Hej san!
I doubt i spelled that right but that is how swedes say "hei hei" i feel so multicultural! :D
how was everybody's weekend? *listening to the future crickets of nobody but Mum and Liz possibly answering this weekly question, maybe Jostein too, but he hasnt been reading lately... the slacker* Mine was pretty dang good since you asked... well you didnt, but thats the whole reason you came to this blog right? so there's no need to ask... you know this is a very one way relationship! im doing all the communicating! you there are just relaxing on your (hopefully) comfy chair reading whatever i manage to spew out on a twice-weekly basis!!! i bet you have a beer too... >:/
lol *imagining a mass of about 50 people around the world sitting in plushy chairs with a beer in one hand and their hand on their mouse getting indignant with me for seeing through my screen and into their lives*
ok, so SATURDAY!!! heller, lørdag hvis vi skriv på norsk... å nei skal hu skrev på norsk nå??? the answer to that question is no, while it would be reallyfunny to write a whole blog post in dialect and see if then anybody sends me a message in idignation at the fact that DIALECT DOESNT TRANSLATE!!! i actually also get a lot of grammer mistakes when writing på norsk, and spelling mistakes too, and then i would get a heck of a long message from jostien detailing every mistake and why it was a mistake because this post just happened to be the one he read this month... XD so no, i'll blog in english (and Jostein because i know that it will be the one you read this month because i started bashing you a little bit be aware that i DO appreciate the help!)
ok, really this time Saturday!
I woke up a little late and was woken by Mamma who decided the upstairs bathroom wasnt cleaned to her liking... ugh... she kept knocking mops and such against the walls... soooo not appreciated in the morning... sure it was 10 am but really!!! IT WAS THE WEEKEND!!! its not like i did anything until about 4-5 when i was picked up by Karin my contact-mother... just watched Junjou Romantica <3 sorry i had to do it... if you didnt get it (or really didnt want to get it) after looking at the pic then just know that it is really cute and very very sweet and such a typical little yaoi anime/manga... :D
anyhoo! I was picked up by my contact mother Karin to go make sushi! we ended sushi like food, because we didnt useraw fish, we used smoked salmon... which tasted good, but wasnt really sushi... :( oh well! nexttime i make it i'll buy fish before and make sure it's thawed :)but! it was good tasting anyway!!! not the best but pretty good!
Gunnar the youngest of my contact brothers decided that sushi was his second favorite food and he ate himself to the bursting point even when i told him he really shouldnt eat so much... i ate about my average of 8 peices, and he made sure he beat me... he wasnt very comfortable after that XD i stayed there a little while after that... but i had to try and get to a game night... or at least the tail ed of it :D
when i got to the game night people were telling ghost stories, so i told about the time i slept over at my uncle charlie's dover house and tried to sleep on the 3rd floor until someone got really really vehament about wanting me out of the room, and if they could they would have hurt me... so i ended up sleeping downstairs... then i explained that it wasnt just me, but at one of our summer family gatherings i heard a cousin talking about how uncle charilies house was haunted. best part was? i had only told my mum and and dad my my grandparents on my mum's side, so there was no way she could have heard it from me! we compared notes and they were exactly the same... weird huh? creepy creepy room...
anyway, it was a lot of fun! but eventually it was time to go. Maja used one of her many black-mail techniques (actually it was more like an order. she just said "you will DO THIS and then you WILL COME HOME WITH ME!!!DX<" which is really rather scary sometimes, but ive realized that its just better to let her get her way or she really will do something bad... *worried*) on me so i was sleeping over at her house. thankfully instead of having to walk we caught a ride with Siri one of there young women present to Rimi a place where we could walk pretty quickly to her father's house.
when we got there it was rather late, so we decided that going to bed was the best choice... as opposed to getting me hooked on Naruto, which waited until morning... XP
when we woke up the next morning (about 10 thanks to day-light savings) we decided that we didnt really want to get out of bed yet, so we watched a few episodes of Naruto
then we went upstairs and were met with a request to babysit Tobias and Prucilla, Maja's younger half siblings... i have to admiti didnt realize how uncomfortable Maja was around children until i saw her interacting with these two... it was really odd for me. the only other person i know who has a problem like hers is my dear little brother, G... but i cant tell if he dislikes kids or if he just doesnt know how to deal with them... :/ its a mistery to me...
i however seem to take after my dad with an affinity to kids... they tend to get used to me pretty quickly even if i dont understand what their saying all the time... soooo many language barriers... but! i seem to be saved from a gun-point interrogation by these abilities! i didnt really get interrogated at all... which was what i was expecting... oh, to explain the gunpoint thing, aparently Paul (Maja's fhter) decided that he was going to interrogate me on everything, and on saturday before the game night he told her that he was going to do it with me at gun point to ensure i was truthfull... i started giggling when she told me that because all I could picture was my Dad sitting in the car when the song Cleaning This Gun came on, then proceding to threaten any relationship i had with the "fact" that that song was written about him... i dont think he ever told them to their faces though, and he hasn't said anything like that about Maja... so maybe its the lack of proximity at the moment? he hates TSA so the likelyhood that he would come all the way to norway to threaten Maja through me is rather lower than 1% me thinks XD
anyway, i was saved from that... at least for now... and i might be requested to baby sit :)
eventually it was time for me to catch a bus home... and go to bed early... (i wish!!!)
today quite a few things happened! in Norsk the Russ stuff for the majority of the class arrived! and I got my russkorter!!! if people want them send me a message so i can make sure to save them! i will be taking around 20 home since i have 800... though on second thought i might be taking more than that... :/
I ended up having a short chat with some of the guys about the lack of russ in the states, and we exchanged russkorter! its really fun to see the differences in everybodys' cards! some people use strange pictures, some dont actually answer the questions about address and telephone number... and instead have funny little sayings! so much fun to see them all! definitly keep-sakes!
anyway! in gym we played the only team sport that i actually know the rules to... besideds sailing. ULTIMATE FRISBEE!!!
yeah i know... what a let down Devyn...
Yes, the rules to ultimate frisbee are the only rules i now to a team game... infact i actually get mixed up on them every once in a while. but! thanks to my dear Casco Bay High Schools only "sports team" being an ultimate frisbee team I have played a couple times before! this gave me an advantage since I knew both the ways to through a frisbee and can catch ok too!
this lead to an astonishing happening!
the overly sporty males in my class actually acknowledged me as someone who might actually be helpfull!!! OH MY GOD THIS NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN DOWN SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN MY BLOG!!! to explain, my veiw is that they guys are so sporty that someone who is rather horrible at sports without intense training, such as myself, is a COMPLETE AND UTTER PAIN to have around... they probably wished that i wasnt around. but as i was waiting for Silje or Weronica or Ingvild to finish up with a survey (that had waaay too many big and strange words for me) Espen, one of the major sporty guys, called for me to throw him the frisbee in my hand, and seemed shocked in a good way that i had managed to get it to him! we tossed it back and forth until i almost hit a group of girls. then Julie tried to throw it back to Espen, but it curved and went for the ground. i was very proud of myself for managing to catch it! and it obviously got some attention that im not always as useless as i appear because Espen asked when we split to work on throws if i had a partner yet! Weronica grabbed me and told him yes i did XD
anyway it was a lot of fun to be able to run around and acutally participate in a team game for once :) though i've been told that next week im going to be abandoned by Silje, and Weronica (and Ingvild because she's teaching) because it's boxing... ??? I've done boxing once in a martial arts class years and years ago, and i wasnt very good at it then... what are they expecting me to do? hit them with a one-hit KO? i really doubt that... anyway they think that maybe everybody in the class thinks im intimidating... not sure how that happened since i have been rather laid back about the whole martial arts thing and im nto wearing as weird clothes so I think that it would just be odd if they think im intimidating... :(
Nothing really happened in bio... so i'll skip that.
I would suggest NOT eating softic before swimming, it doesnt really help with the whole swimming thing... the sinking thing though, it definitly helps that! but i managed to swim 1600 meters and after showering and trying to dry off a little in the sauna... I just barely managed to catch my bus. and now im sitting on my counce watching a show about leopard and tiger attacks... interesting really.
and of course Naruto... i think i'll watch some more of that before heading to bed.
natta vi snakkes!!!
PS to explain, ultimate frisbee has been both seen and CBHS and Heggen VGS, but i notice that lamost every lunch a group of guys stand right in the middle of the student lounge area and play hacky-sack, which reminds me of my freshman year when almost every guy would stand in the MIDDLE of the halls/cafateria and play hacky-sack. this leads to good dodging skills i might add... anyway, i jsut think its rather funny that i can be over an ocean and the same things can happen.
kk! done! snakkes!
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Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Hey look! i am really good as a Russ!
I know right? soo hot! had to have a peace sign, dont want people fighting over me XD (jk!)
So anyway you might have guessed that my russklær came today! im only waiting on my russ korter and a book of something that im not really sure what it is... i think it tells me what i can do to get knots in the string on my hat. Anyway! I decided that i had to try stuff on! and take pics because it's just sooooo cool! <3
anyway! ttyl! vi snakkes på mandag!!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Ramen and Russklær!!! and sushi!!! im so happy!!!
how's everybody doing? im doing pretty well!
I got a bunch of birthday gratulations on monday, even though i took the "its Devyn-Reilly's birthday" thing off so people wouldnt be reminded... so most of the people were my friends in Norway and my family in the US, and Liz :) it was shocking!
anyway, tuesday was an easy day, sosiology was normal, then there was a test in Norwk/Religion so i was exempt ( XD ) and enjoyed a period in the library. then on my last class we went and watched the presentation from the Håkki t-shirt company. i couldnt really understand everything that he said, because it was in swedish... ugh. so i started reading my norwegian translation of "Dead Until Dark". :D im getting better at reading på norsk, but i have been underlining the words i dont recognize or understand... then i translate the words and write themin the margin with a number indicating which word goes with which translation.
(im watching a show on the history channel on the deadly sins and one of the historians said "American Puritanism is actually an offshoot of Radical Puratanism in Europe"... *pfff!!!* I think is is really funny since especially in Norway the American political left is still more right to the Norwegian right... we tend to always go to the extremes!)
after school was outI was soo tired that i decided that i really neededto go home, which was sad since i wanted to see Maja... :( but when i got home I managed to vaccuum and get my clothes in the washer before collapsing. sooo tired.
Wednesday was normal at school, though that was depressing. we were supposed to have Ski day on wednesday, so none of the teachers really had a plan for class. I got most of my paper on Angelmans Syndrom done! which is really very interesting.
after school i went to the pool really early and was met by a group of army men and an increasing number of kids... which wouldnt really be a problem except that the army guys ALWAYS use the diving boards which means us people doing laps have to make sure the idiots dont jump on us since they seem perfectly capable of it... in fact one guy just barely missed one of the guys swimming below. probably only a couple feet away from where he landed was another army guy's back or head... Silje and I were shocked and could only stare at them... it was acary!!! and the kids can be just as badsincethey also like to use the diving boards, they also dont really get the concept that if someone's swimming laps you should proably let tehm do so without getting in the swimmer's way...
but beside the exitment we managed to swim 1600 meters! yay us!!! after i got home i read some more and went to bed.
Thursday thanks to the 2nd grade having a test i had a free period instead of sosiology! then i had norwegian, well, my class had a nynorsk review so i just read and hung out. in realigion we began a german movie, which meant i had to rely on the norwegian subs... so that means i only understand a littleofwhat was happening... sigh. but still an interesting movie!!!
in history I had to help with a presentation... which was horrifying... I hate presenting på norsk... i feel so insecure. but the rest of the class was ok!
