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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bad Devyn, BAD!

Im sorry about not posting yesterday or sat... honestly, I had more interesting things to do... :D

Last week was very laid back, I hung around at home, and tried to get people to go to the town and hangout with me/show me where the shops I need were. It didn't work until about wednesday night when I put out a fb status requesting somebody's partnership for at least a couple hours... or not even that long... thus when I went to town on thursday I was done shopping for other people about 10 min after I started... most of that time was because of walking to the various stores... :D It was quite humorous actually, I was getting off my bus and saw Morgana walking towards hers, so I took the oportunity to give her a hug and wish her a god jul! Then I met Aom and a bunch of girls from school in the bus station. Aom had a present for me (which made me feel like a piece of... poop... seeing that I didn't think about getting something for the AFS students in Harstad... ugh, I fail.) I promised that I would get her and the others something after christmas, so DONT WORRY!!! she thought I was funny.

After that I met Yngvild and S(cantremememberrestofname) so they could quick like show me where my needed stores were. I learned when trying to exchange some boxers (that Karro bought for Pappa) that you have to order his size online so I couldn't exchange them for her... sorry again Karro, eventhough you dont read this. And then we went to find simpsons socks for Ole-Peter... I didn't know what else to get him, so I just went with Karro's suggestion. Then all I needed were some earrings and I was all set, though we did go underwear shopping for about 5 min... I guess that's just something that I can do with my gang in the US... :)

Soon after Yngvild and S... went home, and I met up with Aom again, and when she went to the bathroom I saw Weronica while she went on her smoke break. I chatted with her then when she went back to work I went back to the bbus station to wait for Jostein who I had been told was coming to help me shop fot the things I already bought... oh well! I met back up with Aom there, and Morgan showed up too. Jostien showed up with a holiday cheese box, which he complained about more than I complained about my purse... He said it was ruining his image, I offered to trade with him... he stopped complaining :D

We ended up going to Bik Bok, and low and behold my PURPLE ZIPPYHOODY WAS ON SALE!!! I think a little part of me died and went to heaven. I immediatly snatched up my size and ran to the line before anybody could pry my prize from me... *hiss with claws at the ready* Jostien said somehting about not having a christmas present for me so I said we could split the costs on the hoody and that would be great, but he kept bugging me about him being able to get a whole present for me, so I pointed him in the direction of the black hoodies with the white zippers, size L please. (for the leangth, not the width if anybody is wondering, they fit quite well, because they are made for long skinny people like me).

I had a really good time, and then Jostien said his dad could give me a ride home! What he failed to mention was that his dad would act as the adult in the passenger's seat while Jostien himself would terrorize Harstad by sitting behind the wheel!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

actually, he drives really well, probably better than I would faced with these terrifyingly twisty thin roads... good jobb Jostien! *gives round of applause*

It was kinda funny actually, the day before (shopping) a series of callers came to the door to bestow presents on my unworthy self, and one of them was Karin, my contact mother. She told me that Brunjar (did I spell it right this time?) and Jostien were in the car if I wanted to say hello, which gave me the opportunity to run like a chicken with its head cut off up stairs to snatch a semi-decently wrapped present from the stack that occupied the chair at the end of my bed, then gallop back down the stairs to locate my hiding pair of boots to hurtle outside to the car just as Karin was getting into the passengers side (RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! BRUNJAR IS DRIVING!!!) and let the guys know that I was behind/beside them. Jostien didn't know that I lived here, so it was kinda funny for me to hear "wow Devyn, you live here?!" why yes, yes I do. I gave him the present and ruffled Brunjar's hair *(cause it annoys him and it looks so smooth but really his hair is rather coarse) and wished them a god jul. it was funny!

random fact time. did you know that God is Gud in norwegian? but way back in the day the old norwegians would capitalize all the nowns, not just names, so to make God stand out they would write GUd. kinda cool and interesting right? It kinda looks lopsided to me... :) anyway, random fact over. Not sure why I went there, but there it is!

Christmas was an interesting event, the day before our house went from sadly lacking in christmas decorations to OMG THERE ARE NISSE EVERYWHERE!!! which I think is thanks to our tramping up to the ski hill to cut down a tree. it is not as full as the trees I am used to, and I didn't insist that we cut down the tallest tree this time either... (its a reference to a family story that will makemy parents and grandparents laugh, but im too lazy to write out what happened so you will have to live with that unless you can convinve me or my parents or my grandparents to recount it for you). Anyway, christmas included 11 people total eating and opening presents and being really loud from 5 until 10 or 11... though it felt more like 20 people because Aksel was very energetic about having sooo many presents!

Really, I was astonished by the pile of presents around the poor tree... it was about 4-5 years worth of christmas presents for my family including my aunt and uncle and cousin that we often celebrate with. and possibly some other family members too... O.O I got alot of socks... 4 pairs to be exact,and while im very happy that people were thinking about me, I dont especially like socks. infact most of my childhood i scorned socks, even in the middle of winter. I would wear shoes (when forced to) without the annoying tubes of cloth with their seams in the toes unless bribed or threatend. The resentment towards that piece of apparal remains today, and it seems to bug Mamma. She is always telling me that i need to go put sock or slippers on because i'll get a cold... but really, I DO appreciate the gesture, and I have used a pair of them when I went snowboarding on sunday.

