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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

long awaited pics!!! enjoy!!!

So i will reward your patience with me about pics from the 17th of May, Norway's independance day :) as well as pics from my trip to tromsø with Silje :)

trying to take a picture of me, but im being surrounded by children screaming for russekorter... note to any future exchange russ with plans to go to the barnetog... dont stand in the middle before the thing starts. you wont be able to do anything other than had cards out. really.

A brief moment when i was not being accosted by children, lets take a picture instead!!! no breathing!!!

the length of the barnetog streatched over the hill next to the hospital... wow! so long!!!

Karro and her class' sign, she was the only one at the start of the train, by the end she had found 1 or 2 others XD

a shot of a few of the people in the town square after the barnetog. the childrens train. O.O

Heggen's Russetog!!! We have a tractor see?!

Look, there's a mailbox on her back XD

Look at all the russekort on the road!!! when i went back this way about 15-20 min later there were NONE!!!

Random insert!

The new and improved back piece that i will get tattooed after i graduate med school! i decided that the origional was too wide, and im going to get it in colour, because the snakes will be a king snake and a coral snake. to represent that the job of anyone in the medical field is to find the non-threatening things and the threatening things in our bodies and environment... at least in my opinion.

Trip to Tromsø with Silje!!!

Good morning Silje!!! are you ready for the day?!?!?!

Good morning!!! its almost 07:30!!!

Silje only slept a couple hours, so she's exhausted :(

Mountains through the window of the ferry. but still pretty :)

I just like the colours in this pic, im not actually sure what purpous that structure is supposed to have... :/

This is officially one of my most favorite pictures now. I am so happy i managed to get a picture with both the norwegian mountains and the ocean AND a norwegian flag!!! *Happy dance!!!*

What else is passing us by as Silje is sleeping?

Pretty green cliff faced island!

The pretty cliff face island with the flag from the boat carefully pictured infront of it... it took about 3 min from when i got out on the deck for the boat to move enough to get this pic :)

Translation: Motorcycle day!!! as if that wasnt obvious enough. XD

Cant tell if you can see, but that is a street of motorcycles and bikers! cool!!!

Hanging out on the steps to an apartment building after the first approach of the tattoo parlor! Silje was sooo funny!

Waiiit a second! are those BALOONS i've spotted?!

OH MY GOSH THEY ARE BALLOONS!!! I WANT ONE TOO!!!!! (no, i didnt get one :( )

How was getting your belly button pierced Silje?

"Why are you still taking pics of me eating soup? this really doesnt seem to be the most interesting this youcould be doing right now" thats what i was thinking... though a lot more norwegian was mixed in... this happened to be about the 3rd pic that silje took of me eating my soup. thus this face :D

"Hei! se her! æ KAN bruke spise pinner!" (hey! look! i CAN use chopsticks!" XD Yaaay Silje!!! She didnt think she would be able to use her chopsticks effectivly. obviously she was wrong :)

The first course! the spicy salmon is the one closer to Silje, the Tempura is the one closer to me and the camera :D

Silje's decision on sushi! *thumbs up*

The barbell i bought to replace my piercing barbell... it looks swollen, i know but that's just how my ear turned after getting the piercing. I have since taken out this barbell because it's a tad too small. ouch :(

Look! my new belly button piercing!!! isnt it cool! I really like it :)

You know what?! Ive come to the conclusion that my life isnt interesting enough really at the moment, so I will take my nice camera around with me everywhere and take pictures of everything I do, because i want to. The maybe i can have a blog that is inbetween a blog and a vlog... that sounds interesting. Im not sure how long it will last, but im gonna do it!!!


Monday, May 30, 2011

Hey, its monday... i should post something :D

korsen går det? e alle frisk og fint? (kristin is messing with my blogging when she should be working on her math... hint hint kristin)

so, my weekend was pretty awesome! I went to tromsø on saturday with Silje!!! and we hung out with her friends for a while and looked at the mass of motorcycles that were lined up all along the main shopping street, with the mass of bikers standing around
in their weird outfits... :D so cool! I saw the same style bike as my dad's, but i didnt have enough time to see if i could find my mums... but i doubt it was there... it was probably too small to be there. oh well.

then we made our way to Arctic Tattoo to fill out our forms and get needles and bars shoved through the skin at the top of our belly buttons :) it didnt hurt exactly, but it definitly wasnt the most pleasant feeling in the world... and unlike a lot of piercings, a belly button piercing can act like a dermal piercing which means that it will take longer to heal and has a high probability of regecting at some point... :P im hoping that doesnt happen.

