

  4. im kinda upset right now, i forgot my camera at home and all but 5 people in my class are sitting under their desks!!! so funny!!!
