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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WHOOPS! my blogging ethic seems to be slipping... sorry!

Sorry about that! I got distracted yesterday and completely forgot to post something... that is I forgot until just before I was collapsing in bed. My internet decided to be flaky as I was trying to order Karro's Christmas present (I will post pics when she gets them :) ) and it agrivated me so much that I gave up until right before lights out... It did finally work by the way, which was great beacuse that meant I didn't miss the 25% off sale thing. :D

So, my weekend. Ass you know I spent the night at Yngvild's and had breakfast with them (bacon and eggs if you don't remember...) then after watching some cross country skiing I was givin a lift to the bus station so I could take one of the ellusive weekend busses home... I got back at about 1, then took a shower. I like showers, they make me feel clean. The only thing I feel I must mention about all showers I have seen in norway thus far, is that they don't seem concerned with keeping the water in the space provided for it... which is rather unfortunate when you want to dry your feet when getting out of said space. also, they are rather tall showers, but really quite cramped. It is quite dificult to shave ones legs in the shower, thus I dont do it very often... I dont have the skills required... maybe by the end of the year, hmm?

Sorry, I went off on my own thing. That right there is a slightly filtered thought from my mind. I would advise trying not to understand what normally happens in my head. Half the time I don't understand it. :D

I got to talk to Mum on fb for a little bit, and broke the news that I bought some new winter boots and a dress for myself. The only consulation is that both together were less than I thought the boots would be. And they are both really cool! My boots I described briefly, but I will assure you that only when I get my camera from home will you fully appreciate the awesomness of my boots.

oh, speaking of awesome, I was looking through one of the tattoo magasines on friday (while waiting for a non-existant bus) and was looking at some of the script and found one that had a spelling mistake. across a man's back were the words "I'm Awsome" missing the first "e"... I was suprised that 1st I had caught the mistake (because my spelling is atrocious) and 2nd that the magazine hadn't...

Now for something completely different.

Haha! know what that's from?! After my random and hurried blog attempt on friday I washed the floors and went over to Kristin's house. It was really fun, I met 5 new young ladies who were all very entertaining. they were all about 15-16, so not really that much younger than me, but in a way they were... but thankfully I digressed quickly and was able to relate to them after a rousing hour of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Every friday they play it :D I know what I want to watch at that time!!!

Unfortunatly the show ended, then the wii came out... ugh. I was harrased into playing mario cart and as I expected I was the biggest loser. the only time I got over last place was when I somehow managed to jump ahead and get 5th. :D Yeah, I suck at video games. I have never been good at them.

But, I had fun anyway. It's always nice to hang out until about midnight... :P

Sunday I slept in until and un-known hour, and started a new book. Magician's Guild and the 2 books after it are AMAZING! I request that Dad buys them for my library :D He would enjoy them too. They are kinda like the mistborn series, but then again they aren't... You guys just have to read them for yourselves. (Note to my parents because I am too lazy to send an email: G might like them too, so after you guys have read them you might suggest that in his free time he could read them. really very exciting, so don't let him be dettered (sp) by the size :D )

Other than that, Sunday was rather un eventful.

Monday was interesting. I had the same boring math class, I decided that I should try going over the chapter again to see if I could absorb anything other than the knowledge that the math is going way over my head.

The norwegian teacher was gone, so I pretty much got through the 2nd book in the trilogy :) Then we had gym...

It was actually okay, we started with dancing again. It was a circle dance (I guess you could call it that... thinking contra dance words) that quickly gained momentum. It was really fun, and it made me realize, again, that I really miss dancing. I can't wait for January, that's when I start my Salsa dance course. :D

But then, we did some strange and difficult execises. I need to work on my arm strength. Then we played volly ball and floor hockey again. I find it rather humourous that I am afraid of flying balls (not meaning to sound dirty there, it's just how it is) but I really enjoy sparring.

I didn't do too badly this time, when the ball came my way (in my circle) I tried harder than normal to keep it off the ground. I even scored a point (running into a team mate in the process, though she was just trying to cover for me :] ) when the ball came straight at me I managed to get it over the net and smack dab in the middle of four of the other players (opposite team)

And I am actually not bad at floor hockey, I got the first point for my team, and me and one of the other guys on my team were the most active (3 people per team). We gave the other team a run for their money.

After gym it was really quiet. I did however order Karro's christmas present! Unfortuantly I realized too late that it wont get here in time fr christmas, but I have a plan. I will print out a picture of her gift and put it in a cd case with a cd. We always sing a song together when the commercial comes on, so I think she will appreciate it. Now I just have to find a CD store. :D

I will tell you guys about what happened to me today on friday, partially because I am hungry and partially because I am more interested in the medical show (mystery ER) than rambling on about what I've already talked about. SO, I'll spare you.

Vi snakkes!

Friday, November 26, 2010

I only had 2 days of school this week... SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D


So, I was sick until this morning. The symptoms developed on tuesday, I had a headache and felt like I was going to puke, which I might have mentioned, but they didn't go away as I was hoping on wednesday. Nope, they got worst. So, I stayed home and slept the day away. I also read Howl's Moving Castle. I know, I was supposed to write, and I did, but I am a little stuck.

I was rendered immobile, and this didn't really bother me. I got chicken soup, which was yummy, but can't compare to the 5 miles of ramen i am supposed to eat... Maybe somebody can have Mr. Pierce send me the required amount? :D

I was sick on Thursday too, and again I again slept most of the day, and then I enjoyed reading the blog of my friend Sam, or Sunder as he goes by on blogger. (I felt like trying to increase your readership, so I am not the only reader. just the first :] ) I have to thank you Sam for being reliable with posting. It provides me with more than just the fellow AFS-ers in this town to hear/read stories of how life is going in new situation. I might suggest that any AFS-ers with blogs take your lead and provide reading material for me... :D

Thursday was otherwise quiet. Besides listening to a song that I heard/saw on the music chanel. you must tell me what you think, I love it, it's got a nice creepy feel...


Sorry about not posting yesterday, but i went to see a tree get lit up, and go shopping. I got a cute dress and some awesome snow boots. The boots are gold! and then I got an invitation to a movie party thing that they had forgotten to invite me to before the day of. Aom was with me when I was at the tree and shopping, it's her fault that I found the dress, btw... I wouldn't have gone into that shop if she hadn't made me. :)

I had a great time at the party. I have a tendancy to act like a teenage guy when around a group of them, and last night was no exception. I rough-housed and joked around with them all... it was really fun! We watched the un-rated version of the Number 23... which was just as corny as I remember. During that time I successfully pushed at least 2 guys off the couch, stole a really nice, warm, ear-flap hat and drank half a bottle of coca-cola. It was wonderful,and even more fun than the last one I went to! It ended around 1am for Yngvild, Aom and me. We called Aom a taxi and I slept over at Yngvild's house.

I was treated to eggs and bacon for breakfast! It was a little too early for me after such a late night, but there was not really any other option since there are so few buses on the weekends... It was nice to have such relaxed morning, so much quieter than the ones at home... :D

I am watching Grey's Anatomy, but I need to go wash the floor. Sooo... I should probably give up on this... sorry it's so all over the place today...