but it was really funny! i thought the place opened at 11, so Silje and her friends and i all made our way to the shop, and the whole way there Silje was freaking out. She was so worried that it was going to hurt really badly XD it turned out that the shop didnt open for another hour, so we ended up just hanging out on the steps of a near by appartment complex...Silje had blisters from her new shoes :(

after a while i got bored and went to take a pic of the motorcycle day sign, then after that i started doing kung fu forms on the steps. a taxi driver almost drove his taxi into the wall that ran alongside the road because he was looking back to see what i was doing XD that was funny!

then eventually we went back to the shop. there were a couple guys there to get tatooed and a couple girls there to get pierced before us. but we got our forms and were pretty quickly shown in... apparently the girls had stuff to talk about before they got pierced.

it was the cool guy from the UK that pierced my industrial last time that pierced my navel this time! He remembered me too, and we ended up talking about how freaked out Silje was, and if i should pretend to scream when he pierced me as to freak her out more. then i decided that would be too mean... and i should just go out clutching my stomach. he laughed and said "you are SUCH a good friend." He's a really cool guy, and attractive too ;D

when i looked out at Silje I saw she was as white as a sheet... so i decided i really shouldnt scare her anymore... XD she asked about why we were speaking english and then it was her turn. she was soooo funny for nothing!!! she was shocked that it didnt really hurt! XD i told her so!!!

after that it was time for SUSHI!!! which silje was also aprehensive of. we got a spicy salmon and a tempura maki rolls first, then we got nigiri with salmon and eel, then a hot philly!!! and she now loves sushi! she's glad i made her eat with me, and she can understand that a lot of people would be aprehensive of the raw fish, but she think that they shouldnt be after trying it herself :) she's going to get her mum to try it some time im guessing from the conversation she had with her:)

after that we walked around and shopped for a bit before getting back on the boat home. Silje slept most of the way too Tromsø and most of the way back. I slept a little on the way back but i mostly read. its really odd, in norway you can leave your bags and purses unattended and not really worry that anything will get taken. Silje and i went down to get something to eat at one point and it didnt even cross our minds to take our purses with... i hope i remember that's not the way in the US of A... sigh... i wish it was :P

the rest of the weekend has been relativly uneventful. Kristin gave me a really pretty dress, i wore it out today when i went to meet Morgana in the city. and other than that I almost live at Kristin's house now a days. im over there constantly just hanging out... good thing her parents like me!!!

ok. im tired. i'll post pics tomorrow :)

vi snakkes!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Den magiske steinen

Ok, so another commercial. im not going to translate it, but the best part of the commercal is when the modern guy says "and for those of us who dont have a magic stone, you can go to felleskjøpe" blah blah blah... i find the whole thing very funny XD

Well hello again!!!

Its been a while huh? Ive been toying with writing this whole week, but I decided that I should try to write the reports I was set... its not going as well as I had hoped if you're wondering. XP

Anyway, its been a while since I wrote, the last time I really wrote anything was before russetida right? well, besides that I was a really boring russ. I am not much of a partier. in fact i only went out to drink and dance that first weekend X) *Notice, my "k" button is now the one thats being finniky, sorry if that letter is missing in some words :)*

Anyway, after russetida it was back to school for a week before exams... it was kinda cool, because most of the classes were done so you could just leave. In sosiology however we watched Milk! the movie that i loaned to the teacher earlier in the year! we watched in tuesday and thirsday's class periods! and it seemed that most ofthe class actually realy liked the film! that made me really happy, because Milk is a great movie :) Anne Bjørg, the teacher, told me after the class was finished that she was glad i had come forward with the film because it provided an example for the class that sometimes uproars and rebellions can be good things :) She told me she is going to purchase the film so she can use it as a part of her curriculum!!! i feel so happy to be helpful!

Anyway, I thought that i might be able to use this time during exams when my host family was working and Karro was in school to travel around Norway to practice the language and explore the country's history and culture more fully than i have... yeah. that really went over well with my host family and AFS.