I had planned to meet Maja between school and dance! we ended up (after visiting the book store as we ALWAYS do) at the library! we sat there and talked about the stories we are trying to write. I restarted a stary that i started at the beginning of the year, i just changed the setting and some of the characters... :)it was fun just hanging out. apparently Maja's father was shocked about me and started interrogated maja via text... it was so funny! he asked for my name, age, hair and eye color etc which to Maja meant thinks like my favorite meal and drinks and such... slightly intimidating but funny at the same time! we decided that I should probably meet him sooner rather than later XD
then I had dance, which was fun! Morgana due to her hurt foot didnt come to dance since she wouldnt have been able to participate anyway... :( poor morgana. but it was fun anyway! we are learning different sombrero doning techniques, which are really fun and probably very funny looking on me since most of the men in the class are shorter than me, especially with my heels on. oh well! so fun anyway!
when i got home i was pretty tired, but there was some wonderfull tomato soup with eggs and macaroni noodles waiting for me :) om nom nom!!!
I stayed up too late, but thankfully I didnt have school today!!! my grade had a nynorsk test so i got to sleep in *happy dance*
I didnt really get to sleep in though, my host family is wonderful except forthe apparent disability to understand the meaning of quiet... especially in the mornings... *sigh* so i basically woke up atthe normal time, but i got to sleep a little after that. at 10 i started going. I had to clean up some and eat, before i went to Marte's.
I was very upset that the bus to the city was over 10 min late... and i arrived 10 min early for the origional time. but even though it was late i just barely managed to run to thepost office and pick up the package from home and get back to the bus station in time for my bus to Marte's. when i was on the bus i opened the package and started giggling. it was FILLED with my favorite package noodles! RAMEN!!! soooo happy!!! and all for me! i probably wont share...
i washed the house and windows and waited for Marte and company to come home while i tried to figure out when busess were arriving and such. when they got home i was very happy to see the chidlins! soo cute! Agnette is walking now! and after she woke up from her nap she was her normal bubbly self! soo cute!!!
then I caught the bus home. and ate some fish soup and have been relaxing except for this blog post...
anyway, i just checked the mayo clinic med school and they said that the average accepted student has a GPA of 3.85 (or atleast the average cumulative GPA is)... that's scary, ihave to get my GPA up!!! ARRRGGHHH!!! that's ok, i can do it... i will get into this school!!!
ok, im done, im going to watch more history channel!
vi snakkes!!!
how's everybody doing? im doing pretty well!
I got a bunch of birthday gratulations on monday, even though i took the "its Devyn-Reilly's birthday" thing off so people wouldnt be reminded... so most of the people were my friends in Norway and my family in the US, and Liz :) it was shocking!
anyway, tuesday was an easy day, sosiology was normal, then there was a test in Norwk/Religion so i was exempt ( XD ) and enjoyed a period in the library. then on my last class we went and watched the presentation from the Håkki t-shirt company. i couldnt really understand everything that he said, because it was in swedish... ugh. so i started reading my norwegian translation of "Dead Until Dark". :D im getting better at reading på norsk, but i have been underlining the words i dont recognize or understand... then i translate the words and write themin the margin with a number indicating which word goes with which translation.
(im watching a show on the history channel on the deadly sins and one of the historians said "American Puritanism is actually an offshoot of Radical Puratanism in Europe"... *pfff!!!* I think is is really funny since especially in Norway the American political left is still more right to the Norwegian right... we tend to always go to the extremes!)
after school was outI was soo tired that i decided that i really neededto go home, which was sad since i wanted to see Maja... :( but when i got home I managed to vaccuum and get my clothes in the washer before collapsing. sooo tired.
Wednesday was normal at school, though that was depressing. we were supposed to have Ski day on wednesday, so none of the teachers really had a plan for class. I got most of my paper on Angelmans Syndrom done! which is really very interesting.
after school i went to the pool really early and was met by a group of army men and an increasing number of kids... which wouldnt really be a problem except that the army guys ALWAYS use the diving boards which means us people doing laps have to make sure the idiots dont jump on us since they seem perfectly capable of it... in fact one guy just barely missed one of the guys swimming below. probably only a couple feet away from where he landed was another army guy's back or head... Silje and I were shocked and could only stare at them... it was acary!!! and the kids can be just as badsincethey also like to use the diving boards, they also dont really get the concept that if someone's swimming laps you should proably let tehm do so without getting in the swimmer's way...
but beside the exitment we managed to swim 1600 meters! yay us!!! after i got home i read some more and went to bed.
Thursday thanks to the 2nd grade having a test i had a free period instead of sosiology! then i had norwegian, well, my class had a nynorsk review so i just read and hung out. in realigion we began a german movie, which meant i had to rely on the norwegian subs... so that means i only understand a littleofwhat was happening... sigh. but still an interesting movie!!!
in history I had to help with a presentation... which was horrifying... I hate presenting på norsk... i feel so insecure. but the rest of the class was ok!
I had planned to meet Maja between school and dance! we ended up (after visiting the book store as we ALWAYS do) at the library! we sat there and talked about the stories we are trying to write. I restarted a stary that i started at the beginning of the year, i just changed the setting and some of the characters... :)it was fun just hanging out. apparently Maja's father was shocked about me and started interrogated maja via text... it was so funny! he asked for my name, age, hair and eye color etc which to Maja meant thinks like my favorite meal and drinks and such... slightly intimidating but funny at the same time! we decided that I should probably meet him sooner rather than later XD
then I had dance, which was fun! Morgana due to her hurt foot didnt come to dance since she wouldnt have been able to participate anyway... :( poor morgana. but it was fun anyway! we are learning different sombrero doning techniques, which are really fun and probably very funny looking on me since most of the men in the class are shorter than me, especially with my heels on. oh well! so fun anyway!
when i got home i was pretty tired, but there was some wonderfull tomato soup with eggs and macaroni noodles waiting for me :) om nom nom!!!
I stayed up too late, but thankfully I didnt have school today!!! my grade had a nynorsk test so i got to sleep in *happy dance*
I didnt really get to sleep in though, my host family is wonderful except forthe apparent disability to understand the meaning of quiet... especially in the mornings... *sigh* so i basically woke up atthe normal time, but i got to sleep a little after that. at 10 i started going. I had to clean up some and eat, before i went to Marte's.
I was very upset that the bus to the city was over 10 min late... and i arrived 10 min early for the origional time. but even though it was late i just barely managed to run to thepost office and pick up the package from home and get back to the bus station in time for my bus to Marte's. when i was on the bus i opened the package and started giggling. it was FILLED with my favorite package noodles! RAMEN!!! soooo happy!!! and all for me! i probably wont share...
i washed the house and windows and waited for Marte and company to come home while i tried to figure out when busess were arriving and such. when they got home i was very happy to see the chidlins! soo cute! Agnette is walking now! and after she woke up from her nap she was her normal bubbly self! soo cute!!!
then I caught the bus home. and ate some fish soup and have been relaxing except for this blog post...
anyway, i just checked the mayo clinic med school and they said that the average accepted student has a GPA of 3.85 (or atleast the average cumulative GPA is)... that's scary, ihave to get my GPA up!!! ARRRGGHHH!!! that's ok, i can do it... i will get into this school!!!
ok, im done, im going to watch more history channel!
vi snakkes!!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Is it ok to be tired and slightly unhappy on one's birthday?
heia allesammen!!!
how was everybody's weekend? did you have a blast? :)
first off, Happy birthday Grandma!!! and Sensei Barb as well, though she doesnt know this blog exists... happy birthday!!!
this weekend was nice! except for the extreme amount of running around.
on saturday I cleaned the upstairs living room and my bedroom, since i was holding a party the next day and Maja was sleeping over :)
as I was cleaning Karro kept talking to me and she asked mequestions about songs, so i went to find one for her to listen to and guro came on skype!!! Happy birthday Guro!!! her birthday was on the 19th! there are so many march birthdays in my host family... Mamma on the 2nd, Ole-Peter on the 4th, and Guro on the 19th :)so weird!!! :D
anyway, it was nice to say hi to her for a little! but then i went back to picking up. I decided to take abreak when almost everything was done, just had some vaccuuming and such left, when Maja called asking if it was ok ifshe came over then because her mom was willing to drive her. it was finewith me, i just needed to vaccuum and get the rest of my stuff picked up... oh, and change the sheets and suchon my bed... i have a bad habit of just letting them sit there... :D now they have an ant pattern on them soo cute XD
thankfully Karro decided that she would help me vaccuum, which was a great help! we managed to be finished picking up right before Maja arrived! we ended up playing Amnesia the Dark Descent, during which Maja and Karro tried their hardest to make me scream... i might have a couple times, but mostly i just whimpered and flinched. XD they were very cruel... they kept tickling the back of my neck and sides... i was already freaked from the random roars and such, but then they would do them from behind me and I would jump! *cries from memory*
then they decided that watching Paranormal Activity would be fun... thank god that it didnt download and when se found it streaming the sound was screwed up! we ended up watching Jennifer's Body, which was more strange than scary... Jennifer is sacrificed by a band so they will ebcome popular, but Jen isnt a virgin so her body is possesed afterwords and she goes around eating boys and driving her bff CRAZY!!! rather strange...
eventually it was time for bed, we kidnapped Karro's fuzzy blanket and waited for Kristin to text back about who was at a party... it took a while and Maja ended up calling her because she was so annoyed that there was no immediate response... XD
the next morning was lovely! there were pancakes and bacon! not the thick chunks of bacon but thin slices that im used to... :] so yummy!!! om nom nom! (i think i have to include "om nom nom" at least once in every post :) ) Maja tried the maple syrup but i didnt get a response to what she thought of it... O.o
then we began the task of getting ready, which was intterupted by early guests... hahahaaa... i had some eyeliner on one eye, one half of one eye... i kept running between theroom with the guests and the bathroom because of the mirror, then i had to run downstairs to get more guests!
we started making pizza pretty soon after Morgana and Aom arrived. i threatened Morgana saying if she couldnt keep quiet while we were making pizza, about how it wasnt really pizza, then i would kick her out of the kitchen, her and her injury too! she fell on the ice and hurt her ankle... :(
I ended up making one of the pizza doughs, morgana made one because everybody could just tell she was itching to do so, and maja made the other :) then i did the toppings when the dough had risen, Weronica and Silje showed up then and they sat there watching me, Aom helped chop the veggies and everybody else was upstairs watching Underworld :)
it took a while, but finally everything was ready! yay!!! and after i convinced my guests to help me clear the coffee table for pizza we all ate some noms :) eventually people began to leave, morgana and aom went first, before we were ableto eat really :( and then Weronica and Silje because Weronica had to work... then everybody else besideds Kristin and Maja left all together... then about an hour or so later Jostien decided to make an appearence. we had fun reading the blabberings of some crazy cultish church... they had one "article" called "10 reasons god hates sweden" then they had the danish flag underneath... REALLY?!?! im sorry but that's just idiotic... :P
eventually Kristin (who gave me a bottle of Vodka Blue for my birthday) went home because she wasnt feeling very well. then Maja's mother's boyfriend came to pick her up at around 9 pm... Jostein decided that he would try to take the last bus from to the city... yeaaaah... ahaha... guess which bus never showed up?! yeah, you got that right!!! we walked back to my house in the hopes that pappa hadn't gone to sleep and that he hadn't had any wine... unfortunatly his snoring was immediatly heard when we entered the house... the last resort was to have Jostein sleep over, but thankfully he called is dad who we had first assumed to have drank something alcoholic, but he didnt!!! jostein was picked up at about 11:30...
i eventually went to bed, but it took a while. i ended up staying up until 00:30-ish before i managed to go to bed. after chatting with my mum for a couple min.
this morning i woke up to a hug and a "gratulerer med dagen!" from mamma, she even hard boiled a couple of eggs for me!!! :D my birthday present from my afs family was a picture of the island that you can see on the way home during mørketida a couple years ago. the picture is beautiful! but apparently she's sending it back because the house that is in the piture is cut off, so she is getting it repainted (its on a canvas so i looks kinda like a painting) so the house is fully visible. :)
school was ok, though i think i might have fallen asleep sitting up while in norsk... :/ gym was really fun! we had dance so they taught us a bunch of dances including the Glow dance... unfortuantly i had to leave early because i had a meeting with Sissel... about grades and lack there of and such.