OH! one last thing. Something absolutly amazing happened last night! while i was waiting for the bus I saw something scamper under a bus. The cute little slinky-like critter was my very favorite animal in the whole wide world! I SAW A WILD OTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant stop grinning!!! I love them... :D I have loved otters for as long as I can remember... Mum probably remembers when exactly I started loving them, but I just remember that I was very, very wee. :]

Okay, I will have pics on Monday of my new dress and my cool boots! Vi snakkes!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turky Day, Here are the Long Awaited Pics!

Nordlys!!! I tried to take some nice pictures, I'm not sure if they will get bigger if you click them, but I hope they do. Sorry if they dont D:

Saturday morning, just after 10... I liked that house. It's pretty!
This was taken at about 15:30... dark huh?
I took my hair down for the day and this was the result... I liked it :]

Happy Thanks Giving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Æ var syke, og kanskje æ e syke nå...


I was planing on posting pics today, but since i slept most of the day, you will have to wait until I am in school tomorrow to get them... I was sick and really didn't want to do anything but sleep and day dream. I am just starting to cram for a test I have tomorrow (sosiology, so pretty easy) and I will be ending this cram session asap.

I like sleep. I don't like headaches or the feeling that I am going to puke. I figure that's a pretty good reason for blowing off uploading pics. :)

vi snakkes!

(oh, the title translates to: I was sick, and maybe I am sick now... that is if I didn't completely slaughter the norwegian language :D )

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am slightly sad that I finished the Mistborn series... but I saw a little fox this morning so that makes it slightly better. :]


Sorry about yesterday! I didn't get home until a little bit before supper and then I had to run for a bus!

So, the weekend first... Saturday I woke up earlier than I would have liked, but later than I should have. I managed to get ready (shower, dress, makeup, grab apple and sack from aunt Laura) and get out the door in about 25 min... which I think constitutes skills. :]

I caught a bus into town where I met Morgana at the bus station. We couldn't figure out where Morgen was since she should have taken the same bus as Morgana. I texted Aom to try and get Morgen's number, but Aom seems worse at returning messages than I am... ugh. Anyway after going to the post office and coming back to the bus terminal we met up with Morgen. We ended up having to accompany Morgen to the licqour (sp) store. (Morgen and I will definintly be opposite Russ... I won't get drunk, she will probably be drunk every night... she was complaining that she had only gotten drunk once in the 3 months we have been in norway... ugh.) It was a little ackward, Morgana and I standing outside the shop waiting for Morgen to come back, as both of us are under the drinking age... I think the shoppers there felt the same way... lol

We also went to a toy store to try and find something for Morgana's cousin's christmas present. We failed, but I found a geek-like store that is pretty fun! I also didn't have my money with me, so I couldn't get what I want to get for another small christmas present for G. I think I am spoiling my little brother while I am in Norway... I probably shouldn't... but I like to see him happy. It makes me glad to be able to get him something he likes. :)

Any-whoo! We eventually made it up to Aom's house... which is up an insanly long, steep and slippery hill... or a series of hills. But I think it was well worth the insane hike, the house is BEAUTIFUL! It has a really cool lay out, and the whole outside of the building has a very oriental feel to it... So many great rooms and hiding places. So obviously after tormenting Morgana into eating "spicy" meat stuff. We got a video of us chasing her around and eventually force feeding her... it looks a little questionable at one part, but really it was just us clamping her nose and then stuffing the food into her mouth, not between her teeth though... it was really funny! back to what I was origionally saying, after tormenting Morgana we had a few rounds of hide and seek. my best hiding places were in a folded comforter at the end of a bed, and under the benchs in the sauna... yes, a sauna... and a pool. AWESOME HOUSE!!!

We ate the Thai food we made, and downed about 2 cartons of milk while consuming the food. SOOO SPICY!!! LOOOVE IT!!! It made me sooo happy to eat food that actually made me tear up. I accidently inhaled soup while trying to eat it and I couldn't really feel my throat for a while... only an intense burning sensation... :]

I eventually got home and went to bed. After being told that I needed to attend a garage sale thing the next day. and help at it too... ugh.

I got going just in time to get a ride there... and I am glad I did! there was a BEAUTIFUL japanese style tea set, and some bowls and spoons in the same style, though with different patterns... I got them for 50 kroner, which is less than $10! can anybody say STEAL!!! I did, amid my squealing and bouncing and jealous protection of my prize... >:D

I managed to hide most of the time, but then Mamma found me and ordered me to help the goodies bar thing... yum. But crazy... I kept trying to do the math, but it was really strange to do half of said math partially in norwegian and partially in english... and there were so many people there that it was difficult for me to make out what the people were saying... ahhh... hard...

But I made it through, and eventually got home. I was excited and soon nervous for my skype in with my family. I deiscovered that the upstairs computer was having problems connecting to the internet, which was causing problems. So I installed skype on my laptop, and quickly realized that you can't just plug in the web cam and have it work... no, you have to install various programs to get it working... :P I tried doing so and realized that with about 24% more to load my computer had frozen. So in a last ditch effort I tried the desk top again. And thankfully it worked.

Good news! G loved his presents. He actually smiled! He put on his Norway flag soccer shirt and read the Serenity cartoon book I had sent! He was going to be mean to me and take his time opening them until I threatend to not send his christmas present. I was bouncing when I realized that he really liked his presents! soo happy!!!

It was nice to be able to talk to my family again. It was only the second time since I got here. It's really odd, thinking that I am okay with seeing my family only once a month. I get to stay in contact, but if I saw them every other week would be really hard... Once a month means that I do get some form of support other than emails but also that I can do things on sundays without making sure to plan in getting back home in time every other week or so. I miss them, and I don't have the same connection to Mamma and Pappa as I do with Mum and Dad, so that's to be expected. I don't think I will ever have as such a stong connection to anybody in a parental role, as I do to my parents. They have set the bar high for my host family, which has been a little hard for me to deal with. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a different family, and I am in a different situation than I previously was in.

Speaking of dealing with my situation. I keep having to remind myself that this year is a moving year. I have moved out, and I mostly depend on what money I have saved and am earning, sometimes using my card to get some things (like boots in the near future) but avoiding that as much as possible. I have a form of family here, but aside from feeding me and giving me shelter, they are relitivly unenvolved in how I spend my time and my needs finacially. Whenever they ask if I am okay there I happen to have gotten some money, but not enough for me to feel secure getting any extra's for me. My spending for myself each month is a weekly (maybe getting one extra per month) soda which is 22 kr. which is a measly 110 kr. per month. only a fraction of what I supposedly have... haha... I hate the visa company right now, and this seems the time of year for school related payments... pictures, year book (yes, already! weird huh?) and russ stuff... *sigh* that and I have a birthday to supply for and christmas as well... :$ oh well... soon it should be over.

Anyway, back to a review of my monday and tuesday, since something realtivly exciting happend!