I finally opened the present that Yngvild gave me, the one that has been tormenting me... It is a book about 2 people that are from different social statuses trying to get something done despite the fact that their whole world seems to be against them... I actually haven't gotten very far into it yet, I got distracted by Nemi and The Glassblower of Murano... But I loved the note she wrote in it! thanks Yngvild! You will be getting a card for it, and the joint present from you and Jostien, which is a Guild Wars Account! UNfortunatly this computer cannot have anything else going on if it is going to load any of the new places in a reasonable amount of time... actually about 20 min... +

Anyway, back to christmas in norway. They have a tradition where a Nisse comes with a present for everybody! This year it was Tante Berit in costume, which Aksel didn't realise. When she knocked on the door he went to answer it. after about 30 sec he cam racing back and tackeled Pappa and clung to his arm staring wide eyed and tante berit/the nisse. SO FUNNY! Tante Berit is actually Aksel's grandmother which made it even funnier! But after getting a blue guitar from the nisse Aksel wasn't so afraid of the nisse anymore, and he was quiet ready to collect everybodys' presents for them... awww...

it was a crazy night, happily Karro and Guro and Mamma were very pleased with their presents... Im not sure about Pappa, he doesn't seem to be as interested in Our Dumb World from The Onion as I had hoped... Karro was bouncing because of her shoes! (she designed them on the converse website, I bought them) and Mamma was open mouthed about her necklace earring set, she actually got up and gave me a hug for them! Guro said that the nail stuff and sack that I got here were perfect! so I think I did ok!

Saturday was christmas day, and marked the third time that I skyped home. It was hard, but not as hard as skyping for G's brithday suprisingly... Im not sure I get that, but there it is. It was nice to see my family, and since they were celebrating with my aunt and uncle and cousin I got to see them too! My aunt laura said that she would save my library if it turns out that my parents really did paint it pink, and she agrees with me that Mustard Yellow is a nice color. Im still waiting for pictures of my library, and it's getting nerve wracking... :)

My parents opened their presents from me, which was a set of mugs with "the boss" and "the slave" on them... I didn't get to mark which was which in the store, so when I wrapped them I said they were for one or the other, and they would know who got which when they opened them... they opened the right ones! it's pretty obvious who got which, and it got a laugh from everybody! Unfortunatly G's presents didn't get there in time, so I will be skyping him to see him open them as soon as he get them. or as soon as I can after.

I got a hat! 2 actually, ones a hat for the cold, and the other is a normal decoration type hat! I also got things for my boots to help me stick to the ice when trying to walk down and up slippery hills. :) I got a book, a cute chia-plant thing and speaker thing that I can attach to my backpack and put my ipod in so when I walk down the road of doom I can share with more ease with the moose. :D I also got peppermint bark! which is almost out, despite the fact that I hid it from everybody but myself in an attempt to stretch it out over a long period of time... yeah... i fail... BUT I LOVE IT SOOOOOO MUCH!!! I also got my headphones (which is lucky, because I was going crazy from music withdrawl) and a shirt that says "Born in Maine, Living in Exile" on it! Im not sure Norway really constitutes exile, but it will definitly apply next year. Minnisota according to Our Dumb World Atlas is a Bullshit state. *giggle* and I will be exiling myself there for atleast 4 years... i keep telling myself that it's a good thing, but them i remember there is no ocean there and it makes me want to sit in a corner rocking back and forth and mutter and cackle to myself... im sorry, BUT LAKES NO MATTER HOW LARGE CANNOT COMPARE TO THE OCEAN!!! THEY ARE JUST NOT RIGHT!!! they dont smell right.

I am likely to be getting "ah!"s of indignation from my Mum and her family right now since they are all from Minnisota (or "from away" if you really want me to get to my Mainah roots) so I think I'll change the subject.

I spoke to them for a good 2 hours, despite the fact that it was 9 in the morning there and they had all forgone breakfast to talk to me... I thought I had schedualed our skype-in late enough that they could have eaten, but obviously I failed in that quest... oh well, I tried. G got new skiis! He was very happy about it! and he told me that they were going to go skiing on mon, but i later learned that since there was a Nor'eastah (a storm that blows in from the north-east, and is known to be strong, and cold. usually brings snow, but in the spring it brings rain, which floods the school. Sorry, I figured I would explain what it is for people not from Maine and who have never been exposed to a Mainer when they are talking about one... :D ) so, he couldn't get to the mountain. too much flying snow.

