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Monday, March 28, 2011

Sometimes I can't help but see CBHS in Heggen VGS... weirdness

Hej san!

I doubt i spelled that right but that is how swedes say "hei hei" i feel so multicultural! :D

how was everybody's weekend? *listening to the future crickets of nobody but Mum and Liz possibly answering this weekly question, maybe Jostein too, but he hasnt been reading lately... the slacker* Mine was pretty dang good since you asked... well you didnt, but thats the whole reason you came to this blog right? so there's no need to ask... you know this is a very one way relationship! im doing all the communicating! you there are just relaxing on your (hopefully) comfy chair reading whatever i manage to spew out on a twice-weekly basis!!! i bet you have a beer too... >:/

lol *imagining a mass of about 50 people around the world sitting in plushy chairs with a beer in one hand and their hand on their mouse getting indignant with me for seeing through my screen and into their lives*

ok, so SATURDAY!!! heller, lørdag hvis vi skriv på norsk... å nei skal hu skrev på norsk nå??? the answer to that question is no, while it would be reallyfunny to write a whole blog post in dialect and see if then anybody sends me a message in idignation at the fact that DIALECT DOESNT TRANSLATE!!! i actually also get a lot of grammer mistakes when writing på norsk, and spelling mistakes too, and then i would get a heck of a long message from jostien detailing every mistake and why it was a mistake because this post just happened to be the one he read this month... XD so no, i'll blog in english (and Jostein because i know that it will be the one you read this month because i started bashing you a little bit be aware that i DO appreciate the help!)

ok, really this time Saturday!

I woke up a little late and was woken by Mamma who decided the upstairs bathroom wasnt cleaned to her liking... ugh... she kept knocking mops and such against the walls... soooo not appreciated in the morning... sure it was 10 am but really!!! IT WAS THE WEEKEND!!! its not like i did anything until about 4-5 when i was picked up by Karin my contact-mother... just watched Junjou Romantica <3 sorry i had to do it... if you didnt get it (or really didnt want to get it) after looking at the pic then just know that it is really cute and very very sweet and such a typical little yaoi anime/manga... :D

anyhoo! I was picked up by my contact mother Karin to go make sushi! we ended sushi like food, because we didnt useraw fish, we used smoked salmon... which tasted good, but wasnt really sushi... :( oh well! nexttime i make it i'll buy fish before and make sure it's thawed :)but! it was good tasting anyway!!! not the best but pretty good!

Gunnar the youngest of my contact brothers decided that sushi was his second favorite food and he ate himself to the bursting point even when i told him he really shouldnt eat so much... i ate about my average of 8 peices, and he made sure he beat me... he wasnt very comfortable after that XD i stayed there a little while after that... but i had to try and get to a game night... or at least the tail ed of it :D

when i got to the game night people were telling ghost stories, so i told about the time i slept over at my uncle charlie's dover house and tried to sleep on the 3rd floor until someone got really really vehament about wanting me out of the room, and if they could they would have hurt me... so i ended up sleeping downstairs... then i explained that it wasnt just me, but at one of our summer family gatherings i heard a cousin talking about how uncle charilies house was haunted. best part was? i had only told my mum and and dad my my grandparents on my mum's side, so there was no way she could have heard it from me! we compared notes and they were exactly the same... weird huh? creepy creepy room...

anyway, it was a lot of fun! but eventually it was time to go. Maja used one of her many black-mail techniques (actually it was more like an order. she just said "you will DO THIS and then you WILL COME HOME WITH ME!!!DX<" which is really rather scary sometimes, but ive realized that its just better to let her get her way or she really will do something bad... *worried*) on me so i was sleeping over at her house. thankfully instead of having to walk we caught a ride with Siri one of there young women present to Rimi a place where we could walk pretty quickly to her father's house.

when we got there it was rather late, so we decided that going to bed was the best choice... as opposed to getting me hooked on Naruto, which waited until morning... XP

when we woke up the next morning (about 10 thanks to day-light savings) we decided that we didnt really want to get out of bed yet, so we watched a few episodes of Naruto

then we went upstairs and were met with a request to babysit Tobias and Prucilla, Maja's younger half siblings... i have to admiti didnt realize how uncomfortable Maja was around children until i saw her interacting with these two... it was really odd for me. the only other person i know who has a problem like hers is my dear little brother, G... but i cant tell if he dislikes kids or if he just doesnt know how to deal with them... :/ its a mistery to me...