I explained the whole i dont need grades thing and they wouldnt translate over even if i wanted them too. she immediatly understood that im here for the language and culture so she asked me how i was doing with it. she seemed very impressed with my ability! we ended up talking about what im going to be doing next year, and why i wanted to go to Norway. It was really nice to talk to her!
after that i had bio, after being sang at by Morgana... in italian. such an odd language to hear "happy birthday" sung in.
I learned about the writing project that we are supposed to do for bio. its 800 words about something to do with the genetics. I have decided to do a genetic disorder, i havent decided which yet, but Angleman syndrome sounds fun!
after that i went to the city and on my way to one of the grocery stores i met my dear Maja!!! she was in the process of texting me telling me she had had a bad day and wasnt going to be swimming, but she would still meet up with me after. XD i started walking along beside her and startled her a little :) i have been exhausted all day so i decided to take the day off from swimming too so Maja and i went and hung out, had some coffee and watched some Bones. then it was time for me to go if i was going to get home on time to skype Mum and Dad. I had enough time to go to the grocery store to get a sandwhich thing and came to the realization as i passed the alcohol section i realized that I could buy it... thankfully nothing that i like was there so I didnt buy any... but i can buy myself booze in Norway... O.O
then I went home. unfortunatly it was daylight savings time in Maine... XD so when i thought i had got home with enough time i was really geting my Mum more and more panicked!!! im so sowwy mum!!! :*
it was nice to talk to my parents, though really hard at the same time. normally im greeted in the morning of my birthday by streamers and signs, mum makes pancakes usually and its just such a cozy small comfortable event... it was a little sad to not have that this year, but my homesickness would have been worse if i hadn't talked to them today.
anyway, after that i came here and tried to write this post! or at least finish it.
im sorry its taking so long to upload pics of the ice hotel! i will do it this week! but for now im going to go find something to snack on and go to bed.
natta og vi snakkes!!!
how was everybody's weekend? did you have a blast? :)
first off, Happy birthday Grandma!!! and Sensei Barb as well, though she doesnt know this blog exists... happy birthday!!!
this weekend was nice! except for the extreme amount of running around.
on saturday I cleaned the upstairs living room and my bedroom, since i was holding a party the next day and Maja was sleeping over :)
as I was cleaning Karro kept talking to me and she asked mequestions about songs, so i went to find one for her to listen to and guro came on skype!!! Happy birthday Guro!!! her birthday was on the 19th! there are so many march birthdays in my host family... Mamma on the 2nd, Ole-Peter on the 4th, and Guro on the 19th :)so weird!!! :D
anyway, it was nice to say hi to her for a little! but then i went back to picking up. I decided to take abreak when almost everything was done, just had some vaccuuming and such left, when Maja called asking if it was ok ifshe came over then because her mom was willing to drive her. it was finewith me, i just needed to vaccuum and get the rest of my stuff picked up... oh, and change the sheets and suchon my bed... i have a bad habit of just letting them sit there... :D now they have an ant pattern on them soo cute XD
thankfully Karro decided that she would help me vaccuum, which was a great help! we managed to be finished picking up right before Maja arrived! we ended up playing Amnesia the Dark Descent, during which Maja and Karro tried their hardest to make me scream... i might have a couple times, but mostly i just whimpered and flinched. XD they were very cruel... they kept tickling the back of my neck and sides... i was already freaked from the random roars and such, but then they would do them from behind me and I would jump! *cries from memory*
then they decided that watching Paranormal Activity would be fun... thank god that it didnt download and when se found it streaming the sound was screwed up! we ended up watching Jennifer's Body, which was more strange than scary... Jennifer is sacrificed by a band so they will ebcome popular, but Jen isnt a virgin so her body is possesed afterwords and she goes around eating boys and driving her bff CRAZY!!! rather strange...
eventually it was time for bed, we kidnapped Karro's fuzzy blanket and waited for Kristin to text back about who was at a party... it took a while and Maja ended up calling her because she was so annoyed that there was no immediate response... XD
the next morning was lovely! there were pancakes and bacon! not the thick chunks of bacon but thin slices that im used to... :] so yummy!!! om nom nom! (i think i have to include "om nom nom" at least once in every post :) ) Maja tried the maple syrup but i didnt get a response to what she thought of it... O.o
then we began the task of getting ready, which was intterupted by early guests... hahahaaa... i had some eyeliner on one eye, one half of one eye... i kept running between theroom with the guests and the bathroom because of the mirror, then i had to run downstairs to get more guests!
we started making pizza pretty soon after Morgana and Aom arrived. i threatened Morgana saying if she couldnt keep quiet while we were making pizza, about how it wasnt really pizza, then i would kick her out of the kitchen, her and her injury too! she fell on the ice and hurt her ankle... :(
I ended up making one of the pizza doughs, morgana made one because everybody could just tell she was itching to do so, and maja made the other :) then i did the toppings when the dough had risen, Weronica and Silje showed up then and they sat there watching me, Aom helped chop the veggies and everybody else was upstairs watching Underworld :)
it took a while, but finally everything was ready! yay!!! and after i convinced my guests to help me clear the coffee table for pizza we all ate some noms :) eventually people began to leave, morgana and aom went first, before we were ableto eat really :( and then Weronica and Silje because Weronica had to work... then everybody else besideds Kristin and Maja left all together... then about an hour or so later Jostien decided to make an appearence. we had fun reading the blabberings of some crazy cultish church... they had one "article" called "10 reasons god hates sweden" then they had the danish flag underneath... REALLY?!?! im sorry but that's just idiotic... :P
eventually Kristin (who gave me a bottle of Vodka Blue for my birthday) went home because she wasnt feeling very well. then Maja's mother's boyfriend came to pick her up at around 9 pm... Jostein decided that he would try to take the last bus from to the city... yeaaaah... ahaha... guess which bus never showed up?! yeah, you got that right!!! we walked back to my house in the hopes that pappa hadn't gone to sleep and that he hadn't had any wine... unfortunatly his snoring was immediatly heard when we entered the house... the last resort was to have Jostein sleep over, but thankfully he called is dad who we had first assumed to have drank something alcoholic, but he didnt!!! jostein was picked up at about 11:30...
i eventually went to bed, but it took a while. i ended up staying up until 00:30-ish before i managed to go to bed. after chatting with my mum for a couple min.
this morning i woke up to a hug and a "gratulerer med dagen!" from mamma, she even hard boiled a couple of eggs for me!!! :D my birthday present from my afs family was a picture of the island that you can see on the way home during mørketida a couple years ago. the picture is beautiful! but apparently she's sending it back because the house that is in the piture is cut off, so she is getting it repainted (its on a canvas so i looks kinda like a painting) so the house is fully visible. :)
school was ok, though i think i might have fallen asleep sitting up while in norsk... :/ gym was really fun! we had dance so they taught us a bunch of dances including the Glow dance... unfortuantly i had to leave early because i had a meeting with Sissel... about grades and lack there of and such.
I explained the whole i dont need grades thing and they wouldnt translate over even if i wanted them too. she immediatly understood that im here for the language and culture so she asked me how i was doing with it. she seemed very impressed with my ability! we ended up talking about what im going to be doing next year, and why i wanted to go to Norway. It was really nice to talk to her!
after that i had bio, after being sang at by Morgana... in italian. such an odd language to hear "happy birthday" sung in.
I learned about the writing project that we are supposed to do for bio. its 800 words about something to do with the genetics. I have decided to do a genetic disorder, i havent decided which yet, but Angleman syndrome sounds fun!
after that i went to the city and on my way to one of the grocery stores i met my dear Maja!!! she was in the process of texting me telling me she had had a bad day and wasnt going to be swimming, but she would still meet up with me after. XD i started walking along beside her and startled her a little :) i have been exhausted all day so i decided to take the day off from swimming too so Maja and i went and hung out, had some coffee and watched some Bones. then it was time for me to go if i was going to get home on time to skype Mum and Dad. I had enough time to go to the grocery store to get a sandwhich thing and came to the realization as i passed the alcohol section i realized that I could buy it... thankfully nothing that i like was there so I didnt buy any... but i can buy myself booze in Norway... O.O
then I went home. unfortunatly it was daylight savings time in Maine... XD so when i thought i had got home with enough time i was really geting my Mum more and more panicked!!! im so sowwy mum!!! :*
it was nice to talk to my parents, though really hard at the same time. normally im greeted in the morning of my birthday by streamers and signs, mum makes pancakes usually and its just such a cozy small comfortable event... it was a little sad to not have that this year, but my homesickness would have been worse if i hadn't talked to them today.
anyway, after that i came here and tried to write this post! or at least finish it.
im sorry its taking so long to upload pics of the ice hotel! i will do it this week! but for now im going to go find something to snack on and go to bed.
natta og vi snakkes!!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
friday... and a fever... again. XP
heia allesammen!!! i almost wrote allesammen as alleseammen which would hae been very wrong and im sure that the majority of people would have found that miss-pronounciation/spelling very funny X)
so, tueday! school was rather quiet, not much going on, but i enjoyed sitting in the library reading! then i took the bus down to the city to hang out with Maja and Katherine (another friend, she had the video game party last week) it was about a half an hour until maja got out of school and got into town, so Katherine and i hung out at the book store :)I bought the first book in the sookie stackhouse series på norsk, because i figure thats the best way to move forward with reading norwegian, and ive read the books so many times i can basically tell whats going on and that will help me figure out the grammer more easily and learn more words :) I also bought the book "Johannes Cabel the Necromancer" by Jonathan L. Howard. it is a really funny book! the origional reason i picked it up was because of the plot (Johannes Cabel is a necromancer who decided to try to get his soul back from Satan. they make a deal that Cabel will run a carnival to try and get 100 souls in a year.) and the writing style (very VERY similar to Neil Gaimans and Terry Pratchet's Good Omens) it is one of the funniest books ive read in a while! well, the lack of varied reading material this year may have something to do with that as well... here are a couple quotes from the book that i think are great!
(the mayor of a town that cabel has saved from a crazy sorcerer comes to thank him, but cannot form a proper sentace and everything he says is nonsensical. he finally leaves then: ) Cabel looked at the door for several moments after the mayor had shut it behind him. 'yes,' he said finally. 'Well, if I ever suffer brain damage I know there's always a career waiting for me in local politics.'
(Cabel has a brother named Horst, who due to an unfortunate event is a vampire. he is required to help Cabel (who has very few socail skills much less intrest in communication) with a problem. which meant he had to leave the young woman he was preying upon for a little while.) 'Horst! there's trouble. I'd appreciate your presence.'
Horst looked like he might argue but a goldfish bowl arching over the top of the tunnel and landing with a hollow 'plop' in the water distracted him.
'Yes, it might be as well,' he admitted. Then, to the young lady, 'I'm sorry, my dear, but I am required elsewhere. Stay right here. I'll be back soon.' As he moved away, Cabel noticed that her line of sight continued through the space where Horst had been standing a moment ago.
'You can't go leaving mesmerised women littering up the place,' he snapped. 'It's, I don't know, unhygenic.'
great huh? i would suggest this book! it's really really funny! XD
anyway, after buying the books and hanging out for a little while Katherine and I went back to bus station to meet up with Maja :)we ended up going back to the book store and eventually the cafe on the third floor of the center. we spent a couple hours there drinking mochas and chatting. we got annoyed by Kristin's bf for a while until we managed to shake him off, then it was time to go to the bus station again. at that point the meaning of the giant piles of snow that have been blocking the roads since last week (im pretty sure i mentioned them) became clear. there was a mass of people (and young children and baloons to my companions' dismay... O.o) all watching as a snowmobile towed someone on skiis or a snowboard towards a mini jump where they preformed tricks. im not sure if it was a compatition or just a show, but it was really interesting since itwas RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING!!! really, they were taking the whole parking lot behind the bus station and they whole square was overcrowded... it was rather amazing actually.
