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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nynorsk makes my life easier!

Not really but I will explain.

Heia by the way!

So! after my technical difficulties I decided that I should probably not stress myself out more and get some sleep. I am happy to say my lights were out at 11:00! So, I succeeded somwhat.

Mine helge... æ avslappet... I relaxed all weekend. it was nice. On saturday it was just Mamma and Ole-Peter and I at home. Karro and Pappa were in Lufoten (sp) for a handball tornament. I was oringionally going to go with them, but I didn't get to bed friday night until about 1:30 am sat... so I would have gotten only 6-ish hours of sleep, because sleeping in a car filled with chatty pre-teen girls would not have allowed for sleep even though I probably couldn't have understood much of what they said. oh well, it sounds like the weather was horrible and I wouldn't have been able to see much of the landscape, which was one of the main reasons for going. I do wish I had gone, Karro's team won all of their games!!! Yay!!!!

But I stayed at home with only a breif excursion to Rimi (a grocery store) to get pizza supplies. I made a wonderful pizza, after I scraped the dough off my fingers. It was funny, I was mixing it with my fingers and it was sticking to them, though not too badly, then Mamma saw that it was sticking and said "oh! it needs more water" I tried to tell her that more water would only make it stickier and it actually needed more flower, but she still added a cup or so of water... then I had to mix it in, which meant that it was like cement and I got a finger work out trying to seperate them from each other. After a little she saw that the stickyness had only gotten worse and acceded that maybe we did need flower... I made the bag all sticky trying to pour it in... it took a while for me to get all the dough off. :) But it morphed into a wonderful pizza! I used my skills of observation, from watching Dad and his pizza making skills, and put lots of spices into an otherwise spiceless sauce, covered it in cheese then decorated it with red peppers, mushrooms and spicy peppers on top then toasted it to perfection. Mamma said that I have to make it again without red peppers because without those Karro will love it! Not bad for my first solo (-ish, mamma helped me by buying the ingrediants and helping me get the dough together and the oven on...) pizza! and I didn't spill it on the floor taking it out of the oven (I did so once at home, all the toppings and cheese fell off the pizza as I tried to take it out, they landed on the floor and in the oven which created a mess and meant that I had to be taught by the parents when they got home how to take a pizza out... much to my humiliation)!!!! this constitues as a "Win!" in my book.

Mamma and I ended up watching IRobot until it ended at 1-1:30 in the morning sunday... it was really fun to see it, I have always seen the box and the commercials for it but never the movie, and it gave us something to do besides reading our seperate books.

After we woke up later sunday morning mamma made a close approximation of an "american breakfast" which means we make a pancake sanwhich with blueberries and/(maybe) bananas. no butter or syrup, but a little sugar to bring out the blueberries sweetness... hypothetically... I am missing my maple syrup... that and havens dark chocolate... I am saving the bat that Mum sent me until the last day of school before Halloween! That's the same day that I'll dress up for school in my lolita dress... I cant wait!

Then the plan was to hang out all day and maybe do a chore or two, and wait for Karro and Pappa to come home. Then as I was resigning myself to re-reading Twilight because there were very few other easy books in the house (aka written in english). I am trying to read a book på norsk, I think I mentioned it... but if not I borrowed it from Yngvild and it is called La Den Rette Komme Inn (let the right one in) and it was translated from swedish and is about a little vampire girl and a poor bullied boy. Ive seen the movie, so this is what I have devised about it. :D

Anyway, these plans (that meant i didn't have to change out of my pjs) were ruined with 1 phone call. well upon further inspection it was really 3 phone calls and 2 texts... but those texts and 2 of the phone calls were sent to my cell... which was in my coat pocket closed in my room... those phones were sent from my dear Yngvild! And I'm still trying to figure out how she got my home phone number... I am thinking STALKER!!!!!! D8

That's ok, I forgive her for stalking me ;D. SO, after I got on the phone and had the akward, "oh, you're actually talking on a phone to me... aahhhhh" moment I figured out that she was inviting me over to see a movie. the first thing that makes it okay that she stalked me is that the movie was one of my favorites. Howl's Moving Castle! BUT!!! it was in japanese with norwegian subs!!! because english was not an option. It's okay though! thankfully I was allowed to have the same movie held captive with me for an extended period of time, which meant that I could understand what was going on even though the languages were not my mother tongue. :D

Yngvild agreed with me when I started saying what the charecters said in english... or what the english subs said. I'll let you all in on a secret... I ABSOLUTLY, POSITIVLY HATE ANYTHING DUBBED!!!! I dont care if the story takes place in an english speaking country/world, if the origional art and voice actors are from different places I HAVE to watch it in the origional language... It REALLY AGGRVATES ME when I have to watch anime or cartoons or Miazake dubbed... It actually makes my body tense up and I get all hyper... I know this because my dear, lovely Mum and brother cant keep up with subs so they have to have movies dubbed... I have decided for my own health that I will not be watching mizake with them EVER AGAIN... for everybody's sanity. :D Anyway... That is the first thing.

