I honestly have no idea what that title has to do with anything, but there it is.
blogger has been weird lately. I try to put on pictures and it becomes strings of confusing text... but i will post a few pictures because ive been snapping them since i got my NEW CAMERA!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but first, tuesday.
Pappa left for who know where for work this week so i have had to take the bus all week. this doesnt really bother me, :) but on tuesday when i was waiting in the bus station some random older man came up and gave me a hug (knocking his head against my sore-to-abrupt-pressure industrial... OW!)then started talking to me like we had ever had a conversation before... O.o ive seen this man on the bus once in a while, but ive NEVER talked to him... he kinda creeps me out... anyway, due to this man continuosly speaking at me I couldnt eat my god morgen so i could go out and see if my bus had arrived... subsequentially my bus (which had been hiding in the WRONG LINE! left wthout me... grrrrrr... then when i tried to run after it i dropped some stuff and had to go back for it, by then it was too late... I ended up calling my dear Weronica and asking her to give me a ride to school since she lived near by and it would take me longer to walk to school than it would to get a ride. Tusen takk igen!!!
anyway, tuesday was pretty laid back, school was normal and nothing really happened except that the weather was horrible as it has been for the whole week... æsje. well, except for the fact that i was reminded that Mamma's birthday was the next day and i got a note from the post office saying that my camera had arrived!!!
the next day i woke up and after getting ready i gave Mamma a hug and said happy birthday with plans to go find something for a present... i REALLY stink at remembering birthdays, and names. the only reason i remember my dads is because i learned about "golden birthdays" when i was about 10, and his birthday is on tenth of one of the 12 months of the year... the truth comes out...
wednesday was ok, bio was semi interesting... were studying the various systems in the body... blood, urine, respritory, etc... sigh.
then a free period and lunch which i spent trying to finish a book i bought on monday and getting distracted by fb and "Damn You Auto Correct!" .com. really really funny!!! look it up! XD then Ingvild (from the 3rd grade) and Silje came into the library and I tried to help them with their english... thing is im really bad at correcting grammer, and though i can usually write grammatically correct sentences i have problems explaining to others how to do it... thankfully it was mostly congigation (sp) and minor spelling mistakes that i could easily correct... one in a while i messed with the form of the sentences to make what was trying to be said a little clearer :) good job you two!
then i had math... and after sitting in the classroom for 20 min i realized that the class wasnt showing up and i was free to go XD so i went back to the library and hung out and tried to read or help with english.
After school i went to the post office to pick up my camera! I got my package and made sure it was adressed to me before powerwalking to the stores so that i could get Mamma a scarf (she likes them and is always incouraging me to wear one too) it wasnt until i was checking out of the stores and on my way to swimming that i realized that the package i had picked up couldnt be my camera, the case couldnt be that small, and went to check the senders adress... to my mixed horror and delight i saw that the package i had picked up from the post office was from my wonderful wonderful grandparents!!! the horror stems from it being about 5lbs and not being my camera. the delight was that IT WAS ABOUT 5 LBS OF CHOCOLATE!!! OM NOM NOM!!! no worries, i plan on sharing it at my brithday party so there will not be an unending sugar high! XD
I am still suprised that i managed to get the box of chocolate into my backpack and get everything i and that day into the 2 bags i origionally had at the beginnning of the day... there was just soo much of it! my backpack on my back from the weight of my books, laptop and candy was about 20 lbs... not nice to carry down a stormy road of doom after swimming 1200 meters... i ended up falling twice. once due to my trying to avoid an over the ankles puddle (i know mum and dad, soooo unlike me!)and thus managing to put my right foot off the road and all the way through a snowbank up to my hip. i actually had to throw both my bags as far away as i could from the puddle and heave myself up to get out of that one... all the while hoping that no cars would pass and drench me. the second time was when i was nearing the neighborhood and my legs gave out on me from exhaustion... again i had to heave myself up and really wished i had a staff or cane to help me... sigh.
when i got home i was greeted by Mamma's birhtday party. i got my second wind when Agnette peeked her head around the corner and burst into a grin at the sight of me! XD soooo cute! I took her upstairs to help me get mamma's scarf pretty and she managed to convince me to open the package from grandma and grandpa for her, which made her really happy as she grabbed 2 bags of dark chocolate... i managed to convice her that a bag of white chocolate would do. its too sweet for me...