Maja came with me to baby sit, which was fun! we didnt really need to do much since the chidlens slept the whole time. I did have to check up on Agnette a few times because she took a big knock on her head and i had to make sure that she didnt sick up because of it. but there was nothing to worry about, overall it would have been a rather boring night if Maja wasnt there.
We watched a bunch of youtube videos and hung out for an hour before trying to catch a bus... trying being the oprative word, because the bus never acutually showed up despite us being 5 min early and the schedual saying the bus WOULD arrive. thankfully Marte's renter was home so they could watch over the kids while Marte drove us to the station. Tusen tusen takk igen Marte!!! then Maja and I said good night and I went home.
wednesday was a interesting day. I started the dayoff right I think... or at least interestingly! I helped a group of my fellow biology students disect a heart and lung set from either a sheep or a pig... we're not sure. I was the one who did most of the cutting, and i helped to clamp the windpipe around some straws we inserted into it to try and blow up the lungs, that was interesting! unfortunatly we couldnt get our lungs to completely fill, and I was about to suggest some form of trachiotomy when another group made useof a hole already in the windpipe and got their lungsto fill completely... SOO COOL! unfortuantly the hearts on all of the sets were cut up so we couldnt really disect those, but we could see the valves and the arteries and veins that lead into and out of the heart! so much fun!
then it was my free period where i really started getting into the book (necromancer) the I had math, which was depressing... I hate math and I know there is no way i can drop it or switch it... only a couple more months. *sigh*
then I caught a bus to the top of the hill that let me walk down to the city in about 5 min as opposed to 10! there i met up with Maja, Kristin and Maja's 2 best friends from Narvik :) it was fun, I got to hang out with them until itwas time for training, then Maja walked down with me to the bus station before she had singing. on the way we passed a giant snowball fight that was taking place in the parking lot of the bus station. it was a compitition and there was a loudspeaker and a scoreboard and everything! soooo weird! so cool! i wish things like that happened in Maine...
Thursday was interesting, school was school. there wasn't much going on... the interesting thing was after school. I went and picked up my 2nd pair of glasses (dont get excited, they are exactly the same as my 1st pair, because im a bore) and I bought a hard case for my glasses so that I have somewhere to put them when im doing gym or swimming and not be worried of them breaking. the best part? the case is really cool looking and it was only 50 kr!
Then i power walked as quickly as I could to Høgeskole so I could meet Mamma (i had sent a message saying that i would be a little late about a half an hour before school got out) unfortunatly she had already gone home so I had to try an power walk back to the bus which is more difficult than it sounds since the weather has been warmer (if you exclude the wind) so everything has melted and then it became ice. so it was very very VERY slippery. but i got there without falling.
when i got home i ate quickly because i thought i could go back to the city by catching a ride with pappa and mamma, but then i realised that they weren't going to town. butu thankfully pappa brought me there anyway a half an hour later :)
Dance was really fun, but nothing new so im going to skip that.
today I woke up with a fever. and the chills. rather an interesting predicament. i decided that i needed to stay home because i wouldnt be able to function at school. i ended up sleeping until 1, and i only woke up because i got a text from Kristin... thanks! that allowed me to get up and eat! yaay for food!!!
anyway, tahts what i did today, take meds, eat and sleep. i read some too! i love this book... but im tired now and i need some sleep before i clean so im leaving this post here. when next i blog at you i will be 18... OMG!!! 8@
vi snakkes!
so, tueday! school was rather quiet, not much going on, but i enjoyed sitting in the library reading! then i took the bus down to the city to hang out with Maja and Katherine (another friend, she had the video game party last week) it was about a half an hour until maja got out of school and got into town, so Katherine and i hung out at the book store :)I bought the first book in the sookie stackhouse series på norsk, because i figure thats the best way to move forward with reading norwegian, and ive read the books so many times i can basically tell whats going on and that will help me figure out the grammer more easily and learn more words :) I also bought the book "Johannes Cabel the Necromancer" by Jonathan L. Howard. it is a really funny book! the origional reason i picked it up was because of the plot (Johannes Cabel is a necromancer who decided to try to get his soul back from Satan. they make a deal that Cabel will run a carnival to try and get 100 souls in a year.) and the writing style (very VERY similar to Neil Gaimans and Terry Pratchet's Good Omens) it is one of the funniest books ive read in a while! well, the lack of varied reading material this year may have something to do with that as well... here are a couple quotes from the book that i think are great!
(the mayor of a town that cabel has saved from a crazy sorcerer comes to thank him, but cannot form a proper sentace and everything he says is nonsensical. he finally leaves then: ) Cabel looked at the door for several moments after the mayor had shut it behind him. 'yes,' he said finally. 'Well, if I ever suffer brain damage I know there's always a career waiting for me in local politics.'
(Cabel has a brother named Horst, who due to an unfortunate event is a vampire. he is required to help Cabel (who has very few socail skills much less intrest in communication) with a problem. which meant he had to leave the young woman he was preying upon for a little while.) 'Horst! there's trouble. I'd appreciate your presence.'
Horst looked like he might argue but a goldfish bowl arching over the top of the tunnel and landing with a hollow 'plop' in the water distracted him.
'Yes, it might be as well,' he admitted. Then, to the young lady, 'I'm sorry, my dear, but I am required elsewhere. Stay right here. I'll be back soon.' As he moved away, Cabel noticed that her line of sight continued through the space where Horst had been standing a moment ago.
'You can't go leaving mesmerised women littering up the place,' he snapped. 'It's, I don't know, unhygenic.'
great huh? i would suggest this book! it's really really funny! XD
anyway, after buying the books and hanging out for a little while Katherine and I went back to bus station to meet up with Maja :)we ended up going back to the book store and eventually the cafe on the third floor of the center. we spent a couple hours there drinking mochas and chatting. we got annoyed by Kristin's bf for a while until we managed to shake him off, then it was time to go to the bus station again. at that point the meaning of the giant piles of snow that have been blocking the roads since last week (im pretty sure i mentioned them) became clear. there was a mass of people (and young children and baloons to my companions' dismay... O.o) all watching as a snowmobile towed someone on skiis or a snowboard towards a mini jump where they preformed tricks. im not sure if it was a compatition or just a show, but it was really interesting since itwas RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING!!! really, they were taking the whole parking lot behind the bus station and they whole square was overcrowded... it was rather amazing actually.
Maja came with me to baby sit, which was fun! we didnt really need to do much since the chidlens slept the whole time. I did have to check up on Agnette a few times because she took a big knock on her head and i had to make sure that she didnt sick up because of it. but there was nothing to worry about, overall it would have been a rather boring night if Maja wasnt there.
We watched a bunch of youtube videos and hung out for an hour before trying to catch a bus... trying being the oprative word, because the bus never acutually showed up despite us being 5 min early and the schedual saying the bus WOULD arrive. thankfully Marte's renter was home so they could watch over the kids while Marte drove us to the station. Tusen tusen takk igen Marte!!! then Maja and I said good night and I went home.
wednesday was a interesting day. I started the dayoff right I think... or at least interestingly! I helped a group of my fellow biology students disect a heart and lung set from either a sheep or a pig... we're not sure. I was the one who did most of the cutting, and i helped to clamp the windpipe around some straws we inserted into it to try and blow up the lungs, that was interesting! unfortunatly we couldnt get our lungs to completely fill, and I was about to suggest some form of trachiotomy when another group made useof a hole already in the windpipe and got their lungsto fill completely... SOO COOL! unfortuantly the hearts on all of the sets were cut up so we couldnt really disect those, but we could see the valves and the arteries and veins that lead into and out of the heart! so much fun!
then it was my free period where i really started getting into the book (necromancer) the I had math, which was depressing... I hate math and I know there is no way i can drop it or switch it... only a couple more months. *sigh*
then I caught a bus to the top of the hill that let me walk down to the city in about 5 min as opposed to 10! there i met up with Maja, Kristin and Maja's 2 best friends from Narvik :) it was fun, I got to hang out with them until itwas time for training, then Maja walked down with me to the bus station before she had singing. on the way we passed a giant snowball fight that was taking place in the parking lot of the bus station. it was a compitition and there was a loudspeaker and a scoreboard and everything! soooo weird! so cool! i wish things like that happened in Maine...
Thursday was interesting, school was school. there wasn't much going on... the interesting thing was after school. I went and picked up my 2nd pair of glasses (dont get excited, they are exactly the same as my 1st pair, because im a bore) and I bought a hard case for my glasses so that I have somewhere to put them when im doing gym or swimming and not be worried of them breaking. the best part? the case is really cool looking and it was only 50 kr!
Then i power walked as quickly as I could to Høgeskole so I could meet Mamma (i had sent a message saying that i would be a little late about a half an hour before school got out) unfortunatly she had already gone home so I had to try an power walk back to the bus which is more difficult than it sounds since the weather has been warmer (if you exclude the wind) so everything has melted and then it became ice. so it was very very VERY slippery. but i got there without falling.
when i got home i ate quickly because i thought i could go back to the city by catching a ride with pappa and mamma, but then i realised that they weren't going to town. butu thankfully pappa brought me there anyway a half an hour later :)
Dance was really fun, but nothing new so im going to skip that.
today I woke up with a fever. and the chills. rather an interesting predicament. i decided that i needed to stay home because i wouldnt be able to function at school. i ended up sleeping until 1, and i only woke up because i got a text from Kristin... thanks! that allowed me to get up and eat! yaay for food!!!
anyway, tahts what i did today, take meds, eat and sleep. i read some too! i love this book... but im tired now and i need some sleep before i clean so im leaving this post here. when next i blog at you i will be 18... OMG!!! 8@
vi snakkes!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Less of a Child
I am becoming less of a child,
Though I will never be an adult.
My body becomes more ridged,
but my spirit can't stop skipping.
Less than a week until I am legal,
but i still want to cling.
I will take the steps to independace,
but i can't stop myself from looking back.
This year has taught me frustration,
I stumble as babies do,
simple phrases pause my tongue.
My current world flashes between fasination and aggrivation.
This year has brought forth my youth,
for in the eyes of eternity i am still a newborn.
I struggle with my percieved growth to adulthood,
and my sudden regression to toddler.
How can anyone consider themselves old?
There are always new languages and cultures to learn.
If we throw ourselves wholly in we must realize our incompetance
and try to have our hands held.
I am becoming less of a child, though i will never be fully grown.
I am just beginning to learn to speak and crawl.
So, how can i be expected to stand alone with less than a week to prepare?
Hi guys, i decided to write that poem because i seem to be having a little angst in the face of my immenent birthday. I do realize that i wont be alone, but im having a little trouble with the fact that in 4 days i will be legaly liable... an adult legally. UGH!!! this year has made me feel like a complete child due to the language and new family etc. etc. so im feeling a little unprepared for the consequences of any mistakes i make from monday forth... O.O so thats pretty much what spawned this poem, and i felt that i might be a nice addition to this blog.
I will write a proper post tomorrow!
vi snakkes!!!
Though I will never be an adult.
My body becomes more ridged,
but my spirit can't stop skipping.
Less than a week until I am legal,
but i still want to cling.
I will take the steps to independace,
but i can't stop myself from looking back.
This year has taught me frustration,
I stumble as babies do,
simple phrases pause my tongue.
My current world flashes between fasination and aggrivation.
This year has brought forth my youth,
for in the eyes of eternity i am still a newborn.
I struggle with my percieved growth to adulthood,
and my sudden regression to toddler.
How can anyone consider themselves old?
There are always new languages and cultures to learn.
If we throw ourselves wholly in we must realize our incompetance
and try to have our hands held.
I am becoming less of a child, though i will never be fully grown.
I am just beginning to learn to speak and crawl.
So, how can i be expected to stand alone with less than a week to prepare?
Hi guys, i decided to write that poem because i seem to be having a little angst in the face of my immenent birthday. I do realize that i wont be alone, but im having a little trouble with the fact that in 4 days i will be legaly liable... an adult legally. UGH!!! this year has made me feel like a complete child due to the language and new family etc. etc. so im feeling a little unprepared for the consequences of any mistakes i make from monday forth... O.O so thats pretty much what spawned this poem, and i felt that i might be a nice addition to this blog.