But anyway, it was lovely to talk to my family. Again Im glad that I only skype them once a month, incase any possible future AFS-ers are wondering. AFS suggests that you only skype or call every two weeks, but i am finding that if you cut it down to once a month ones homesickness is cut down alot. I only get homesick around the time of the actuall event usually... We're going to excuse November for breaking that pattern since there were events that are acceptable homesickness causes... :) So, if you are reading this to get some information about how an AFS year goes, on this point I would suggest trying to cut down to a few emails a week and only one skype/call a month. It makes everybody feel bad if you're homesick, and it doesn't help you make friends. justa tip!

Sunday was fun, I went snowbording with Karro, and after she found some of her friends I had a good time practicing more control than trying to keep up with her. I prefer to have control over where im going than to go fast, so im not as fun for people to ride with as say, Karro or G are... but by the end I was getting down the mountain in 4 min and doing pretty good carving turns! my last run however I kept falling when i was switching from my heel edge to my toe edge... ugh. After the 2nd time I threw my hands up and sat on my knees so I could regain my composure... and try to getmy legs to stop shaking... Im getting better at using the lift for extended periods of time, but its still hard on my legs. But I got going back down the hill and actually made it down the little vally and up the other hill without going as slowly as I normally do! Im pretty close to where I was last year I think, I just have to try to do some flatspins and 180's and riding switch. :D

When I was done I called Pappa to ask if he could come pick me up. He told me that it would be about 15 min, since he was going to pick Guro up first, so I told him it wasn't a big deal. I went to wait for him when something that's still making me laugh happened. Some guy who turned out to be my age walked out away from the lodge building thing and looked towards the parking lot, and me. I thought it was odd since when he saw me look at him he turned around and walked back infront of the lodge again, but I brushed it off as he was looking for his ride. then he came back and walked to the parkinglot with a group of people, so, cool, he was just looking for his ride and went to tell his family that it was there... until he walked back past me, sans the group. about halfway between me and the front of the lodge he turned around and came over to talk to me. He said that he had seen me fall my second time and seen me giving my self a dispairing shake of my head.

It was fun to talk to him, even though we didn't exchange names, I remember he was one of the better dressed skiiers there. (im coming back to this, but it can wait until after I finish this story) we didn't really talk about much, but he did say that he goes skiing every day, and he can walk to the hill from where he lives. He also goes to the other Videregånde school in the area, in Stagnes. he seemed like a nice guy, and he was trying to convince me to go up again when Pappa showed up. I'll probably be seeing him there again, though he skiis... so it'll probably be in passing (him passing me going at a breakneck speed down the mountain).

Okay, back to the skiiers and their apparel. one word is required for them in general. HORRIBLE!!! Honestly, all their floresents will mean that they wont get shot by hunters, but the fashion police will be hunting them activly if they wear that stuff anywhere besides the ski hill... Im not sure what possesed them to buy matching floresent Yellow/orange snow pants or jackets, or matching floresent yellow/blue/red jacket and snowpants... or dare to mix floresent orange and purple with various other unidentifiable colors, but it's enough for one to be glad they are a snowborder. All of whom have acceptable outfits, usually one bright color tastefully matched with a black or brown. *sigh of relief* so, beware skiiers, yes you, the one with more than one floresent color on your skiing outfit, I have allerted the fashion police to your existance and they will be watching very closely for you to stray into the general public and expose the masses of unprotected people to your horrendouse (sp) apparal, then they will take you down!


Yesterday was quite, instead of going snowboarding again I decided to try and hang out with Kristin and to read while waiting for her to respond. I didn't actually leave the house until after middag, and im not going to tell you how much time I spent in bed, but you can probably tell from that that it was an extended amount of time. :D After middag though I went over and watchedBuffy the vampire slayer with Kristin, which was fun, eventhoughwe kepthaving to pause the show so she could squeal over Spike... and eventhough she is completely gaga over Spike she says that I still cant get Olli (the one werewolf who has ever been considered as possible boyfriend material BTW, though im still holding out for Eric Northman or Lestat as at least my maker... :D yes, i still love vampires. I actually got a wallet with some fangs on it for christmas too!)... she's greedy... :P but its ok, she says that since she got Ruka from Last Friends I can have Alexander Skarsgård/Eric Northman... it was a hard sell, but atleast I know I dont have to fight her for him! >:D (note my hollywood crush on him is going into it's 4th year... this spring anway. XD )

Oh! I forgot, on sunday night I helped Mamma get in touch with her long lost family memeber that moved to WA years and years and years ago. I found his name on the white pages then his daughter's name (who I thougt was his wife because it didn't list the man's other children and it didn't list her age) who had a phone number and an adress. So, she called them and they are now exchanging emails! I feel like a hero, now I only have to find out if I ahve family here... Im hating Ancestry rightnow for commandeering all sites and their access to various records from various contries... >:P so mean. I dont want to spend more money on a site that i thought would atleast give me something more to work with... grrr...

okay, im rambling again. and ive only got a few songs left in the Les Misarables soundtrack (it's my favorite musical, but ive never seen it if anybody's wondering) and i should go downstairs today. :) Oh, I also have decided to kiss my tentative plans to go to the UK to see The Decemberists in concert goodbye... the ticket to the concert its self is actually cheap, but it's the plane there and back, and the hotel and the train or bus to the city that the concert actually is happening in that is expensive... so, i'll just wait until next year and hope that they have a concert near where i am living... *crosses fingers, sqeezes eyes shut and mutters a variety of pleases*

okay! I hear cookies calling my name over the sound of Marius singing about Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, and how he was the only one to survive the revolution... oh, he's done now, only 2 more songs and I would have listened to the whole musical while writing this post! too bad, Ive got nother to write about now, well, nothing is coming to mind right now... but im sure that this post is long enough to make some people shake their heads at me so I'll leave it at that.


