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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

strange things that happen during russetida...

1) get asked by almost every child for a russekort, no matter the time or place.
2) sitting under the desks with almost the whole class, for the whole period.
3) watch as a gang of blå-russ attacks the school building with who knows what.
4) watch as said gang of blå-russ runs away when one rød-russ goes out to confront them.
5) watch a water fight take place in the classroom.
6) read a really dumb graffitti written on a cement blockade that says: Kviser e rød, russen e blå. (zits are red, russ are blue)
7) get shot in the head with a water gun when standing on the side of the road by a car full of blå-russ. who then scream "blå-russ baby!" as an explaination.
8) find more than one opened condom in a public place.

theres definitly more since this is from only one day... i would have taken pics but i forgot to put my camera in my pocket before going to school sooo... sorry!

but all of these things happened to me today, im just wondering what im going to do if interesting things over load my brain...


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