Mamma loved the scarf i gave her! that was great! and agnette is SO DARN CLOSE TO WALKING!!!!! she kept toddling between me and Marte with the bag of chocolate in her hand! :D at one point in the night she made it all the way down the hall! basically my job during the party was to make sure she didnt fall down the stairs or have her hand bitted by Kazan who really wanted the cookie in her hand... sigh. then eventually Marte decided it was time for them to go home... i was actually tired again so i cant say im dissapointed that she made that decision...
then right as i was in the middle of an email to mum and right before i went to bed the power went out.
so the thing is, where i come from the power going out is a yearly thing. maybe it happens more than once in the year, its been out for a week once! its normal to have a day or two without power, so the sudden flickering of the lights before everything went dark was a ho-hum experience for me. what i did not expect was to hear a shriek from the next room as Karro started freaking out about not being able to see where she was going, and trying to find her mobil to light the area around her. I guess it is HIGHLY rare for the power to be lost in harstad at least, and the last power outage that people remember (unplanned) was when my age group was in the kindergarten- 3rd grade time frame... if i remember correctly that was when Maine had the Ice Storm...
I cant help laughing at the fact that im one of the only people who was completely unfased by the lack of electric light. after spending some time downstairs trying to be bored into falling asleep again and texting jostien who had been playing Amnesia before the outage (not something that is completely comfortable i might add, i started the game last night and it is 100 times freakier than watching someone else play)... it was funny! so eventually i went to bed and fell asleep. until the power came back and the guests left, i finished my email to mum and went to sleep.
thursday i only had 2 classes as the last 2 were taken up by seeing the musical "Det gode mennesket" I only understood a little of what was being said, but i understood the plot! its really hard to understand people speaking english through speaker systems so i think i did ok! but before going to see this preformance i went and picked up my WONDERFULL AMAZING CAMERA!!! im soo happy with it, and im going to read the instruction manuel this week so that i know how to use all the functions and whatnot on it!!! soooo happy! I love that it has a manuel option on it so i can focus on what i want to focus on! not whatever the camera deems best! im planning on going on a walk this weekend so I will take my camera with me and get some great pics!
I ended up taking a bus home, thankfully, because if i hadnt i wouldnt have been able to grab my salsa things before class! though i almost opted out this week anyway... i was sooo tired! im glad i went though, even if i did have to buy a double expresso mocha to gain a needed energy boost.
dance was fun! i got there early and was belly dancing with morgana before the class started. which caused me to be doing a shoulder shimmy right as one of the men came in... hahaha... ackward... he thought it was funny too! i think im definitly improving!!! andim starting to feel like one of the sought after dance partners, not a last resort partner! infact i had 2 of the guys come at me when we were told to pair up, including the guy i accidently shimmied at. XD the older guy asked me to dance first and gave me a kiss on the cheek when I accepted! so may weird things happened with old men this week... ok only 2.
Ihad a great time dancing! I loveloveLOVE IT! I will probably join a dancing club when i go to college! speaking of college i got the official email about my dorm hall assignments this week and i AM IN FJELLSTAD!!! XD SÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ GLAD FOR DET! anyway, i took the bus home and had to walk through the stormy weather again. didnt loose power though!
when i got home i showed mamma my new camera and snapped a few photos of her and Karro, then Karro and i went upstairs to install Amnesia: the dark descent... which is SOOOOO FREAKING SCARY!!! i think i alread said that in this post but it needs to be said again. we didnt play for very long, partly because it took so long to get working (we called Jostein to help us :) ) and then it was so late we decidedthat we didnt want to have nightmares.
I decided that since i only had one class on friday and if i went to school i would have to walk throught the rain and slush down the road of doom not once but twice, and my one class would be history i would start vacation early... or we could say that my alarms sound was too low so i slept through it, and thus when i woke up it was too late for me to get to my one class... which ever makes you feel better. both are true actually.
so i slept in, shaved in preperation for swimming tomorrow (one of my afs friends is coming with her host family to visit harstad)and lazed about. i considered playing amnesia, but then decided that reading manga and eating chocolate was a much more relaxing idea :)
Im going to hang out with people on monday and/or tuesday! and i might eat with Karin and my contact family on wednesday, and i have dance on thurs and washing on fri... actually i should check and see if they want me then... hmmm
ok, i havent really eaten anything substancial today, im going to go make soup and eggs and watch tv. and read manga. DONT JUDGE ME!!!
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