Friday, December 24, 2010


Hei allesammen!

So, it is Christmas here, as in all the family is coming over to open presents and celebrate, so im not sure if I'll have time to do a blog post today. If not I will post tomorrow after my homesickness is thouroughly taken care of.

God Jul!

Monday, December 20, 2010


HALLO HALLO HALLO! God dag, god dag...

sån, går det bra med alle? er du glad for jul? har alle juletrer? vi skal gå til skogen og finne en på julaften... :/ jeg liker hvordan de lukte...

Jeg husker historien at min familien lese hvert år, The Night Before Christmas, og alle andre historier at er en del av jul for mine kulture og jeg er lit trist, fordi alle er ulike her. Vi åpner gavene på julaften og vi har ulike tradisjoner her, like nisse kom når alle er våken, og han gi unger godteri for jul. Vi har ikke eggnog, men vi har gløgg (det er god også, lit merkelig, men godt), jul dekorasjoner er ikke så stor her, men hver søndag lys en nytt lysstokk (alle jeg har sett er lila). Jeg sauvner hvordan jul er hjemme, men jeg tror jeg er glad å være her, fordi jeg vet at neste år når jeg skal være med min familie jeg skal føler ekstra glad :)

Lørdag var en sakte dag, jeg sovt senere fordi Karro og jeg var opp til klokka 2... jeg sovt til rundt klokke 11, når Karro vokket meg opp. Vi spist en lit frokost og fått klare å dro til bakken! Denne gang Karro brukt en snowboard, og etter en lit tid hun spurt meg hvis jeg kan lærer hun hvordan å kjøre det vendt opp fjellen. Jeg prøvt å lærer hun, og ba om unskyldning for å vær en feiging. (fordi jeg liker ikke å kjøre fort eller ned tyne veier...) Hun sa at hun var glad å bli med meg til bakken, fordi jeg kjøre sakte. fordi av det hun kan prøve å praktis. :)

På sondag jeg sovt senere igen. Men kl. 3 i kvelden vi hadde en julebord! Jeg hjelpt å lage 2 juleborder for Geir, så jeg har spist for hva var der for. Der var ikke så mye frukt, men der var kiwi på jelloen... jeg vet ikke hva heter "jello" på norsk... men du vet hva jeg betyr... Aksel og Agnette var der!!! Jeg var så glad å se dem! og jeg prøvt å hjelp alle foreldrenene rundt med deres barner... :) Karro var bedre den meg, jeg liker Agnette for mye... :) Men Aksel sa jeg må gå med han å se på nissen! Han vist nissen hans "lille" og fått godteri. :) så søt!

Etter julebord Karro og jeg set på til TV-en kjempe senere, etter jeg lest til hun fra den første bok om den Black Magician's trilogi... jeg vet hvordan mine foreldrene følt når G og jeg spurt dem å lese mer til oss. "More Mum! Read more!" det er kjempe søt, men din halsen. :)

Jeg vokket opp rundt kl 9 i dag, men jeg ligget i min seng for rundt 2 timer. Jeg liker å lese :D Jeg var vedlig sakte i dag også... jeg var veldig komfortabel. Jeg lest rundt 3-4 mer kapitler av boken til Karro, og etter middag jeg vasket min rom. Etter det jeg se på TV (jeg er lit trot, jeg må være tidlig til sengen i kveld) og prøve å skrev en post på norsk... jeg tror jeg skal gjøre det mer ofte... HAHAHAHAHA!!! Jeg er grusom til alle! Mennesker hvem kan ikke les norsk må oversetter den, og at er en plage, og nordmenn hvem prøve å lese det må prøve å ikke dø fordi av min dorlig norsk... >:D jeg er så slem!

å!!! jeg glemt, i dag jeg fått en pakke fra min besteforeldre! Tusen takk! Men fordi der var ingen gavepapir når jeg prøvt å ta pakken ut av boksen jeg så hva det var... Jeg håper at du er ikke sint med meg Grandma og Grandpa... men fordi av det og at Grandma skrevt hva var i boksen på den grøn klistremerke jeg vet alle i boksen. så jeg åpnet det... jeg elsker smykkene! og tusen takk for alle andre tinger! Jeg er så glad!

