So, I have learned that some of my friends from Heggen have been reading this... weird huh? guess I can't talk about them so much anymore... (not that I have now that I think about it :) ) sigh.
So, how has my week been. Pretty good actually! I have been a little tired, but I also havn't been getting to sleep at a reasonable hour these past couple nights. Thanks to my friends and my creative side! But I will get to that later.
So, it is officially fall here! Though I am missing the bright red trees, there is alot of extreme yellow! see!
This is one of the pine trees that are in the front yard. It is soooo bright! like a beacon, except that every other tree looks like that.
Tuesday I only had 1 class! My Norsk/Religion teacher is in India... Well, actually I didn't have 1 class, I pretened to have 1 class while really I followed my buddies from Sosiology around and annoyed them. They have been requesting that I distract them. :D I am very happy to oblige.
I ended up walking home from Heggen, after walking to Sentrum and checking bus times. So I actually did more walking than people might think. It took about an hour and a half to get home, but I still got home before the soonest bus left the station. It was a nice walk even though my bag was really heavy.
Wednesday I almost missed Biology, but thankfully my teacher came to the school because she forgot some dye for slides. She saw me waiting alone outside the classroom and re-directed me to class, which was in a place in the city called Newtonromet. A place where I was reminded of my little brother. why you may ask?
G had a team of other boys had a team that competed in a compatition call FLL or the First Lego Legue. They had to desing a robot and program it to run a course like the one in the picture. They also have to research a envioronmental problem and create a skit to present their knowledge and something that can fix it... if I remember correctly. They also have to have a team T-Shirt and name. His team's name was the Lego Jedi's, and they got 1st place 2 times in a row. Unfortunatly the years that they won Maine wasn't going to the Nationals... :/ Oh well, my little brother is kinda cool... just don't tell him I wrote this.
So, also at Newtonromet we made slides of various types of cells and used a really annoying camera and computer program to take pics of them. I feel really bad for the girl that was paired up with me by the teacher since we have to do a presentation på norsk... oh no.
So after that (lots of fun, i love using microscopes, and it was nice to use dyes for slides again... I was a little out of practice.) I went back to school and to the room I was supposed to have math and sat there and waited for my class to show up until someone came into the room to tell me that they needed it... after that I went to one of the sitting places and waited for Morgana (girl from Italy) to get out of class so we could go to the tech guys to figure out why she didn't have all her classrooms on the school website thing (called fronter) and why I couldn't log on and when I did why I didn't have any classes on it. So we got that figured out and came back home. She stayed and we played chinese checkers and made waffles. It was really fun, so now it is my turn to go visit her soon :)
Yesterday I had a full-ish day. All of my classes were teacherless, and that made my day pretty relaxing. I really enjoyed trying to write my story and reading manga and watching anime. :) then at the end of the day one of my sosiology friends Yngvild (who reads this... hi! *waves*) came over for a visit. We did not have waffles :( but we did have reigndeer soup! we hung out and she killed my ipod playing games... kinda like another person in this house *Looking at Karro* and I gave her the links to some of my favorite mangas, and watched some TV... the time flew by, then her mom came to get her. I have been told that I need to go visit er family too... apparently they have heard alot about me... 8/
Today, I had math. And they were in the right room! So, I took notes and then came home to finish the drawing that I have been working on since Tuesday. The drawing is of my rendition of the Rod of Hermes, which is the doctor's symbol in the US. One of my dear sisters Ve gave me the idea of getting a spine tattooed up my spine, so I decided that since I want to be a doctor of sorts I will wait until I graduate medical school to get the tattoo. (Karro just farted and she told me not to write it, so obviously I must interupt this post to note it) SO, I had a brain wave and decided to try my hand at sketching it. I actually finished it today after I got home from school, so I am feeling very proud of myself! Vær så god!
Cool huh! Sorry it's so light, it's in pencil. I am going to try to ink it soon. then I'm going to put it on my wall and any future wall I have to remind me that I have something to aim for. So I am going to start saving for that as well!
So tomorrow I have a birthday party to attend for Tante Berit. That should be interesting. I am going to go to bed early tonight, try to make up some lost hours, and I will enjoy myself this weekend. OH! I forgot! I have finally started to take action against my history teacher, it does mean that I have to talk with her and a rådgiver on monday, but I am hoping the rådgiver and teacher I am supposed to talk to if I have problems will be able to protect me from her evil overly make-uped face with its ever present glare... scary. Hopefully I can get out of that class.
OH! there is a ghost movie on at 23:30! maybe I wont be going to bed at a good hour... :/ oh well, it's the weekend.
okay... I am going to enjoy being at home. You lazy bums, I bet you only got up maybe 4-5 hours ago! I've been up for too many. Actually I am going to see Karro's club, probably going to come back soon though. Fun Fun FUN!!! Ha Det!!!
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