Second was the dinner! It was coconut chicken with pinapple! yum! I even got to help a little! I was in charge of cutting the pinapple into bite sized portions and dicing the garlic... I also had to slice the onion... Just a note to anybody who didn't work with me. I worked at Subway and for the almost year I was there I only sliced onions a few times... why you ask? well that would be because after slicing 7-10 onions the size of a grapefruit my eyes wouldn't stop streaming for a good hour or so. I was so sensative to them that if someone else sliced them while I was in the building I couldn't go into the backroom until about a half an hour later unless I closed my eyes... which is unadvisable... lots of different types of knives and random slippery spots.

Third was that she loaned me the best thing that anybody could loan me! 9 MORE BOOKS!!!!! 8D I am sooooo happy!!! I am almost done with the first one (the final empire by brandon sanderson ( <3>:D She says she is going to meet me at the airport and board the plane and threaten the piolet unless I give her books back... I told her I want to see that!

Then we come to Monday... I was a little sad about monday because all of the snow was washed away from all the rain, but my day got better! I actually enjoyed gym this time! I started out by warming up by doing my katas (martial arts forms (martial arts is the overall name for things like karate and kung fu for all you norwegains that read this)) it was nice to practice them again, but when I was in the middle of my highest level form from my first school I saw that I had an audience. Some of my peers came out of the other room to watch, then one of the guys came flying towards me in a rather bad flying side-kick. (bad because he pointed his toes and jumped)

They all wanted to know what type of martial arts I was doing, so I told them. They seemed to think it was cool that I could do things like that. It was really funny when the class president (guy who did flying kick) was trying to act all cool then I finished the kata which involved doing something that looks like it should have a katana involved (but really it is an option if someone grabs your wrist) a back roll and an elbow. it was really funny! then all the otehr girls that thad seen tried punching the mat on the wall. I guess I had some influence on them.

Then class started. We were supposed to be doing vollyball, but that involved doing warm ups... tag while dribbling and bangs in your eyes is really difficult. but at the end we had a game... and as I was suspecting I really stink at vollyball. I did manage to hit the ball over the net twice and I think I might have actually scored a point with one of those. but usually I would dive out of the way of the ball or watch as it went directly in the middle of me and one of my teammates. But it was really fun! And it really felt nice to shower after it. Also note that I am feeling more comfortable with the open shower. But it may help that I have not showered at the same time as anybody else in my class... they all seem to have the ability to go home and shower between classes so that might be why :)

Then I will tell you about today! I woke up and even at 7:45 it was really dark outside. and it was drizzling... I was kinda ehhh about the day, but then I got to school and discovered that since the 2nd graders didn't have school today for a test I didn't have sociology! it was very nice to just be able to read for an hour and a half. Also! My sosiology teacher, who came to tell Morgan (from New Zealand) and I that we didnt have class, while we were walking away from the classroom together she told me that I was very good in norwegain, and that my speaking in my groups presentation was great! and I really need to get my friends (in the 2nd grade) to speak only norwegian to me! So, just like at home, starting Nov 1st we will be switching over! OKAY JOSTEIN AND YNGVILD!!! That means you guys have to speak slower... without making me feel as if I am slow... :/

Then I went to Norsk, and after some nynorsk work I learned that I can just hang out at school tomorrow and enjoy myself because the 3rd grade will be having a test på nynorsk and since I cant understand it I am exempt! YAY!!!!! then we started a movie called Ghandi! which really makes me think about CBHS because it was just like one of the movies we would watch there... political uprising, massacers, imprisonment... really, just the same type :P But it was a good movie! and near the middle of that class it started snowing!!!!! there is now a thin coat covering everything! I am so happy! It didn't stop until a little while ago I think, so it went on for a good 4 hrs!

Though that did mean that I had to walk to the bus station and from the bus stop home without my gloves or hat... Because I forgot them... definitly no the day to do that... but there's snow!!!!! :D

and now I leave you for the week. I will write on friday, and I hope you guys are great too!

Ha det!!!!!


  1. Uuuuh, where to start...


    Yay, I was mentioned:-D

    Now, onto the "constructive" stuff!
    Even I knew that when the dough is sticky you need more flour (do you really say flower in America? o.O) :o And she calls herself a mom?:o Blasphemy! (Don't take it the bad way, I'm sure she's a great mother=D)

    I'm pretty sure she found your number on the internet. <---- This page probably ;)

    I totally agree, subs over dubs!

    Showoff! Though I love how the other girls started mimicing you and how that guy failed epicly ^^,

    Also, I feel comfortable that most Norwegians our age (at least the ones reading this) know what martial arts means=)

    I meant to tell you that you didn't have a class, sorry!=|

    Oh, but I like speaking English :'(

    I hope this comment wasn't too confusing:S

  2. oh, yeah... we do spell flour as "flour" but I obviously had a brain fart and couldn't spell correctly... but thankfully everybody understands!

    Ohhh... yellowpages... that would make sense... she did know my host parents names which makes that entirly plausible...

    Oh! The guy who did the kick didn't fail epicly, its just not the type of kick you would want to use in a real fight! He get's an A for effort!

    And no, not all Norwegains our age know what martial arts means... I ALWAYS have to say Karate after... :P

    okay... bye