Monday I watched a movie and was talked at in school for hours. I was also given caffiene (sp) during the last class, which annoyed the teacher (it was exchange student Norsk, so nothing big :D ) as well as an influx of candy as well. :D

I managed to get home and eat in time to catch a bus (after locating Karro, who was at a friend's house) so that we could see HP 7 pt 1. It was a good movie! I really enjoyed it, even though Karro and a relative of hers Morten (her age) sat 2 rows back. I invited Aom to see it with me. The movie started a half an hour later than the website said it did (typical eh?) thus it got out later than I was expecting... too late for a bus unless we waited an hour. at that point everywhere is closed, so we would have had to wait in the cold. Or we could have walked, which would have taken over and hour. Or we could call and ask for a ride home. Obviously that is what we did, and we were quickly assured that the next time that happened we would be on our own. ugh. my thoughts.

Today I had to walk from a gas station to school (about 10 min away) and about half way there a little, itty-bitty fox, about the size of the beagle at home, and a beautiful red coat ran across the road only about 10 feet infront of me. I was worried that it would be hit by a car, but it made it across safely! The car that could have hit it saw it and slowed enough so that it could live. "thanks car! I like foxes!" except when they eat cats...

other than that, school was short. I learned that I am no longer allowed to read, I have to write the story that I half way abandoned about a month ago... I am no longer allowed to read the books loaned to me by the person who loaned them to me... D: I love to read... I was told by about 3 people in the past 24 hours that they don't read. Between them they have maybe read 10 books. well, one did say he had only read one book in the past 3 years, but that still boggles my mind... I don't think I could survive without a thorough supply of reading material...

About said reading material. I hate library books. I actually like libraries, they are peacefull places, but the books themselves. They smell and they have weird feels to them... and you don't know where they have been, who has touched them and where their handlers have been... all in all EEEWWWWW!!! But even they would be preferable to not having any books. That would be my own personal hell. Death would be preferable to life without books. :/

Okay and on that note, I have finally finished the Mistborn series. And I wish I hadn't. It made me sad. Vin is the main character, and she is kick a**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of my favorite characters of all time really. If you haven't read these books you should. the author is one of my favorites... Brandon Sanderson, he is currently finishing the Wheel of Time series, which was started by Robert Jordan... yes I've mentioned it before, but books really equal life to me... I would be nothing without them... I won't talk anymore about the book, especially since I want others to read it.

I WILL(!!!!!!!) upload pics tomorrow, but for now I am racing to bed. And I found some more commercials for your enjoyment.

Here is a gum commercial. I think it is pretty understandable... :)

This one is for a retirement (sp) firm. I like the song...

And these are for some sort of lotion... I think they are funny as well, I saw the first one first and didn't really understand what it was talking about, but after seeing the 2nd I got it :P

okay! Natta! vi snakkes!

Monday, November 22, 2010

You're gonna have to wait for a real post because I ran out of time...

I am going to see HP 7 in about 10 min, so, I cannot give you guys a real post at this moment. Sorry, but I am sure you all understand that I have to keep my priorities straight! :D

vi snakkes!

Friday, November 19, 2010

No Idea What I'm Supposed to be Doing, But I Know it's Something, the Teacher Keeps Coming Over to Check How I'm Doing with it... :/

This title is how I usually feel in class. Specifically history and Norsk/Religion. As of right now I am typing while staring blankly at the texbook open under my elbows. My thoughts on this text book are that it has really odd pictures and cannot be properly explained with a couple of paragraphs per chapter on it's website. Itjust doesn't have all the information. Which does not seem to get through to the history teacher, no matter how many times I tell her... Maybe someone else can explain this for me?

Anyway! How has this week been Devyn? How was tuesday because you already wrote about monday!

Tuesday... hmmm... good question. Really, I seem to have memory loss most of the time, though im not sure not being able to remember events on tuesday when it is friday constitutes long term or short term memory loss... I should google it. But my history teacher scares me to try more than blog while in her class... I think her hair is poofy to desguise her horns... maybe we can shave her during russ week, blame it on the alcohol and crazyness... whoops, here she comes again... *flips to other page*

ok, false alarm, Im back.

Anyway, I know I attended school tuesday, and I thinks soemthing happend, but im not sure... I think that was the day that I tried to buy headphones for skype, but then Pappa bought them. So I will leave them in Norway. I tried to buy them, but he got to the register first... :/ Oh well, I can get better ones off of newegg when I return. The Dad and I can talk to eachother when we start playing WOW long distance. :D Yep, now that I try to remember I am sure that it was tuesday that happened.

wednesday I decided to be daring and go to the new grocery store (harstad has 5+ grocery stores of various sizes... it's so odd... they are all within walking distance of eachother too, if you dont mind taking an hour or so to wind through all the strange little roads that make this town a "city". And you have to avoid the people in cars/trucks/buses/variousdrivenvehiclesofDEATH!... anyway you get the picture... drivers are scary in norway... So to get to this new store I took the bus from school that was heading towards Borkenes (the place I had a "tour" to... remember?) and got off on the side of roundabout (like Maine, Norway likes round abouts, unlike Maine they use them even when a traffic light might be wiser... so many round abouts...) I danced down the sidewalk to the store and found that despite what I had been lead to believe the soda there was just as expensive as at the grocery I normally attended. Oh well, it was a nice walk.

I still had about 20 min until the bus that went towards home left the station, so I decided to make tracks home, seeing I would probably get there before the bus got to me, but I was met with a nice suprise while walking out of the parking lot. Pappa and Mamma were driving in as I was leaving, which ment I could get a ride home as opposed to walking down the twisty, snowy, slushy, slippery road home. I was very happy to slump in the back seat while Mamma ran in to get the remaining things for middag and some medicine for something about her teeth...

I have been very tired, even taking my supplements and getting to bed at a reasonable hour. I am not quite sure what else I can do to combat this chronic fatigue, so if anybody has any suggestions please tell me. I am sick and tired of being tired... im not sick so i cant say that... :/

Thursday was the normal long day at school. We watched a movie during Norsk/religion, but unfortunaly it was not in english and I am still not very good at reading subtitles på norsk. sigh. it was about suicide bombers in... the middle east, I cant remember the country, but I know that was one of the only words I understood.

After school I had work. Instead of getting a ride there I took the bus, which was stressful because I didn't know if the bus I took was actually the right bus. But I got there easy-peasy! The only really difficult part was trying to walk the short distance to the house... The whole place was an ice slick, and there were a few moments when I had to stand stock still and try to figure out if I could move as a normal human being and not fall, or if I should crawl until I was to the house... im sure it was quite entertaining for anybody who happened to be watching. I felt like some sort of ninja or something when I made it without breaking anything or falling :)

I did my normal work and got my necklace stolen by Agnette (the baby girl who is absolutly adorable!) and Aksel wanted to stay and help me clean again, until I told him that if he wasn't going to go swimming I would go and he could stay and vaccuum. He decided that going swimming was more fun. especially after I carried him upside-down down the stairs towards his boots and such. oh how he giggled! I love little kids... they are so interesting!

I think I now have enough money to get an industrial if I wanted one now... but I have other plans so piecings will have to wait. And to make things even better I might be getting another cleaning gig! Some of Marte's (Marte being the woman who's house I clean) friends from the pool were asking after me for the same job I do at Marte's. she said it was more than likely, but she would ask me first. She will give them my number when she sees them next! I feel like I'm raking it in, even though by norwegian standard 800 kr a month must be reletivly little. but it's more than I got at my last job. the hourly pay is better here!!!!!!!! :D

I am in math now, thankfully I only have 10 min left, so I will be putting this away in about 5 so that I can get down to the bus station to get home. I probably wont finish this post until later in the day though, since it is only 11:26 now. I might get a good story in the next few hours!!! Maybe not, but I'll be optimistic.

