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Thursday, May 12, 2011

the things that happen during russetida pt 2

1) get harrased by 2 little kids into giving them all of your russekorter, and they wont let you walk anywhere until you do.
2) a friend come into class (late) and draws a mustache on you without asking if its ok. and you later realize that it's blue.
3) get a call telling you you're a coward because you wont go back up to your school to face the mass of russ from the other school that have water guns and will not rest until you face them. even when you have no water gun and no protection ie an umbrella.

many more but i figure i could post these 3 and pics of Weronica, Silje and I with mustaches... XD



And me obviously... I bleached my hair on tuesday ;D


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