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Friday, October 22, 2010

Dolls have never been freakier... And I am missing tupperware


I am trying to make consious effort not to start every post with "so" but it's really difficult for me... :P

I am also shocked that Patricia found this... since I have only posted it on my american fb and on the AFS Norway website... oh wait, mystery solved! She's my friend on my american fb too!!! ahhh!!! *feels smart*

Okay! you all know what happened tuesday! since I wrote the latest post then... that makes my brain sigh in relief, remembering that far back is difficult for me. :D

WEDNESDAY!!!! It was good until Karro left to go to school, then the pain in my round rear end started howling and whining and trying to eat the bars of his kennel... Being a general annoyance really... >:( He woke me up, and I tried to ignore him, hoping he would quiet down if nobody went to see him, but contrary to my past experiences with dogs he kept mornfully howling andc chasing any chance of sleep away... :P I went down to get him to quiet down twice! then I managed to doze and read a little... then I got hungry... I got some breakfast (the normal bread and jam and maybe some brunost) and let him out. Kazan proceded to dump his entire bowl of water (which was an old neopolitan ice cream container filled to near the top), steal a mass of shoes and firewood and other random objects, and annoy me to near the point of hysterics... He is much more succsesful at annoying me than Karro, and every once in a while he even rivals G (my little brother just incase you forgot)... AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

It was a relief to put him back in his kennel so I could vaccuum and use swiffer like mop to wash my floor... then I relaxed and tried to annoy the pain until the others got home. It was nice to spend a day at home even if I didn't get all the sleep I wanted.

Thursday was the usual full day. Though I almost lost my Norsk/Religion class because they wern't (SUDDEN AND NECESSARY (sp)ANNOUNCEMENT!!! THE RADIO IS PLAYING "I Like to Move it Move it" PÅ NORSK!!! THE ONE FROM MADAGASCAR!!!!!!!! 8D ) in the normal room. Nope, we were in an auditorium near the bio room to finish Ghandi... I must thank the guys who showed up 5 min before class to see if anybody was there... they saved me from an absent... I even checked fronter to see if there was any room change!!!!

I learned that on monday I will be having a student-teacher confrence thing... it is only 15 min, and I am not quite sure what we're talking about, but it's cool! I also learned that on thurs we will be having the work day, where everybody (from the 3rd grade) will work all day instead of going to school so that we can earn 350 nkr to send to an aid organisation... personally I dont think this is nearly as fun as an aid dance... but whatever... :P And I learned that on friday we would get out of our first class 20 min early so that we could go to Kulturhuset to see a preformance... thus the title... but im getting there.

I suffered through history and came home, after making a quick stop to pick up something for Mum and Dad for christmas... I am still not sure what to get G, and my dears in the states in colleges you must e-mail me your how to send you something, but I'm sorry, I think the most you guys are getting is probably a postcard... I'll bring something back in my suitcase though, I promise! I also saw something that I really want to get for Grandma and Grandpa, but I'm not sure I am willing to spend that much money on it... and I dont think the store takes mastercard... only big cities seem to take it... which means nowhere i nord-norge... :P

Then I eventually woke up today! eventually because I have been getting resistant to waking up if I use the same alarm for too long, and I had changed it last night but obviously it wasn't quite the right noise to wake me up... :P But eventually I realized I wasn't dreaming and I really did need to wake up and so I started getting ready.

I got to school and suffered through 70 min of historie... then I was cornered by the teacher so she could explain what we were supposed to do for HMWK... that meant that I lost my chance to bum a ride from one of my buddies/classmates... I ended up walking to Kulturhuset and Meeting Ole-Peter on my way. I informed him that we were having torsktunger for middag... After I waved enthusiastically at him... It was funny! My sociology teacher who was walking with another teacher (going to Kulturhuset) gave me a look that indicated slight humor and the thought that she thought that I am slightly odd. (oh, speaking of my sosiology teacher, the presentation that my group did got a 5 (out of 6)!!!!! But, she has decided that since I have such trouble with the language she will not grade me until after christmas into spring... cool huh! she also told my group tha tthey need to stop speaking norwegian to me because I am kjempe flink på norsk! :D)

I got to the play and it started out with 2 men coming out to operate one puppet that resembled the evil scientist from Nightmare Before Christmas, except he was starving and seemed to be a poet or play writer... im not sure... there was lots of intense music, begging and 3 other puppets... one was a bagman general... he really looked like one of those grain sacks, and our first introduction to him was when he stole the otehr puppet's bread... the next puppet was a manakin and the first puppet put a head on her (she had a little ball gown on) and decided to dance and court her... she was later raped by the first puppet because she didn't want to kiss him again... it kinda scarred me... "oh wow, there was doll rape..." was all I could think of for the rest of the play, thankfully there was only about 5 min left by that point... but before the doll rape there was another creepy typewriting doll, who had very dooming music to accompany him... I think he was supposed to be doll #1's editor... scary... Then I was free to go!!!!

I went to the bookstore to see if I could find a desperation gift for G (christmas now... birthday is all taken care of) but didn't find what I was looking for. then I went to the bus station and was talked at by an old man I learned later was drunk, who thought I was from Texas and then the Carribian... (I actually don't whish... much too hot :P) I mangaed to ignore him after a while by putting my earbuds in and reading... then after waiting an hour I caught a bus to the end of the road and walked home. It was nice to get home, especially after I checked the mail box!!!!! MY NOOK HAS BEEN SENT TO ME!!!!!!!!! I will have even more things to read now! And I will send you the code as soon as I retrieve it from the postoffice Dad. :)

I was in fear once Pappa and Mamma came home, because that meant that middag was imminent... AHHHHHHHH!!!! I had spotted the torsktunger on the counter thawing earlier in the morning, and Mamma said that I had to eat! But thankfully Pappa made fish sticks, so I was spared from the jiggly, breadcrumbed, fried horror that I was told was food... thanks Pappa! :) I cleaned up after supper! I managed to find homes for everything, though I am feeling slightly unsure of what to do with leftovers since there is no tupperware to be found...

OH! speaking of tupperware (and like items)! Everyday I make a matpakke for school, and today at the book store I found these really cute matpakke boxes! there were robots and sharks and other cool/cute designs! I had to hold myself back from buying one... :/ but they're so cute!!!

I have been told that I need to make my famose pizza tomorrow! yum! though I will be splitting some of the toppings because I dont like corn on my pizza (or in my salad or in my sandwhiches/wraps) and Karro doesn't like peppers (the non-spicy kind) or onion on her pizza. I think I can handle that! :D

Ok! I'm done! besides asking if anybody from CBHS is reading this... I want to know because if I start randomly asking questions about how it's going there and then realize at the end of the year that nobody there even knows this exists then I will feel really stupid... :)

HA DET BRA! Ha en god helg!


  1. I LOVE the fact that another Mom tells you that you must eat something! See, it is a universal Mom trait!! xoxo

  2. it isn't because i "wasn't eating" though! it was because she forgot that i would really have to weigh fasting or dying against eating cod tongues... they are SOOOO GROSSSS!!!!!!! :P