I will write a proper post tomorrow!
vi snakkes!!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
wondering idly if i should quote some song lyrics here... or would that be cheesy and so like the norm?
i wont, i'll quote them later. XD
how was everybody's weekend? i went to KIRUNA!!!!!! they have an icehotel there! but before we get there i have to explain my utter disgust for getting up at 5:40... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that doesnt encasulate it, but thats all i feel i have room for. XD anyway it was okay because after eating and all i went outside and found the most beautiful sunrise! I took some really pretty pics, but i havent been through them all so you will have to wait for them!!! sorry!
I was the first to be picked up... i was picked up at 7, we got to Bjerkevik at about 8:30, and Kiruna at about 12! we ate lunch at a fantastic little diner, I had a roll with falafal (sp) and feta cheese and lettuce... NO CORN!!! what a new and welcomed suprise!!! XD then we had a couple of hours to wander around the town... city... not sure what to classify it as... and try not to die of the cold or a sugar high... morgana liked the candy shop... it was waaay too mcuh sugar for me. XP
interesting fact about Kiruna! the whole place is situated above a mine, not because they were stupid and decided that would be a great place to build a town, but because the mine is sooo deep that even though it only has a minor angle they still need to move the whole town so as to prevent it from sinking into the mine... they wont be doing this for a few years but it will happen.
then we went to an old wooden church and took lots of pics there! sooo pretty! i liked the lighting! the light was all green and nice :)and the golden statues on the top of the building were really pretty! then we went to the ice hotel!!!
the ice hotel is BEAUTIFULL!!! i sooo want to spend the night there! in one of the delux suites!!! they are gorgeous!!! and ive decided that when i get married i will get married at the ice church, not because im religious but because its sooooo gorgeuos there and the fact that its -5 degrees celcius there will keep the ceremony short... and they have dog sleds to and from the airport! beware Grandma and co! i want you guys to come too! i'll send sleeping pills for you grandma so you can just sleep the whole way here, no freaking out allowed!!!
it was a lot of fun there, we kept running into various groups of other tourists, some from south america (cant remember where)and some from an english speaking country that i dare not try to identify since i suck at differentiating accents... i dont dare anymore and was deemed wise by them for doing so!!! XD so funny!
I also got to have a mini geek out moment because one of the ice sculptures was like a place from lord of the rings, right before merry and pippen were carted off by orcs... frodo hid there when he put on the ring... hiding from borameir (Sp) XD soo geeky that i know that! the man from the spanish speaking group geeked out with me, we felt very proud of ourselves since we knew exactly what i was talking about! we did the same thing about the TRON room... though i still have yet to see tron... should get on that huh?
after the ice hotel (a girl from Turkey and i were saddend by the fact that in only a week we would have been able to enjoy the ice bar to the fullest extent possible, but since of that one week we were left the pleasure of only standing there in the fruit perfumed air staring with envy at the ice cups with neon colored drinks) we raided the gift shop, and i bought stuff there, but since they are presents for people i cant talk about them too much... i will say that i am vrey sad that i couldnt take the GIANT TROLL home with me... a) didnt have enough money, b) that would be a heck of a thing to send back... ouch!
after the gift shop we went to another even older church!!! i lkiked the first one we saw better, but this one was nice too!
after that we all went together to dinner (we being afs Harstad and AFS Narvik, we all met at the icehotel) which was okay, but i really wanted chinese food, not pizza again... less complaints from the italian gallery... XD it was really funy because both the italiens were trying to get us to ask the men working there if they were italian, and were slightly horrified when it came out that they were iranian! it was great, the servors kept asking the italians after we all ate if they liked the pizza and they were so excited and happy that the italians didnt have the heart to tell them that their pizza was definitly not something we would go out of our way to eat... :$ sorry pizza guys!
then we went to our hotel (after a stop at the local coop for a mass of candy and other foods that are sooo dang expensive in norway but are cheaper in sweden!!!) and the group from narvik came over to our apartment to hang out(the hotel room was more like an apartment because it had 2 bedrooms each with a twin bed, a kitchen and a bathroom. it was really nice!) we played cards and truth or dare which changed into a debate about italian politics and worldly affairs... it was fun, but the lack of sleep that day go to me so i bugged them into returning to their own rooms at about 10pm so i could get some sleep XD i like sleep!
the next day Aom got up earlier than the agreed time (which was 10am) so she could shower. I made the mistake of not checking my phone for the time and got up and started cleaning up as the hotel required. I washed all the dishes we had used and swept the floors before 10... grrrr... then after being laughed at for making this mistake i took a shower and we got all of our things packed before heading over to Heidi and Asbjørn's apartment/room for breakfast (Heidi is the AFS advisor for Harstad, Asbjørn is her husband, and they are both morgana's contact parents). then we got on the road at 11:30. we stopped for lunch in Bjerkvik at about 3... Morgana and i bought burgers because the best burger shop in northern norway (perhaps all of norway) is there. then we were back on the road! i was home at bout 5, 5:30, but insteadof saying bye to heidi, who dropped me off, i said see you soon, since her family had taken my backpack and the bacon that Pappa had ordered. he gave me 400kr to buy bacon in sweden because its soooo mcuh cheaper there!!! XD
it was nice to be home, and i tried to go to bed early so i would have energy for school the next day... guess how well that worked out!
school was pretty uneventful, except that i was part of a group interview for the local newpaper on AFS in Harstad. that was fun, though i had to track them down since i was a little late... whoops! Dx
then after that i had to go back to class, where i was jumped with a presentation on a norwegian poet... Gunvor Hofmo... i read the 2 openinglines about her, then tried to hide behind my group mates. soooo embarrasing presenting på norsk without ANY prep time... XP
Gym was fun! there were a few mishaps, but eventually i got to play floor hockey with everybody! suprisingly im actually ok at floorhockey... i dont know how or why, but i can manage to play! i even run when playing!!! (isnt it shocking Mum and Dad, since you know my track record with sports that involve running ;D ) then i had bio.
after bio i managed to convisnce the bus driver to let me ride to the city eventhough my bus card had no days on it. i did buy new days though! so its all good!
then i had swimming! i had to get out for a little bit because i was having some problems catching my breath, but i managed to do the whole course for the day! Silje was an over achiver... >:/
after swimming i hung out with my dear Maja! it was really fun, I love to be around her! her energy is infectious! we ended up eating dinner with her mum and her mum's bf. then we went and watched Despicable Me! soooo cute!!! i love that movie! and the cuddles i got during it!
and now for some news. please dont freak out, im still the same me, i just happen not to be what is considered "normal". I am officially dating Maja. She is a wonderful wonderful person who i feel safe and happy with. she is gorgeous and im not quite sure what she sees in me, but im so very thankful for it! I hope that you of my family will come to accept her and me for what we are, because i would like to have her in my life for a very long time. as long as she can put up with me anyway ;)
I know the knowledge that I do not like men/boys in much other than a "buddy" sense may be completely shocking to some of you, but i came to this realization a while ago. again, i am me. I haven't changed much since i was a chubby ball of blubber in a purple spandex outfit my Mum forced me into, though thankfully i am able to resist the purple spandex now, and im not as round. and i hope that you of my family can come to accept the fact that i like women/girls without trying to change me.
there i got that off my chest. I needed to do that... it hurts to keep it hidden.
and now for a pic of my WONDERFUL GORGEOUS GIRLFRIEND!!! isnt she cuuute!? XD *awws!*
and to note, the sticker on her forehead? i put it there... it reminded me of her, adorable with big eyes! XD so feminine!!! (guess who's gonna get it when she reads this post! XD )
ok dokker! vi snakkes!!!
how was everybody's weekend? i went to KIRUNA!!!!!! they have an icehotel there! but before we get there i have to explain my utter disgust for getting up at 5:40... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that doesnt encasulate it, but thats all i feel i have room for. XD anyway it was okay because after eating and all i went outside and found the most beautiful sunrise! I took some really pretty pics, but i havent been through them all so you will have to wait for them!!! sorry!
I was the first to be picked up... i was picked up at 7, we got to Bjerkevik at about 8:30, and Kiruna at about 12! we ate lunch at a fantastic little diner, I had a roll with falafal (sp) and feta cheese and lettuce... NO CORN!!! what a new and welcomed suprise!!! XD then we had a couple of hours to wander around the town... city... not sure what to classify it as... and try not to die of the cold or a sugar high... morgana liked the candy shop... it was waaay too mcuh sugar for me. XP
interesting fact about Kiruna! the whole place is situated above a mine, not because they were stupid and decided that would be a great place to build a town, but because the mine is sooo deep that even though it only has a minor angle they still need to move the whole town so as to prevent it from sinking into the mine... they wont be doing this for a few years but it will happen.
then we went to an old wooden church and took lots of pics there! sooo pretty! i liked the lighting! the light was all green and nice :)and the golden statues on the top of the building were really pretty! then we went to the ice hotel!!!
the ice hotel is BEAUTIFULL!!! i sooo want to spend the night there! in one of the delux suites!!! they are gorgeous!!! and ive decided that when i get married i will get married at the ice church, not because im religious but because its sooooo gorgeuos there and the fact that its -5 degrees celcius there will keep the ceremony short... and they have dog sleds to and from the airport! beware Grandma and co! i want you guys to come too! i'll send sleeping pills for you grandma so you can just sleep the whole way here, no freaking out allowed!!!
it was a lot of fun there, we kept running into various groups of other tourists, some from south america (cant remember where)and some from an english speaking country that i dare not try to identify since i suck at differentiating accents... i dont dare anymore and was deemed wise by them for doing so!!! XD so funny!
I also got to have a mini geek out moment because one of the ice sculptures was like a place from lord of the rings, right before merry and pippen were carted off by orcs... frodo hid there when he put on the ring... hiding from borameir (Sp) XD soo geeky that i know that! the man from the spanish speaking group geeked out with me, we felt very proud of ourselves since we knew exactly what i was talking about! we did the same thing about the TRON room... though i still have yet to see tron... should get on that huh?
after the ice hotel (a girl from Turkey and i were saddend by the fact that in only a week we would have been able to enjoy the ice bar to the fullest extent possible, but since of that one week we were left the pleasure of only standing there in the fruit perfumed air staring with envy at the ice cups with neon colored drinks) we raided the gift shop, and i bought stuff there, but since they are presents for people i cant talk about them too much... i will say that i am vrey sad that i couldnt take the GIANT TROLL home with me... a) didnt have enough money, b) that would be a heck of a thing to send back... ouch!
after the gift shop we went to another even older church!!! i lkiked the first one we saw better, but this one was nice too!
after that we all went together to dinner (we being afs Harstad and AFS Narvik, we all met at the icehotel) which was okay, but i really wanted chinese food, not pizza again... less complaints from the italian gallery... XD it was really funy because both the italiens were trying to get us to ask the men working there if they were italian, and were slightly horrified when it came out that they were iranian! it was great, the servors kept asking the italians after we all ate if they liked the pizza and they were so excited and happy that the italians didnt have the heart to tell them that their pizza was definitly not something we would go out of our way to eat... :$ sorry pizza guys!
then we went to our hotel (after a stop at the local coop for a mass of candy and other foods that are sooo dang expensive in norway but are cheaper in sweden!!!) and the group from narvik came over to our apartment to hang out(the hotel room was more like an apartment because it had 2 bedrooms each with a twin bed, a kitchen and a bathroom. it was really nice!) we played cards and truth or dare which changed into a debate about italian politics and worldly affairs... it was fun, but the lack of sleep that day go to me so i bugged them into returning to their own rooms at about 10pm so i could get some sleep XD i like sleep!
