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Monday, October 11, 2010

Is it too early to sing snowing songs?

That is my question for the day, especially as I sit shivering... but first my weekend.

I slept alot on saturday, but still managed to go to tante Berit's birthday party! It was fun, I got to see alot of the family in such a small space... still can't compare to the family gatherings at Harpswell, but they are trying! There were a bunch of little kids running around, I was definitly the ackward aged one there, everybody was either 12 and under or over 25... sigh. But I got to try and talk with the parents, and there was the most adorable baby there :) I didn't really get to hold her, she was tired when I got a chance... so a little whiny, but still, some of the plumpest cheeks you have ever seen!

There was lots of cake, and potato salad (with apple bits too) and all of the adults (or the majority) had wine, and later on cognac. Onkel Arne offered me some cognac, but Mamma informed him that I do not drink. *phew* The only down side to the majority of the adults drinking was that Norways drinking and driving laws are very strick, so I almost had to walk home. It was 10pm when I learned this, and the rain was actually slush, so I really didn't feel like walking home. Thankfully Anita and her husband gave me a ride home since we are neighbors. :)

On Sunday I definitly slept most of the day. I was woken up for breakfast and middag and managed to stay awake until about 11, (the soloist was on :) ) then I crashed again. We had almost american pancakes for breakfast and lamb, potatoes, and broccoli for middag! for the first time since I have arrived I have not eaten potatoes when they were provided, I love broccoli!

Today I had an interesting (COLD&WET) day. School was it's usual sleepy boring, until in the middle of Norsk I looked outthe window and saw that it was snowing! It made my day until I remembered that I had to make up the running test that I thought I had avoided... Then I realised something else that was just as important... My stomach rumbled and when I went to get my matpakke I remembered I hadn't put it in my bag! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

Thankfully I have some $ now, so I got a yogurt to tide me over until I could go get something more satsifactory. then I made my way up to Folkeparken to run. It was very difficult, because while te snow wasn't really sticking it was cold enough to turn into slush... :P It soaked my shoes, and my rain coat is now soaked thorugh as well. But even though it was cold enough to make me buckle over coughing, and I gained a minute on my time (23:17 total) I survived, and that's what counts!

After gym I managed to get back down to the lockerrooms, only to find that the guys were allowed into the girl's locker room since they had split the gym into two rooms... kinda reminds my of the great space. So, I had to take all my clothes into the shower with me so I could get changed. Thankfully there is a door between the changing room and the showers. :)

SO, after I got warmer and changed into dry-er clothes I went to try to find the other AFS students for our utvekslingstudent norsk. which all in all is very boring for me. I help the lærer translate when he is having problems and try to explain to the others when they dont quite understand. I managed to escape to the store across the street from school to get some hot coco and pølse so that I didn't starve.

Then I went to try and get a ride home from Mamma and Pappa. I was glad that it was cold then, I would have missed my ride if I hadn't decided to go make sure Mamma was still there. She had the car today, so if I hadn't gone to check she would have driven off without me.

The snow stopped for a little while we were hurrying to go get Pappa, and the sun was so pretty over the mountains. I tried to get a picture, but they didn't turn out right. The light was a rosy pink and it made the snow so bright! I will try to find a good pictureon my camera for the next post, but no promises!

I saw where Pappa works, and on out way home Mamma decided that it was time to stop for yarn so that she can knit me a sweater! It is going to be a blue-purple color with beige snowflake fairisle around the neck! so pretty! when it is finished and in use I will make sure to get a pic. the yarn is alpaca so it will be very warm :) YAY!!!

We had leftovers for supper! more broccoli! and ice cream (sorry I forgot to metion that), even though I was feeling it was too cold for that. but we have hershy's caramel sauce, so i heated some of that up to drizzle over it. yum! :)

Okay, I guess I should explain the title a little more. I have decided that there will be good/enough snow to go snowboarding starting in November and it will last until March. :) The snow has been late because of climate change, it didn't come last year until Febuary, but this year it will be like I am picturing. I am not sure if my picturing it is going to help, but I am trying! and, so, i think that maybe my "in November we will have good snow!" has been mixing up the weather, since the snow has kinda stuck, but it should melt tomorrow. :/

okay, I cant keep my eyes open, nor think cohesivly enough for people to understand what I have written. :)

Ha det!!!


  1. wait... they did not have snow until Feb. of last year? I thought they where in Norway ! :)

  2. Well... They didnt get good enough snow for skiing and snowboarding until feb, but from what i hear they get wnow and then rain and this goes on for a while... But not this year! I am willing it to be a good year!

  3. We did get snow in Novermber last year, enough to go skiing, but it melted away and stayed away for a good part of December as well as January and February :) It was a crappy winter though, hoping for better this year, but November through March? December through April is more plausible ;)

  4. Well, I've heard that there was snow until about may last year, so maybe november to april wis okay... I dont mind having lots of snowboarding time ;) I am taking this little cover of snow that is just hanging on as a good sing that my will is stronger than the weatherman's tools! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! LET THERE BE SNOW!!!!

  5. Devyn, a good sing or a good sign? Just a spelling correction that I could not ignore :) By the way, we think it is weird you having a complete different daily schedule also. Miss you. -Mom
