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Friday, March 18, 2011

friday... and a fever... again. XP

heia allesammen!!! i almost wrote allesammen as alleseammen which would hae been very wrong and im sure that the majority of people would have found that miss-pronounciation/spelling very funny X)

so, tueday! school was rather quiet, not much going on, but i enjoyed sitting in the library reading! then i took the bus down to the city to hang out with Maja and Katherine (another friend, she had the video game party last week) it was about a half an hour until maja got out of school and got into town, so Katherine and i hung out at the book store :)I bought the first book in the sookie stackhouse series på norsk, because i figure thats the best way to move forward with reading norwegian, and ive read the books so many times i can basically tell whats going on and that will help me figure out the grammer more easily and learn more words :) I also bought the book "Johannes Cabel the Necromancer" by Jonathan L. Howard. it is a really funny book! the origional reason i picked it up was because of the plot (Johannes Cabel is a necromancer who decided to try to get his soul back from Satan. they make a deal that Cabel will run a carnival to try and get 100 souls in a year.) and the writing style (very VERY similar to Neil Gaimans and Terry Pratchet's Good Omens) it is one of the funniest books ive read in a while! well, the lack of varied reading material this year may have something to do with that as well... here are a couple quotes from the book that i think are great!

(the mayor of a town that cabel has saved from a crazy sorcerer comes to thank him, but cannot form a proper sentace and everything he says is nonsensical. he finally leaves then: ) Cabel looked at the door for several moments after the mayor had shut it behind him. 'yes,' he said finally. 'Well, if I ever suffer brain damage I know there's always a career waiting for me in local politics.'

(Cabel has a brother named Horst, who due to an unfortunate event is a vampire. he is required to help Cabel (who has very few socail skills much less intrest in communication) with a problem. which meant he had to leave the young woman he was preying upon for a little while.) 'Horst! there's trouble. I'd appreciate your presence.'
Horst looked like he might argue but a goldfish bowl arching over the top of the tunnel and landing with a hollow 'plop' in the water distracted him.
'Yes, it might be as well,' he admitted. Then, to the young lady, 'I'm sorry, my dear, but I am required elsewhere. Stay right here. I'll be back soon.' As he moved away, Cabel noticed that her line of sight continued through the space where Horst had been standing a moment ago.
'You can't go leaving mesmerised women littering up the place,' he snapped. 'It's, I don't know, unhygenic.'

great huh? i would suggest this book! it's really really funny! XD

anyway, after buying the books and hanging out for a little while Katherine and I went back to bus station to meet up with Maja :)we ended up going back to the book store and eventually the cafe on the third floor of the center. we spent a couple hours there drinking mochas and chatting. we got annoyed by Kristin's bf for a while until we managed to shake him off, then it was time to go to the bus station again. at that point the meaning of the giant piles of snow that have been blocking the roads since last week (im pretty sure i mentioned them) became clear. there was a mass of people (and young children and baloons to my companions' dismay... O.o) all watching as a snowmobile towed someone on skiis or a snowboard towards a mini jump where they preformed tricks. im not sure if it was a compatition or just a show, but it was really interesting since itwas RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING!!! really, they were taking the whole parking lot behind the bus station and they whole square was overcrowded... it was rather amazing actually.

Maja came with me to baby sit, which was fun! we didnt really need to do much since the chidlens slept the whole time. I did have to check up on Agnette a few times because she took a big knock on her head and i had to make sure that she didnt sick up because of it. but there was nothing to worry about, overall it would have been a rather boring night if Maja wasnt there.

We watched a bunch of youtube videos and hung out for an hour before trying to catch a bus... trying being the oprative word, because the bus never acutually showed up despite us being 5 min early and the schedual saying the bus WOULD arrive. thankfully Marte's renter was home so they could watch over the kids while Marte drove us to the station. Tusen tusen takk igen Marte!!! then Maja and I said good night and I went home.

wednesday was a interesting day. I started the dayoff right I think... or at least interestingly! I helped a group of my fellow biology students disect a heart and lung set from either a sheep or a pig... we're not sure. I was the one who did most of the cutting, and i helped to clamp the windpipe around some straws we inserted into it to try and blow up the lungs, that was interesting! unfortunatly we couldnt get our lungs to completely fill, and I was about to suggest some form of trachiotomy when another group made useof a hole already in the windpipe and got their lungsto fill completely... SOO COOL! unfortuantly the hearts on all of the sets were cut up so we couldnt really disect those, but we could see the valves and the arteries and veins that lead into and out of the heart! so much fun!

then it was my free period where i really started getting into the book (necromancer) the I had math, which was depressing... I hate math and I know there is no way i can drop it or switch it... only a couple more months. *sigh*

then I caught a bus to the top of the hill that let me walk down to the city in about 5 min as opposed to 10! there i met up with Maja, Kristin and Maja's 2 best friends from Narvik :) it was fun, I got to hang out with them until itwas time for training, then Maja walked down with me to the bus station before she had singing. on the way we passed a giant snowball fight that was taking place in the parking lot of the bus station. it was a compitition and there was a loudspeaker and a scoreboard and everything! soooo weird! so cool! i wish things like that happened in Maine...

Thursday was interesting, school was school. there wasn't much going on... the interesting thing was after school. I went and picked up my 2nd pair of glasses (dont get excited, they are exactly the same as my 1st pair, because im a bore) and I bought a hard case for my glasses so that I have somewhere to put them when im doing gym or swimming and not be worried of them breaking. the best part? the case is really cool looking and it was only 50 kr!

Then i power walked as quickly as I could to Høgeskole so I could meet Mamma (i had sent a message saying that i would be a little late about a half an hour before school got out) unfortunatly she had already gone home so I had to try an power walk back to the bus which is more difficult than it sounds since the weather has been warmer (if you exclude the wind) so everything has melted and then it became ice. so it was very very VERY slippery. but i got there without falling.

when i got home i ate quickly because i thought i could go back to the city by catching a ride with pappa and mamma, but then i realised that they weren't going to town. butu thankfully pappa brought me there anyway a half an hour later :)

Dance was really fun, but nothing new so im going to skip that.

today I woke up with a fever. and the chills. rather an interesting predicament. i decided that i needed to stay home because i wouldnt be able to function at school. i ended up sleeping until 1, and i only woke up because i got a text from Kristin... thanks! that allowed me to get up and eat! yaay for food!!!

anyway, tahts what i did today, take meds, eat and sleep. i read some too! i love this book... but im tired now and i need some sleep before i clean so im leaving this post here. when next i blog at you i will be 18... OMG!!! 8@

vi snakkes!

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