the next day Aom got up earlier than the agreed time (which was 10am) so she could shower. I made the mistake of not checking my phone for the time and got up and started cleaning up as the hotel required. I washed all the dishes we had used and swept the floors before 10... grrrr... then after being laughed at for making this mistake i took a shower and we got all of our things packed before heading over to Heidi and Asbjørn's apartment/room for breakfast (Heidi is the AFS advisor for Harstad, Asbjørn is her husband, and they are both morgana's contact parents). then we got on the road at 11:30. we stopped for lunch in Bjerkvik at about 3... Morgana and i bought burgers because the best burger shop in northern norway (perhaps all of norway) is there. then we were back on the road! i was home at bout 5, 5:30, but insteadof saying bye to heidi, who dropped me off, i said see you soon, since her family had taken my backpack and the bacon that Pappa had ordered. he gave me 400kr to buy bacon in sweden because its soooo mcuh cheaper there!!! XD
it was nice to be home, and i tried to go to bed early so i would have energy for school the next day... guess how well that worked out!
school was pretty uneventful, except that i was part of a group interview for the local newpaper on AFS in Harstad. that was fun, though i had to track them down since i was a little late... whoops! Dx
then after that i had to go back to class, where i was jumped with a presentation on a norwegian poet... Gunvor Hofmo... i read the 2 openinglines about her, then tried to hide behind my group mates. soooo embarrasing presenting på norsk without ANY prep time... XP
Gym was fun! there were a few mishaps, but eventually i got to play floor hockey with everybody! suprisingly im actually ok at floorhockey... i dont know how or why, but i can manage to play! i even run when playing!!! (isnt it shocking Mum and Dad, since you know my track record with sports that involve running ;D ) then i had bio.
after bio i managed to convisnce the bus driver to let me ride to the city eventhough my bus card had no days on it. i did buy new days though! so its all good!
then i had swimming! i had to get out for a little bit because i was having some problems catching my breath, but i managed to do the whole course for the day! Silje was an over achiver... >:/
after swimming i hung out with my dear Maja! it was really fun, I love to be around her! her energy is infectious! we ended up eating dinner with her mum and her mum's bf. then we went and watched Despicable Me! soooo cute!!! i love that movie! and the cuddles i got during it!
and now for some news. please dont freak out, im still the same me, i just happen not to be what is considered "normal". I am officially dating Maja. She is a wonderful wonderful person who i feel safe and happy with. she is gorgeous and im not quite sure what she sees in me, but im so very thankful for it! I hope that you of my family will come to accept her and me for what we are, because i would like to have her in my life for a very long time. as long as she can put up with me anyway ;)
I know the knowledge that I do not like men/boys in much other than a "buddy" sense may be completely shocking to some of you, but i came to this realization a while ago. again, i am me. I haven't changed much since i was a chubby ball of blubber in a purple spandex outfit my Mum forced me into, though thankfully i am able to resist the purple spandex now, and im not as round. and i hope that you of my family can come to accept the fact that i like women/girls without trying to change me.
there i got that off my chest. I needed to do that... it hurts to keep it hidden.
and now for a pic of my WONDERFUL GORGEOUS GIRLFRIEND!!! isnt she cuuute!? XD *awws!*
and to note, the sticker on her forehead? i put it there... it reminded me of her, adorable with big eyes! XD so feminine!!! (guess who's gonna get it when she reads this post! XD )
ok dokker! vi snakkes!!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Briller og ferie!
Heia dokker!!!
I just was wondering if anybody had translated what "dokker" means with gogle translate or something, because if you did then you must be rather confused. if you havent, I will enlighten you as to why it would be confusing.
Dokker means dolls in bokmål. so when i say "heia dokker" the direct translation is "hi dolls" which is not what im intending to say. when I say Dokker i mean deres which means they, or it can be an all inclusive term like folkens, so really when i say hiea dokker im saying something close to hi guys! just to clear that up. XD
SO, how was my week? my week was very relaxing actually, except for the cake, that was a pain. On monday and tuesday I just hung out at home, well, except on tuesday i did go hang out with Kristin for a little because she requested that i make one of my rainbow cakes. so i needed ingredients! i ended up returning most of them.
the cake was one of the most annoying things since Pappa had kidnapped the tooth picks to the livingroom and i couldnt find them until i started ranting in the kitchen about the cake being a failed conquest becuase of the lack of pointy bits of wood to stab it.
the cake when it first came out of the oven looked really good! the top was soft spongy baked feel, but when i took it out of the pan i realized that the bottom was not quite cooked, to i took a chance and decided to put it back in the oven since it hadnt cooled and i needed a fully cooked cake to frost. i took it out a second time and was relieved to find that it had seemed to cook... whew. that was until i tried to flip it over so i could start frosting it... thats when half the bottom fell off and the middle started dripping out.
ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! that was a pain. thats when i started my lack of toothpicks rant and tried to replacethe batter back in the cake and set the bottom back on and shoved it in the oven again. XD finally after about 4 hours of baking i finished with a mostly cooked rainbow cake. then i frosted and decorated it!
Before frosting!
After frosting and decorating! thanks for the chocolate Grandma!
Cutting the cake later that night, unfortunatly i cut at the section that the bottom had fallen off so all the colors were pretty mixed... sigh
A piece of cake with good coloration!!! yay!!!
on wednesday after i finished getting ready i went over to kristins with the cake so we could hang out until her mom could drive us to another friend's house for game night! that's where the cake was cut and eaten... OM NOM NOM!!!
it was a lot of fun! I wrote a fanfic that i will not describe to you nor will i give you a link to it, but it made everybody (except one of the girls who ran away as to protect her ears.)laugh! we watched people play games and cuddled on the couch, we aslo walked to the store to get some candy and stuff, but instead of that i got a pokeball thing ('caus it has a little toy pokemon in it) and a couple kiwis :) om nom nom! I really like the hair styles from Final Fantasy XIII and we had a conversation on which ofthe character's hairstyls i should get mine cut like and it was decided that having Lightning's style would be the best on me. yes, the pic is a wig, but i think since it is it will be an okay reference for Rhonda my dear wonderful hairdresser... mom, you might want to give her the link to this post ust so she's aware what im going to ask her to try and replicate on my head when i get back... its way too expensive to get my hair cut here... :D
at the end of the night when the majority of the girls went home we watched Vampires Suck, which was great! so funny XD we eventually went to bed... probably at about 4 am... then i slept until about 10 then i walked to the store and got everybody some breakfast because there was nothing in the house for breakfast. :)everybody was happy with me. well, kristin wasnt because we woke her up, but then we appeased her with telling her about the food... really we thought it was really funny that she didnt wake up when i announced "I AM THE BREADWINNER!" in a rather loud voice. XD so funny!
after that we watched Atlantis because Despicable Me wasnt downloading fast enough... sigh. then there was the "how are we getting home/to the city?" thing. Kristin had called specsavers for me tosee if my glasses had come in and one of the pairs had. YAY! they will text me when the other pair comes in.
Kristin decided that she would go home instead of coming with me to get my glasses, but Maja came with!!! it was really fun to hang out with her, and trying to get her earrings in. she got the same type of hoops i did but she couldnt get them in and when i helped her i realized its a lot harder to put earrings in for someone else than it is to put them on myself... we also got a lot of questioning looks when people came intothe bathroom to see us there struggling over an earring... XP
ok, because its so weird to me, I had my glasses on for about 10 because i wanted to see if there was a big difference in wearing them all the time or just part of the time. after i took them off the whole world spun and things weren't as clear as they had been... i even felt an annoyance in my head... weird huh??? so i put them back on. I decided that i would most definitly follow the woman who handed over my glasses' advice. she said i should just be a good girl and wear them even though i wasnt used to glases and had never really worn any before... that includes sunglasses. also my dear Mum's advice... she said the same thing. :)
anyway, after that adventure and some coffee drinks i caught a bus home and just relaxed.
today i tried to go to the city to catch a bus to Marte's, but the bus to town never came since vacation screws up the shedual... sigh. so ive spent the day waiting on laundry,and writing this post... they changed the format on blogger so i dont actually see the pics unless i press preview then ihave to remember where they all are and mess with the coding placement so i get the pics wehre i want them... its kinda annoying... anyway, one last pic for you guys beforei go... here's me with my glasses!
im sexy right? XP :)
ok! ttyl! vi snakkes... eller æ skriv, men... *sigh*
I just was wondering if anybody had translated what "dokker" means with gogle translate or something, because if you did then you must be rather confused. if you havent, I will enlighten you as to why it would be confusing.
Dokker means dolls in bokmål. so when i say "heia dokker" the direct translation is "hi dolls" which is not what im intending to say. when I say Dokker i mean deres which means they, or it can be an all inclusive term like folkens, so really when i say hiea dokker im saying something close to hi guys! just to clear that up. XD
SO, how was my week? my week was very relaxing actually, except for the cake, that was a pain. On monday and tuesday I just hung out at home, well, except on tuesday i did go hang out with Kristin for a little because she requested that i make one of my rainbow cakes. so i needed ingredients! i ended up returning most of them.
the cake was one of the most annoying things since Pappa had kidnapped the tooth picks to the livingroom and i couldnt find them until i started ranting in the kitchen about the cake being a failed conquest becuase of the lack of pointy bits of wood to stab it.
the cake when it first came out of the oven looked really good! the top was soft spongy baked feel, but when i took it out of the pan i realized that the bottom was not quite cooked, to i took a chance and decided to put it back in the oven since it hadnt cooled and i needed a fully cooked cake to frost. i took it out a second time and was relieved to find that it had seemed to cook... whew. that was until i tried to flip it over so i could start frosting it... thats when half the bottom fell off and the middle started dripping out.
ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! that was a pain. thats when i started my lack of toothpicks rant and tried to replacethe batter back in the cake and set the bottom back on and shoved it in the oven again. XD finally after about 4 hours of baking i finished with a mostly cooked rainbow cake. then i frosted and decorated it!
Before frosting!
After frosting and decorating! thanks for the chocolate Grandma!
Cutting the cake later that night, unfortunatly i cut at the section that the bottom had fallen off so all the colors were pretty mixed... sigh
A piece of cake with good coloration!!! yay!!!
on wednesday after i finished getting ready i went over to kristins with the cake so we could hang out until her mom could drive us to another friend's house for game night! that's where the cake was cut and eaten... OM NOM NOM!!!
it was a lot of fun! I wrote a fanfic that i will not describe to you nor will i give you a link to it, but it made everybody (except one of the girls who ran away as to protect her ears.)laugh! we watched people play games and cuddled on the couch, we aslo walked to the store to get some candy and stuff, but instead of that i got a pokeball thing ('caus it has a little toy pokemon in it) and a couple kiwis :) om nom nom! I really like the hair styles from Final Fantasy XIII and we had a conversation on which ofthe character's hairstyls i should get mine cut like and it was decided that having Lightning's style would be the best on me. yes, the pic is a wig, but i think since it is it will be an okay reference for Rhonda my dear wonderful hairdresser... mom, you might want to give her the link to this post ust so she's aware what im going to ask her to try and replicate on my head when i get back... its way too expensive to get my hair cut here... :D
at the end of the night when the majority of the girls went home we watched Vampires Suck, which was great! so funny XD we eventually went to bed... probably at about 4 am... then i slept until about 10 then i walked to the store and got everybody some breakfast because there was nothing in the house for breakfast. :)everybody was happy with me. well, kristin wasnt because we woke her up, but then we appeased her with telling her about the food... really we thought it was really funny that she didnt wake up when i announced "I AM THE BREADWINNER!" in a rather loud voice. XD so funny!
after that we watched Atlantis because Despicable Me wasnt downloading fast enough... sigh. then there was the "how are we getting home/to the city?" thing. Kristin had called specsavers for me tosee if my glasses had come in and one of the pairs had. YAY! they will text me when the other pair comes in.
