I just was wondering if anybody had translated what "dokker" means with gogle translate or something, because if you did then you must be rather confused. if you havent, I will enlighten you as to why it would be confusing.
Dokker means dolls in bokmål. so when i say "heia dokker" the direct translation is "hi dolls" which is not what im intending to say. when I say Dokker i mean deres which means they, or it can be an all inclusive term like folkens, so really when i say hiea dokker im saying something close to hi guys! just to clear that up. XD
SO, how was my week? my week was very relaxing actually, except for the cake, that was a pain. On monday and tuesday I just hung out at home, well, except on tuesday i did go hang out with Kristin for a little because she requested that i make one of my rainbow cakes. so i needed ingredients! i ended up returning most of them.
the cake was one of the most annoying things since Pappa had kidnapped the tooth picks to the livingroom and i couldnt find them until i started ranting in the kitchen about the cake being a failed conquest becuase of the lack of pointy bits of wood to stab it.
the cake when it first came out of the oven looked really good! the top was soft spongy baked feel, but when i took it out of the pan i realized that the bottom was not quite cooked, to i took a chance and decided to put it back in the oven since it hadnt cooled and i needed a fully cooked cake to frost. i took it out a second time and was relieved to find that it had seemed to cook... whew. that was until i tried to flip it over so i could start frosting it... thats when half the bottom fell off and the middle started dripping out.
ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! that was a pain. thats when i started my lack of toothpicks rant and tried to replacethe batter back in the cake and set the bottom back on and shoved it in the oven again. XD finally after about 4 hours of baking i finished with a mostly cooked rainbow cake. then i frosted and decorated it!
Before frosting!
After frosting and decorating! thanks for the chocolate Grandma!
Cutting the cake later that night, unfortunatly i cut at the section that the bottom had fallen off so all the colors were pretty mixed... sigh
A piece of cake with good coloration!!! yay!!!
on wednesday after i finished getting ready i went over to kristins with the cake so we could hang out until her mom could drive us to another friend's house for game night! that's where the cake was cut and eaten... OM NOM NOM!!!
it was a lot of fun! I wrote a fanfic that i will not describe to you nor will i give you a link to it, but it made everybody (except one of the girls who ran away as to protect her ears.)laugh! we watched people play games and cuddled on the couch, we aslo walked to the store to get some candy and stuff, but instead of that i got a pokeball thing ('caus it has a little toy pokemon in it) and a couple kiwis :) om nom nom! I really like the hair styles from Final Fantasy XIII and we had a conversation on which ofthe character's hairstyls i should get mine cut like and it was decided that having Lightning's style would be the best on me. yes, the pic is a wig, but i think since it is it will be an okay reference for Rhonda my dear wonderful hairdresser... mom, you might want to give her the link to this post ust so she's aware what im going to ask her to try and replicate on my head when i get back... its way too expensive to get my hair cut here... :D
at the end of the night when the majority of the girls went home we watched Vampires Suck, which was great! so funny XD we eventually went to bed... probably at about 4 am... then i slept until about 10 then i walked to the store and got everybody some breakfast because there was nothing in the house for breakfast. :)everybody was happy with me. well, kristin wasnt because we woke her up, but then we appeased her with telling her about the food... really we thought it was really funny that she didnt wake up when i announced "I AM THE BREADWINNER!" in a rather loud voice. XD so funny!
after that we watched Atlantis because Despicable Me wasnt downloading fast enough... sigh. then there was the "how are we getting home/to the city?" thing. Kristin had called specsavers for me tosee if my glasses had come in and one of the pairs had. YAY! they will text me when the other pair comes in.
Kristin decided that she would go home instead of coming with me to get my glasses, but Maja came with!!! it was really fun to hang out with her, and trying to get her earrings in. she got the same type of hoops i did but she couldnt get them in and when i helped her i realized its a lot harder to put earrings in for someone else than it is to put them on myself... we also got a lot of questioning looks when people came intothe bathroom to see us there struggling over an earring... XP
ok, because its so weird to me, I had my glasses on for about 10 because i wanted to see if there was a big difference in wearing them all the time or just part of the time. after i took them off the whole world spun and things weren't as clear as they had been... i even felt an annoyance in my head... weird huh??? so i put them back on. I decided that i would most definitly follow the woman who handed over my glasses' advice. she said i should just be a good girl and wear them even though i wasnt used to glases and had never really worn any before... that includes sunglasses. also my dear Mum's advice... she said the same thing. :)
anyway, after that adventure and some coffee drinks i caught a bus home and just relaxed.
today i tried to go to the city to catch a bus to Marte's, but the bus to town never came since vacation screws up the shedual... sigh. so ive spent the day waiting on laundry,and writing this post... they changed the format on blogger so i dont actually see the pics unless i press preview then ihave to remember where they all are and mess with the coding placement so i get the pics wehre i want them... its kinda annoying... anyway, one last pic for you guys beforei go... here's me with my glasses!
im sexy right? XP :)
ok! ttyl! vi snakkes... eller æ skriv, men... *sigh*
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