Heia allesammen.
Im slightly annoyed at all of you. I mean can you STILL not post comments or am i just not interesting enough to comment on... its kinda depressing really. go back and read my instructions They are there! they are numbered! and if you open another tab while trying to post a comment you can do so without freaking out about not being able to see the instructions! YAY FOR TABS!!! (things at the top of your browser, they usually have a little + sign or maybe just a little rectangular bubble that sits next to the bubble that has the title of the page you are on... or you can just right click the link and press the option "open in new tab" that works too)
so. My weekend was very very boring to blog about besides i scared myself to the point that I almost considered leaving the light outside my shut door on the landing on... almost. I watched theo whole LP (lets play) of Amnesia: Dark Descent and it completely freaked me out! I wouldn't suggest that my mom or brother watch it, but dad would probably think it was as cool as i do :) the best news yet?! Im actually going to play the game now, Jostien has it so im going to borrow it... hehehe!
anyway, thats what i did all weekend, besideds chase Kazan when he got something ELSE that he shouldnt be chewing on... pain in the butt dog.
Monday was interesting. I missed the bus so Ihad to walk to school from the city which meant that by the time i got to school half the first period was over so i decided that it would just be better for me not to intude on a class that hardly recognizes my existance except to sigh when i take the seat that they wanted. i hung out with some buddies on one set of couches and talked about piercings :) much better than math. I seem to have started a little of a trend! i now know of 2 maybe 3 people who are planning to get industrial piercings after seeing mine :) yay!!!
In norsk class i took the time to write down all the names on my norwegian fb and invite them to be friends on my american fb so i can have just one fb account. i have had sooo many notifications today... sigh. I have also tagged all the pics that had my norwegian fb tagged so now those of you who are my friends on fb can see the embarrasing pics that i was trying so hard to hide from you. you can also see the video of my group singing our song (the lyrics of which i posted a few weeks ago)! yay me!!!
Gym was fun! i didnt walk there for once, i caught a ride with Silje! yay for using my brains!!! we ended up playing baditon which i am ok at... i can hit the birdy half of the time at least. maybe more than that!!! *proud of myself* i do have a little bit of a problem with hitting underhanded... sigh.
after that it was bio where we are doing oppgaver... answering questions in the textbook... about the circulatory system, the urine track and the resparation system... i think tis in that order too. i got to question 4! and i feel very proud of myself for that!!! then i met Silje who gave me a ride home to try and locate my goggles... failed i might add. i searched everwhere and couldnt find them. luckily they arent too expensive so i just bought a new pair after silje checked the lost and found for me (i would have had to use my pass to get in, and i was out of days at that point.)sigh... im glad i had just taken money out! but ive learned that its cheaper to buy the months pass upstairs... so next time i will!
after swimming I went to eat pizza with Silje and Maja!!! it was just 200 kr for a large pizza! om nom nom!!! Of course i was the gentle man and bought the pizza and sauce but i wasnt about to buy everybody soda too... so Maja hadwater and Silje bought her own soda. I have 2 pieces of pizza left for lunch tomorrow!YAAY!!!
After pizza Maja and I went to bysentrum and looked around the game store for a little then the book store. We both found a book that we were interested in, so we decided that one of us had to buy it and then the other would borrow it. Since I am out of books (my nook is a piece of poop and they wont let me get a refund for it >:[ ) so I decided that since I was probably the faster reader I would buy the book. Its good so far! It's Fallen by Lauren Kate... wow, two first names... maybe its a pen name? anyway good book so far,im into the second chapter! cant wait to read it some more...
After spending time with Maja (I had to banish my best-friend Erynn a few times... I act like herwhen im a little bit tired and rather excited... problematic sometimes, Ok, clarification, Erynn is a real person, she is my best friend from HS and is in college now. Not telling you more) I went and caught the bus to Ovre-Gånses and "baby-sat" Aksel and Agnette... they both slept the whole time. easiest baby-sitting gig EVER!!! I sat and tried to finish this blog post, which didnt work i might add. Im sitting on the bus home and trying to finish it before I get off so that when im home i can just post, get my bag ready for tomorrow and get ready for bed... and then obviously go to bed. thankfullyi have pizza for tomorrow and I showered after swimming so I can SLEEP IN FOR 20 MIN!!! WHOOO-HOOO!!!
I am kinda tired if you cant tell. and i came to the awful realization that in 21 days i willbe 18... that means i will have to beat it into my friends that I DONT WANT PRESENTS FROM THEM!!! I want them to show up and keep me company the day before, eat food and watch movies... presents make me feel ackward, i wantto givethem when i recieve them and that is not really allowed on ones birthday... is it? not normal anyway... so in the invitation i said that if they bring gifts they will be hit wiht said gift... there are 2 things that i would like and both are a type of clothing. I would like a back pad so that if i fall wrong while snowboarding i know im not going to bend all the way backwards and snap in half, and the other is a Norwegian flag onepiece... its like footy-pajamas without the foot... soo cool!!!<3 any way I sent out most of the invitations, though i do have a few more. ill do that tomorrow.
ok dokker! æ skall slett me den og vent for bussen å bli nær the road of doom... vi snakkes!!!
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I NEED CHOCOLATE STAT!!! good thing there's håndball camp today so it can be bought for me! om nom nom!!!
How was you week everybody?! have you still not learned how to comment even though I gave very good instructions on how to do so? Im saddened... *sigh*
My week was good! On tuesday I only had one class because my Norsk/Religion teacher was MIA... which is completely okay with me! I got to go home early! then do nothing at all... *sigh with relief*
On wednesday I had an eye appointment, because as you know from a previous blog post I am having probelms reading white boards and powerpoints and im getting pretty bad headaches from trying to read them... As expected I am slightly nearsighted, what wasn't expected is that my eyes are slightly uneven... I have a mini lazy eye that either developed recently or has just been noticed at this appointent. It was kinda interesting,the first test hada little picture of a farm house that kept going in and out of focus for me... then there was a little light thing which suddenly started flashing then spurted air at my eye... three times... it was slightly painfull and very shocking. the next test took a picture of the inside of my eye, it looked at the blood vessels and such in my eye and acording to the optrician the insides of my eyes are beautiful, which made me giggle inside... everybody is always telling me my eyes are pretty and such but they've never said it about the innards of my eye before... lol.
Then it was the annoying "can you see that letter? can you tell what it is? can you see it now? is this better or worse?" then there was the "green or red dots? again, green or red dots?" and other such tests. then there was the lets see what your eeys do when I point a light at the wall then covered one eye and then the other... i guess they moved when he did this... because of that and a little cross test where it was no longer a cross (it moved around and did weird things and wouldnt go back together again). It was altogether interesting. After that I began my glasses hunt! One of the women working there started to help me, but we both quickly realized that it was probably easier for me to just look by myself... though it probably would have been more fun if I had had friends with me... Specifically my dear Mum and/or Ve/Erynn... miss you guys!
Eventually I found a pair that I really like. They are a coppery color around the eyes, and slightly rectangular but not pointy like such, and they have a nice teal-blue color for the earpiece! it was buy one get one free (exept for the glass thing where they make it stronger or something...) so I bought 2 pairs of identical glasses for 2,795 kr. which is... WAAAY TOO EXPENSIVE!!! omg i just checked the actual amount when converted and i am fretting again.
ok, explaining that after... I went swimming and gave Maja the braclet that she had liked as a way to pay her back for th 100kr she had slipped into my pocket... she was unsure if she was really really happy are really really p*ssed at me... XD i couldn't stop giggling!!! She called me sly... LOL!
after that we swam over 1000 meters! go us!!!then i came home. I immediatly shot off an email to mum saying that I would pay for my glasses because they were so expensive. This lead to Mum and I having a qick skype converence to talk about it, I was assured that not all glasses are under $20 like Dad's and my 2 pairs cost less than Mum's so I shouldn't worry so much. thanks mum, but after looking at the actual conversion is a little scary again...
Thursday was uneventful except for the open day at Høgeskole. I ended up going back to specsavers and confirming that I do want 2 pairs. yay!!! they should come in about 2 weeks! I cannot wait... I hate headaches. I got a really bad one on friday... eww... then after hanging out in the library for a little while I went and caught a bus to Marte's house to clean! I didn't get started right away, Agnette was too cute, but right after I started vaccuuming and getting ready to mop a little I nticed Agnette was showing signs of needing a nap. I had been informed previously that she doesn't nap indoors and hadn't for a long time butI decided to see if she would nap with meon the couch. So, I lay down with her on my chest and after a couple of coughs and some crying because she lost her binky.
It was so cute! When Marte woke up (she works nights so she was sleeping upstairs) she took a picture of us... I will be getting it soonish. X) after that I washed the house and hung out with the chidlins for a while. Agnette kept feeding me cherios and getting me to help her walk around and put Aksel's sunglasses on her... but eventually it was time to go...
Today I slept until 11:30 and then ate 3 roles and 3 eggs... ive been watching youtube videos of a woman playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent becuase there was a SATW comic about it that made me laugh... it's called ANYTHING BUT THAT... hahahaha! it's great!!! Im totally freaking out watching it... my palms are sweating and i have a half cray grin on... i would suggest you watch it with lights on... if youre going to watch it... and Mum, dont watch it. You'll get nightmares. XD
ok, im going to go make soup and enjoy it with my flowery chopsticks! hope you all enjoy your weekend and COMMENT GODDAMMIT!!! i miss you all...
Vi snakkes!!!
I COMPLETELY forgot! My rådgiver... advisor! thats the word... anyway he sent a email to my mum that said I got my first choice for dorm!!! I will be living in the Harry Potter dorm for my first year in college!!! SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
EDIT #2!!!