Å! og tusen takk til Rhonda! Jeg elsker min Whispy Ends i Norge! det er så søt! Hvordan er alle, hvis du lese min blog... hvordan er Bella?

ok, jeg tror jeg er ferdig for i dag... vel, i kveld... det er kl 22.20 her... ugh. jeg skal sove snart, etter NCIS er ferdig!

Natta! God Jul! vi snakkes!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Æ VIL HAR PIZZA!!! Og, sjokolade... nam nam :D


jeg skal skrive lit på norsk, fordi jeg ikke gjøre nok om det :) bare SMS's og medlinger på nettet, så her vi gå! Og jeg vet alle skal ikke være rett, men hvis du er norsk du kan lø på meg når du se meg (etter jul kanskje?)

Denne uke var vedlig moro! Jeg jobbet på en cafe nær kanabogensentrum, en storer sted den bysentrum. cafeen var i en gamelfolks leilihet sted, men det var vedlig fint! kjøkkenet var ikke stor, men storer den Subway-er jeg jobbet for... Geir var min boss, jeg snakket om han i min siste post. :)

Okay, so I can't fully describe Geir in norwegian yet, but I will try to write more in Norwegian for you, and I would love to hear Mum trying to read what I write på norsk :) If anybody films her while she's trying to read it I will give them a hug... but it needs to have sound or the whole exercise is useless :)

Okay, Geir! He is very energetic and a big tease, he really reminds me of Dad. The first day Geir asked me if I had a a norwegian boyfriend yet, i rolled my eyes at him. during the rest of the week he told one of my fellow non-norwegians that she needs to get herself a husband. I cannot remember her name for the life of me, and communication between us was rather difficult, but we got along pretty well. She has been in Norway for about 6 months, and has immigrated here from one of the contries neighboring Sudan, and Ethiopia... or maybe it was Ethiopia, but Im sure the contry's name started with a vowl.

Geir told her and then Greta (who is wonderfully talented with making tomatoes look actually acceptable on ones table... as well as cream and fish... Im not quite sure how she managed that one, but the skinless ... laks... what is the word in english... oh! there is is! Salmon! she made a mostly skinless salmon look halfway tasty) that they need husbands, and he would be willing to help them find willing candidates. Then he remembered me. Thankfully he decided that he didn't need to help me find a husband, he has deemed me too young. :D but according to him Im a weird one because Im not searching for a relationship... i think both of my families are kinda thankfull for that... ;D

During this week I was told that I was an angel (because I took his dishes for him so he didn't have to walk to the trolly) (sorry, distracted because I changed the channel and suddenly the TV was calling my name... quite literally... I think the character was in danger of being killed by a dragon... or maybe he was... I just know there was a dragon and my name... cool huh? It seems that this is an apocaliptic or post apocaliptic world where dragons have been rampaging... awesome!!!) I was also told that I pratte vedlig flink norsk...

The last day I was there Geir told me to decorate the caramel pudding. Which meant that I had to whip the cream and put it in one of the cool squeezy pouches with the pretty making (haha! I have suddenly reminded myself of the Uglies series!)tip. Greta had been the one to do the decorating, so it took me abake that I was suddenly incharge of making the desserts look as pretty as they taste... I had to make sure a few times that I had understood correctly... I had finally gotten up the courage to start making interesting designs on one of the puddings when Geir yelled "NEI, DEVYN! NEI!!!" I jumped much to his and Greta's amusement, and as soon as I understood that he had been kidding I set the pouch down and walked over to my laughing boss to flick him. He gave me a hug, still laughing at my expression. He said that I am welcome to work there whenever I want to during my breaks! Im not sure if I'll get paid, but it's fun anyway!

Today I had my math midterm... actually, the test was yesterday, but because i heard the wrong day so I was a day late. But thanks to my wrangling abilities one of the tests was found and I got that and some graph paper as well as "5" hours... I think I used about 3... then halfway through the 2nd part of the test... the part that calculators were allowed in. ugh. I tried to continue with my ipod's calculator, but it just doesn't have the right buttons. *sigh*

I finished all that I could of the test and realized Jostien and Yngvild were also testing in the same room. Im guessing Yngvild was testing in french since there was a french-norwegian dictionary with her. :) I dont know what Jostien had, but im pretty sure it had something to do with needing to read lots... and write. Glad im not either of them. :D

After I got out of the test (2 hours early) I walked down to the city and picked up the package from home! I decided that even though it was large and an ackward shape I could handle taking it down the road of doom. So I did! I now have all of the presents (not all of them for me mind! they are for my hostfamily too!) stacked on the chair at the end of m bed... I would like to note that I cannot wait to open the one from my brother, as it has pretty paper and a cute note! :)

Oh! I forgot, one of the most difficult partsof working at the cafe, besideds the 9 cuts (or groups of cuts) that I got on my hands, (the most interesting one being from an electric meat slicer, you know the one that makes deli meat like slices. Though it wasn't from the blad its self (thankfully) it was the jagged, sharp, heavy pushing mechanism that is supposed to allow for one to slice the ham without getting ones fingers caught by the blade, however the hams were too long to use this pushing thing until I cut them down to size. I guess I was slicing a little too vigorously because it fell on my hand and I now have a little patch of scrapes) anyway, it was tough because we listened to the radio and every once in a while the song I associate with my dad would play... at least once a day. But it really didn't help that a song that should not be heard by AFS students (particularly those very good with english) shouldn't have to hear at this point in our lives.

here is the link to the singer's official website, you can listen to a clip of the song it's called home for christmas, and I think you might understand why AFS and other exchange students could get a little saddend by this.

