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Thursday, April 7, 2011

wow... my 100th post... well, only because i like random posts of commercials or to let you guys know that i cant post that day due to unforseen event



går det bra allesammen? ^.^ du førstå mæ ikkje når æ skrev på norsk hvis du e ikkje en utveksling student eller fra norge... :D win

so, how was Devyn's week?

I would like to note that ive been freaking out all week. besideds still beingkinda sick and unable to do much i still have managed to do my activities! ... on second thought that's probably why im still a little sick... :/

alright, tuesday!!! what happened on tuesday... well, my norsk/religion teacher's mother is sick so she has taken this week off to take care of her. so i only had 2 classes on tuesday! i went home and got my vaccuuming done and read my book. i love to read!

wednesday however was much more interesting! i was told to meet Morgana in the entryway after the 3rd class so we could go down to the city. i was there on time and 10 min later the buss tothe city showed up... yeah, the bus showed up and waited there for about 5 min. it pulled away as the ever late Morgana made her way up the last set of stairs... i gave her one of my most evil looks and pointed at the bus that we had no way of catching... >X(

that was a bit annoying... so we ended up walking to the city... grrrr... i had agreed to go buy something with Morgana and then meet up with Maja! i went to a place i had not quite decide on. i wasnt sure if it was a driving school or a graffitti place... turns out it was a teen hang out, cafe place! pretty cool! teens can connect to the net and buy some food and just socialize while waiting for something more interesting :D

it was fun hanging out there, i met a new friend in the making there, Hans, who reminds me of a coworker in the states... they are very similar personalities, and their tone of voice are similar!!! Hans started giving me fashion advice when i showed him and Maja the shoes that i was considering buying... it was kinda funny!

then i had swimming, which Silje and i managed to do with 5 min before the time i normally call off the rest of any laps we might have planned on, so i can shower and take a bus :)

then i went home.

thursday was uneventful. I had school, which was boring and then i went home after meeting up with pappa (mamma had gone to tromsø) and we had a quick middag of pølse and potetmøs... mashed potatoes to their creamyest! then i caught a bus back to town.

in town while i waited with my mocha i was entertained by a little girl... im guessing about 2-3 years old... sooo cute!

dance was fun, we learned how to do a "shuffle" which is kinda hard until you get it! i ended up dancing with more women than men... but it was fun! everybody has a good time trying their best!!!

and then we have today... i had history, and made a fool of myself because i dont know enough american history off the bat, and i thought we were studying NORWAY during the 80's... suddenly the teacher starts asking me questions about the president during the 80's and asking me about his policies and im just sitting there feeling like a fool... seriously, american history doesnt interest me as much as some histories, and i really dislike polotics... this teacher knows both of those things about me ans STILL asked me...

i wish she would retire... or be hospitalized... or have to leave the country... or if all else fails i wish someone would kidnapp her and leave her on a desert island... that would solve many problems.

then i got an excuse to skip math! i went to meet with the american students who are visiting Harstad's Høgeskole from Minot State University! they are a very nice group, if a little stand offish at first. it was weird to speak english like that again. sure i speak some english, but im often switching between norwegian and english when im talking to a friend who wants to speak english here... when i met them if i started speaking norwegian they wouldnt understand what i was saying... it was kinda hard actually... not like talking to mum and dad... not at all.

we actually didnt do much, they had already seen pretty much all of Harstad (not that difficult. theres bysentrum and the schools... other than that, boats and houses and factories.) so i ended up hanging out with Maja and Kristin at the cafe place. :)

then i caught a ride home with Pappa and changed clothes and relaxed before heading to an international party at the student bar at Høgeskole. I decided that since it was my first time being able to legally drink at a bar that i would wear my SKÅL t-shirt that i bought for russtida! and i wore my new russ norway flag shoes!

it was really fun! i had a good time hanging out with the international students of Høgeskole! it was a little ackward for me at first because i was the youngest, and notin collegey that point. but pretty quick i started mixing! it was dissapointing to take the bus home, though now im glad since im typing this with my eyes closed half of the time... literally, so please excuse any typeos!

alright, that was it. I would describe more, but im so tired right now that i just want to sleep... and just to let you know i only had 1 smirnoff ice, so im nowhere near buzzed... :D im such a good girl... :/

ok, natta! vi snakkes! if you have questions then just ask!

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