Well all,you should be glad I waited to end this post. I did get a new story.

I am now proud to say that I am daughter... no, grand-daughter to the Borkenes resident, Violet. I am one of her sons' daughters, Im not sure which. One lives in Oslo, and the other in Lillehamer. She is going to go visit them for Chirstmas, for 2 weeks before coming back. She was very sweet, and was very humourous to listen/talk to. She seemed to like me, especially since one of the only reasons she came over to me was because the old drunk guy that I see all the time (got carted off by the police, remember?) was talking to me... again. It was really funny to see and hear him continously (sp) asking if I was her daughter and if I live in Borkenes too...

Much funnier in the moment. still makes me smile though.

So what are my plans for tonight? Maybe I will go see what Kristin is up to, but mostly I WILL SLEEP!!! Im an so tired... But I am very happy it is the weekend. I get Thai food tomorrow, and I get to talk to my family forthe 2nd time since I arrived! G's birthday is on Monday, he'll be 15, but I get to see him open his presents a day early. I can't wait to see if he's excited... or if he is mearly happy. I hope it is the first.

Also, did people watch the commercials? Aren't they funny! I love norwegian commercials...

KK! vi snakkes!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Funny Commercials for your Enjoyment!!!!! And Exclamtion point for mine.

This one is for a chocolate (obviously), and the only thing I can think about when I see this commercial is "what was the company thinking when they okayed a bull with udders, or a cow with horns?"

funny huh?

Here is another one I think is cute!

This one kinda annoys me, but I love how she sounds like she is talking about food at the beginning :)

It seems tonight that I am just going to keep adding to this post. This one's saying that fruit tastes good and it's healthy for you, so you should eat that instead of candy. I think it's funny!

I'm trying to find another one that is also about fruit. It's really funny too... haven't found it yet, but here's another funny one!

I think you understand what it's about... :D

Here's one. The guy says something along the lines of "I feel completely empty" the womans voice at the end says something like "wouldn't it be nice if everything was as easy to recycle?" I think most people can identify with that... :P

Karro just found this one while trying to find a different commercial. Enjoy!

vi snakkes!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"12 kaldergrader e kaldt for oss og." she says... my thoughts? WELL I HOPE SO!!!!!

Ugh, another Monday, this one I am at school for... Unfortunatly. I feel like I am going to suffer a mental break down any minute, but I wont explain why because I am to jittery about it. I am hoping it is all for nothing and that what happened is actually me just being absent minded in the morning, but until further notice I AM A STRESS BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO, lørdag. or saturday, if you speak english. I woke up earlier than I would have liked on a saturday because I needed to catch a bus at 9:40. ugh. I also had to get ready to go swimming, so that took a while... :] I managed to catch the bus, and get to town with plenty of time... too much time. I decided to walk around the "mall" and see if I could find any good headphones with a mic so I can use skype with less problems. I am also finding the lack of knowledge about my possible christmas gifts really annoying. I promised Mum a few years ago that I would not buy myself anything in the christmas season, and I am guessing that it holds here as well, but the suspense is killing me. It's really no different than any other year, in that I have no clue I only gave suggestions (sushi kit with recipe book, hat (preferably with ears and poofy ends on the strings), and some of the cool ear-buds that skullcandy makes that have the kind-of rope-y casing (my current headphones are acting up making weird high pitch noises at random times... quite painful)). The last 2 I actually need, and if Mum is taking the time to get them and make them pretty for me in wrapping paper, then I dont want to render her efforts as unnessasary by buying them for myself... sigh.

So, I spent and hour in a mall with only about 10 stores. most of them stores I dont need, so I spent most of the time crouched in the book store flipping through books and trying not to get thrown out for using it like a library... but really, library books are SO GROSS!!!!! You don't know where the previous readers' hands have been... and they smell weird. sorry, off topic. The reason I was lurking in the book store was because I had to wait until 11 to go to the pools and meet with the rest of the AFS-ers in Harstad. Which eventually I did.

I got to the pool and we all got our little chip-watch things that allow us in and out of the lockers and that kinda thing... It was a lot of fun! We had races down the water slide, and we played "volly ball" in the pool. there is also a wave machine thing, that's a lot of fun!!! it makes sure that the group of teenagers I was included in fought over the one floaty foam thing that happened to be nearby. This obviously made the young life guard laugh, buthe threw me, or actually, any of us that grabbed it first, another floaty thing. I gave him a thumbs up and a smile of thanks, it was really hard to breath with so much water in your face while you were laughing. He was kinda cute too... one of those people that you just want to dress up and put on a shelf, or maybe in one of those puppy stall things. He had mocha skin and his short curly hair had been bleached but the roots were showing, he also had blue eyes. He couldn't have been much taller than me, actually he was probably shorter, thus my "awwww... so cute!" thinking. :D

Over all it was a wonderful time! We eventually decided to get some pølse, and fries. yum. Aom and I decided that we would get a 2 pølse meal and split it, seeing that it would be cheaper for us to do that. We ended up recieving 2 of said meals, but only 1 drink, though that was fine, we all shared that. It was nice to eat some food, then we went back to swimming, though we were tired by that point, so we took off soon after eating.

We went on a crazy hunt for softic, whice we were unsuccessful (sp) in finding. it seems that they stopped making it for the year... D: so sad... I got over it (kinda) and we went to Morgana's contact family's house to eat and hang out until the next bus. We ended up devouring the better part of a loaf of bread, (toast toast toast!!!) and we had a weird bacon and egg thing that resembled in shape a bacon wrapped scallop, though Mum wouldn't have eaten it. The bacon wasn't completely done, I had a problem however with the egg being runny, but I ate it anyway... Im getting better with eggs that are still in need of cooking, but they are still not my favorite. We also had pig skin things, that looked like over puffed cheese lacking cheese doodles. Pringles, chocolate and yummy dark-chocolate biscet (sp) things... yum! We eventually moved out to the living room and played cards, or took naps. But before I took a nap the dog, Mojo, decided instead of sitting with me she would wipe her but on me and track her poop there. ÆSJE!!!!!!!!! (ew in english ;P) I managed to get most of it off, but there is still a stain there.

I managed to put that behind me and enjoy myself for the rest of the day! or actually evening. (BTW it is officially dark at 3pm now... :@ ) Eventually it was time to get to the bus stop, Aom decided to walk with me to Rimi (the grocery store that supplies me with my weekly Coca-Cola) so I could catch a bus home. It was nice of her, though I didn't really mind being alone, and her house was in the opposite direction. I eventually got the bus and left her to go get whatever she seemed to desire from the store.

I got to the road of doom and realized I was too tired to feel much fear. So, I played music in one headphone, and staggered home. The only adreniline rush making occuranse was when a really loud little car came tearing down the road. I am glad it came from the front of me, because I realised that it wasn't even going to slow for me, so I jumped off the road. If the driver had come from behind me I probably would have experienced flying for the first time without water beneath me... scary.