Anyway, I got home and instead of going shopping with Kristin (she bailed) I relaxed for the first time since I learned I was supposed to be taking an exam... Yes, I actually tried to study. (suprising right Mum?) And now, I have a break for a while. I was told this week that I am going to be recieving grades (which I had not been getting) when school resumes after break... ARGH!!! but for now, I am sitting happy and full after eating all but one slice of pizza, half a bottle of cola and some wondefull dark chocolate with ginger and lemon bits in it... om nom nom.

Oh, the movie's over. The dragons are dead, and Im trying to decide if watching Beowulf is worth staying up past 2... maybe a shift into my pink squirrel pjs (Remember Erynn, pink not blue... if you read this that is... so many late night conversations that should not be repeated or written down or conveyed in any way happened while in those pjs, and who knows how much sugar and caffeine was used to spawn those half mad ramblings... but anyway, pink, not blue.) It sounds like Karro is planing on waking my up at about 11 tomorrow so we can go to the ski hill.

That's what I'll leave you tonight... Im watching the tail end of The Perfect Storm, and it's very intense, even when you can tell that the some parts are completely animated. Oh well, changing before Beowulf. and I'll reminise about my first time watching it while I do so. :)

vi snakkes! hvis du vil, jeg liker å lese dine kommentater! :D

Monday, December 13, 2010


The ski hill opened yesterday! I am happy beyond belief! and as a result really quite sore... I would also like to express my dislike of t-bar lifts, and my happynes that I am not male. To get up the slope on a snowboard requires either great tenacity while clinging to the bar and trying to keep the "T" part under your butt... or you can stick the "T" inbetween you legs and have it jammed into one's crotch and pulling heavily against the leading leg's thigh... yes, it's different, but im not feeling like the "it's not good or bad" motto can be applied when my thigh feels like someone tried their hardest to pull it off my body... I am much more inclined to say that the normal lifts in USA are much more comfortable for snowboarders... which might be why so many people ski here... *pondering*

So! my weekend was enjoyable! Saturday I got to sleep in a little before trying to take a bus to Kanebogen. I got to the bus stop 5 min early, and much to my dismay I thought i had missed it anyway... I walked down to the next stop where another bus route met up with the line i was origionally on... and 10-15 min after the bus (the one I was waiting for) was supposed to show, it arrived. I had to flag it down, seeing that it was going too fast and the bus normally misses the stop I was at... Then I ran for the bus that left only a minute after I borded.

I got to Kanebogen Senter, and decided to give to my desires and buy something I had noticed on my first visit... in the asian market there was a stock of Pocky, for only 10 kr... WOW!!! Of course I ate it all, but I did share with Brujar (sp), Karin (my contact mother) and Ingar (2nd contact brother). But since we stopped at the grocery and had to shop for chocolate... and I discovered some dark chocolate that had a ginger and citron filling... yum... I allowed Brujar one piece and kept the rest to myself... and you know what? I DONT REGRET IT!!! I have been craving chocolate, and not milk chocolate, not I need DARK chocolate... om nom nom :D

I spent the night with my contact family, got beaten on by my youngest contact brother Gunnar (until I flipped him over and threatened to drop him on his head), forced the older two guys to watch Grey's Anatomy by holding the remotes hostage ( :D ) and ate pizza. Then much to my shock I learned that Brujar was going to be driving me... oh god... thankfully his mom was in the car to make sure he behaved and didn't get us killed...

The next morning I was ready to go by 10:30, but due to a failure to communicate I was not picked up until about 20 min after 11... oh well, I was still one of the first people to try and get on the slope. Try being the operative word.

It took me about 20 tries to get on the stupid lift, and then I discovered afore said pain... but besides that and almost running kids into the ground when they decided the patch of snow right in my path was the best place to be. I am starting to get my ability to carve back, which is great, and I definitly have to practice flatspins and 180's. :) thank goodness I only live about 3 min from the slope!

After finishing for the day (well, really it was more like night skiing... it gets dark so early here now...) I went home and had a shower before going over to Kristin's house. We hung out and Daniel, one of Kristin's friends came over too. We eventually made a rainbow cake

That's me putting some of the batter into an ungreased pan... why is it ungreased? well, one would have to ask Kristin what distracted her... I actually have no idea, I think I was bemoaning my poor arms after using them to whip butter and sugar into nice fluffy and thick cream! I could only have done it better if I had an electric beater... but I think Dad would have been proud of my ability!

