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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

De Syvende Far i Huset

this is the video that my group made for Norsk!!!

This is the translated text, i used google then edited it when things were left out, but this is what we said, or tried to say in bewteen giggles!

"There was once a man who was looking to move. Then he came at last to a large and beautiful farm, it was a mansion so grand that it could easily have been a small castle. "It will be good to get rest," he said to himself, when he got inside the gate. Close by stood an old man with gray hair and beard, and cut firewood. "Good evening, father," said the traveler, "I can get lodgings here tonight?"

"I am not the father of the house," said the old man, "go into the kitchen and talk to my father!"

The traveler went into the kitchen, where he met a man who was even older, and he knelt over the fireplace, blowing on the heat.

"Good evening, father, I borrowed a room for the night?" said the traveler.

"I am not the father of the house," said the old, "but go in and talk to my father, he is sitting at the table in the living room."

So the traveler went into the living room and talked to the one sitting at the table, he was much older than the other two, and he sat and teeth chattering, shaking and trembling, and reading a great book, almost like a little child.

"Good night, Father, will you lend me a room for the night?" said the man.

"I am not the father of the house, but talk to my father, who sits on the bench," said the man who sat at the table, teeth chattering and shaking and trembling.

So the traveler went to him who sat on the bench, and he held on and would get a pipe of tobacco: but he was so hunched and his hands shook so that he could hardly hold onto the pipe.

"Good evening, father," said the traveler left. "Can you put me up for the night."

"I am not the father of the house," replied the old fellow huddled, "but talk to my father, who lies in bed."

The traveler went to bed, and there was an old, old man, as there was nothing alive to watch than a couple of big eyes.

"Good evening, father, I can get lodgings here tonight?" said the traveler.

"I am not the father of the house, but talk to my father, who is in the cradle," said the man with the big eyes.

The traveler went to the cradle, and there was an ancient man, so shriveled up that he was no bigger than a baby, and he could not understand that there was life in it other than the noise it was making.

"Good evening, father, I can get lodgings here tonight?" said the man.

It lasted a long time before he could answer, and even longer before the old man was done with it, he like the others said, that he was not the father of the house, "but talk to my father, he hangs in the horn (i think this might actually mean to say 'corner' but im not certian so i'll leave it) on the wall."

Traveler stared up the walls, and at last he saw the horn, but when he saw after he hung in there, he was no different to look at than a fal that had the likeness of a human face.

Then he was so frightened that he cried aloud: "Good evening, father!" Will you lend me for the night? "

The father up the horn as a small sebaceous look, and there was no more than he could understand that it should be the same as: "Yes, my child!"

And now it came into a table that was covered with the costliest dishes and beer and liquor, and when he had eaten and drunk, came in a nice bed with reinkalvs-traps, and the traveler was rather glad that he at last had found the right father in the house."

the whole class thought our video was great! the teacher had to wipe her eyes because she thought it was so funny she began to cry XD The whole class thought k was very funny, but im pretty sure thats just because i sounded so absurd and obviously forgot my line. they also thought Marte's second part and Weronica's second bart were great! lots and lots of laughs!!! i think some groups were annoyed that we went first after seeing that... or at least i hope so :)

anyway, im hoping my hair dries before pappa and karro get home from training. and i hope that the tacos dont take too long to cook :)

ok vi snakkes!!!


  1. Didn't understand a word of it and it was funny! Nice job.

  2. the scene with Silje in the bed was especially difficult... we had to shoot it about 10 times before we got a shot with no one laughing in it... it was difficult. and the one time that someone didnt laugh when I was a "father" i started to forget what i was supposed to say... the last time with Weronica was also difficult! she looked sooo silly!!! XD