From what I rememeber of the orientations, if an afs student wishes to travel (over a day) we have to submit where we want to go, where we will stay, and how long we will take on our trip. I remember something about not being an afs student for the period of the trip, but other than that I was pretty sure there was not much to it. But! apparently the afs people who orientated us were lying or teasing about traveling. When Mamma called the headquarters and was told by a very irate AFS person there that there was no such travel abilities... :P

from that AFS and Heggen (the front desk im guessing, because my advisor seems to have little to no idea about these plans) decided that i was to write a report on all the classes i was "taking" this year, and take a norwegian test *cough* today *cough cough* then i would have fufilled the requirements for my contract... *grimace*

i am curretly so very very thankful that heggen has probelms communicating within itself. i went to school today and couldnt find my name on the list (again)so i went to my advisor who looked at me in confusion (and no little amount of annoyance. he had already answered my questions) and told me that since he hadnt heard of this, so none of the exams had place for me, and i didnt have the required stuff (computer programs and such im surmising from what my classmates had)so my advisor told me it was a better use of time all around if i just went home :) if you insiiiste! XD

But i think the most shocking thing about today has been that ITS FREAKING SNOWING!!! ITS THE END OF MAY AND THE TREES ARE FROSTED WITH SNOW!!! OH MY GOOOOD!!!!! ITS MAY *shivers and cries a little inside*

anyway. I should probably get back to working on my reports. I decided that i really should post something since its been so long :)

and i leave you with a funny commercial that has been airing here. the ending has been in norwegian, but unfortunatly i couldnt find the norwegian version on youtube, so you get this one. which is probably easier for you to understand anyway :P

Vi snakkes folkens!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

another video from my favorite cattery!

Someday Im going to get a kitty from this breeder! their cats are always so cute and such sweet hearts!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

answer to the question nobody answered

the picture posted in my last posy of the sky was taken at 00:30. guess who's not getting much sleep recently... :P

i'll write on friday!!!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

the end is neigh!!! of russetida... but the trip too... :$


so there are only 3 days after today until the end of russetida. and i will admit to you all that i am a very boring russ. i dont really care for partying, and most of the russekrev require a car or some form of sexual thing... not gonna happen. so im trying to figure out when i can crawl across a bridge and if there is a possibility of getting people to get up early enough to eat breakfast and then lunch in a roundabout. im not sure that's possible though.

anyway, im trying to figure out what im going to do with the last 49 days of my trip, its a little strange to think about and definitly not easy for me to plan... but there it is. Im hopingi can convince Mamma, the school lover, to let me go alone to visit some of the afs students that live in the southern cities of Norway, like Molde and Bergen... finger's crossed.

anyway, i took a picture last night. guess what time it was when i took this pic XD leave guess in the comments section!!!


Thursday, May 12, 2011

the things that happen during russetida pt 2

1) get harrased by 2 little kids into giving them all of your russekorter, and they wont let you walk anywhere until you do.
2) a friend come into class (late) and draws a mustache on you without asking if its ok. and you later realize that it's blue.
3) get a call telling you you're a coward because you wont go back up to your school to face the mass of russ from the other school that have water guns and will not rest until you face them. even when you have no water gun and no protection ie an umbrella.

many more but i figure i could post these 3 and pics of Weronica, Silje and I with mustaches... XD



And me obviously... I bleached my hair on tuesday ;D


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Oh My goodness a new Tine Commercial!!!

Oh my god, Mr Melk is back!


Mr.Melk: "Hello everybody. Its good to have body control and strong stomach muscles. You have to train a little and eat and drink healthily. Tine Milk is naturally rich... uh... Tine Milk is natually rich in protiens that help with a stronger body and your new muscles. It tastes good!"

dear lord! its soo funny!!! XD


De Syvende Far i Huset

this is the video that my group made for Norsk!!!

This is the translated text, i used google then edited it when things were left out, but this is what we said, or tried to say in bewteen giggles!

"There was once a man who was looking to move. Then he came at last to a large and beautiful farm, it was a mansion so grand that it could easily have been a small castle. "It will be good to get rest," he said to himself, when he got inside the gate. Close by stood an old man with gray hair and beard, and cut firewood. "Good evening, father," said the traveler, "I can get lodgings here tonight?"

"I am not the father of the house," said the old man, "go into the kitchen and talk to my father!"

The traveler went into the kitchen, where he met a man who was even older, and he knelt over the fireplace, blowing on the heat.

"Good evening, father, I borrowed a room for the night?" said the traveler.

"I am not the father of the house," said the old, "but go in and talk to my father, he is sitting at the table in the living room."

So the traveler went into the living room and talked to the one sitting at the table, he was much older than the other two, and he sat and teeth chattering, shaking and trembling, and reading a great book, almost like a little child.

"Good night, Father, will you lend me a room for the night?" said the man.

"I am not the father of the house, but talk to my father, who sits on the bench," said the man who sat at the table, teeth chattering and shaking and trembling.

