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Monday, October 4, 2010

$6 in 6 weeks contiued... aka a real post :)


SO!!! after m abrupt and not well thought out attempt at a post last friday I made a mad dash to the car that brought me to the hytte, without my shoes on, my journal and socks clutched under my sweatshirt and back pack... quite humorous really.

Now I will try to explain what happend during my vacation. On wednesday I woke up some time during the night with one of my random and not welcomed fevers. I took some medicine (good idea and thanks Mum :) ) and went back to sleep. My fever had broken when I woke up, but I still felt really bad, so after some more medicine and a nice warm shower I got ready to go to the farm. I have learned to have more respect for people that have to do that for a living, it was alot harder than I imagined it would be... so many rocks... This year was really bad for potatoes. The winter was really cold and the summer was too rainy, so very few itsy-bitsy potatoes... :( As I expected Thursday I was almost completely better, still a little sleepy, but able to focus on something other than my drippy nose and head ache. That's when I found $6 in my coat pockets, exciting, huh? Well, I thought so until my comerades in potato plucking asked me "Ka e det? Ka finner du?" ("Hva er det? Hva finner du" på bokmål) and I remembered that 6 USD is not helpful here... seeing that it can barely get me a soda... :( A soda here is usually 20-26 kroner... you do the math. One little bottle of soda costs about $6 here... silly customers thinking that Subway's sodas are over priced... :P

So, after being told that I am "Kjempa flott!" at taking rocks and sod out of the mix of mini poataoes... so maybe I can get an extra helping this winter even though the harvest was so bad.

Friday I hung around the house... alone... all day... :/ I was fine for most of the morning, but I thought I had was going to help Mamma get lunch for the handball skole. But they didn't need me. So, I spent the day watching anime and reading manga like any good geek child should do on their day off. The Tante Eilin, Mamma and I went to the hytte. We had a good supper and just managed to get there in time for the sun to go down. the dark comes really early now, it was dark here today at 6 o'clock... I'm not sure what Im going to do when day light savings comes around... so dark so early...

Karro and Pappa came to the hytte in the late afternoon on saturday. Kazan needed to stay inside so her wouldn't disturbe the road work, so since Tante Eilin's favorite berries are in season now and she has a picking fetish... I am almost serious here... I was the one elected to hang out with him all day... which meant quite a few solitare games and naps in the sun. :)

Sunday I went hiking to one of the near by moutains with a family that's oldest daughter is in France with AFS. It was fun, even though we couldn't find the trail most of the way up and some of the way down... :/ But now my name is listed in a little orange book that is safe in a tupperware container in a cool stone tower at the peak. then, we had some snacks and came back down. Middag was waiting for Karro and I, oh and a note when you try to translate 'middag' it will come up 'mid day' which tends to indicate that this is lunch, but that is not the case, 'middag' is supper here. lunsj is lunch. :) Okay, enought of the norwegian lesson. We had laks for dinner, and I actually like it here :0 much to my surprise, after years of having Mum stink up the house with her attempts of cooking it I thought that it would be beyond me. But it's actually pretty good! Then after that we came home. I took a much welcomed shower and got ready for today.

and now, drumroll please, I will tell you about my TOTALLY AWESOME, FANTASTICK day. :D

I got up at 5:20 so that I could be ready to leave the house by 6:30 to catch the ferry to Tromsø! I got to skip school and the all dreaded running test, to go shopping and re-meet the Dean of Skogfjorden, Tove Dhal! It was very pleasent, and I am saying this because it really was, not because she asked me to send her the link to my blog. Cross my heart hope to die. And I am glad that I had the oppertunity (sp)!

Tromsø will always hold a special place in mty hear. Not only because it has the same population size as my beloved Portland, and what as far as I can tell is the only Sushi restaurant in norther Norway, but also because my Mum accidently used her enormous mental powers to will me there because of a calender which had a picture of that city for my birthday month and her forgetfullness that I actually wanted to be placed in or near Trondheim... a slight difference there... one being in the middle of Norway, the other very close to the top... lol.

OH!!!!!! I am so excited to send G's (G= my little brother i USA) birthday present! I found the most PERFECT thing! I am so proud of myself, but I am still going to get him the other thing I planned on getting him to, since they are both so cheap :) I cannot wait to see his face when he opens them! even though he want be nearly as openly excited as I hope he will be... sigh... what a downer, he takes after Dad when it comes to things that are not mechanical or legos... :P

I also met a tattoo artist who lived in Maine for a while! (No, no tattoos, nor piercings, you can release that breath you were holding Mum/Dad) She lived in Windham, which we both found kinda humorous since we are basically from the same area and are both in Norther Norway now. She had candy apple red hair too, so that made her even cooler :)

So, now I am at home, and as soon as I can figure out a way to get Karro off my bed and ipod I think I will try something relativly new called sleeping. Since it is just about 4 where you you all are you still have some time to read this and envy my abilty at reading the "Let's start expanding the love of the game 'Magic the Gathering'" posters and shopping with no money. HAHAHAHA!!! BASK IN MY FATIGUED ANT SLIGHTLY RUNNY NOSED GLORY!!!!! And have a good laugh at my expence... Mamma and Tante Berit did already tonight... lets just say Saltkjøtt and whatever that barly-potato thing was were not my favorite things to eat. they laughed at me because when asked if I liked them I shrugged and made a non-commital grunt with an obviously very distastful exspression... I am guessing that that meal will be put on the, "make if we really have nothing else" list, or "make if we really want to make Devyn squirm" list.

Okay, I'm rambling now. Karro went to bed. I should make a mat pakke *garbled plans to make tomorrow morning easier for myself* ... natta! :D


  1. I can not believe you saw Tove again! Did you tell her about Concordia? xox

  2. I did! She was very happy for me, and she told me that if I want to be a leder at Skog then I have to start applying really early... :)