I got chocolate!!! x]
My week was good! On tuesday I only had one class because my Norsk/Religion teacher was MIA... which is completely okay with me! I got to go home early! then do nothing at all... *sigh with relief*
On wednesday I had an eye appointment, because as you know from a previous blog post I am having probelms reading white boards and powerpoints and im getting pretty bad headaches from trying to read them... As expected I am slightly nearsighted, what wasn't expected is that my eyes are slightly uneven... I have a mini lazy eye that either developed recently or has just been noticed at this appointent. It was kinda interesting,the first test hada little picture of a farm house that kept going in and out of focus for me... then there was a little light thing which suddenly started flashing then spurted air at my eye... three times... it was slightly painfull and very shocking. the next test took a picture of the inside of my eye, it looked at the blood vessels and such in my eye and acording to the optrician the insides of my eyes are beautiful, which made me giggle inside... everybody is always telling me my eyes are pretty and such but they've never said it about the innards of my eye before... lol.
Then it was the annoying "can you see that letter? can you tell what it is? can you see it now? is this better or worse?" then there was the "green or red dots? again, green or red dots?" and other such tests. then there was the lets see what your eeys do when I point a light at the wall then covered one eye and then the other... i guess they moved when he did this... because of that and a little cross test where it was no longer a cross (it moved around and did weird things and wouldnt go back together again). It was altogether interesting. After that I began my glasses hunt! One of the women working there started to help me, but we both quickly realized that it was probably easier for me to just look by myself... though it probably would have been more fun if I had had friends with me... Specifically my dear Mum and/or Ve/Erynn... miss you guys!
Eventually I found a pair that I really like. They are a coppery color around the eyes, and slightly rectangular but not pointy like such, and they have a nice teal-blue color for the earpiece! it was buy one get one free (exept for the glass thing where they make it stronger or something...) so I bought 2 pairs of identical glasses for 2,795 kr. which is... WAAAY TOO EXPENSIVE!!! omg i just checked the actual amount when converted and i am fretting again.
ok, explaining that after... I went swimming and gave Maja the braclet that she had liked as a way to pay her back for th 100kr she had slipped into my pocket... she was unsure if she was really really happy are really really p*ssed at me... XD i couldn't stop giggling!!! She called me sly... LOL!
after that we swam over 1000 meters! go us!!!then i came home. I immediatly shot off an email to mum saying that I would pay for my glasses because they were so expensive. This lead to Mum and I having a qick skype converence to talk about it, I was assured that not all glasses are under $20 like Dad's and my 2 pairs cost less than Mum's so I shouldn't worry so much. thanks mum, but after looking at the actual conversion is a little scary again...
Thursday was uneventful except for the open day at Høgeskole. I ended up going back to specsavers and confirming that I do want 2 pairs. yay!!! they should come in about 2 weeks! I cannot wait... I hate headaches. I got a really bad one on friday... eww... then after hanging out in the library for a little while I went and caught a bus to Marte's house to clean! I didn't get started right away, Agnette was too cute, but right after I started vaccuuming and getting ready to mop a little I nticed Agnette was showing signs of needing a nap. I had been informed previously that she doesn't nap indoors and hadn't for a long time butI decided to see if she would nap with meon the couch. So, I lay down with her on my chest and after a couple of coughs and some crying because she lost her binky.
It was so cute! When Marte woke up (she works nights so she was sleeping upstairs) she took a picture of us... I will be getting it soonish. X) after that I washed the house and hung out with the chidlins for a while. Agnette kept feeding me cherios and getting me to help her walk around and put Aksel's sunglasses on her... but eventually it was time to go...
Today I slept until 11:30 and then ate 3 roles and 3 eggs... ive been watching youtube videos of a woman playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent becuase there was a SATW comic about it that made me laugh... it's called ANYTHING BUT THAT... hahahaha! it's great!!! Im totally freaking out watching it... my palms are sweating and i have a half cray grin on... i would suggest you watch it with lights on... if youre going to watch it... and Mum, dont watch it. You'll get nightmares. XD
ok, im going to go make soup and enjoy it with my flowery chopsticks! hope you all enjoy your weekend and COMMENT GODDAMMIT!!! i miss you all...
Vi snakkes!!!
I COMPLETELY forgot! My rådgiver... advisor! thats the word... anyway he sent a email to my mum that said I got my first choice for dorm!!! I will be living in the Harry Potter dorm for my first year in college!!! SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
EDIT #2!!!
I got chocolate!!! x]
Friday, February 25, 2011
Notice #2
Im going to post tomorrow...im exhausted and watching X-Men. It makes me laugh since Weronica said I was a Wolverine on fb... lol.
vi snakkes!
vi snakkes!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Switch is difficult
Heia folkens!
æ har hatt en fin helge! og fordi det e lit vanskelig for mæ å skrive på englesk æ skal begynner på norsk. min helge var lit kjedelig... æ slappet av på lørdag, og på sondag æ vært til bakken og begynne å lære min selv å kjøre "switch." Når du kjøre snowboard du har en "toe side" og en "heel side" og en "front tip" og en "back tip." det betyr at du kan har en "feil fot fram" hvis du kjøre snowboard og ikkje lære kordan å kjøre son. det e vanskelig å gjøre det og æ liker ikkje å føler like som en begynner når æ e ikkje son.
ok, i'll write in english now. its getting a little more difficult to write in english because Im starting to automatically start typing in norwegian, eslpecially whan Im in class and "listening" to the teacher or another sutdent speak in norwegian. im not sure if this is normal for other afs students SINCE THEY DONT UPDATE THEIR BLOGS REGULARLY!!!!! Duster... X
So, on saturday I got up expecting to go to the slopes with Karro when I was informed by her that she was not going... sigh, so I changed out of my skiing gear and spent the whole day relaxing and doing nothing... ahhhh :)
On sunday I did go to the slopes, and I started trying to teach myself how to ride switch. When you ride you have one foot forward and another back, your back foot is your steering foot, and your front foot is the stabitlity... you are supposed to stand a little bit forward. When you ride switch however you have to take your back foot and ride with it forward switching where your balence is and making a fool of yourself just like you did when you first started learning how to ride... that's how it works, and im no exception. I fell... a lot. just trying to find your balence and keep out of the skiiers ways is difficult, but not going too fast because you cant turn very well is exhausting. I had about 4 breaks yesterday.
to tell the truth im not very fond of feeling like a beginner again, I know how to do turns and I can even carve, but as soon as a switch my stance i look like its my first time on a board, which really doesnt make sense when you look at my board. My bindings (the things that attach my feet to my board) are starting to get stripped, and im getting bubbles between to top layers where snow and ice got wedge inbetween them. and its getting a few notches and cracks in the sides from everyday wear and tear... its not too bad yet, but it doesnt look like it did when I first got here... not at all.
A few funny stories from yesterday, one was when a netherlander (military training takes place around there, so they all come up to ski and snowboard... or fall) asked me how it is to use the lift with a snowboard. it made me laugh and my response was that it was interesting. I tried to explain how to get on it, then decided that itwas easiest to just show him... he took that as getting on the lift with me, would have been fine except that he couldn't keep his balance and caused me (and himself) to loose the t-bar... sigh. it was okay, he decided that maybe it was easier to use one himself. But before the 2nd try he asked me where I got such a good american accent (we were speaking english), which almost caused me to crack up! :D he was shocked when I informed him that I am from USA.
Another funny story from that day was when 2 younger girls followed my up the lift then yelled at me "Hey! du! e du en gutt eller ei jente?!" I almost responded gutt (boy) but then realized what they were asking me and answered correctly. XD
after that exciting day (my ungest (I seem incapable of spelling that word in english... im trying again) Youngest! (there it is!!!) my youngest contact brother Gunnar got 3rd place in his skiing compatition (for his age group) go him!!!) Guro and her BF Martin picked me up! it was nice to meet him, I could even tell that he had a different accent, and i couldnt understand what he said all the time so Guro had to translate. We all had dinner together, with tante Eilin, then I ran upstairs to my monthly chat with my famdamly at home!!! it was really nice to see them, though it started with a mic problem (on both our sides?) then we had a good time talking along with some business.
They were going to go get a sleeper-sofa for my library (which is yellow!!! <3)so after a while we said good bye... its hard, especially since there are only 4 months left for this exchange year... Part of me is sooo excited to go home, but i really only want to visit then come back to norway. Mum said that she keeps expecting me to say that Im not going to go to Concordia and instead study in Norway... Its a very tempting thought, but I have realized that if I cant get a job in norway then i'll have to come back to the states and i might not be able to practice in the states if i study in norway... so im just going to study in the states and hope for a job in norway!
Today I talked to my math teacher about switching to the lower level math, so i can at least have someone to talk to. im going to have to talk to Ulf tomorrow about switching... Im also going to go widow shopping at the local snowboard shop, to see if they have any boards that are cheap and the right leangth. since everythign is 1/2 price that should be pretty easy, but im not really looking to buy, just looking cause I can.
After that in norwegian we had a "test" then Weronica drovve Silje and I to gym, with a detour to mat av Vahl for some coffe/chai tea which was absolutly disgusting i might add... I had to pour it out beacuse it was sooo bad... but it was okay because then we had skating! it was fun though I did fall pretty hard on my knee so its a little swollen and an interesting mix of blue and red.
Then there was bio... I might be taking the test that I missed last friday on wednesday... I dont really want to, but I will study just incase i have to... :P
after school I went to the post office to see if there was anything i could do to get my camera from oslo since I dont have a personsnummer on account of being an exchange student. so they told em to bring a recipt tomorrow and they will write in a number that goes along the lines of what is required then they will fax it to oslo for me :) yay!!!
then I went to swimming! maja has started swimming with us! so we have to fight for more pool space now, but its worth it! a lot more fun with more people! and after swimming and saying bye to Silje Maja and I went and hung out in bysentrum foran hour because that seemed much more interesting and fun than going home :) Maja if youre reading this, thanks for hanging out with me! XD
and now i am home and about to turn this off, or atleast shut the lid, and go to bed because I am exhausted. though now there is a show called Man Eaters, and its about lions... huh... maybe ill watch it for a little while. but im defintily done with this post, sorry, not so much story telling when im tired.
natta og vi snakkes!