So the traveler went to him who sat on the bench, and he held on and would get a pipe of tobacco: but he was so hunched and his hands shook so that he could hardly hold onto the pipe.

"Good evening, father," said the traveler left. "Can you put me up for the night."

"I am not the father of the house," replied the old fellow huddled, "but talk to my father, who lies in bed."

The traveler went to bed, and there was an old, old man, as there was nothing alive to watch than a couple of big eyes.

"Good evening, father, I can get lodgings here tonight?" said the traveler.

"I am not the father of the house, but talk to my father, who is in the cradle," said the man with the big eyes.

The traveler went to the cradle, and there was an ancient man, so shriveled up that he was no bigger than a baby, and he could not understand that there was life in it other than the noise it was making.

"Good evening, father, I can get lodgings here tonight?" said the man.

It lasted a long time before he could answer, and even longer before the old man was done with it, he like the others said, that he was not the father of the house, "but talk to my father, he hangs in the horn (i think this might actually mean to say 'corner' but im not certian so i'll leave it) on the wall."

Traveler stared up the walls, and at last he saw the horn, but when he saw after he hung in there, he was no different to look at than a fal that had the likeness of a human face.

Then he was so frightened that he cried aloud: "Good evening, father!" Will you lend me for the night? "

The father up the horn as a small sebaceous look, and there was no more than he could understand that it should be the same as: "Yes, my child!"

And now it came into a table that was covered with the costliest dishes and beer and liquor, and when he had eaten and drunk, came in a nice bed with reinkalvs-traps, and the traveler was rather glad that he at last had found the right father in the house."

the whole class thought our video was great! the teacher had to wipe her eyes because she thought it was so funny she began to cry XD The whole class thought k was very funny, but im pretty sure thats just because i sounded so absurd and obviously forgot my line. they also thought Marte's second part and Weronica's second bart were great! lots and lots of laughs!!! i think some groups were annoyed that we went first after seeing that... or at least i hope so :)

anyway, im hoping my hair dries before pappa and karro get home from training. and i hope that the tacos dont take too long to cook :)

ok vi snakkes!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

oh cool!

only 40 more views and this blog will have had 4,444 views!!! so cool!!! well, a little less if you're reading this now XD

I like the fact that russetida gives me an excuse to not write here, sorry about that


its been a while no? Ive been busy, stuff has been happening in my life. I really havent felt like writing, ive had major mood swings that i dont really want to go into :)

So these last few weeks have revolved around avoiding the blå-russ because even though it has been warmer out, its still not warm enough to allow ones self to be soaked in water... really not enjoyable.

the worst day was Wednesday, when i was sitting in the buss station being down and thus not paying attention to my surroundings as well as i normally would I suddenly felt a blast against my chest and felt water dripping down my front... thank goodness i wasnt wearing a white shirt... anyway if you didnt guess I was attacked INSIDE which isnt supposed to be allowed, by a group of blå-russ... XP

then when i went outside to see if a bus facing the wrong way was mine I was soaked again. the group had been waiting outside and they decided that the first time they got be was not enough, so they stood about a meter away and shot me full force, and since i dont have a water gun and my umbrella was at home i figured the best course of action was to ignore them. if i had asked them or told them to stop they would have just laughed and ignored me... thus this resulted in the fact that i was dripping when i finally got on a bus. it wasnt the right bus, but it got me near enough the correct route that i was able to catch the next bus. I also bought 3 bags of ostepop, so that was helpful.

on friday i had to leave my classes early (not that i minded, it was math) so that i could clean Marte's house and get back to school before my norsk grupp went to film our hmwk video. it was really funny!!! I will post the video tomorrow when it gets put on youtube, but until then you can look at the pics i took while this was happening XD

this is the veiw of the bridge to the main land, the one we're supposed to craw over for russekrav! i havent yet but i will do it!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

A pretty waterfall thing that was on the way up the path to the hytte where we were going to film... :)

I really liked this oven... i want it! actually the whole hyttewould be really nice if it was cleaned up and re-painted etc. etc.

Øyvind, Marte (you can just barely see her face) and Silje. figuring out how to stuff a pipe with some grass that was collected outside... XD

Øyvind (the filmer!)