I also met Kristin's older sister Lisa, who is really cool! She gave me some patches for my russ pants! I just have to remember that my pants need to appear slightly appropriate... if I am going to be weating them and a language camp. :) It was nice to spend some time with Kristin! She's really quite humourous. :)

today was interesting. I got up at the normal time I would for school and caught the bus to catch another bus to my arbeidsuke job. I did alot of potato peeling, and i shelled eggs, I did remove ribs from boxes/bags and place them into tubs. And I did wash up too. It was really fun, and I think I was asked about 3 times if I have a boyfriend yet... *shakes head and rolls eyes and chuckles...* and I only spoke in norwegian! and they only spoke norwegian to me too! YAY!!!

After work I managed to catch a bus back to the city as soon as I got to the bus stop! I caught a bus back and decided to walk to Rimi the closest grocery store and get my much needed bottled joy... And without it's (minor) restorative powers I probably would have blown off this post to read or stare blankely at the tv screen while waiting for sleep to overtake me. which I plan on doing very soon.

I am sorry my posts have been so brief lately... I have been a little... i dunno... off...

anyway, everybody raise a glass to my liquid joy for providing a post! cheers!

vi snakkes!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Makeup befuddles me, whole stores of the stuff makes me question my sanity... "WHY THE HECK DID I COME IN HERE?!?!"

That's what ran through my head when I was trying to find a christmas present for Guro... She asked for a nail file, so I figured I would get a couple and some nail polish and a bag resembling the sack that Aunt Laura gave me for graduation since Guro said she liked it... sans tassel... tassels are weird and really should be used with caution. anyway, this was the expression my face was frozen in after entering said store and taking in the emmensity of the makeup and perfume and handbags...

utter confusion. I will announce it now, just so everybody knows. I WILL NEVER BE MORE OF A GIRLY GIRL!!! It is impossible. I have hit the top mark, there is no where else for my girly ness to go... it will evaporate, or be run over by whatever vehicle I was using... hopefully the truck or by dream car or my snowboard, or bike... motercycle maybe. :D This expression is back in place because I realised I can buy a bag of the same quality as the ones I was looking at, online... I didn't realize that there were classifications of bag besides sack, purse, tote and clutch... can someone PLEASE!!! create a table showing all of the possible species in the bag kingdom? it would really help my search... O.O

Anywhoo... My week was rather uneventful. I have had some more odd dreams, but they are not as memorable as the one on tuesday. Tuesday was my last day of class for a while. :) so I got to go home early and hang out. I slept in on wednesday, and tried to do something other than sleep, but it didn't work out so well, but eventually Weronica showed up and we hung out. We picked upher friend's daughter, 2 year-old Natalia, and after buying some pølse (and soda in my case) and went up to Borkenes (on perpose this time) to visit her godson! sooo cute!

All the kids there were very good in english, which was really humourous, I tried to talk to them in norwegian a few times but they would always respond in english... eventually I gave up, and ran away when threatened with Justin Beiber... (I need eggs... I think after this show is over I will go get me some... om nom nom) Eventually it was time for us to return Natalia to her mother and I went home. on the way I saw the lights on the ski hill on!!! it should be open within the next week im told, especially since last night it snowed about a foot! and it snowed again today!!!!

I really didn't do anything yesterday, besides read and eat eggs... ive been craving them... no idea why, because I think im getting enough protien in my diet... fish EVERY day it seems.

Today after a couple of failed attempts to invite friends to go shopping with me I decided that I would ask Karro. She came home and ran to the bathroom, leaving the door partly open. I knocked on the door and soon after she came to open it. She looked at me and screamed one of the top 10 most high pitched screams I have ever heard, then slammed the door shut. i stood there in utter shock, and thanked goodness that my nose was well away from the door. Then Karro opened the door and impatience ensued.

She ended up not coming with me and I vamoosed for the bus. I got to the city and low-an-behold my new visa card for extracting money out of the system! Then I managed to send my dear little brother's christmas presents and promised postcards... sorry mum, there are a couple addresses that are not yet written out, but i will send you the one I can get... i just have to locate it.

I managed to get something for Guro, but I am still trying to find a bag, and I found something for Mamma... now all that's left on my host family gift list is something for Ole-Peter... ugh...

And now I am going to go make eggs that will not dribble... actually I am going to rant about eggs then go make them edible!

Norwegians seem inable to cook eggs all the way through. fried eggs' yokes when barely poked will suddenly disintigrate all over one's plate. Boiled eggs when sliced will suddenly begin dribbling everywhere... DONT THEY WORRY ABOUT SALMONELLA?!?! RAW EGGS ARE NOT ONLY GROSS BUT THEY COULD BE CARRIERS FOR THIS!!! okay, so that's a cute picture (and something i personally would love to have, as well as the rest of the collection) but really, i wouldn't want to get the real disease... so I will continue to cook my own eggs to satisfactory, COMPLETELY! cooked-ness.

okay, I will leave you all at that, get some eggs and continue to watch the show on the free masons... did you know there are female free masons? and that PI was considered a sacred number? wonder if the knew about the golden ratio... hmmm... O.O <-(eyes glued to TV)

vi snakkes!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Creepy dream that some of you might appreciate... actually it might constitute as a nightmare.

