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Friday, October 1, 2010

Well, that's funny... $6 at the end of 6 weeks...


So, gotta talk fast, I'm going with Mamma and Tante Eilin to the Hytta in about a half an hour. Oh, and the pain in my butt Kazan... :)

So, this week was kinda slower paced than the previous weeks thanks to høstfeire... which I am about 99% sure I didn't spell correctly. It is basically 3 days set aside for students to help with the potato harvest... lol. really, sometimes Norway reminds me of Maine more than I thought could be possible :) . So, that's what I did. Wednesday and Thursday, and I guess I am "kjempa flink!" at it... very good for you non-norwegian speakers. Well except for that wednesday I was trying to recover from one of the random night fevers I get... sigh... all better the next day :)

Today I hung out at home alone all day. Karro and Pappa were at handball skole, and I think Mamma was aiding... so it was pretty relaxing... a little lonely though...

I have to go! they are waiting for me!!! Sorry, i'll talk more on monday!!!

Ha det!

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