i however seem to take after my dad with an affinity to kids... they tend to get used to me pretty quickly even if i dont understand what their saying all the time... soooo many language barriers... but! i seem to be saved from a gun-point interrogation by these abilities! i didnt really get interrogated at all... which was what i was expecting... oh, to explain the gunpoint thing, aparently Paul (Maja's fhter) decided that he was going to interrogate me on everything, and on saturday before the game night he told her that he was going to do it with me at gun point to ensure i was truthfull... i started giggling when she told me that because all I could picture was my Dad sitting in the car when the song Cleaning This Gun came on, then proceding to threaten any relationship i had with the "fact" that that song was written about him... i dont think he ever told them to their faces though, and he hasn't said anything like that about Maja... so maybe its the lack of proximity at the moment? he hates TSA so the likelyhood that he would come all the way to norway to threaten Maja through me is rather lower than 1% me thinks XD

anyway, i was saved from that... at least for now... and i might be requested to baby sit :)

eventually it was time for me to catch a bus home... and go to bed early... (i wish!!!)

today quite a few things happened! in Norsk the Russ stuff for the majority of the class arrived! and I got my russkorter!!! if people want them send me a message so i can make sure to save them! i will be taking around 20 home since i have 800... though on second thought i might be taking more than that... :/

I ended up having a short chat with some of the guys about the lack of russ in the states, and we exchanged russkorter! its really fun to see the differences in everybodys' cards! some people use strange pictures, some dont actually answer the questions about address and telephone number... and instead have funny little sayings! so much fun to see them all! definitly keep-sakes!

anyway! in gym we played the only team sport that i actually know the rules to... besideds sailing. ULTIMATE FRISBEE!!!

yeah i know... what a let down Devyn...

Yes, the rules to ultimate frisbee are the only rules i now to a team game... infact i actually get mixed up on them every once in a while. but! thanks to my dear Casco Bay High Schools only "sports team" being an ultimate frisbee team I have played a couple times before! this gave me an advantage since I knew both the ways to through a frisbee and can catch ok too!

this lead to an astonishing happening!

the overly sporty males in my class actually acknowledged me as someone who might actually be helpfull!!! OH MY GOD THIS NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN DOWN SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN MY BLOG!!! to explain, my veiw is that they guys are so sporty that someone who is rather horrible at sports without intense training, such as myself, is a COMPLETE AND UTTER PAIN to have around... they probably wished that i wasnt around. but as i was waiting for Silje or Weronica or Ingvild to finish up with a survey (that had waaay too many big and strange words for me) Espen, one of the major sporty guys, called for me to throw him the frisbee in my hand, and seemed shocked in a good way that i had managed to get it to him! we tossed it back and forth until i almost hit a group of girls. then Julie tried to throw it back to Espen, but it curved and went for the ground. i was very proud of myself for managing to catch it! and it obviously got some attention that im not always as useless as i appear because Espen asked when we split to work on throws if i had a partner yet! Weronica grabbed me and told him yes i did XD

anyway it was a lot of fun to be able to run around and acutally participate in a team game for once :) though i've been told that next week im going to be abandoned by Silje, and Weronica (and Ingvild because she's teaching) because it's boxing... ??? I've done boxing once in a martial arts class years and years ago, and i wasnt very good at it then... what are they expecting me to do? hit them with a one-hit KO? i really doubt that... anyway they think that maybe everybody in the class thinks im intimidating... not sure how that happened since i have been rather laid back about the whole martial arts thing and im nto wearing as weird clothes so I think that it would just be odd if they think im intimidating... :(

Nothing really happened in bio... so i'll skip that.

I would suggest NOT eating softic before swimming, it doesnt really help with the whole swimming thing... the sinking thing though, it definitly helps that! but i managed to swim 1600 meters and after showering and trying to dry off a little in the sauna... I just barely managed to catch my bus. and now im sitting on my counce watching a show about leopard and tiger attacks... interesting really.

and of course Naruto... i think i'll watch some more of that before heading to bed.

natta vi snakkes!!!

PS to explain, ultimate frisbee has been both seen and CBHS and Heggen VGS, but i notice that lamost every lunch a group of guys stand right in the middle of the student lounge area and play hacky-sack, which reminds me of my freshman year when almost every guy would stand in the MIDDLE of the halls/cafateria and play hacky-sack. this leads to good dodging skills i might add... anyway, i jsut think its rather funny that i can be over an ocean and the same things can happen.

kk! done! snakkes!


  1. hei :) de som spiller det ballspillet i hallen er musikklinjeelevene ;) du har sikkert sett Tobias i den gruppa ;)

  2. btw, I know multiple people that read this... they just don't or can't comment. KEEP BLOGGING!

  3. jada, æ vet at det e Tobias e i gruppen! han vinket til mæ ver gang hn ser mæ... :D

    I know that people are reading. but i do wish that they would give me some guidence or ask questions as to what they are interested in because im bored with writing the same things over and over... it just seems like it would get boring to read what could be considered the same stories over and over every week... :(