Kristin decided that she would go home instead of coming with me to get my glasses, but Maja came with!!! it was really fun to hang out with her, and trying to get her earrings in. she got the same type of hoops i did but she couldnt get them in and when i helped her i realized its a lot harder to put earrings in for someone else than it is to put them on myself... we also got a lot of questioning looks when people came intothe bathroom to see us there struggling over an earring... XP
ok, because its so weird to me, I had my glasses on for about 10 because i wanted to see if there was a big difference in wearing them all the time or just part of the time. after i took them off the whole world spun and things weren't as clear as they had been... i even felt an annoyance in my head... weird huh??? so i put them back on. I decided that i would most definitly follow the woman who handed over my glasses' advice. she said i should just be a good girl and wear them even though i wasnt used to glases and had never really worn any before... that includes sunglasses. also my dear Mum's advice... she said the same thing. :)
anyway, after that adventure and some coffee drinks i caught a bus home and just relaxed.
today i tried to go to the city to catch a bus to Marte's, but the bus to town never came since vacation screws up the shedual... sigh. so ive spent the day waiting on laundry,and writing this post... they changed the format on blogger so i dont actually see the pics unless i press preview then ihave to remember where they all are and mess with the coding placement so i get the pics wehre i want them... its kinda annoying... anyway, one last pic for you guys beforei go... here's me with my glasses!
im sexy right? XP :)
ok! ttyl! vi snakkes... eller æ skriv, men... *sigh*
Monday, March 7, 2011
my boring weekend
heia allesammen!!!
Im glad that you all like my photos! Im in the process of reading the manuel for my camera i took some pics of the birds that were enjoying the feeders outside :)but other than that i haven't really done much with my camera... or weekend.
Ok, so i did stuff on saturday, but not today, or yesterday.
On saturday i went into town and walked around after buying some breakfast (which i forgot to eat) and took about 100 pics. It was so much fun, though i got a few looks for walking around with a camera and taking pictures of random things... but i got cool pictures!
after about an hour I went back to the ferry to see if Veronika, an AFSer from Germany, and her host family had arrived. Veronika had contacted me earlier in the week to tell me that she and her host family were coming down from finsness for the day to go swimming in Grøttebådet. unfortunatly i got distracted by a really pretty dress on the way and they had already made their way up to the pool (i just tried to combine the word "bassange" and "pool" and got "bool" i think thats a funny fail.)so thats where i headed next.
when i got there i met Veronika almost immediatly. (just got distracted by a commercial for a movie called "Gnomeo and Julie" I WANNA WATCH THAT!!!)though i had forgotten my chip so i had to wait in line to get a loaner. thankfully it was only 50 kr and when i brought it back i would get the money back... whew.
I had a great time! I met Veronika's little host sister, Marit, who i dont think was over 4-5 years old... she was really cute, and really shy about me for a while. then she started splasing me with water when we were in the pool, with that cute mischevious "im testing you to see if you're ok" look. that made me laugh and flick water back at her. after that, I was deemed ok.
it was a lot of fun, even when when Veronika's other younger host sister (im guessing about 8-10 years old) used my chest as a step to get on the "saturn" which looks just as dangerous as the "iceberg" i tor my retainer off on... she stepped on my breast... it hurt!
I had a great time with them, i raced Veronika on the water slide and we did a lot of chatting! and eating, they treated me to lunch even though i was perfectly ok with buying my own food... so nice! also right before we all headed to the showers Marit convinced me to take her down teh water slide since her nobody else would... she had a great time and wanted me to take her up again... then she was asking me if i would be going back to finsness with them. I told her that we could go down the slide again when she came back to visit me, but im not going to be able to take theboat wiht them since i live in harstad... ^.^ so cute!
then i came back home and took another 132 pics. XD i love my camera!!! then i relaxed and played a little Amnesia and slept.
Sunday I relaxed the whole day and did absolutly nothing productive. just like today, absolutly nothing. though i did answer some questions on piercings on yahoo answers... i even suggested that someone wait to get more piercings until they were endorsed by their parents. :D ive been voted best answer by 3 of the answer seekers on my advice about piercings. i feel smart!
anyway, its about 1 am here so I am going to clean up and get to bed.
natta, og vi snakkes!
Im glad that you all like my photos! Im in the process of reading the manuel for my camera i took some pics of the birds that were enjoying the feeders outside :)but other than that i haven't really done much with my camera... or weekend.
Ok, so i did stuff on saturday, but not today, or yesterday.
On saturday i went into town and walked around after buying some breakfast (which i forgot to eat) and took about 100 pics. It was so much fun, though i got a few looks for walking around with a camera and taking pictures of random things... but i got cool pictures!
after about an hour I went back to the ferry to see if Veronika, an AFSer from Germany, and her host family had arrived. Veronika had contacted me earlier in the week to tell me that she and her host family were coming down from finsness for the day to go swimming in Grøttebådet. unfortunatly i got distracted by a really pretty dress on the way and they had already made their way up to the pool (i just tried to combine the word "bassange" and "pool" and got "bool" i think thats a funny fail.)so thats where i headed next.
when i got there i met Veronika almost immediatly. (just got distracted by a commercial for a movie called "Gnomeo and Julie" I WANNA WATCH THAT!!!)though i had forgotten my chip so i had to wait in line to get a loaner. thankfully it was only 50 kr and when i brought it back i would get the money back... whew.
I had a great time! I met Veronika's little host sister, Marit, who i dont think was over 4-5 years old... she was really cute, and really shy about me for a while. then she started splasing me with water when we were in the pool, with that cute mischevious "im testing you to see if you're ok" look. that made me laugh and flick water back at her. after that, I was deemed ok.
it was a lot of fun, even when when Veronika's other younger host sister (im guessing about 8-10 years old) used my chest as a step to get on the "saturn" which looks just as dangerous as the "iceberg" i tor my retainer off on... she stepped on my breast... it hurt!
I had a great time with them, i raced Veronika on the water slide and we did a lot of chatting! and eating, they treated me to lunch even though i was perfectly ok with buying my own food... so nice! also right before we all headed to the showers Marit convinced me to take her down teh water slide since her nobody else would... she had a great time and wanted me to take her up again... then she was asking me if i would be going back to finsness with them. I told her that we could go down the slide again when she came back to visit me, but im not going to be able to take theboat wiht them since i live in harstad... ^.^ so cute!
then i came back home and took another 132 pics. XD i love my camera!!! then i relaxed and played a little Amnesia and slept.
Sunday I relaxed the whole day and did absolutly nothing productive. just like today, absolutly nothing. though i did answer some questions on piercings on yahoo answers... i even suggested that someone wait to get more piercings until they were endorsed by their parents. :D ive been voted best answer by 3 of the answer seekers on my advice about piercings. i feel smart!
anyway, its about 1 am here so I am going to clean up and get to bed.
natta, og vi snakkes!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
another youtube video!
vi snakkes!!!
vi snakkes!!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Norway in a nutshell
and yes, the pictures of people on busses and in overalls and with drinks and lazing around, they are russ... :D thats the whole reason i chose to be in the 3rd grade XD enjoy!!!
you have to watch it otherwise i'll be very sad.¨
vi snakkes!!!
you have to watch it otherwise i'll be very sad.¨
vi snakkes!!!
bum bum be dum, bum bum be-dum bum...
I honestly have no idea what that title has to do with anything, but there it is.
blogger has been weird lately. I try to put on pictures and it becomes strings of confusing text... but i will post a few pictures because ive been snapping them since i got my NEW CAMERA!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but first, tuesday.
Pappa left for who know where for work this week so i have had to take the bus all week. this doesnt really bother me, :) but on tuesday when i was waiting in the bus station some random older man came up and gave me a hug (knocking his head against my sore-to-abrupt-pressure industrial... OW!)then started talking to me like we had ever had a conversation before... O.o ive seen this man on the bus once in a while, but ive NEVER talked to him... he kinda creeps me out... anyway, due to this man continuosly speaking at me I couldnt eat my god morgen so i could go out and see if my bus had arrived... subsequentially my bus (which had been hiding in the WRONG LINE! left wthout me... grrrrrr... then when i tried to run after it i dropped some stuff and had to go back for it, by then it was too late... I ended up calling my dear Weronica and asking her to give me a ride to school since she lived near by and it would take me longer to walk to school than it would to get a ride. Tusen takk igen!!!
anyway, tuesday was pretty laid back, school was normal and nothing really happened except that the weather was horrible as it has been for the whole week... æsje. well, except for the fact that i was reminded that Mamma's birthday was the next day and i got a note from the post office saying that my camera had arrived!!!
the next day i woke up and after getting ready i gave Mamma a hug and said happy birthday with plans to go find something for a present... i REALLY stink at remembering birthdays, and names. the only reason i remember my dads is because i learned about "golden birthdays" when i was about 10, and his birthday is on tenth of one of the 12 months of the year... the truth comes out...
wednesday was ok, bio was semi interesting... were studying the various systems in the body... blood, urine, respritory, etc... sigh.
then a free period and lunch which i spent trying to finish a book i bought on monday and getting distracted by fb and "Damn You Auto Correct!" .com. really really funny!!! look it up! XD then Ingvild (from the 3rd grade) and Silje came into the library and I tried to help them with their english... thing is im really bad at correcting grammer, and though i can usually write grammatically correct sentences i have problems explaining to others how to do it... thankfully it was mostly congigation (sp) and minor spelling mistakes that i could easily correct... one in a while i messed with the form of the sentences to make what was trying to be said a little clearer :) good job you two!
then i had math... and after sitting in the classroom for 20 min i realized that the class wasnt showing up and i was free to go XD so i went back to the library and hung out and tried to read or help with english.
After school i went to the post office to pick up my camera! I got my package and made sure it was adressed to me before powerwalking to the stores so that i could get Mamma a scarf (she likes them and is always incouraging me to wear one too) it wasnt until i was checking out of the stores and on my way to swimming that i realized that the package i had picked up couldnt be my camera, the case couldnt be that small, and went to check the senders adress... to my mixed horror and delight i saw that the package i had picked up from the post office was from my wonderful wonderful grandparents!!! the horror stems from it being about 5lbs and not being my camera. the delight was that IT WAS ABOUT 5 LBS OF CHOCOLATE!!! OM NOM NOM!!! no worries, i plan on sharing it at my brithday party so there will not be an unending sugar high! XD
I am still suprised that i managed to get the box of chocolate into my backpack and get everything i and that day into the 2 bags i origionally had at the beginnning of the day... there was just soo much of it! my backpack on my back from the weight of my books, laptop and candy was about 20 lbs... not nice to carry down a stormy road of doom after swimming 1200 meters... i ended up falling twice. once due to my trying to avoid an over the ankles puddle (i know mum and dad, soooo unlike me!)and thus managing to put my right foot off the road and all the way through a snowbank up to my hip. i actually had to throw both my bags as far away as i could from the puddle and heave myself up to get out of that one... all the while hoping that no cars would pass and drench me. the second time was when i was nearing the neighborhood and my legs gave out on me from exhaustion... again i had to heave myself up and really wished i had a staff or cane to help me... sigh.
when i got home i was greeted by Mamma's birhtday party. i got my second wind when Agnette peeked her head around the corner and burst into a grin at the sight of me! XD soooo cute! I took her upstairs to help me get mamma's scarf pretty and she managed to convince me to open the package from grandma and grandpa for her, which made her really happy as she grabbed 2 bags of dark chocolate... i managed to convice her that a bag of white chocolate would do. its too sweet for me...
Mamma loved the scarf i gave her! that was great! and agnette is SO DARN CLOSE TO WALKING!!!!! she kept toddling between me and Marte with the bag of chocolate in her hand! :D at one point in the night she made it all the way down the hall! basically my job during the party was to make sure she didnt fall down the stairs or have her hand bitted by Kazan who really wanted the cookie in her hand... sigh. then eventually Marte decided it was time for them to go home... i was actually tired again so i cant say im dissapointed that she made that decision...
then right as i was in the middle of an email to mum and right before i went to bed the power went out.
so the thing is, where i come from the power going out is a yearly thing. maybe it happens more than once in the year, its been out for a week once! its normal to have a day or two without power, so the sudden flickering of the lights before everything went dark was a ho-hum experience for me. what i did not expect was to hear a shriek from the next room as Karro started freaking out about not being able to see where she was going, and trying to find her mobil to light the area around her. I guess it is HIGHLY rare for the power to be lost in harstad at least, and the last power outage that people remember (unplanned) was when my age group was in the kindergarten- 3rd grade time frame... if i remember correctly that was when Maine had the Ice Storm...