PS, please vote on the poll at the top right of the post!
æ har hatt en fin helge! og fordi det e lit vanskelig for mæ å skrive på englesk æ skal begynner på norsk. min helge var lit kjedelig... æ slappet av på lørdag, og på sondag æ vært til bakken og begynne å lære min selv å kjøre "switch." Når du kjøre snowboard du har en "toe side" og en "heel side" og en "front tip" og en "back tip." det betyr at du kan har en "feil fot fram" hvis du kjøre snowboard og ikkje lære kordan å kjøre son. det e vanskelig å gjøre det og æ liker ikkje å føler like som en begynner når æ e ikkje son.
ok, i'll write in english now. its getting a little more difficult to write in english because Im starting to automatically start typing in norwegian, eslpecially whan Im in class and "listening" to the teacher or another sutdent speak in norwegian. im not sure if this is normal for other afs students SINCE THEY DONT UPDATE THEIR BLOGS REGULARLY!!!!! Duster... X
So, on saturday I got up expecting to go to the slopes with Karro when I was informed by her that she was not going... sigh, so I changed out of my skiing gear and spent the whole day relaxing and doing nothing... ahhhh :)
On sunday I did go to the slopes, and I started trying to teach myself how to ride switch. When you ride you have one foot forward and another back, your back foot is your steering foot, and your front foot is the stabitlity... you are supposed to stand a little bit forward. When you ride switch however you have to take your back foot and ride with it forward switching where your balence is and making a fool of yourself just like you did when you first started learning how to ride... that's how it works, and im no exception. I fell... a lot. just trying to find your balence and keep out of the skiiers ways is difficult, but not going too fast because you cant turn very well is exhausting. I had about 4 breaks yesterday.
to tell the truth im not very fond of feeling like a beginner again, I know how to do turns and I can even carve, but as soon as a switch my stance i look like its my first time on a board, which really doesnt make sense when you look at my board. My bindings (the things that attach my feet to my board) are starting to get stripped, and im getting bubbles between to top layers where snow and ice got wedge inbetween them. and its getting a few notches and cracks in the sides from everyday wear and tear... its not too bad yet, but it doesnt look like it did when I first got here... not at all.
A few funny stories from yesterday, one was when a netherlander (military training takes place around there, so they all come up to ski and snowboard... or fall) asked me how it is to use the lift with a snowboard. it made me laugh and my response was that it was interesting. I tried to explain how to get on it, then decided that itwas easiest to just show him... he took that as getting on the lift with me, would have been fine except that he couldn't keep his balance and caused me (and himself) to loose the t-bar... sigh. it was okay, he decided that maybe it was easier to use one himself. But before the 2nd try he asked me where I got such a good american accent (we were speaking english), which almost caused me to crack up! :D he was shocked when I informed him that I am from USA.
Another funny story from that day was when 2 younger girls followed my up the lift then yelled at me "Hey! du! e du en gutt eller ei jente?!" I almost responded gutt (boy) but then realized what they were asking me and answered correctly. XD
after that exciting day (my ungest (I seem incapable of spelling that word in english... im trying again) Youngest! (there it is!!!) my youngest contact brother Gunnar got 3rd place in his skiing compatition (for his age group) go him!!!) Guro and her BF Martin picked me up! it was nice to meet him, I could even tell that he had a different accent, and i couldnt understand what he said all the time so Guro had to translate. We all had dinner together, with tante Eilin, then I ran upstairs to my monthly chat with my famdamly at home!!! it was really nice to see them, though it started with a mic problem (on both our sides?) then we had a good time talking along with some business.
They were going to go get a sleeper-sofa for my library (which is yellow!!! <3)so after a while we said good bye... its hard, especially since there are only 4 months left for this exchange year... Part of me is sooo excited to go home, but i really only want to visit then come back to norway. Mum said that she keeps expecting me to say that Im not going to go to Concordia and instead study in Norway... Its a very tempting thought, but I have realized that if I cant get a job in norway then i'll have to come back to the states and i might not be able to practice in the states if i study in norway... so im just going to study in the states and hope for a job in norway!
Today I talked to my math teacher about switching to the lower level math, so i can at least have someone to talk to. im going to have to talk to Ulf tomorrow about switching... Im also going to go widow shopping at the local snowboard shop, to see if they have any boards that are cheap and the right leangth. since everythign is 1/2 price that should be pretty easy, but im not really looking to buy, just looking cause I can.
After that in norwegian we had a "test" then Weronica drovve Silje and I to gym, with a detour to mat av Vahl for some coffe/chai tea which was absolutly disgusting i might add... I had to pour it out beacuse it was sooo bad... but it was okay because then we had skating! it was fun though I did fall pretty hard on my knee so its a little swollen and an interesting mix of blue and red.
Then there was bio... I might be taking the test that I missed last friday on wednesday... I dont really want to, but I will study just incase i have to... :P
after school I went to the post office to see if there was anything i could do to get my camera from oslo since I dont have a personsnummer on account of being an exchange student. so they told em to bring a recipt tomorrow and they will write in a number that goes along the lines of what is required then they will fax it to oslo for me :) yay!!!
then I went to swimming! maja has started swimming with us! so we have to fight for more pool space now, but its worth it! a lot more fun with more people! and after swimming and saying bye to Silje Maja and I went and hung out in bysentrum foran hour because that seemed much more interesting and fun than going home :) Maja if youre reading this, thanks for hanging out with me! XD
and now i am home and about to turn this off, or atleast shut the lid, and go to bed because I am exhausted. though now there is a show called Man Eaters, and its about lions... huh... maybe ill watch it for a little while. but im defintily done with this post, sorry, not so much story telling when im tired.
natta og vi snakkes!
PS, please vote on the poll at the top right of the post!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Eye appointment on wednesday... annoying.
How is everybody? are you all enjoying your month? Im okay!!! This week has been interesting, but im pretty sure I already talked about monday, so that cuts the interest by half.
On tuesday I went swimming with Silje, after hanging out at school for 2 periods... i really wish there were more busses home from the city... then i would be able to laze around at home... sigh. (Sorry, just got distracted by a commercial that depicted a group of older people deciding to stop playing bingo and rebel against their old age... including one old woman waving around a bright pink (studded?) dildo... so odd)
On wednesday after i was done with classes I met with Aom, Morgan and Morgana to go get Aom's ears pierced!!! for the very first time!!! she was sooooo nervous!!! it was funny! it was made even funnier because of the fact that 2 of us already have piercings in places other than our lobes... one has (not me, just making it very clear, not me) has a piercing in a place that makes all the others protect ourselves... *arms up infront of myself just at the thought of the type of piercing...* she clung to Morgan's hand the whole time, and even almost walked out even after she had paid... lol she looks even cuter with earrings!!! awwww!
Then I went swimming with Silje, which was good until the americans came in... They all started jumping off the diving boards, making it really very difficult for us to do our laps... eventually the staff decided that they could close the highest stand so we could swim again, but it was a while before all the men up there jumped off. sigh... and I do know they were americans because I asked if there was anybody still on the stand på norsk, and he couldn't understand me, so i asked in english, then asked where they were all from... it kinda freaked me out that there were so many americans here, but there is a military base just a few minutes away where "the allies" train. after swimming Silje and I decided to go tanning again, i might be slightly normal colored now, but that might be wishful thinking... i did get freckly again... Silje pointed at me and laughed again... but she gave me a ride home which was wonderfull :)
Thursday I attended a thing on organ donation, so I didnt have Norwegian, and I got a bunch of pins and a ski mask thing. And a doner card, so Mum, if you suddenly recieve a call from a hospital in Norway about my organs, its because I "no longer need them" for some unforseen reason, and i will be giving them to someone who does! I dont think that will happen, but just in case, I decided that you should be one of the contacts on that card... :D no worries, I dont plan on donating my organs for a long time yet. XD
Then because my norwegian/religion teacher seemed to be absent so I had a free period! It has been voted that I get the completely silver rose industrial barbell, but Ive decided that I will get more votes if I poll for the next week. It will be at the top of my blog! just click a button and vote! (well, look at the links first, they will be on the poll too!)
Then Silje presented pictures and info from her trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau. It was interesting, and I knew what one of her pictures was but i didn't know what it was called in norwegian... but other than that it was a relitivly boring class.
After school Weronica gave me a ride so I could get to Grøttebådet faster because the night before I realized that I had forgot my bathing suit... I wetn back to check lost and found and found everything other than MY bathing suit... Im going to look again on Monday, but i have little hope... sigh. after that I went home and after eating a relaxed dinner (for the first time since I started dance on thursdays) I made some hot coco with mamma's guidance then got ready to go to the slope! there I ran into more military men... literally... it's really annoying when they stop right in your blindspot and in the landing spot or the short didstance from it where YOU CANNOT TURN WITHOUT BREAKING SOMETHING!!! its soooo annoying and painful! it happened twice! the second time i managed to not hit the guy, but just barely... he asked me if I was okay, but since im used to falling (snowboarding is actually not about getting down the mountain, its about trying to not fall the whole way down the mountain) I assured him I was fine. It was kinda funny to see all the military men either really good or really bad at trying to ski or ride... I ended up chatting with a couple when I was getting my stuff ready to go home, this group was from the netherlands :) Wonder who I'll meet tomorrow...
Today in history we went to the Trondenes Museum to hear an old man relate to us his experiences as a child growing up in northern norway durning the nazi occupation... it definitly didnt help the intrest level that I couldn't understand most of what was happening... sigh.
