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Monday, February 28, 2011

BLOG ABOUT SOMETHING INTERESTING DEVYN!!! YOUR MONDAY... well i was going to say depends on it but since monday is almost over... not really...

Heia allesammen.

Im slightly annoyed at all of you. I mean can you STILL not post comments or am i just not interesting enough to comment on... its kinda depressing really. go back and read my instructions They are there! they are numbered! and if you open another tab while trying to post a comment you can do so without freaking out about not being able to see the instructions! YAY FOR TABS!!! (things at the top of your browser, they usually have a little + sign or maybe just a little rectangular bubble that sits next to the bubble that has the title of the page you are on... or you can just right click the link and press the option "open in new tab" that works too)

so. My weekend was very very boring to blog about besides i scared myself to the point that I almost considered leaving the light outside my shut door on the landing on... almost. I watched theo whole LP (lets play) of Amnesia: Dark Descent and it completely freaked me out! I wouldn't suggest that my mom or brother watch it, but dad would probably think it was as cool as i do :) the best news yet?! Im actually going to play the game now, Jostien has it so im going to borrow it... hehehe!

anyway, thats what i did all weekend, besideds chase Kazan when he got something ELSE that he shouldnt be chewing on... pain in the butt dog.

Monday was interesting. I missed the bus so Ihad to walk to school from the city which meant that by the time i got to school half the first period was over so i decided that it would just be better for me not to intude on a class that hardly recognizes my existance except to sigh when i take the seat that they wanted. i hung out with some buddies on one set of couches and talked about piercings :) much better than math. I seem to have started a little of a trend! i now know of 2 maybe 3 people who are planning to get industrial piercings after seeing mine :) yay!!!

In norsk class i took the time to write down all the names on my norwegian fb and invite them to be friends on my american fb so i can have just one fb account. i have had sooo many notifications today... sigh. I have also tagged all the pics that had my norwegian fb tagged so now those of you who are my friends on fb can see the embarrasing pics that i was trying so hard to hide from you. you can also see the video of my group singing our song (the lyrics of which i posted a few weeks ago)! yay me!!!

Gym was fun! i didnt walk there for once, i caught a ride with Silje! yay for using my brains!!! we ended up playing baditon which i am ok at... i can hit the birdy half of the time at least. maybe more than that!!! *proud of myself* i do have a little bit of a problem with hitting underhanded... sigh.

after that it was bio where we are doing oppgaver... answering questions in the textbook... about the circulatory system, the urine track and the resparation system... i think tis in that order too. i got to question 4! and i feel very proud of myself for that!!! then i met Silje who gave me a ride home to try and locate my goggles... failed i might add. i searched everwhere and couldnt find them. luckily they arent too expensive so i just bought a new pair after silje checked the lost and found for me (i would have had to use my pass to get in, and i was out of days at that point.)sigh... im glad i had just taken money out! but ive learned that its cheaper to buy the months pass upstairs... so next time i will!

after swimming I went to eat pizza with Silje and Maja!!! it was just 200 kr for a large pizza! om nom nom!!! Of course i was the gentle man and bought the pizza and sauce but i wasnt about to buy everybody soda too... so Maja hadwater and Silje bought her own soda. I have 2 pieces of pizza left for lunch tomorrow!YAAY!!!

After pizza Maja and I went to bysentrum and looked around the game store for a little then the book store. We both found a book that we were interested in, so we decided that one of us had to buy it and then the other would borrow it. Since I am out of books (my nook is a piece of poop and they wont let me get a refund for it >:[ ) so I decided that since I was probably the faster reader I would buy the book. Its good so far! It's Fallen by Lauren Kate... wow, two first names... maybe its a pen name? anyway good book so far,im into the second chapter! cant wait to read it some more...

After spending time with Maja (I had to banish my best-friend Erynn a few times... I act like herwhen im a little bit tired and rather excited... problematic sometimes, Ok, clarification, Erynn is a real person, she is my best friend from HS and is in college now. Not telling you more) I went and caught the bus to Ovre-Gånses and "baby-sat" Aksel and Agnette... they both slept the whole time. easiest baby-sitting gig EVER!!! I sat and tried to finish this blog post, which didnt work i might add. Im sitting on the bus home and trying to finish it before I get off so that when im home i can just post, get my bag ready for tomorrow and get ready for bed... and then obviously go to bed. thankfullyi have pizza for tomorrow and I showered after swimming so I can SLEEP IN FOR 20 MIN!!! WHOOO-HOOO!!!

I am kinda tired if you cant tell. and i came to the awful realization that in 21 days i willbe 18... that means i will have to beat it into my friends that I DONT WANT PRESENTS FROM THEM!!! I want them to show up and keep me company the day before, eat food and watch movies... presents make me feel ackward, i wantto givethem when i recieve them and that is not really allowed on ones birthday... is it? not normal anyway... so in the invitation i said that if they bring gifts they will be hit wiht said gift... there are 2 things that i would like and both are a type of clothing. I would like a back pad so that if i fall wrong while snowboarding i know im not going to bend all the way backwards and snap in half, and the other is a Norwegian flag onepiece... its like footy-pajamas without the foot... soo cool!!!<3 any way I sent out most of the invitations, though i do have a few more. ill do that tomorrow.

ok dokker! æ skall slett me den og vent for bussen å bli nær the road of doom... vi snakkes!!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how this keeps happening. My comment for this post is on notice #2 blog. hmm...