I cant help laughing at the fact that im one of the only people who was completely unfased by the lack of electric light. after spending some time downstairs trying to be bored into falling asleep again and texting jostien who had been playing Amnesia before the outage (not something that is completely comfortable i might add, i started the game last night and it is 100 times freakier than watching someone else play)... it was funny! so eventually i went to bed and fell asleep. until the power came back and the guests left, i finished my email to mum and went to sleep.
thursday i only had 2 classes as the last 2 were taken up by seeing the musical "Det gode mennesket" I only understood a little of what was being said, but i understood the plot! its really hard to understand people speaking english through speaker systems so i think i did ok! but before going to see this preformance i went and picked up my WONDERFULL AMAZING CAMERA!!! im soo happy with it, and im going to read the instruction manuel this week so that i know how to use all the functions and whatnot on it!!! soooo happy! I love that it has a manuel option on it so i can focus on what i want to focus on! not whatever the camera deems best! im planning on going on a walk this weekend so I will take my camera with me and get some great pics!
I ended up taking a bus home, thankfully, because if i hadnt i wouldnt have been able to grab my salsa things before class! though i almost opted out this week anyway... i was sooo tired! im glad i went though, even if i did have to buy a double expresso mocha to gain a needed energy boost.
dance was fun! i got there early and was belly dancing with morgana before the class started. which caused me to be doing a shoulder shimmy right as one of the men came in... hahaha... ackward... he thought it was funny too! i think im definitly improving!!! andim starting to feel like one of the sought after dance partners, not a last resort partner! infact i had 2 of the guys come at me when we were told to pair up, including the guy i accidently shimmied at. XD the older guy asked me to dance first and gave me a kiss on the cheek when I accepted! so may weird things happened with old men this week... ok only 2.
Ihad a great time dancing! I loveloveLOVE IT! I will probably join a dancing club when i go to college! speaking of college i got the official email about my dorm hall assignments this week and i AM IN FJELLSTAD!!! XD SÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ GLAD FOR DET! anyway, i took the bus home and had to walk through the stormy weather again. didnt loose power though!
when i got home i showed mamma my new camera and snapped a few photos of her and Karro, then Karro and i went upstairs to install Amnesia: the dark descent... which is SOOOOO FREAKING SCARY!!! i think i alread said that in this post but it needs to be said again. we didnt play for very long, partly because it took so long to get working (we called Jostein to help us :) ) and then it was so late we decidedthat we didnt want to have nightmares.
I decided that since i only had one class on friday and if i went to school i would have to walk throught the rain and slush down the road of doom not once but twice, and my one class would be history i would start vacation early... or we could say that my alarms sound was too low so i slept through it, and thus when i woke up it was too late for me to get to my one class... which ever makes you feel better. both are true actually.
so i slept in, shaved in preperation for swimming tomorrow (one of my afs friends is coming with her host family to visit harstad)and lazed about. i considered playing amnesia, but then decided that reading manga and eating chocolate was a much more relaxing idea :)
Im going to hang out with people on monday and/or tuesday! and i might eat with Karin and my contact family on wednesday, and i have dance on thurs and washing on fri... actually i should check and see if they want me then... hmmm
ok, i havent really eaten anything substancial today, im going to go make soup and eggs and watch tv. and read manga. DONT JUDGE ME!!!
blogger has been weird lately. I try to put on pictures and it becomes strings of confusing text... but i will post a few pictures because ive been snapping them since i got my NEW CAMERA!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but first, tuesday.
Pappa left for who know where for work this week so i have had to take the bus all week. this doesnt really bother me, :) but on tuesday when i was waiting in the bus station some random older man came up and gave me a hug (knocking his head against my sore-to-abrupt-pressure industrial... OW!)then started talking to me like we had ever had a conversation before... O.o ive seen this man on the bus once in a while, but ive NEVER talked to him... he kinda creeps me out... anyway, due to this man continuosly speaking at me I couldnt eat my god morgen so i could go out and see if my bus had arrived... subsequentially my bus (which had been hiding in the WRONG LINE! left wthout me... grrrrrr... then when i tried to run after it i dropped some stuff and had to go back for it, by then it was too late... I ended up calling my dear Weronica and asking her to give me a ride to school since she lived near by and it would take me longer to walk to school than it would to get a ride. Tusen takk igen!!!
anyway, tuesday was pretty laid back, school was normal and nothing really happened except that the weather was horrible as it has been for the whole week... æsje. well, except for the fact that i was reminded that Mamma's birthday was the next day and i got a note from the post office saying that my camera had arrived!!!
the next day i woke up and after getting ready i gave Mamma a hug and said happy birthday with plans to go find something for a present... i REALLY stink at remembering birthdays, and names. the only reason i remember my dads is because i learned about "golden birthdays" when i was about 10, and his birthday is on tenth of one of the 12 months of the year... the truth comes out...
wednesday was ok, bio was semi interesting... were studying the various systems in the body... blood, urine, respritory, etc... sigh.
then a free period and lunch which i spent trying to finish a book i bought on monday and getting distracted by fb and "Damn You Auto Correct!" .com. really really funny!!! look it up! XD then Ingvild (from the 3rd grade) and Silje came into the library and I tried to help them with their english... thing is im really bad at correcting grammer, and though i can usually write grammatically correct sentences i have problems explaining to others how to do it... thankfully it was mostly congigation (sp) and minor spelling mistakes that i could easily correct... one in a while i messed with the form of the sentences to make what was trying to be said a little clearer :) good job you two!
then i had math... and after sitting in the classroom for 20 min i realized that the class wasnt showing up and i was free to go XD so i went back to the library and hung out and tried to read or help with english.
After school i went to the post office to pick up my camera! I got my package and made sure it was adressed to me before powerwalking to the stores so that i could get Mamma a scarf (she likes them and is always incouraging me to wear one too) it wasnt until i was checking out of the stores and on my way to swimming that i realized that the package i had picked up couldnt be my camera, the case couldnt be that small, and went to check the senders adress... to my mixed horror and delight i saw that the package i had picked up from the post office was from my wonderful wonderful grandparents!!! the horror stems from it being about 5lbs and not being my camera. the delight was that IT WAS ABOUT 5 LBS OF CHOCOLATE!!! OM NOM NOM!!! no worries, i plan on sharing it at my brithday party so there will not be an unending sugar high! XD
I am still suprised that i managed to get the box of chocolate into my backpack and get everything i and that day into the 2 bags i origionally had at the beginnning of the day... there was just soo much of it! my backpack on my back from the weight of my books, laptop and candy was about 20 lbs... not nice to carry down a stormy road of doom after swimming 1200 meters... i ended up falling twice. once due to my trying to avoid an over the ankles puddle (i know mum and dad, soooo unlike me!)and thus managing to put my right foot off the road and all the way through a snowbank up to my hip. i actually had to throw both my bags as far away as i could from the puddle and heave myself up to get out of that one... all the while hoping that no cars would pass and drench me. the second time was when i was nearing the neighborhood and my legs gave out on me from exhaustion... again i had to heave myself up and really wished i had a staff or cane to help me... sigh.
when i got home i was greeted by Mamma's birhtday party. i got my second wind when Agnette peeked her head around the corner and burst into a grin at the sight of me! XD soooo cute! I took her upstairs to help me get mamma's scarf pretty and she managed to convince me to open the package from grandma and grandpa for her, which made her really happy as she grabbed 2 bags of dark chocolate... i managed to convice her that a bag of white chocolate would do. its too sweet for me...
Mamma loved the scarf i gave her! that was great! and agnette is SO DARN CLOSE TO WALKING!!!!! she kept toddling between me and Marte with the bag of chocolate in her hand! :D at one point in the night she made it all the way down the hall! basically my job during the party was to make sure she didnt fall down the stairs or have her hand bitted by Kazan who really wanted the cookie in her hand... sigh. then eventually Marte decided it was time for them to go home... i was actually tired again so i cant say im dissapointed that she made that decision...
then right as i was in the middle of an email to mum and right before i went to bed the power went out.
so the thing is, where i come from the power going out is a yearly thing. maybe it happens more than once in the year, its been out for a week once! its normal to have a day or two without power, so the sudden flickering of the lights before everything went dark was a ho-hum experience for me. what i did not expect was to hear a shriek from the next room as Karro started freaking out about not being able to see where she was going, and trying to find her mobil to light the area around her. I guess it is HIGHLY rare for the power to be lost in harstad at least, and the last power outage that people remember (unplanned) was when my age group was in the kindergarten- 3rd grade time frame... if i remember correctly that was when Maine had the Ice Storm...
I cant help laughing at the fact that im one of the only people who was completely unfased by the lack of electric light. after spending some time downstairs trying to be bored into falling asleep again and texting jostien who had been playing Amnesia before the outage (not something that is completely comfortable i might add, i started the game last night and it is 100 times freakier than watching someone else play)... it was funny! so eventually i went to bed and fell asleep. until the power came back and the guests left, i finished my email to mum and went to sleep.
thursday i only had 2 classes as the last 2 were taken up by seeing the musical "Det gode mennesket" I only understood a little of what was being said, but i understood the plot! its really hard to understand people speaking english through speaker systems so i think i did ok! but before going to see this preformance i went and picked up my WONDERFULL AMAZING CAMERA!!! im soo happy with it, and im going to read the instruction manuel this week so that i know how to use all the functions and whatnot on it!!! soooo happy! I love that it has a manuel option on it so i can focus on what i want to focus on! not whatever the camera deems best! im planning on going on a walk this weekend so I will take my camera with me and get some great pics!
I ended up taking a bus home, thankfully, because if i hadnt i wouldnt have been able to grab my salsa things before class! though i almost opted out this week anyway... i was sooo tired! im glad i went though, even if i did have to buy a double expresso mocha to gain a needed energy boost.
dance was fun! i got there early and was belly dancing with morgana before the class started. which caused me to be doing a shoulder shimmy right as one of the men came in... hahaha... ackward... he thought it was funny too! i think im definitly improving!!! andim starting to feel like one of the sought after dance partners, not a last resort partner! infact i had 2 of the guys come at me when we were told to pair up, including the guy i accidently shimmied at. XD the older guy asked me to dance first and gave me a kiss on the cheek when I accepted! so may weird things happened with old men this week... ok only 2.
Ihad a great time dancing! I loveloveLOVE IT! I will probably join a dancing club when i go to college! speaking of college i got the official email about my dorm hall assignments this week and i AM IN FJELLSTAD!!! XD SÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ GLAD FOR DET! anyway, i took the bus home and had to walk through the stormy weather again. didnt loose power though!
when i got home i showed mamma my new camera and snapped a few photos of her and Karro, then Karro and i went upstairs to install Amnesia: the dark descent... which is SOOOOO FREAKING SCARY!!! i think i alread said that in this post but it needs to be said again. we didnt play for very long, partly because it took so long to get working (we called Jostein to help us :) ) and then it was so late we decidedthat we didnt want to have nightmares.
I decided that since i only had one class on friday and if i went to school i would have to walk throught the rain and slush down the road of doom not once but twice, and my one class would be history i would start vacation early... or we could say that my alarms sound was too low so i slept through it, and thus when i woke up it was too late for me to get to my one class... which ever makes you feel better. both are true actually.
so i slept in, shaved in preperation for swimming tomorrow (one of my afs friends is coming with her host family to visit harstad)and lazed about. i considered playing amnesia, but then decided that reading manga and eating chocolate was a much more relaxing idea :)
Im going to hang out with people on monday and/or tuesday! and i might eat with Karin and my contact family on wednesday, and i have dance on thurs and washing on fri... actually i should check and see if they want me then... hmmm
ok, i havent really eaten anything substancial today, im going to go make soup and eggs and watch tv. and read manga. DONT JUDGE ME!!!
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