Because of that I was late to sosiology, which didn't really matter since we were just having a review of the chapter on globalisaring... afterwords was more fun, since i had been leaning on my writing had I had a blue mark on my chin from where my pen had dripped on my hand and transferred to my face... sigh. I got 4 comments in 5 min... it was kinda funny :) then Jostien decided to try what both of my younger siblings have tried and failed to do... unlock my ipod... haha!!! he failed too!
then i had to go down to the optics people and get my eyes checked because im having more and more problems reading what is written on the white boards and powerpoints if im sitting farther than 10 ft back... and the frontfew rows are really bad to sit in. :P unfortunatly they didnt have time to check my eyes today, so I am going back on wednesday... im hoping i dont get any more headachs that make me want to take pain killers again... :P
So after that I came home and Ive been hanging out, and chatting with Mamma and I cleaned the bathroom (and got a chocolate for it). so a relitivly unexciting evening. but im now happy that i didnt go snowboarding tonight, since i have sore stomach muscles (I fell pretty hard a few times on my stomach, which means I have to bend backwards so that I wont scrape my face off too) and arms... so im enjoying watching crime shows and a show about the crucades. but I guess i should end this post as to not bore you with more details, but Ill give you a few pictures!!!
This is a crow that was considering trying to steal my lunch of sushi on Saturday last weekend when I was in Tromsø!
Morgana eating miso soup for the first time :) she wasn't really sure if she liked it... sorry that the pic is blurry! but her expression is so funny I had to post it anyway!
Bubbles!!!!! love bubblegum! (Morgana, Laura and I shopping on saturday)
Guro and I after I got my industrial!!! thanks again!!!
"Oh My God! what the he-- is that?" they were sooo schocked I had to get a picture of their faces! (Morgana, Alice and Laura)
And now I will give you a picture of my new industrial! it may look a little red and crusty, but thats just because it is still healing and I had just cleaned it when I took this! doesn't it look cool?!?! so you have to help decide which rose barbell I will get!
ok dokker! vi snakkes!!!
How is everybody? are you all enjoying your month? Im okay!!! This week has been interesting, but im pretty sure I already talked about monday, so that cuts the interest by half.
On tuesday I went swimming with Silje, after hanging out at school for 2 periods... i really wish there were more busses home from the city... then i would be able to laze around at home... sigh. (Sorry, just got distracted by a commercial that depicted a group of older people deciding to stop playing bingo and rebel against their old age... including one old woman waving around a bright pink (studded?) dildo... so odd)
On wednesday after i was done with classes I met with Aom, Morgan and Morgana to go get Aom's ears pierced!!! for the very first time!!! she was sooooo nervous!!! it was funny! it was made even funnier because of the fact that 2 of us already have piercings in places other than our lobes... one has (not me, just making it very clear, not me) has a piercing in a place that makes all the others protect ourselves... *arms up infront of myself just at the thought of the type of piercing...* she clung to Morgan's hand the whole time, and even almost walked out even after she had paid... lol she looks even cuter with earrings!!! awwww!
Then I went swimming with Silje, which was good until the americans came in... They all started jumping off the diving boards, making it really very difficult for us to do our laps... eventually the staff decided that they could close the highest stand so we could swim again, but it was a while before all the men up there jumped off. sigh... and I do know they were americans because I asked if there was anybody still on the stand på norsk, and he couldn't understand me, so i asked in english, then asked where they were all from... it kinda freaked me out that there were so many americans here, but there is a military base just a few minutes away where "the allies" train. after swimming Silje and I decided to go tanning again, i might be slightly normal colored now, but that might be wishful thinking... i did get freckly again... Silje pointed at me and laughed again... but she gave me a ride home which was wonderfull :)
Thursday I attended a thing on organ donation, so I didnt have Norwegian, and I got a bunch of pins and a ski mask thing. And a doner card, so Mum, if you suddenly recieve a call from a hospital in Norway about my organs, its because I "no longer need them" for some unforseen reason, and i will be giving them to someone who does! I dont think that will happen, but just in case, I decided that you should be one of the contacts on that card... :D no worries, I dont plan on donating my organs for a long time yet. XD
Then because my norwegian/religion teacher seemed to be absent so I had a free period! It has been voted that I get the completely silver rose industrial barbell, but Ive decided that I will get more votes if I poll for the next week. It will be at the top of my blog! just click a button and vote! (well, look at the links first, they will be on the poll too!)
Then Silje presented pictures and info from her trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau. It was interesting, and I knew what one of her pictures was but i didn't know what it was called in norwegian... but other than that it was a relitivly boring class.
After school Weronica gave me a ride so I could get to Grøttebådet faster because the night before I realized that I had forgot my bathing suit... I wetn back to check lost and found and found everything other than MY bathing suit... Im going to look again on Monday, but i have little hope... sigh. after that I went home and after eating a relaxed dinner (for the first time since I started dance on thursdays) I made some hot coco with mamma's guidance then got ready to go to the slope! there I ran into more military men... literally... it's really annoying when they stop right in your blindspot and in the landing spot or the short didstance from it where YOU CANNOT TURN WITHOUT BREAKING SOMETHING!!! its soooo annoying and painful! it happened twice! the second time i managed to not hit the guy, but just barely... he asked me if I was okay, but since im used to falling (snowboarding is actually not about getting down the mountain, its about trying to not fall the whole way down the mountain) I assured him I was fine. It was kinda funny to see all the military men either really good or really bad at trying to ski or ride... I ended up chatting with a couple when I was getting my stuff ready to go home, this group was from the netherlands :) Wonder who I'll meet tomorrow...
Today in history we went to the Trondenes Museum to hear an old man relate to us his experiences as a child growing up in northern norway durning the nazi occupation... it definitly didnt help the intrest level that I couldn't understand most of what was happening... sigh.
Because of that I was late to sosiology, which didn't really matter since we were just having a review of the chapter on globalisaring... afterwords was more fun, since i had been leaning on my writing had I had a blue mark on my chin from where my pen had dripped on my hand and transferred to my face... sigh. I got 4 comments in 5 min... it was kinda funny :) then Jostien decided to try what both of my younger siblings have tried and failed to do... unlock my ipod... haha!!! he failed too!
then i had to go down to the optics people and get my eyes checked because im having more and more problems reading what is written on the white boards and powerpoints if im sitting farther than 10 ft back... and the frontfew rows are really bad to sit in. :P unfortunatly they didnt have time to check my eyes today, so I am going back on wednesday... im hoping i dont get any more headachs that make me want to take pain killers again... :P
So after that I came home and Ive been hanging out, and chatting with Mamma and I cleaned the bathroom (and got a chocolate for it). so a relitivly unexciting evening. but im now happy that i didnt go snowboarding tonight, since i have sore stomach muscles (I fell pretty hard a few times on my stomach, which means I have to bend backwards so that I wont scrape my face off too) and arms... so im enjoying watching crime shows and a show about the crucades. but I guess i should end this post as to not bore you with more details, but Ill give you a few pictures!!!
This is a crow that was considering trying to steal my lunch of sushi on Saturday last weekend when I was in Tromsø!
Morgana eating miso soup for the first time :) she wasn't really sure if she liked it... sorry that the pic is blurry! but her expression is so funny I had to post it anyway!
Bubbles!!!!! love bubblegum! (Morgana, Laura and I shopping on saturday)
Guro and I after I got my industrial!!! thanks again!!!
"Oh My God! what the he-- is that?" they were sooo schocked I had to get a picture of their faces! (Morgana, Alice and Laura)
And now I will give you a picture of my new industrial! it may look a little red and crusty, but thats just because it is still healing and I had just cleaned it when I took this! doesn't it look cool?!?! so you have to help decide which rose barbell I will get!
ok dokker! vi snakkes!!!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A childhood book and bio class meet in my head and create...
(If you are easily offended by talk of sex cells please skip this post because that's all it's about)
the story behind this is we were talking about different hormones in bio class yesterday and we had a little chat about sex hormones which reminded me of a book i had as a little kid called Where Do I Come From. in this book there is a picture of all these well dressed and proper looking sperm and they get all romantic with an egg. I decided that in actuallity if these sperm were actually supposed to create a baby they would be in a compatition, a race, and that only the most athletic sperm would actually get the egg... so I decided to draw my own, which involves the fancy sperm from the book and the athletic sperm from my head meeting eachother, the athletic sperm gets insulted and laughed at because he doesn't have nice clothes, a race and the poor fancy sperm watch on as the athletic sperm and the egg "get married." it was so funny in my head that I just had to draw it... I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
as for the numbers on the sperms, they are to signify just how many sperm are created and ejaculated... in otherwords, THERES SOOO MANY SPERM CELLS THAT ARE BEING EXCLUDED FROM THIS COMIC!!! oh well, i think 4 is enough... they're annoying to draw. :)
vi snakkes!!!
the story behind this is we were talking about different hormones in bio class yesterday and we had a little chat about sex hormones which reminded me of a book i had as a little kid called Where Do I Come From. in this book there is a picture of all these well dressed and proper looking sperm and they get all romantic with an egg. I decided that in actuallity if these sperm were actually supposed to create a baby they would be in a compatition, a race, and that only the most athletic sperm would actually get the egg... so I decided to draw my own, which involves the fancy sperm from the book and the athletic sperm from my head meeting eachother, the athletic sperm gets insulted and laughed at because he doesn't have nice clothes, a race and the poor fancy sperm watch on as the athletic sperm and the egg "get married." it was so funny in my head that I just had to draw it... I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
as for the numbers on the sperms, they are to signify just how many sperm are created and ejaculated... in otherwords, THERES SOOO MANY SPERM CELLS THAT ARE BEING EXCLUDED FROM THIS COMIC!!! oh well, i think 4 is enough... they're annoying to draw. :)
vi snakkes!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
OMG I HAD AN AWESOME WEEKEND, so anything that happened during the week is relativly boring and thus i might not remember it... sorry!
how is everybody! have any good plans for Valentines Day besides reading my blog? XD
Ok, so i didn't post about my week, and honestly in light of what happened this weekend it doesn't really matter. ok, i rememeber some...
