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Saturday, February 26, 2011

I NEED CHOCOLATE STAT!!! good thing there's håndball camp today so it can be bought for me! om nom nom!!!

How was you week everybody?! have you still not learned how to comment even though I gave very good instructions on how to do so? Im saddened... *sigh*

My week was good! On tuesday I only had one class because my Norsk/Religion teacher was MIA... which is completely okay with me! I got to go home early! then do nothing at all... *sigh with relief*

On wednesday I had an eye appointment, because as you know from a previous blog post I am having probelms reading white boards and powerpoints and im getting pretty bad headaches from trying to read them... As expected I am slightly nearsighted, what wasn't expected is that my eyes are slightly uneven... I have a mini lazy eye that either developed recently or has just been noticed at this appointent. It was kinda interesting,the first test hada little picture of a farm house that kept going in and out of focus for me... then there was a little light thing which suddenly started flashing then spurted air at my eye... three times... it was slightly painfull and very shocking. the next test took a picture of the inside of my eye, it looked at the blood vessels and such in my eye and acording to the optrician the insides of my eyes are beautiful, which made me giggle inside... everybody is always telling me my eyes are pretty and such but they've never said it about the innards of my eye before... lol.

Then it was the annoying "can you see that letter? can you tell what it is? can you see it now? is this better or worse?" then there was the "green or red dots? again, green or red dots?" and other such tests. then there was the lets see what your eeys do when I point a light at the wall then covered one eye and then the other... i guess they moved when he did this... because of that and a little cross test where it was no longer a cross (it moved around and did weird things and wouldnt go back together again). It was altogether interesting. After that I began my glasses hunt! One of the women working there started to help me, but we both quickly realized that it was probably easier for me to just look by myself... though it probably would have been more fun if I had had friends with me... Specifically my dear Mum and/or Ve/Erynn... miss you guys!

Eventually I found a pair that I really like. They are a coppery color around the eyes, and slightly rectangular but not pointy like such, and they have a nice teal-blue color for the earpiece! it was buy one get one free (exept for the glass thing where they make it stronger or something...) so I bought 2 pairs of identical glasses for 2,795 kr. which is... WAAAY TOO EXPENSIVE!!! omg i just checked the actual amount when converted and i am fretting again.

ok, explaining that after... I went swimming and gave Maja the braclet that she had liked as a way to pay her back for th 100kr she had slipped into my pocket... she was unsure if she was really really happy are really really p*ssed at me... XD i couldn't stop giggling!!! She called me sly... LOL!

after that we swam over 1000 meters! go us!!!then i came home. I immediatly shot off an email to mum saying that I would pay for my glasses because they were so expensive. This lead to Mum and I having a qick skype converence to talk about it, I was assured that not all glasses are under $20 like Dad's and my 2 pairs cost less than Mum's so I shouldn't worry so much. thanks mum, but after looking at the actual conversion is a little scary again...

Thursday was uneventful except for the open day at Høgeskole. I ended up going back to specsavers and confirming that I do want 2 pairs. yay!!! they should come in about 2 weeks! I cannot wait... I hate headaches. I got a really bad one on friday... eww... then after hanging out in the library for a little while I went and caught a bus to Marte's house to clean! I didn't get started right away, Agnette was too cute, but right after I started vaccuuming and getting ready to mop a little I nticed Agnette was showing signs of needing a nap. I had been informed previously that she doesn't nap indoors and hadn't for a long time butI decided to see if she would nap with meon the couch. So, I lay down with her on my chest and after a couple of coughs and some crying because she lost her binky.

It was so cute! When Marte woke up (she works nights so she was sleeping upstairs) she took a picture of us... I will be getting it soonish. X) after that I washed the house and hung out with the chidlins for a while. Agnette kept feeding me cherios and getting me to help her walk around and put Aksel's sunglasses on her... but eventually it was time to go...

Today I slept until 11:30 and then ate 3 roles and 3 eggs... ive been watching youtube videos of a woman playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent becuase there was a SATW comic about it that made me laugh... it's called ANYTHING BUT THAT... hahahaha! it's great!!! Im totally freaking out watching it... my palms are sweating and i have a half cray grin on... i would suggest you watch it with lights on... if youre going to watch it... and Mum, dont watch it. You'll get nightmares. XD

ok, im going to go make soup and enjoy it with my flowery chopsticks! hope you all enjoy your weekend and COMMENT GODDAMMIT!!! i miss you all...

Vi snakkes!!!


I COMPLETELY forgot! My rådgiver... advisor! thats the word... anyway he sent a email to my mum that said I got my first choice for dorm!!! I will be living in the Harry Potter dorm for my first year in college!!! SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

EDIT #2!!!

I got chocolate!!! x]

1 comment:

  1. Please see switch is Difficult post. I commented under the wrong one :)