Søndag, Sunday, I woke up later than I did on sat, but still earlier than I wanted. I got some breakfast, and started trying to translate Nemi, which is G's discarded christmas present. Yes, I am no longer giving him the translation of a great cartoon. But I found what I believe will be a sutibal replacement. Again, I can't tell you until the time has past that he should have opened his gift, but he and anybody like him are sure to appreciate it. :)

Anyway, Mamma invited me to go on a hike with her and some others. I said "sure! why not." Which resulted in me starting to walk up a mountain at noon. In the snow. Which is a lot more work than one would think. Ugh. Got some great pics though! here is one of the favorites.

Cute huh?! I think I might crop it though... too many trees.

I was so happy when we got to a little tower of rocks that seems to signify the end of the trail on most mountains in Norway excepting this one... I was about ready to cry when they started walking again. But, I tried to stay strong as I followed. It was then we started walking on 45 degree angle hills... no flat zones... That was when my hips and knees started aching. I was about 20+ min from the summit when I started being unable to walk in a straight line. That was when it was decided that I could turn back, I had seen most of the views. I will be posting some on flickr after I post this. Just for you!

It was eerie to be on the mountain alone. there were no birds, and no dogs or other animals. You couldn't hear the cars most of the time either. It really made me jumpy, especially as you could see as minute to minute the light was failing. The snow made everything clean yet... cold, not just physically, but the aura. And it was so asleep, like the life had fled and everything was waiting. I wished I had music, so I sang to myself, effectivly scaring all possible life out of the area. :D

I got down at about 3 and the last remenants of light fled the scene. I learned yesterday that next week we are officially loosing the light. Ugh... That means that the only time we will have any light is from 10-12... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how I will survive! Must find a tanning booth... I need light... O.O

We had tacos with my host family and the other 2 people that we hiked with. Gro and her husband Morten. It was yummy! Om nom nom! We had feta in our tacos instead of cheddar, feta from Greece according to Pappa... *satisfied smile* I ate a lot, and unfortunatly didn't have room for cake afterwords... *sigh*

Today I had a normal monday at school. I had gym, and of course we played vollyball at the end. I feel like the kid that everybody groans at in their heads when they realize I am on their team, and the people we are playing against all cheer. I hate playing it, I can't understand what they are trying to tell me, and when I am supposed to hit the ball I can't usually get it over the net. And anybody around me has to work double time to make sure that I am not a complete weak spot... ugh. I fail at sports that involve teams over 3 people... including me. I can't wait to snowboard. if my manifestations continue I will be in the all clear quite soon!

So, also an intersting part of my weekend, and today. I finally managed to borrow a washing machine. Why did I need to borrow a washing machine? Well, because when I went to try and wash my clothes after being used as doggy toilet paper I found that the washing machine had been pulled away from the wall... I figured there was a good reason and that it would be returned soon enough for me to get some clean jeans... Obviously that was not the case, so I had to wear my last pair of jeans and tonight I was allowed to use a washing machine down the street. yay! clean clothes!!!

Anyway, I want some more cake. It's yummy. Also thanks to the people who commented on my last post, it made me feel a little better, it's nice to know I have people I can talk to besides my dear parents. :)

Any-hoo... Vi snakkes!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Finding Smiling to be Rather Difficult at This Point in my Life... :/


Well, I must say that it has been an interesting... painfull week. I only had 3 days of school this week, you all know I missed Monday because I was sick, but I also missed yesterday because of my inability to keep my composure and regain it in a reasonable amount of time after it was lost.

I will explain.

Last week my Great-Grandma Vera died. I think I mentioned this, but I want to talk about it again. I didn't know Grandma Vera very well, I only met her about 4 times, and due to what we believe was a series of small strokes she was very quiet and didn't speak much. She also didn't like lots of people around her so she was always a little uncomfortable when I was around because I always had G and usually Mum or Grandma and Grandpa... As well as anybody else who happened to be around. I really wish I had known her better, but I suppose that after 99 years I can forgive her for deciding it was time.

Then, this past weekend I got an email from Mum telling me that my uncle Norris, her godfather, had passed away due to cancer. It was a shock for me because I didn't know he had had cancer, but from what I understood he was also ready to go.

Also in that email I got news that my Great-Grandfather William Shevis had had a fall. He hadn't broken anything, but from what everybody could tell, Grand was done. Monday came around and I was informed that Yes, he was ready to move on, but Great (My great-grandmother Stell Shevis) was not. Mum said that I should expect a call anytime. It was a bitter-sweet thought, that I will hopefully be able to see my Great again, but that she would be alone and not with the man who has stayed with her for over 73 years. My Great-grandparents were married for 73 years if I remember correctly, and Grand was 96 when he passed on Wednesday.

I had been having a rather hard time knowing that a call from home was iminent. I was/am finding it very hard to keep a happy aura but after talking with a friend about how sad I was that I wouldn't get to see my Grand off I felt a little bit better. There was this painful little hope that he would hold on until I got home, but I knew that was both irrational and selfish. I had also gotten the feeling this summer that that was the last time I would see him alive, so that didn't help.

I was doing better and actually acting slightly like my normal self when I got home. Then right before I went to bed I saw on FB that Grand had passed. It was immediate and instantaneous (sp) water works, that I barely managed to keep at a resonable noise level. I confirmed that I had read the news correctly, then shot off an email to Mum immediatly before trying to get ready for bed.

I decided that due to my complete inability to keep from crying for more that a 10 minute span at a randomly decided time, I would don a mourning outfit (the traditional completely black, but i did have a white long sleeve shirt on too... pretty much I still like to be warm, and the black long sleeve shirt would have been a depressing overload.) and remain home. I felt slightly better after spending the morning cuddled on the couch feeling sorry for myself and the world for losing such a talented and kind person. Eventually Mum called, and after crying some more I finally managed to calm myself to have a relitivly normal end to my day. I am so happy that I have a mother like her. She may embarrass the heck out of me (note to anybody and everybody, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BRING MY MOTHER TO A BASEBALL GAME!!!!! It will lead to being forced to sing the songs and trying to wave down the terrifying mascots... I don't care if I know who is under the thing, the whole idea of a mascot is scary... anyway I am digressing) and she may not realize immediatly that I need her, but overall she is great at knowing when I need to talk/scream or cry... and at this moment, I needed to cry, then to laugh, to talk and try to stop mourning.

I haven't quite stopped, I am wearing a black t-shirt today, but I have realized that Grand's wish to have a celebration of life as opposed to a funeral applies to me also. I have to remind myself that he led a full and very long life. I found an interview of both Great and Grand online, so if anybody is interested in learning a little but more (sorry Great if you are reading this, but you do have fans). I will try for a non-depressing post on Monday, but this is what you are getting today.

RIP Great-Grandma Vera
RIP Uncle Norris
RIP Grand.

Monday, November 8, 2010

holy knees to shorts... leads to various cold experiences...


How was everybody's weekend? and Monday? I figured I would ask since you guys read my stories... or some of them :D

My weekend... well I slept slightly late on Saturday,and hung out around home until I got bored, then after taking a shower I texted Kristin to ask her if she wanted to hang out. She said she already had a friend over but I was welcome too. So I slapped on some makeup and went over.