I was sick from lack of sleep on monday, which was nice, i got to sleep! i love sleep, i think it might be one of my best friends.
on tuesday i only had one class because Sisel, my norsk/religion teacher was absent. so i only had sosiologi! yay!!!
on wednesday, nothing happened of consequence, oh besides the fact that I got a headache from listening to a noise box that was emiting sounds at various hertz, and eventually they went to the point where i get an immediate headache that DOESN'T GO AWAY for about an hour or so... pain.
Thursday i only had one class again, because the 3rd grade had heldagsprøve for norsk! so i had sosiology again. last weekend i bought 4 movies, i think i noted this, and i decided that since there are not enough buses so i couldn't get home within a reasonable amount of time and back to the city so i could catch a bus to Marte's house that I would take a movie and watch it while i sat in the library. I brought Milk, which is a great movie, and as I realized, could be a great movie to watch in sosiology! So after class i went up to the teacher and asked her if she had seen it. she hadn't, but she wanted to, so she "asked" if she could borrow it for the weekend. it wasn't really that big a deal, but i had really wanted to watch it while waiting for the school day to end... oh well, maybe we will be able to watch it in class because I loaned it to her!
after school i went to Marte's house to wash. i got there and talked with Marte for a while, then when she went to get Aksel I started picking up the toys and everything scattered around the house. when Aksel came home Agnette woke up from her nap, so she and aksel and I played upstairs! it's really quite difficult to devide ones time between a one year old and a 4 year old... its really difficult especially when the 4 year old is jealous of the one year old and will thus use different ways to try and remove her from the compatition for attention. but it was fun, Agnette is very good natured and very tough for a baby, i think getting head-butted and huggedaround the neck repeatedly has helped that.
in other news about Agnette is that she has started walking between people! she should be on her feet by now, or maybe next week! she is soooo cute! she just giggles and giggles when we catch her after she walks to us! AWWWWWW <3 <3 <3
On friday I woke up at 5:40 so that i could shower and get everything ready to get to the 7 o'clock boat to Tromsø. the boat takes 3 hours, and sicne Morgana and I got up so early we decided that napping was in order. it was nice, until we hit spots where there were no islands and such to block the big waves coming in off the atlantic,so we woke up and decided it was probably a good thing that niether of us had really eaten breakfast... BIG WAVES!!!
When we got to Tromsø we decided that instead of waiting outside in the coal and snowy street we would wait in the shopping center for Alice and Laura, 2 italian afs-ers who live there (in tromsø). SO, we had a good day walking around and shopping, and I got to eat SUSHI for the first time in about 6 months!!!!! you know how horrible that is for me?! I love sushi... then we went to Artic Tattoo so i could attempt to get an industrial piercing. Unfortuntaly a note from Mamma and an email saiying "its your body, just be certain about it." (in other words very very begrudging, and im kinda scared to go home now) from Mum just doesn't cut it, i have to have a mother or father like figure with me... its stupid!
then we went to the library for about 3 hours before trying the other tattoo parlor in Tromsø. we had devised a plan to use my school id and say that since im an exchange student due to the school not being able to read my handwriting so well they got my birthdate wrong and thus im 18 not 17... im not sure if it would have worked, but i never got to carry out that plan because the piercer said my ear is the wrong shape for an industrial... huh?!?!
after that disapointment we headed up to Laura's house for italian pizzamade by the italians... which was cool except that they keep speaking italian and not norwegian!!!!! I felt out of the loop. but eventually other people came including some other exchange sutdents from different organizations, and a few guys from Laura and Alice''s school came over too... it was fun, it was nice to hang out with everybody, and the guys and i hit it off pretty quickly... though im really glad that im not 18 because they were planning on inviting me out with them to go clubbing... yeaaa, no. I like sleep and as far as i know i dont like beer.
I dont know when Alice and i went to bed that night (maybe saturday morning?) but i do know that i was woken up by a series of alarms that went off at 6! and Alice's host sister who has said alarms WOULDNT TURN THEM OFF!!! i was going crazy, i wanted sleep! so i ended up going and asking her to turn off the alarms... (ok, im having a little bit of a problem writing right now, i keep trying to write in norwegian and i know it wouldn't be bøkmål so you all couldnt translate it... i think this might be a good thing, but really it's kinda annoying at the moment)After that i fell asleep until almost 10. Alice and I headed upstairs and had breakfast with her host mom and youngest host sister, Rune, an ADORABLE 6 year old... *squees*
then we got dressed and headed out to the city to meet up with Morgana and Laura again. we went shopping again, and i bought the first perfume ive ever purchased... im such a girly girl sometimes... :P then i went to buy some lunch for myself and the others went to find postcards. what did i get for lunch? you dont need to wonder, the answer is obvious! I bought sushi to go! i got a fried salmon sushi! om nom nom!!! then i stood out in the street with a couple of crows staring at me and waited for the others to come back. after that we met up with Guro outside of Burger King (Morgana got a burger for Morgan... haha) Guro really liked the late christams present, a purple sack much like the one my Aunt Laura gave me for graduation (but no tassle that had to be removed) and then she went with me to the first tattoo parlor and we got my industrial! FINALLY!!!!! I will post picures when the swelling goes down, so just you wait! I hung out with Guro for a while before rejoining my afs buddies. She's coming home soon!
We decided that Morgana and i needed something substantial and not pølse on the boat, so we went to the nearest grocery store and got yougurt and things like that. while we were therea couple of older men working there asked us if we wanted to join the membership for the store. I told them no thanks since we are only going to be in norway for about 5 months more (I was told the next day its acutally only 4 months... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :@) and they were very puzzled as to why that would be, so i disclosed the info about us being exchange students. then, to my great shock and utter pleasure one of the things that I had wanted to happen at the begining of the year and had not expected to happen happened. The men told me that they couldn't hear my accent, and they thought I was norwegian!!!!!!!!! SOO0OOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!
then it was time to go, we did stop at a convenience store because there were cool hats, but because it took so long for Morgana to get hers I decided that I didn't really need the hat and I didnt want to risk missing the boat home. i ended up napping again on the boat. I eventually woke up, thanks to an alarm i set on my phone, and went downstairs to the offramp in the hopes that we would dock quickly enough for me to take the 6 o'clock bus home... no such luck. we docked 5 min past, and then a bunch of little boys decided that they could skip in line and got off first... sigh. Mamma was working and Pappa had had a beer so they couldnt get me, so it was looking like i would end up taking a taxi (something ive never done before) when I saw one of my classmates! she was there to pick up her mom who had been in Alta for work! My classmate offered me a ride home, so we saved 150 kr and I got to talk to my classmate a little more!
that was the end of that day!
Sunday was fun too! I went snowboarding for the first time in 3 weeks, which was too long in my opinion. and on the way in I found 20 kr! enough for a cola!!! YAAAAAY!!!!! I am managing to do more jumps, and i only fell a few times, the worst was when a man decided that stopping right in the middle of the slope right where people land from jumping was an okay thing to do. I was going too fast and couldnt turn intime and if i had tried I could have really hurt myself since that would mean I would land wrong... I tried to slow down enough for him to get out of the way, but when he saw me (after I yelled "OH NEI! FAUN!!!" dont translate that... its not something a proper young lady like me should say) it was too late. i took him out. I made sure he was ok though! and I was ok enough to get down the last part of the slope, even though he landed on my leg a little... ow... it gave out right as I got to the bottom... that wasnt fun. I managed to get it working again though!!!
I had a fun time at the ski hill, though i felt slightly saddend when I saw 10-12 year olds going off jumps that frighten me to look at, and doing 360s and things like that... scaary! but someday im gonna get it!
I went over to eat dinner with my contact family after that, which was nice! I like hanging out with them, especially when there is cake involved! I met Karin's parents and one of her aunts and uncles. they were all really shocked that i can speak norwegian so well (mamma also commented again that im very good with norwegian, and that she had shown her co-workers a text i had sent her because she was so impressed at how good im getting with writing too!)so it was fun to talk with them! eventually though it was time for me to go home.
Today was also a good day! i had a normal math class, and norsk class, but when it was time for gym i was very worried. I had to teach warm ups before volly ball, which is what my group decided to "teach" for our gruparbeid... the thing is, all these norwegians have been playing vooly ball for years, so basically the only thing being taught was my new warm ups.
I decided to go with some of the warm ups I learned from my 2nd martial arts school, which involves running, and doing some strange movements that loosen you up and make you sweat... they had never done something like that before, so they thought it was pretty cool... then we played vollyball... i really stink at sports. especially when a ball is invovled... ok, so maybe that's just team sports. then Weronica was supposed to do streaching, but i ended up taking that over since i know a few more streaches that they had never done before.
then after that the class was supposed to give us feedback, and one of my classmates said he really liked the warmups, because they were new and intersting and really got you warmed up... i could have kissed him! i really felt like a fool since i couldnt properly teach what was supposed to happen and some of the exercises look really funny.
bio was interesting too! we are studying hormones now, so i am enjoying that. i seem to know a little bit more about them than the other students. I could also answer why a cats eye is better equiped for night vision than a humans eye! so i felt smart!
after school i went to meet pappa and mamma at høgskole (the local university college) before coming home to have a snack and try to write this blog post... i failed to get it done. sigh... then i ran for the bus so i cuold meet my friend Maja (who helped me make pie) for dinner and a movie! it was a lot of fun! she even gave me a rose! so I bought dinner. she tried to help me pay but i refused. so we have a war with a 100 kr bill (that i found by the way... i will give it back) that we keep trying to sneak onto the others personal being without them noticing. she was very tricky this last time and stuck it in my coat pocket... im not going to tell you how im planning on giving it back though, since she reads this blog. ;D
the nordlys tonight were gorgeous, some of the most stunning ive seen since ive been here, and of course i had run out of the house without my camera... sigh. but im home now (after being locked out again) and i really need to sleep.
natta! and happy valentines day!
how is everybody! have any good plans for Valentines Day besides reading my blog? XD
Ok, so i didn't post about my week, and honestly in light of what happened this weekend it doesn't really matter. ok, i rememeber some...
