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Friday, April 29, 2011

Sorry about not posting again... but actually now that i think about it, no im really not

Heia allesammen!

I was going to try and find something interesting to blog about this week but was spared that when Silje called me and told me that she was taking me out. so with an hour to spare i washed the floors, took a shower and had multiple wardrobe changes before hopping in her car and going to pick up soda and snackage and friends and their alcohol before hanging out at someones apartment... which they were loaning to Silje or letting her house sit... not sure which. I drank and made merry there for a few hours before we eventually made it to the city at about 12:30. then after realizing i couldnt get into the bar without my id, because my russelappen doesnt count, i decided comeing home and getting some sleep before being baptized as russ tomorrow was probably a good idea... also charging my little camera. so now im having a little more difficulty than normal writing due to the lateness of the hour, i dont think the booze has so much to do with it... i didnt really drink that much.

ok, as a note, i am not sure if i will have a chance to blog much in the next few weeks. I will try, but im making no promises. I plan on trying to be as russlike as possible... without the mass of drinking until blacking out and having lots and lots of unprotected sex. I'll stay not drunk and there will not be sex. that's what ive decided.

oh though i have to say the taxi driver who got me home was very pleasent to talk to, and he knew immediatly that i was not norwegian, or atleast not from harstad. very nice guy, he wants to drive route 66 in a convertable. he said that was one of his dreams. and he drove me home for only 150 kr as opposed to 180-200 because i only had 150 on me. I hope he sticks around so that if im short on cash during the next 3 weeks i can get a discount. :D

tootles! write to you all eventually!

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