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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Well hello again!!!

Its been a while huh? Ive been toying with writing this whole week, but I decided that I should try to write the reports I was set... its not going as well as I had hoped if you're wondering. XP

Anyway, its been a while since I wrote, the last time I really wrote anything was before russetida right? well, besides that I was a really boring russ. I am not much of a partier. in fact i only went out to drink and dance that first weekend X) *Notice, my "k" button is now the one thats being finniky, sorry if that letter is missing in some words :)*

Anyway, after russetida it was back to school for a week before exams... it was kinda cool, because most of the classes were done so you could just leave. In sosiology however we watched Milk! the movie that i loaned to the teacher earlier in the year! we watched in tuesday and thirsday's class periods! and it seemed that most ofthe class actually realy liked the film! that made me really happy, because Milk is a great movie :) Anne Bjørg, the teacher, told me after the class was finished that she was glad i had come forward with the film because it provided an example for the class that sometimes uproars and rebellions can be good things :) She told me she is going to purchase the film so she can use it as a part of her curriculum!!! i feel so happy to be helpful!

Anyway, I thought that i might be able to use this time during exams when my host family was working and Karro was in school to travel around Norway to practice the language and explore the country's history and culture more fully than i have... yeah. that really went over well with my host family and AFS.

From what I rememeber of the orientations, if an afs student wishes to travel (over a day) we have to submit where we want to go, where we will stay, and how long we will take on our trip. I remember something about not being an afs student for the period of the trip, but other than that I was pretty sure there was not much to it. But! apparently the afs people who orientated us were lying or teasing about traveling. When Mamma called the headquarters and was told by a very irate AFS person there that there was no such travel abilities... :P

from that AFS and Heggen (the front desk im guessing, because my advisor seems to have little to no idea about these plans) decided that i was to write a report on all the classes i was "taking" this year, and take a norwegian test *cough* today *cough cough* then i would have fufilled the requirements for my contract... *grimace*

i am curretly so very very thankful that heggen has probelms communicating within itself. i went to school today and couldnt find my name on the list (again)so i went to my advisor who looked at me in confusion (and no little amount of annoyance. he had already answered my questions) and told me that since he hadnt heard of this, so none of the exams had place for me, and i didnt have the required stuff (computer programs and such im surmising from what my classmates had)so my advisor told me it was a better use of time all around if i just went home :) if you insiiiste! XD

But i think the most shocking thing about today has been that ITS FREAKING SNOWING!!! ITS THE END OF MAY AND THE TREES ARE FROSTED WITH SNOW!!! OH MY GOOOOD!!!!! ITS MAY *shivers and cries a little inside*

anyway. I should probably get back to working on my reports. I decided that i really should post something since its been so long :)

and i leave you with a funny commercial that has been airing here. the ending has been in norwegian, but unfortunatly i couldnt find the norwegian version on youtube, so you get this one. which is probably easier for you to understand anyway :P

Vi snakkes folkens!!!

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