I was sick from lack of sleep on monday, which was nice, i got to sleep! i love sleep, i think it might be one of my best friends.
on tuesday i only had one class because Sisel, my norsk/religion teacher was absent. so i only had sosiologi! yay!!!
on wednesday, nothing happened of consequence, oh besides the fact that I got a headache from listening to a noise box that was emiting sounds at various hertz, and eventually they went to the point where i get an immediate headache that DOESN'T GO AWAY for about an hour or so... pain.
Thursday i only had one class again, because the 3rd grade had heldagsprøve for norsk! so i had sosiology again. last weekend i bought 4 movies, i think i noted this, and i decided that since there are not enough buses so i couldn't get home within a reasonable amount of time and back to the city so i could catch a bus to Marte's house that I would take a movie and watch it while i sat in the library. I brought Milk, which is a great movie, and as I realized, could be a great movie to watch in sosiology! So after class i went up to the teacher and asked her if she had seen it. she hadn't, but she wanted to, so she "asked" if she could borrow it for the weekend. it wasn't really that big a deal, but i had really wanted to watch it while waiting for the school day to end... oh well, maybe we will be able to watch it in class because I loaned it to her!
after school i went to Marte's house to wash. i got there and talked with Marte for a while, then when she went to get Aksel I started picking up the toys and everything scattered around the house. when Aksel came home Agnette woke up from her nap, so she and aksel and I played upstairs! it's really quite difficult to devide ones time between a one year old and a 4 year old... its really difficult especially when the 4 year old is jealous of the one year old and will thus use different ways to try and remove her from the compatition for attention. but it was fun, Agnette is very good natured and very tough for a baby, i think getting head-butted and huggedaround the neck repeatedly has helped that.
in other news about Agnette is that she has started walking between people! she should be on her feet by now, or maybe next week! she is soooo cute! she just giggles and giggles when we catch her after she walks to us! AWWWWWW <3 <3 <3
On friday I woke up at 5:40 so that i could shower and get everything ready to get to the 7 o'clock boat to Tromsø. the boat takes 3 hours, and sicne Morgana and I got up so early we decided that napping was in order. it was nice, until we hit spots where there were no islands and such to block the big waves coming in off the atlantic,so we woke up and decided it was probably a good thing that niether of us had really eaten breakfast... BIG WAVES!!!
When we got to Tromsø we decided that instead of waiting outside in the coal and snowy street we would wait in the shopping center for Alice and Laura, 2 italian afs-ers who live there (in tromsø). SO, we had a good day walking around and shopping, and I got to eat SUSHI for the first time in about 6 months!!!!! you know how horrible that is for me?! I love sushi... then we went to Artic Tattoo so i could attempt to get an industrial piercing. Unfortuntaly a note from Mamma and an email saiying "its your body, just be certain about it." (in other words very very begrudging, and im kinda scared to go home now) from Mum just doesn't cut it, i have to have a mother or father like figure with me... its stupid!
then we went to the library for about 3 hours before trying the other tattoo parlor in Tromsø. we had devised a plan to use my school id and say that since im an exchange student due to the school not being able to read my handwriting so well they got my birthdate wrong and thus im 18 not 17... im not sure if it would have worked, but i never got to carry out that plan because the piercer said my ear is the wrong shape for an industrial... huh?!?!
after that disapointment we headed up to Laura's house for italian pizzamade by the italians... which was cool except that they keep speaking italian and not norwegian!!!!! I felt out of the loop. but eventually other people came including some other exchange sutdents from different organizations, and a few guys from Laura and Alice''s school came over too... it was fun, it was nice to hang out with everybody, and the guys and i hit it off pretty quickly... though im really glad that im not 18 because they were planning on inviting me out with them to go clubbing... yeaaa, no. I like sleep and as far as i know i dont like beer.
I dont know when Alice and i went to bed that night (maybe saturday morning?) but i do know that i was woken up by a series of alarms that went off at 6! and Alice's host sister who has said alarms WOULDNT TURN THEM OFF!!! i was going crazy, i wanted sleep! so i ended up going and asking her to turn off the alarms... (ok, im having a little bit of a problem writing right now, i keep trying to write in norwegian and i know it wouldn't be bøkmål so you all couldnt translate it... i think this might be a good thing, but really it's kinda annoying at the moment)After that i fell asleep until almost 10. Alice and I headed upstairs and had breakfast with her host mom and youngest host sister, Rune, an ADORABLE 6 year old... *squees*
then we got dressed and headed out to the city to meet up with Morgana and Laura again. we went shopping again, and i bought the first perfume ive ever purchased... im such a girly girl sometimes... :P then i went to buy some lunch for myself and the others went to find postcards. what did i get for lunch? you dont need to wonder, the answer is obvious! I bought sushi to go! i got a fried salmon sushi! om nom nom!!! then i stood out in the street with a couple of crows staring at me and waited for the others to come back. after that we met up with Guro outside of Burger King (Morgana got a burger for Morgan... haha) Guro really liked the late christams present, a purple sack much like the one my Aunt Laura gave me for graduation (but no tassle that had to be removed) and then she went with me to the first tattoo parlor and we got my industrial! FINALLY!!!!! I will post picures when the swelling goes down, so just you wait! I hung out with Guro for a while before rejoining my afs buddies. She's coming home soon!
We decided that Morgana and i needed something substantial and not pølse on the boat, so we went to the nearest grocery store and got yougurt and things like that. while we were therea couple of older men working there asked us if we wanted to join the membership for the store. I told them no thanks since we are only going to be in norway for about 5 months more (I was told the next day its acutally only 4 months... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :@) and they were very puzzled as to why that would be, so i disclosed the info about us being exchange students. then, to my great shock and utter pleasure one of the things that I had wanted to happen at the begining of the year and had not expected to happen happened. The men told me that they couldn't hear my accent, and they thought I was norwegian!!!!!!!!! SOO0OOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!
then it was time to go, we did stop at a convenience store because there were cool hats, but because it took so long for Morgana to get hers I decided that I didn't really need the hat and I didnt want to risk missing the boat home. i ended up napping again on the boat. I eventually woke up, thanks to an alarm i set on my phone, and went downstairs to the offramp in the hopes that we would dock quickly enough for me to take the 6 o'clock bus home... no such luck. we docked 5 min past, and then a bunch of little boys decided that they could skip in line and got off first... sigh. Mamma was working and Pappa had had a beer so they couldnt get me, so it was looking like i would end up taking a taxi (something ive never done before) when I saw one of my classmates! she was there to pick up her mom who had been in Alta for work! My classmate offered me a ride home, so we saved 150 kr and I got to talk to my classmate a little more!
that was the end of that day!
Sunday was fun too! I went snowboarding for the first time in 3 weeks, which was too long in my opinion. and on the way in I found 20 kr! enough for a cola!!! YAAAAAY!!!!! I am managing to do more jumps, and i only fell a few times, the worst was when a man decided that stopping right in the middle of the slope right where people land from jumping was an okay thing to do. I was going too fast and couldnt turn intime and if i had tried I could have really hurt myself since that would mean I would land wrong... I tried to slow down enough for him to get out of the way, but when he saw me (after I yelled "OH NEI! FAUN!!!" dont translate that... its not something a proper young lady like me should say) it was too late. i took him out. I made sure he was ok though! and I was ok enough to get down the last part of the slope, even though he landed on my leg a little... ow... it gave out right as I got to the bottom... that wasnt fun. I managed to get it working again though!!!
I had a fun time at the ski hill, though i felt slightly saddend when I saw 10-12 year olds going off jumps that frighten me to look at, and doing 360s and things like that... scaary! but someday im gonna get it!
I went over to eat dinner with my contact family after that, which was nice! I like hanging out with them, especially when there is cake involved! I met Karin's parents and one of her aunts and uncles. they were all really shocked that i can speak norwegian so well (mamma also commented again that im very good with norwegian, and that she had shown her co-workers a text i had sent her because she was so impressed at how good im getting with writing too!)so it was fun to talk with them! eventually though it was time for me to go home.
Today was also a good day! i had a normal math class, and norsk class, but when it was time for gym i was very worried. I had to teach warm ups before volly ball, which is what my group decided to "teach" for our gruparbeid... the thing is, all these norwegians have been playing vooly ball for years, so basically the only thing being taught was my new warm ups.
I decided to go with some of the warm ups I learned from my 2nd martial arts school, which involves running, and doing some strange movements that loosen you up and make you sweat... they had never done something like that before, so they thought it was pretty cool... then we played vollyball... i really stink at sports. especially when a ball is invovled... ok, so maybe that's just team sports. then Weronica was supposed to do streaching, but i ended up taking that over since i know a few more streaches that they had never done before.
then after that the class was supposed to give us feedback, and one of my classmates said he really liked the warmups, because they were new and intersting and really got you warmed up... i could have kissed him! i really felt like a fool since i couldnt properly teach what was supposed to happen and some of the exercises look really funny.
bio was interesting too! we are studying hormones now, so i am enjoying that. i seem to know a little bit more about them than the other students. I could also answer why a cats eye is better equiped for night vision than a humans eye! so i felt smart!
after school i went to meet pappa and mamma at høgskole (the local university college) before coming home to have a snack and try to write this blog post... i failed to get it done. sigh... then i ran for the bus so i cuold meet my friend Maja (who helped me make pie) for dinner and a movie! it was a lot of fun! she even gave me a rose! so I bought dinner. she tried to help me pay but i refused. so we have a war with a 100 kr bill (that i found by the way... i will give it back) that we keep trying to sneak onto the others personal being without them noticing. she was very tricky this last time and stuck it in my coat pocket... im not going to tell you how im planning on giving it back though, since she reads this blog. ;D
the nordlys tonight were gorgeous, some of the most stunning ive seen since ive been here, and of course i had run out of the house without my camera... sigh. but im home now (after being locked out again) and i really need to sleep.
natta! and happy valentines day!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
too late to post today, and it will be too early to post tomorrow.