Ingvild (the main character) and a bit of Weronica (acting as the 3rd father at this point)

Silje (an onlooker at this point)

Marte and her pipe. waiting for her next part while laughing at Weronica

Silje again, i figured that she would want a picture of her with her eyes open on my blog :)

Weronica, very very in character!!! XD we just laughed and laughed!!! I forgot to get a picter of her "hanging" on the wall, but you'll see it when i post the video tomorrow :D

Done with filming, Weronica is running away so she doesnt have to carry stuff... lazy bum :)

Ingvild giving a fun pose! the other 3 un-aware that im taking a picture XD

the last 4 coming down the road to meet up with us again. and thus the day ended. O.O

sooo fun!!!

and last i will leave you with a picture that i took at 11o'clock at night... i swear to god. i dont know how i going to survive when it really is midnattsol next week... T.T

snakkes folkens!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

strange things that happen during russetida...

1) get asked by almost every child for a russekort, no matter the time or place.
2) sitting under the desks with almost the whole class, for the whole period.
3) watch as a gang of blå-russ attacks the school building with who knows what.
4) watch as said gang of blå-russ runs away when one rød-russ goes out to confront them.
5) watch a water fight take place in the classroom.
6) read a really dumb graffitti written on a cement blockade that says: Kviser e rød, russen e blå. (zits are red, russ are blue)
7) get shot in the head with a water gun when standing on the side of the road by a car full of blå-russ. who then scream "blå-russ baby!" as an explaination.
8) find more than one opened condom in a public place.

theres definitly more since this is from only one day... i would have taken pics but i forgot to put my camera in my pocket before going to school sooo... sorry!

but all of these things happened to me today, im just wondering what im going to do if interesting things over load my brain...


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Meet the Girls of Norway, they party like rock stars on re-play... seriously. most of them actually do... at least during russetida

This is a great song and i can tell you it really does sound like russetida!


Pictures from russetida!!!

At the shore when we were going to do the first russkrav, which is taking a dip in the ocean before the 1st of may. this is Weronica getting out of the car right before deciding to get back in. XD

Weronica in her bathing suit not very happy about whats coming up.

Silje trying to be positive.

Me, shivering already. havent even come near the water. XD

One last pic before getting wet.

cant you see the crazy in her eyes? why the heck are we doing this?

Oh my god the crazy of norwegians has officially infected me!!!

You cant see it but my lips were a lovely shade of plum, my feet had been numb since to seconds after walking into the water and would remain so for the next 1/2 hour + and i didnt stop shivering for a while either. note that the water was -4 degrees celcius... COOOOLD!!!


Silje"Dr House" before being "baptized" as Russ...

Marte "Jeger'n" ("The hunter" is the translation i believe...) before russedåping.

Ok, about russedåping, the russ baptism, its not having water or some form of alcohol poured over your head (i say alcohol because really it seems more likely if you know what russ do over russetida XP. No, its shots. Shots at 10 IN THE MORNING!!! oh my gawd! really! i didnt have any booze with me so Silje gave me a can of cider, she took some of Invild's tequila. actually most of the girls had tequila, the guys who had to take shots at the same time as the person being "baptized" were very quickly begging that no one else took tequila... but at the same time when i went up with cider they almost made me switch to jegermeister... O.O"

Weronica had been working so she couldnt be baptized, so we went to do it, not with alcohol since she was working. no, we used Burn, a really powerful energy drink that is way more popular than red bull in harstad at least.


finishing the shot XD

Tying the condom that was randomly given to us on our russelue (the hat that we're supposed to wear the whole time) because if you are given a condom by some random person it's a russekrav... one of the things your supposed to as a russ, usually involving drinking too much or having sex. but i think the best ones are the funny ones. like having lunch or breakfast or sleeping in a roundabout. XD

The Russekort im in the process of eating. Thanks for the donation Silje.

See? Im eating it! its a lot harder to chew than gum though.

My Russelue! with the condom i was given and a copy of the russekort i ate :) and can you see my russenavn? it's karate kid XD

Ingvild and Silje!

Øyvind and Marte!

Ingvild and Silje again :)

The snacks at our drinking place. Which is the apartment that Silje is dogsitting at (i accidentily wrote godsitting... i think thats kinda funny no?)

A mark on one of the couches from the night before, from one of Weronica'siron on patches on her russebukser! thought it was funny so i took a pic XD

The refrigiator of the russ. the bottom 2 racks are all alcohol, and a little on the 2nd rack too. the rest of the fridge is rather empty... only some butter, cheese and deli-meat. XD

Ingvild writing on Marte... you'll see what in a sec :)

Silje taking a picture of Ingvild writing on Marte XD

Now Ingvild's writing on Silje!

Close up!

The writing on Marte: Ingvild H wants these breasts (actually its more like boobies but whatever!)

Writing on Silje: Ingvild H wants this breast!

And even on me?!?! I want these breasts, Ingvild...

pffff! so funny!!!