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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Grønn grup laget en sang, vær så godt!

So! because I think it's really funny, Im going to post the lyrics to the song that my group wrote this weekend to address problems that we have been having as exchange students and the solutions we came up with. this song is sung to the "Hallelujah" melody! I will translate after, but it wont sound as good :)

Hvis noen død i hjemmelande
og du føler deg trist og svak
da får du lov å gråte hele tida

Da kan du gå til verstmoren din
og prater om de triste ting
da føler du deg bedre in i hjerte

Da ser du opp mot hjemmelen
Da lyser nordlyset på deg
Det er på grunne av mørketida

Mørketida, mørketida,
mørketida, mørketida.

Da gå du un når det er lyst
og spise mye vitamin
da holder du deg fisk og supersunn

Da er det sikkert ikke bra å
sitte mye forran data
og skype med foreldren ofte heller

Ikke Facebook, Ikke ofte facebook,
Ikke Facebook, Ikke ofte- facebook-

Hvis da sitter om ettermiddag
og gjøre bare lekse
da kan du gå og snakke med din lærer

og vi er her og vi er glad
å vi får være i norge da
og da singer vi sammen "heia norge"

Heia Norge, heia Norge
Heia Norge, heia Norge"

Cool huh? there is a video of my group singing it, so when I can get my hands on that I will post it!

Ok, translation, it wont be word for word because some of the words are indicating a word that we would say/write in english, so im adding the word that is implied.

"If someone died in your home land
and you feel sad and weak
you're allowed to cry all the time

then can you go to you host mom
and talk about the sad things
then you'll feel better in your heart

and when you look up into the sky
when the borthern lights light up they sky
it is a reason of the dark season.

Dark season, dark season
Dark season, dark season.

So go out when it is light
and eat lots of vitamins
so you will stay fresh and super-healthy

And it is deffinitly not good
to sit a lot before a computer
and skype a lot with your parents

Not Facebook, not often facebook
Not Facebook, not often- facebook-

If you sit (a lot) after supper
and only do homework
then you can go and talk to your teacher

and we are here and we are happy
and we'll be in Norway when
we sing all together "Hello (hail?) Norway"

Hello Norway, hello Norway,
Hello Norway, hello Norway."

SOOO MUCH BETTER IN NORWEGIAN! it sounds better and it actually probably makes more sense in norwegian too... it's just how the language is structured... :D i absolutly love this song of ours! it makes me smile everytime I think of it!

I'll do an actual post tomorrow!

Vi snakkes!


  1. I think you made up a lot of the song. Either that or a lot of you have the same experiences!

  2. actually i didn't come up withany of these problems. my complaint was that there are only 2 buses home after 6 at night and that since everywhere closes at 6 there is nowhere warm to sit and wait... sigh.