I am slightly sorry to announce that due to some happenings I ran out of time to post tonight and I will not have time to post tomorrow. tonight was due to my washing Marte's house and Agnette being was too cute (and not wanting to let go of me so i could put my coat and shoes on) and learning to walk by going between myself and Marte! XD SOOOOO CUTE!!! I adore that little girl!
and tomorrow i will be catching the 7 am boat to Tromsø! and i will be there until saturday evening! no wirries, im not missing school, we have a freeday! I will poston monday, promise! i will not be late this time!!! (well, probably, you know how i am... easily distracted ("oh look bones is on!!! <3)
so, masse kjærlighet!!!
vi snakkes!
and tomorrow i will be catching the 7 am boat to Tromsø! and i will be there until saturday evening! no wirries, im not missing school, we have a freeday! I will poston monday, promise! i will not be late this time!!! (well, probably, you know how i am... easily distracted ("oh look bones is on!!! <3)
so, masse kjærlighet!!!
vi snakkes!
Monday, February 7, 2011
en fin helg i Finsness og æ husker at æ har en fri dag på fredag så æ skal til Trømso!
Hi everybody! how was your weeked? Mine was absolutly wonderful!!!
I got to stay home from school on friday so that I would have a more peacefull time going to the boat! it was lovely really to be able to "sleep in" hehehe... if only that were really possible. no, first Mamma and Pappa yelling for Karro woke me up, then i managed to doze for a few hours before I got running!
It was wonderful to see everybody on the boat, though it was rather cold waiting for pappa, who was giving me a little pocket money :) I had a great time, and even started a kinder egg thing where the majority of our group got kinder eggs (for the toys inside of course)! then we arrived in Finsness and were sent off to the mall for a little while (we had about 40+ min to wander before we were to be picked up). I found a great deal for 2 t-shirts for 20 kr! so I bought them, of course after I picked them out I realized that they were men's shirts... oh well, that happens to me a lot more often than I would like to admit... *sigh*
then we returned to the dock and were picked up by the van (but not after Giosafat dragged us (mainly me) to the book store to show me what he thought would be perfect for me... the book turned out to be a book on beer... how does that fit me at all? I don't like beer!) Then we were whisked off to a videregånde skole for our weekend together!
all the 25 girls in the area got 2 rooms and the guys got one (on the other side of the building). the læder again hid in their own private room down the hall from the girls' rooms and through a series of doors... it was kinda hard to find them the first time, but after we located them we were all set! after the girls in my room all unpacked their stuff we went to visit the guys. they had a bunch of rolly chairs so that was a little jealous making, but we got to play with them and have a good time anyway! then it was time for dinner, which was fish soup. not a favorite, but it was ok!
then after that we had a meeting with our groups to discuss what was good and bad about our year so far. we had to blow out candles and light them again, and it is really hard to blow out a candle when it is really close to other candles and you cant really movie it because if you do the wax will all spill out and burn you... which kinda hurts... on the first one I blew out i almost lit my hair on fire, almost. then on the second one i didn't actually blow out the one i was aiming for but the one on the other side of the plate! how weird is that?!
Then after that wonderful (really kinda boring) activity i got a group together to go to Rema 1000 which was just down the road! there were over 20 of us who started tramping down the snow covered road, and it wasn't until we turned the corner and started up the parking lot to the store when we realized just how cold and icy it was... it was bitterly cold, then wind actually hurt. but the store was warm, and there were socks, so that made life better.
to explain the socks, i got up friday morning and packed my bag so that I would be able to grab it and go later on. I packed everyting i needed, underwear, jeans, shirts, toiletries and makeup and hair stuff. i even brought the plug in for my ipod and the speaker I got for christmas. the one thing I forgot to pack extra of was socks, and I realized this as I was getting on the boat. don't ask me why, I just did. so i made it my personal mission to buy a couple socks so that I wouldn't wear the same pair for 3 days straight, cause that's just gross. I forgot when we went to the mall, but I rememebred again when we were all taking off our shoes so we could run around more easily (AFS and CBHS have a lot in common actually, everybody in both groups hates shoes and loves games and hugs. and competition.) overall it was a great hang out night!
the best thing about this camp was the fact that there were showers. sure you had to get up early to use them and you had to walk across a cold windy courtyard to get to them, but THERE WERE SHOWERS!!! there was one shower at our last camp and I didn't get to use it... ugh. but there was this weekend!!! i was very glad about that. breakfast both days was mewsly (sp) and a basic smørbrød. I was very fond of the nugatti :) and of course a cup or 2 of juice! we had our typical group meeting and such, then later our girl talk boy talk (dont have unprotected sex, dont diet while abroad, end of talk) then lunch. which was tomato soup! with egg and macaroni noodles! I would like to note my love of food, again. I love food. It makes me really happy!
the best part of that day was when the groups had to make a presentation about our problems with our year so far and how we think it is best to solve them. My group decided that doing a skit or drawing and explaining was just too mundane so we wrote and sang a song to the tune of "hallelugha" (sp). my last post has the lyrics, and im working on getting the video. :)
it was really fun, everybody thought it was great, you should hear the laughs on the video, and if you aremy friend on fb (either account) then you can! sorry if you aren't! and just to note, i dont add people who i dont know!
then later we all went on an escapade to the "italian" restaurant Milano where we ate a lot of pizza... my table unfortunatly didn't get replacement pizzas when we finished ours, so we ended up stealing pizzas and slices to make up for our lack :] om nom nom!
The walk back was cold, though there was a brief break from the biting cold to pick up cola and other yummies. we also looked at films and grabbed handfulls of free chocolate :) then we went back to the school to hang out for a little before we had kveldsmat (a late night snack) of sweets since it was one of our AFS-ers birthday! he turned 18, yay for turning 18 in norway!!!
but before the snack Giosafat decided to try and push me around a little. so i reacted as i normally would to a friend who is bigger than me, stronger than me and i know can take a little hit. i escaped his hold and pushed back. this meant that he felt he had lost face since his bf was there and another guy were watching (im pretty sure they had egged him on too before he started) and soon enough he was challenging me. no worries, i didn't really hit him, though i did get the whole camp cheering for me. it was really funny, Giosafat is a good foot or so taller than me and i got him to run away a few times. other times he would grab me and pick me up before setting me on my back, which meant that I would allmost get him in a headlock or kick him in a delicate place before he would back off... it was funny. he did come up and nail me in the back/side after it was all done, but im not sure if the bruise was from that or from me running into something. the latter of which seems entierly possible. no worries people, it was all fun and games and im in complete controll of myself, and i know how to take a hit better than a lot of people. and he's a rugby player so he is just as good at that too, well maybe not the controll thing. it was fun to see his and the rest of the guys' faces when Lenard (a guy from germany and Giosafat's bf (not really)) commented that I seem to have some technique to which i responded that I should have at least some after 8 years of training. it was priceless i tell you!
the next day was strange, we had to make a poster about living abroad. my group ended up doing a picture of hands in one of the weird hoorah things that sports teams do... whatever they are called. it was an awesome picture, and we tied in the abroad thing with a ribbon around their wrists and with flags on the ribbon. it meant to me that we are all tied together, and that we should all reach out and try to learn about our differences as well as note what we all have in common instead of fighting the ties we have and being ethenocentric to the point of dragging the whole world down... unfortunatly that wasn't conveyed clearly so we lost the compatition despite our art being the obvious best. *sigh*
then it was time to clean up and go home. that wasn't very enjoyable, the majority felt that we didn't haveenough time together or enough time to play. oh well, most of s are meeting in Narvik in March so that will be great! right after my birthday too!!!
I wasn't feeling too good on sunday night due to lack of sleep. i get fevers really easily when that happens, so when i got home i took a tablet and went to bed, telling Mamma that if i wasn't up in the morning that I wasn't feeling up to school. so after a brief stint up at 6:40 i slept until around 11:30. so nice! I ended up watching 2 of the 4 films i bought at the dock (5 for 300 kr, so a friend gave me what 1 would cost and got the movie she wanted). I only was looking for fun, but i said (thinking it would be impossible for both movies to show up in such a limited selection) that if both Milk and Underworld (#1) showed up I would buy them... wow do i know how to tempt fate. I am now the prowd owner of Milk, Underworld, Blood and Chocolate and The Lovely Bones all with Norwegian, swedish, samii, and danish subs... possibly finnish as well. dont i feel special. but they are great movies that i really like, and this house has a sorry lacking of movies in general so I felt that I needed something to watch other than the movies and shows that are stratigically placed on the net...
anyway, i'll tell you about today on thursday, since im going to Tromsø on friday and im planning on taking the early boat! YAY FOR FREE DAYS!!!
Vi snakkes!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Grønn grup laget en sang, vær så godt!
So! because I think it's really funny, Im going to post the lyrics to the song that my group wrote this weekend to address problems that we have been having as exchange students and the solutions we came up with. this song is sung to the "Hallelujah" melody! I will translate after, but it wont sound as good :)
Hvis noen død i hjemmelande
og du føler deg trist og svak
da får du lov å gråte hele tida
Da kan du gå til verstmoren din
og prater om de triste ting
da føler du deg bedre in i hjerte
Da ser du opp mot hjemmelen
Da lyser nordlyset på deg
Det er på grunne av mørketida
Mørketida, mørketida,
mørketida, mørketida.
Da gå du un når det er lyst
og spise mye vitamin
da holder du deg fisk og supersunn
Da er det sikkert ikke bra å
sitte mye forran data
og skype med foreldren ofte heller
Ikke Facebook, Ikke ofte facebook,
Ikke Facebook, Ikke ofte- facebook-
Hvis da sitter om ettermiddag
og gjøre bare lekse
da kan du gå og snakke med din lærer
og vi er her og vi er glad
å vi får være i norge da
og da singer vi sammen "heia norge"
Heia Norge, heia Norge
Heia Norge, heia Norge"
Cool huh? there is a video of my group singing it, so when I can get my hands on that I will post it!