And that is how I met Marcus. He has a very similar personality to me, and except for the fact that he does his own piercings and probably a few other random things we think pretty much the same too. He is also the first snowboarder outside of my family! It was really fun annoying Kristin by talking through part of National Treasure, but she got over it.

We played cards, and ate lots of pizza (Katrine and another girl her age showed up a little later but they left before the pizza was done which meant that we had about 1 pizza too many) and hung out... then Katrine and the other girl came back with some other guys. I guess they had been standing out in the cold for a while and needed somewhere to wait for the next bus back to where ever they live. I was kinda uncomfortable with them there for a variety of reasons... mostly because the drama levels increased... but I put up with it, and Kristen kicked them out eventually :]

I ended up spending the night over there, which may or may not have been a good thing. But that's all you're getting. :D I watched Interview With the Vampire again, (online of course) and it has sparked a desire to read that series again. But only after I finish the books Yngvild loaned me :)

I woke up at about 7:30 and waited to see if Kristin would wake up... she didn't, so at about 9 I decided to go home and see if there was any food. I left a note on a laptop and left a trail of shiny disks to it so if she woke up she would read it. Basically it said call me when you wake up. I didn't want to come in and wake you up while getting my clothes... :)

I hung out at home and waited... when she still hadn't contacted me at 1 I decided that I was done waiting and when to retrive my abandoned clothes. I ended up waking her up, but it was about time for her to wake up anyway. I ended up going back after I had taken a shower to hang out, and found that Marcus had spent the night too. We started watching Inglorius Bastards... it was really weird. I went home for supper and eventually went back to hang out for a couple more hours. Then I went home to get ready for school the next day.

I woke up monday and felt like... poop. I had a headache, and I could barely stand/walk straight... I managed to get completely ready, but by the time I was in the kitchen trying to get breakfast ready I had lost what little appetite I had, so I realised that I should probably stay home. I ended up going back to bed and sleeping until 11:30 ish... I felt mch better until I tried to let Kazan out so he could go to the potty... unfortunatly Karro and some of her class mates had passed and kazan took off after them. I didn't realize it until I got around the house, so I ended up trying to get him without a leash... When I finally caught up to them I tried to carry him home, but I was having some problems again not falling so when I thought we were close enough to home that I could let him down without him running back to the kids I put him down. I was QUITE annouyed when he took off back towards the kids. I ended up going to get the leash this time, then I went to retrieve the PAIN IN THE BUTT!!!!!!!! He also flipped his water over again today, andtracked it everywhere.

In other news Karro and I have decided that we need a cat! She will live upstairs and we will split costs for food and litter and such... thankfully we might be able to get some supplies from Katrine so that should help! Speaking of which I have to get back to that... KITTY HERE WE COME!!!!!!!! 8D

ha det!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Money Money Money, Must be Funny... or Clean...


Please excuse the horribly boring post that I decided to allow to infiltrate this blog on Wednesday... I will try to never allow such a thing to happen again!!!

Anyway, since you guys already know about what happened on wednesday day I will explain what happened after I ran for a bus... or actually leasurly strolled to. :)

I have the unfortunate fear that the bus will always be 5-10 min early, even though this has never happened to me. So, instead of searching for my run away cap (it was so cute, tan with a pretty little white design) I decided to attempt a type of hat/scarf with my red peace scarf that Mum got from a CBHS craft fair crew basket... speaking of which, I'm not quite sure how I am going to participate in the craft fair this year, being overseas and all, but still I invited on FB... kinda annoying... ANY-HOO!!!

I got to the bus in time and went to sentrum to wait until the bus to Yngvild's... rather annoying time difference between the bus I needed to take in to the city and the bus to her house, but thanfully the creepers at the bus station only meowed at me and the drunk old guy who has shown up both times I have waited for that bus didn't try to talk to me... I was allowed to listen to music in peace. :] Oh, and eat Smash... yum!

I got to Yngvild's house before any of the other gests (we were having a girls night :) ) so Yngvild and I walked down to the store to get some more ingredients to make cinnimin (sp) rolls! We were met there by one of the other guest Dina, and we all walked back to listen to music and supposedly help make the rolles... that was mostly Yngvild, but Ingvild (when she arrived a little later) helped too... I helped with Dina by providing entertainment... I WILL figure out a way to have a gathering where I can make something... and not get Karro to mix waffle batter so I can cook them... sushi... sushi... SUSHI!!!!!!!!!! oh, um... please excuse me... I have a one track mind right now about food... :D

We listened to lots of music, and I read some of Hyperbole and a Half for the others' entertainment... and my own... and we watched music videos! Yngvild didn't like Alejandro before she saw the music video... I think it has grown on her now a little... :D

Eventually (after devouring half of the cinnimon rolls made) Yngvild's Mom drove me to the bus stop (so I could get the last bus home) and the others to their respective places... (kinda annoying that I am the only one that lives on this side of the city, and an hour and a half walk (when there's no ice) away...) But that wasn't my most immediate problem... my new problem is my fear of the road home in the dark...

I will take this time to note that it is now dark by 4pm... and if the sun came anywhere near what is considered normal for midday light, it starts to set before 3... but, since it has been raining/snowing lately it has been very gray, so... yeah...

But this means that if I get out of school closer to 3 that in the 1/2 hour that it takes to get home it is pretty much dark... This would not have been a problem for me if it didn't mean that I would have to walk down a looong road through moose infested woods... Also note that I was not afraid of moose when living in Maine, but now I am very close to terrified of meeting one on my way home... I have been told I should not come within 6 meters of them... I am guessing that is quite a ways, since I still haven't completely switched over to the metric system, and as I have noted a few times, too lazy to convert it... I probably will, after I finish this post... if I remember... another of my down falls... short term memory...

So I was left dreading this long dark and adrenilin creating walk when we rounded a corner almost to that road and picked up a life saver!!!! Katrina (Karro's cousin's daughter who is a couple of years older than Karro) boarded the bus!!! We were both very relieved to see eachother, neither of us like to walk that road alone... SO, with her help I made it home without a nervous breakdown... though the Poke'mon theme song that I played with the speakers on my ipod could have helped too... I have to remember that for next time when I am walking that road again... Poke'mon lends bravery to even the faintest heart I believe!

Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was also the first night that I saw the nordlys with any distinction!!!! they were more than a glow that seemed to cling to the mountains, they were ribbons of almost white green that wavered faintly in the sky, molding to the shape of the moutain even while not clinging. they were beautiful- I tried to get a picture, but the lights from the street lamps and the fact that they were faint anyway means that all I got was the lights from the houses and such scattered around the mountain... pretty, but not a very good pic.

Thursday was a normal day at school, except that I learned that the history teacher that I have been trying to escape actually feels bad for me. So, I decided that I should probably re-assess my opinion of her and meet with her to try and give her a chance. We decided to meat on friday during lunch.

After school I was picked up by Marte so I could fufil my job of washing her house! I was also fed, and I got to play with Agnette and Aksel before they went swimming! Aksel is sooo sweet! he wanted to stay and help me clean... but he was convinced to go after Marte told him that I might still be here when they came back... Then I was left alone with some cleaning supplies and a dog. :)

I have discovered that if I listen to horrible music and make myself promise that I wont change the music or skip songs until it is done... or even stop listening to it, I can get the job done much faster... what music is this self inflicted torment? the answer to that would be Millionares... don't listen to them, they are horrible and seem to be what every normal mother (at least the ones I have been exposed to (though I'm not sure they qualify as normal ;P )) fears that their baby girls will become... Thus I got the job done in about 2 hours!