Ok, translation, it wont be word for word because some of the words are indicating a word that we would say/write in english, so im adding the word that is implied.
"If someone died in your home land
and you feel sad and weak
you're allowed to cry all the time
then can you go to you host mom
and talk about the sad things
then you'll feel better in your heart
and when you look up into the sky
when the borthern lights light up they sky
it is a reason of the dark season.
Dark season, dark season
Dark season, dark season.
So go out when it is light
and eat lots of vitamins
so you will stay fresh and super-healthy
And it is deffinitly not good
to sit a lot before a computer
and skype a lot with your parents
Not Facebook, not often facebook
Not Facebook, not often- facebook-
If you sit (a lot) after supper
and only do homework
then you can go and talk to your teacher
and we are here and we are happy
and we'll be in Norway when
we sing all together "Hello (hail?) Norway"
Hello Norway, hello Norway,
Hello Norway, hello Norway."
SOOO MUCH BETTER IN NORWEGIAN! it sounds better and it actually probably makes more sense in norwegian too... it's just how the language is structured... :D i absolutly love this song of ours! it makes me smile everytime I think of it!
I'll do an actual post tomorrow!
Vi snakkes!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Should I skip school tomorrow so I can actually get to my boat without stressing? I want to...
So as well as being a day late with my last post I am going to be early too! the reason for this being that tomorrow I am taking the boat to Finsness and wont really have time to post with all the running around im going to be doing...
So, I'll talk about wednesday! My first class is bio on wednesday, and it was a very interesting class. I got into the room before most people arrived and Jorun, the teacher, told me that she had heard that I did a very good job on monday talking to the ungdomsskole students about biology! I was glad that people thought I did well! Then class started and we started to finish up with our study of the nervous system, we're doing so by testing reflexes and hearing and skin receptors... I had done everything except the hearing thing before, or had it done to me, so I was all set with that. and I shocked my group by how close it takes for me to only feel one prick (from 2 needles), on my fingertips they had to set them right next to eachother so the tips were actually touching... that sounded a little dirty... sorry... but we are talking needles and their pointyness so just remember that!
Besideds the cool expeiriments a girl that sits behind me fainted, in the middle of class... I was worried that she would start seizing, but luckily she didn't. no, she just fell, kinda like what one of my friends boy-friends did on a class trip junior year. unfortunatly for un known reasons any time someone around me faints I always start feeling sick... I get dizzy and start sweating and feel like im going to puke, and I almost did yesterday because I was trying to concentrate on the lesson and not on the girl. it resulted in me almost bolting the classroom trying not to run for the bathroom... I find it very strange that fainting affects me this way since someone fainting doesn't actually scare me. ive been around quite a few people who have fainted before, and my dog in the states siezes on occasion to, so im kinda used to it. But is ALWAYS start feeling sick! I can deal with all types of bodily fluids and excreations, but someone faints and I start feeling sick... ugh.
Also interesting in class was the end of class when the Jorun was trying to help a group find the reflex on a girls' knee. they just couldn't get it right, but then I remembered when mom was getting annoyed that she couldn't find the reflex in my elbow so she put her thumb over it then started banging her thumb with the mallet... so I suggested using something to pinpoint the reflex then hitting that instead. I got a few weird looks, but they tried it and on the first try they got the reflex!!! I was thanked again by Jorun! So i guess I just have to thank my Mum for torturing me as she did this past spring... without that I wouldn't have been able to help my class!
im not going to talk about math, it's frustrating and boring and even mroe so since i can't figure out the graphing program.
So, after I was done with school I went to meet up with a bunch of friends from the otehr vgs (videregånde skole) at Milano, the local italian restaurant... It was fun to meet up with them (the people from game nights, so Kristing and Maja were there!) I was harassed into getting a giant wrap thing with cucumbers and tomatoes and weird meat stuff by kristin, but it was okay if you pulled said things out or at least the cucumber and tomato... and ignroed the chewyness of the meat. But I ate it because I was hungry! I had a good time hanging out talking with them for a couple of hours before swimming... and I think Maja might be joining Silje and me swimming! maja if you're reading this if you are serious about swimming with us I can give you what we are going to be swimming, but it will be a little longer than what we have been swimming forthe past few weeks so I'll give you what we were doing as it is not as long and it builds up well!
After swimming Silje and I went to Spar, a grocery store, and I got a pomagranet!!! ^.^ Im planning on eating it tonight!!! or cutting it up tomorrow and bringing it with me on the ferry to finsness! Then we went and met Weronica and a tanning salon before heading over to my place for pie and pancakes! i only tanned for 9 min, so no worries people! I just got a really freckelly face, i might be a little bit more of a normal color and not really really pale (well, pale by my standards), and i wont make it a real habit. It actually really helped, I feel slightly more energetic and feel a little bit hardier... though that might jsut be from being worm in a way that doesn't mean I might get spark burns on my clothes from sitting so close to the woodstove. warm... :D
after that exciting adventure we went home with a quickish stop at Silje's grandma's house so she could drop off the car. It was rather humourous because it is a little hard to see the stops when you are trying to get into the neighborhood, so we ended up passing both enterances and having to pull a u-turn and keep a look out for cars which move really really fast down that road... like all roads in norway...
But we made it, then after a 5 min struggle with the drivveway and car and the road that they were on/attatched to... it was quite funny to watch XD then we came in and had pie... OM NOM NOM!!! Im not quite sure why there was sooo much water in it, but it didn't really affect anything, and I drained it out when there was less pie to fall out so that was good. it actually tasted like an apple pie should taste, I was rather shocked! I hadn't really expected that, but it made me happy! Then a made pancakes! after the first few tries I actually managed to make pancakes that looked like pancakes... I forgot to tell Weronica and Silje that they didn't need a lot of syrup on them because the syrup is so sweet, but they figured it out pretty quick. :D
It was fun to have friends over, I discribed what we did in bio for them, then they told me that they wanted to see if i could test their reflexes, so i did! hey mom! remember that reflex in the elbow that you just couldn't get on me? I got it on Silje on my first try!!! HAHAHA!!! i win. XD
then they decided that it was time for them to leave, so I went to keep Kristin (who hates being alone) company for a little while. she was painting, it was very nice to see. And she showed me pictures of her class's fashion show! soo cool!!!
AND THEN IT WAS THE 4TH DAY... I really should be able to do something more interesting than that, but nothing's coming to mind... so thursday, full day at school, managed to not talk to my history teacher at all! but it would have been even better if someone had gone to ask her if we could switch history with another norwegian class so that we could finish our movie... we're watching Se7en. it's cool. Its about someone killing people who have one or more of the seven deadly sins... in rather grusome ways. the first guy was forced to eat himself to death, and the second guy was forced to cut "a pound of flesh" off and then bled to death. the third guy was probably the first victim, since he had been kept in a bed for a year, the killer had cut off his hand then used it to leave a message that would direct the detectives to him, he was still alive, but he had bed sores and his brain was mush and he had eaten his own tongue. ewww... that was where we were left off... sooo interesting! i want to finish it!!! >X[
after school i caught a ride back home with mamma and pappa. Ole-Peter and Eilin were there, so we all had supper together! Ole-Peter thought that the girl fainting with no pre-existing conditions for no reason was interesting, then Pappa started making fun of me for getting sick when people faint, he was wondering how i was going to be a doctor if i couldn't stand fainting... could i handle bodily fluids he wondered. Ole-Peter got a kick out of that.
then I had dance! It was really fun, we started doing more spins, and the last guy I danced with was really good, though I kept screwing up when i misinterpreted the signal he was giving. but it was really fun, and I didn't get blisteres from my shoes this time!!! then Morgana and I went to the city. we decided to take another route, which lead us past an abandoned shopping cart... which to a overly exited teenage mind immediatly indicated that we should push it down the hill wiht one of us in the basket inside... it was ok, but the snow made it really hard to steer and woudn't let us go fast enough for the person pushing to hop on too... oh well, it was fun!
we caught our busses and headed our seperate ways. I went to meet up with Karro and Pappa, because it is much faster to take a bus most of the way to them thand it is to walk the whole way. I had bought Karro some Pocky (strawberry flavored) and she was very eager to eat it, which meant she kept running over to me when her team was going to the other teams goal... which lost her team a point once because the opposing team got the ball back and made a break for it... good thing it wasn't a compatition!!! eventually it was time to come home, and I went to visit Kristin again because I needed to get her to bring Pie to Maja. Kristin's sister was home so she gotsome pie too! I helped her a little with some words she was having problems with in her text books, and she asked for my cell # so that if she was having more problems with words she could text me and ask. :D
It was fun to hang out with Kristin, but when I tried to go home I discovered I was locked out... Pappa had forgotten that I was not home... I tried to call Karro, but she didn't pick up her phone, luckily Pappa rememebered and came to unlock the door... thanks! it's kinda cold outside at 11:30 at night. thankfully I was given permission to not go to school today so I got to sleep in!!! yeah right, Karro and Kazan make more noise than Mamma, which is saying something. then I got a text from Morgana asking about her missing waterbottle (sorry about that by the way, I thought you had grabbed it) just when I was about to fall asleep again... at that point I pretty much gave up. *sigh*
So now, I am waiting for my clothes to be dried so I can take a shower and get dressed and pack my bag for the weekend! FINSNESS HERE WE COME!!! I am soooo excited!!! cant wait to see everybody again! oh! I think my clothes are done! yippie!!! I also have to fold the towels and stuff i took out... *sigh* thanks goodness my bus is in an hour and a half!
I have to go! vi snakkes på mandag! æ skal ikkje være sent denne gang!
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