Unfortunatly (fortunatly?) by that time the next bus from the city home was 10:10, so I had to wait until everybody got home so I could beg a ride home... (fortunatly because that would eliminate the walk down the street of DOOOOOM!!!!!) It was about a 1/2 hour until they came home, but that was okay, I relaxed without any feelings of guilt about not wanting to be around people... I haven't had much alone time lately... whenever I try I always seem to have someone come hang out with me... Karro.

So I got a ride home and on the way got paid!!!!!!! 400 kr! which is over $50!!! sure it's not really that much here, but I think that's pretty good for 2 hours of work! I am going to try and save it though, I will keep it as a back up so that when/if I run out of my other money. :)

I got home to be greated by a wonderful half-surprise! I had been expecting the package from home for a while, but I wasn't quite ready for the surprises it held! I now have a picture of my family (and me :/ ) that sits next to my bed. I also have a GIANT DARK CHOCOLATE LOBSTER from Havens (I am pretty sure?), that had done it's best to break free of the packaging trying to get Karro's gummy worms. It did break through it's bag, but then the poor thing seemed to meet another package that seems to know how to eat lobster... breaking the claws and tail of the body... so only a few flakes escaped it's origional packaging :) also was a letter that was not only written by Mum, but signed by my beloved cat Thistle! I wonder how they managed to supress her fighting long enough to paint her paw orange... you guys didn't give her a bath did you? if so, that was just mean...

Time for a side story... I am energetic tonight, and I will explain why...

My cat Thistle deserves her name. She is MEAN!!! I can clearly remember her going over to Dad to try and get him to pet her. He would do so, reluctantly, and after a while without warning she would flip on her back, wrap her front (de-clawed) paws around his wrist, bite the heel of his hand while raking his arm with her hind feet (clawed). she did this with amazing agility for a cat that is (im guessing) over 5 lbs... and with such ferocity that shouldn't be expected from a cat that gives no warnings of her displeasure until the actual attack comes. She is also very territorial, she has gotten into many late night fights with other neighborhood cats that have woken up most of the dogs, and subsequently humans in said neighborhood. She actually has a small part taken out of the side of one ear from one of these fights...

This small beast is also a bed hog, she can manage to take up half of a queen sized bed by herself. She is also very lazy, and would hound people (dad) to pick her up and put her on the bathroom sink (next to a toilet that she could have hopped on) so she could be fed... she can be VERY annoying when she wants to be.

Okay, so to explain the point of describing my baby (she has only attacked me a couple times, I am her girl) is that instead of fighting as would be expected from such a cruel and self-serving cat when faced with a bath, this cat instead goes limp and whimpers like a dog when placed into water. She doesn't try to escape, she just hangs and stares at her bathers with huge, sad, pleading eyes... she remaines lethargic for hours after the event occurs. Thus maybe she was pacified long enough to paint her paw... which I feel would be mean.

There, tale related.

Now to get back to the package. The last surprise was the stamp, which mom had circled and drawn an arrow that indicated the word "cute!" could be applied to it. And indeed it can. The stamp is of an otter swimming!!!!! I am going to cut it off the package and save it in my journal! :)

After I read the letter and got everything put away, I decided to answer the summons to the neighbor's house. I only hung out with Kristine for about an hour and a half, because I really didn't want to be up after 11 again. I almost managed! But I was a little late. It was nice to see my family as I said good night to them and wished them a good rest of the their day. :)

Friday, I was supposed to have 2 classes, but again my math class was not present... I actually did walk around to check to see if I could find them, but I failed, and thus spent my time reading "Record of Fallen Vampire" which is a really good manga, and not very girly! there is blood and war and dismemberment... and some plotting... okay, lots of plotting. I have read it before, but I enjoy re-reading things :) Then I was joined by others when they got out of classes to go to lunch. I was once again accosted (not really ;) ) by a guy that really reminds me of Will Pheonix, (a guy from my school). he has crazy, curly, just longer than shoulder length hair, and a trench coat... still trying to find out if he has a pocket watch though... the major differences (besideds language and nationality) is that this guy is taller and he pats my head or arm while telling me that he is seducing me... *rolls eyes* He is quite humorous really...

The I was off to my meeting with Bente (the guy (whos name I have obviously forgotten) protested and then invited me to go hang out with him tonight. I pleaded that I needed some form of sleep this weekend and suggested that we might get a group together and hang out in the city at some point. he than said something about me hanging out at his house because he something about me "abusing me... what?!" As you might expect that comment got the full power of my incredulous eye-roll as I walked off. :D )

I eventually found Bente and we had our talk. I explained that I do want to learn the history, but I would rather learn it at a pace that allows me to learn it and read in Norwegian from the book. She requested that I try to keep up, and try to attempt the projects, but I will not have to present in front of the class until later in the year. This is because I feel that if I present something I should do so på norsk. It was hard sometimes to control my temper, she obviously thought that my limited knowledge in world history (meaning the napolionic war and colinization of China and Japan) was a show that my schooling was sub-standard, but the fact that I was actually trying to make an effort seemed to suprise her. I managed to not tell her that had more closely studied Africa's history and the founding fathers (and their sex lives... that's another story) and WW2, as well as more current events, such as the genocides in Darfur and all of that interesting and sad stuff...

But I didn't interupt her! and I didn't raise my voice once! I explained my position as best as I could and managed to be respectful even when she interuppted me. which happened almost every time I spoke I might add... so I am feeling very proud of myself!

The I left! I walked down to centrum to try and catch a bus. on the way I have to walk down a really steep and slippery hill. it was snowing then which didn't help. You will all be happy to know that I can still fall without seriously hurting myself! I didn't even roll on my back much! which helped not break my lap top. I fell on my butt/right leg and slapped out with my hands. the only damage done was that to my pride for not being able to make it down that hill, and a slightly wet butt.

I got down to the bus in what should have been enough time, but the bus never showed up... :P So I walked to the grocery store and got my weekly soda. :) by then it was only a little wait until the next bus, so I listened to music and waited. Note to self; do not take a drink of a fresh Coke until after it is alowed to fizz for a while, otherwise it will really hurt if you swallow... I actually started tearing up!

After that unfortunate event I realized the one bad part of my day. I was supposed to have had a meeting with my Norsk/religion teacher an hour ago. about the time I was falling on my butt. Oh well, I'll explain that I spaced on monday... :/

When I eventually got home I finished reading the manga, and read the newest chapters of VK and Bakuman! I also ate a wonderful dinner, and some chocolate! then I decided that I couldn't put off bloggin any longer.

I was going to interupt my explaination about nordlys to talk about what I was seeing on TV! they were taking some sort of fish and squeezing all the eggs out of her into a bucket... then they squeezed a male fish to fertalize them and start a new generation of fish on a farm... the parents were wild though... weird huh? 80

Okay, one more thing, before I end this. I uploaded some pics on Flickr again, and got a comment on a pic of me about how long my hair is getting. So I decided to take a picture with my hair down after a day of having it in a bun. it's curly!!! :D

Yay!!!!! It's growing out!!!

Okay! ha en fint helge!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday attempt...


This makes 3 days in a row that I have blogged! huh... hope I don't run out of things to say!

Yesterday I had a normal day at school yesterday. I did my best to pay attention, but was rather unsucessful... instead I started writing letter... or a letter... I will be sending the next batch with the christmas package! :D

The eventful part was after school. I walked to sentrum and met Kristine there! We looked at tattoo magasines and chatted. Then I met one of her friends and Kristine convinced me to wait until the next so I could go "shopping" with her... I however had already bought the last present I needed, so I followed her around and avoided opening my wallet for anything. :D

Eventually I realized I could eithertry begging a ride from her mom or taking a bus home... I chose bus. funny part? we both got home at the same time! And she went shopping with her mom before coming too... sigh...

SO, i ended up dropping my sack off at my house then jumping the fence to go hang out with her! we watched the japanese drama i think I mentioned, Last Friends, and having fun. I managed to come back at about 9pm and get presents wrapped and the package prettymuch packed... I was in bed at about 11...

Today i had 2 tests...:P one in bio and the other in math... i think i failed both. I know i failed math... :P but eventually I was allowed to escape... Oh, i talked to Ulf the advisor too... so far I am still a student in that history class, but i suggested I could do something like an independant study and check in with a history teacher... but he has to talk to the higher uppers, which i thought he was already supposed to have done... >:[ anyway, I am still fighting!

I got down to sentrum and made it to the post office in time to go get the bus home! The package is on it's way mum if you didn't guess. I did some vacuuming and I am now waiting to see if Mamma will come home before I leave to go to Yngvild's again! speaking of which... I actually gotta grab my sack and start walking...

I don't think that I will do this again... not very entertaining... any-whoo...

Vi snakkes!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I just found the stats... its kinda funny!

So, I know I posted yesterday, but I just thought that it would be fun to let everybody know that there is a mass of people reading this.

Today and yesterday I got 27 page views (it's not counting mine, i check to see if people commented almost constantly!) and the ranking for this week of which country is loading my page more often we have

USA: 32
Norway: 30
Russia: 18
Italy: 5
Thailand: 2
Poland: 1
Slovakia: 1

I checked how people searched for my blog and found that it's mostly people googling me, connecting via FB, a couple people through their email browsers, wordpress (why is my blog able to be found through wordpress?), a site that was written in cyrilic, and a poker site... what?

Oh, and the post that has been looked at most is "Is it too early to start singing snowing songs?" with 36 page views... and 5 comments! (im guessing that's the one where jostein commented 3 times...)

cool huh? I get to stalk you guys (kinda) back! HAHAHAHA!!!

I hope I don't bore you...

Also, I was thinking that I might start blogging on wednesday too, since I have a free period and I usually have memory problems about tuesday... sound good?

Ha det! Vi snakkes!!!! eller... æ snakke... :/

Monday, November 1, 2010


Fordi det er første av Novembair vi må bare snakke norsk hjemme... det er lit vanskelig... og fordi av det jeg er lit trøt.

Don't understand it? haha... google translate is pretty good... however if you are Norwegian and see that I have failed somewhere in the above sentances please correct me... constructivly. :)

So, after my posting on friday I went to Yngvild's birthday party! I stopped at the store and got her some licorice and I got myself some cola. I was really early, so I took my time walking up to her house. I had sent a message asking if it was okay for me to show up early, but since I didn't get a response I dragged my feet so I wasn't a whole half hour early... Thankfully Yngvild's mom recognized me on her way out and told me it was fine if I was early... So I showed up and bugged them longer than expected :)

It was alot of fun! It was quite humorous to see Yngvild squeal when she opened Tobias and Jostein's present to her... it's the new Civilization. I'm not sure if they ever figured out how to start the game without it being unreadable, but they workedon it for a while. I taught Jostein some martial arts, and we shadow sparred. He actually made me block a few times! I actually got a few bruises too... not very good ones though... they are alread fading... :P He want's to learn though, so that's cool!

We also saw a show about forensic pathologists... it was really funny. at one point Yngvild asked who would want to do that job... I think it was about the time when they were using soap flakes to remove the flesh from the bones of a skull so they could reconstruct the face using clay (the woman's face had been cut off)... I looked at her and tried not to smile as I raised my hand... it was really funny! "Um, that's what I want to do for work" is about what I said.

Anyways, Pappa had asked that I request to be picked up before midnight... I complied and was picked up a little before 11:30... He got a little lost... :D But he got there eventually, so I took my leave (haha! I really like that I was able to say that!) I was in the car only a couple minutes when Pappa told me the sad news... Mum had called about an hour after I had left to tell me that Great-Grandma Vera had passed away... she was 99 and passed away in her sleep... I wish I had known her better... RIP great-grandma Vera.

On saturday I finished Towers of Midnight... 8D I am soooooo happy! I finished the book before the official release date! What is kinda disturbing about that book is it has "Robert Jordan's" signature... he hase been dead since 2007... thus this signature is NOT POSSIBLY REAL... sadness.... oh well, the book was good! I wont provide any more spoilers... now you have to read the books yourselves!

Sunday I worked on G's christmas present... it is taking for ever!!!! I can't elaborate though... supposedly he reads this once in a while... I also watched The Devil Wears Prada... after watching the simpsons halloween marathon... note that I didn't watch the simpsons before coming to norway... and they are just as stupid as i expected... strangly entertaining anyway though...

Today I supposedly got an hour extra sleep... nope, i didn't, I switched my clocks yesterday so... :P But despite that I was okay energy wise until the end of gym... We danced to start out, then we practiced jumping... I have moved from being a failure of a blogger to being a failure of a jumper... ormaybe it was more obvious now since i had never tried hurdles or to jump multiple stairs at a time before... only 2 stairs... i was too chicken to try 3... they guys got up to 5... it was scary to watch...

we ended with a type of floor hocky... each team had 6 players, but only 3 were out at a time... each group of three had a "goal" (a bench flipped on it's side) that they had to protect... I am better at floor hockey than I am at volly ball, but im still not very good at either...

I was very tired when I got to utveksling student norsk, but i survived. I was very glad as we came to the end of that class that I could take the bus most of the way until I could be picked up by Pappa when he went to get Mamma... ha-haha-haha-ha...ha... guess who forgot their wallet and consiquentially their bus card at home... :P I had to walk all the way into town and then to Høgeskole... the snow/rain was very cold, and the wind was horrible... thankfully i hadmy hat and gloves this time :P Also another thing to be thankful for was the fact that I barely had to wait for a nice warm car! Pappa was there only a couple of minutes after I arrived!

We had to go back to his work to get his phone, then back to pick up Mamma, then we came home! We ate a nice warm soup... but I think I will try to convince Karro to make hot coco anyway!

Oh, a note about the "sand" i was shoveling last monday... these nord-nordmann dont use the normal rough sand that we use to cover our roads in ME, no... they use GRAVEL! grey and very annoying in one's shoes... this stuff means buisness!

Okay... that's it... my brain isn't functioning well...

Ha en fint uke!