So, I dont normally remember my dreams, so it is really odd that this one is managing to make it online.

Also, during most of this I had a feeling it was a dream, but it didn't really matter in that I couldn't change what was happening.

The dream starts with Dad, Karro and I going on a Kayak trip to an island, when we got to the island we decided that since it was getting late and the flood waters were rising we should head back home.

We were about halfway home when we met this explorer guy in khakies (sp) and a walrus-meets-handlebar mustache who proceeded to have a conversation with us (i think it might have been about giant fish) when we realised we were being swept towards a giant waterfall at a very fast pace. We were all suddenly in a canoe and trying to aim it at some trees that just happened to be near by and get caught. We somehow lost the canoe and were left clinging to said trees, except for explorer man who was sitting cross legged having a conversation with dad about what to do.

I finally discovered a way of the tree island, but it required swimming, so i started out to lead the way. All of the sudden there was a giant orange jelly fish right infront of me. it really resembles the giant orange ones that I have encountered here in norway, FYI. I managed to stop my freak out in time to push the non-stingy part near what i like to call the head. i re-directed the stingy mass towards the water fall and sent it to its doom. I made my way back to the trees and found that somehow the thing had wrapped one of the tenticles around my leg and it was vry painful. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, because I didn't know if they were deadly or not. I remembered that if you peed on a sting the toxins will be nutralized. I wasnt sure how I was supposed to pee on my sting when it wasin such a strange place, and I remembered that Bear Gryls had used a cocunut to collect his pee then pour it over his arm. I was bemusing my lack of a cocunut when thankfully the sting went away.

We managed to get back to the correct shore, when we saw an alligator. It just swam by us though and went to the other side of what was suddenly an indoor pool. Karro and I got out of the pool and made for the doors out when we heard a roar from behind us.

I turned around to see a giant fish and a giant alligatior (the one that had been small now rivaled a salt water croc) going after my uncle Bob. (he magically appeared, i have no idea where he came from...) Dad tried to distract them while Uncle Bob got away, which meant that they chased Dad. Then Uncle Bob (who had gotten out of the pool) tried to distract the fish and the alligator and a lion. (again, NO IDEA where that came from) Karro and I yelled at that point to try and warn him or to distract the man eating animals so Uncle Bob and Dad could get away which meant the lion decided to chase us.

Karro and I took off up a step thing that seemed to be made of wood. The lion chased after us, and we made it to the top of the triangle step thing. We started down and were almost there when the lion made it to the top. It Karro had started to fall behind but managed tocatch up as we took off back towards the other side of the triangle. I tried to suggest jumping into the stairs themselves since they were built like those older bridges and were obviously too small for the Lion to get into.

Thats whenI finally managed to convince myself that I could wake up and stop being chased by man eating lions and stung by giant orange jelly fish after being swept away by a flood... I woke up breathing hard 6 min before my alarm was supposed to go off...

I am still wondering where all of the things in my nightmare were coming from, if you have any idea what this whole dream could be, please tell me because I have been wondering all day.

Vi snakkes!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Working in a cafe for a week is much nicer than taking exams. no?


Despite my best efforts to buy myself liquid joy, I was denied the bubbly goodness twice this weekend. Rimi doesn't take Visa, or at least visa gift cards... That was rather annoying... :P

But, I didn't mind so much, I am re-reading the Black Magician trilogy, so I had something to do besides bemoan my caffeine-less state... :/ I really like those books :)

Saturday, was nice! I got up early so that I could get a bus into town. We (being the AFS students (excluding Morgen) and Ruth from Narvik) went to Hilde and Asbjørn's house (Morgana's contact family) to eat food, make pepperkake (gingerbread) and christmas cards. It was fun when Ruth's hostmother wasn't scolding the desprate use of english. Seriously, we would be trying and trying to say something in norwegian, and as a last resort we would try to explain in english. Try because Ruth's host mother would interrupt and tell us to speak norwergian, or where we that bad at the language that we only knew a few words. She was quite rude really, and none of us could really ask her to be quiet since we were all at different levels of the language... and she's Ruth's host mother. *sigh* but we had fun anyway.

We drank gløgg too, which has a peculiar taste that I can't really describe. You also drink it with chopped nuts and raisons. very peculiar... But yummy all the same. I tried again when going home to get my caffeine, but they were out. :( no cola... *teary eyed*

There was a nice suprise at home, Mamma finished the sweater she has been knitting for me! I love it, and it is very warm. I was planning on getting a picture, but I haven't yet. Maybe after I finish this chapter of math studying.

Sunday I woke up late then after breakfast Mamma, Karro and I walked to Tante Berit's housee for cookies and chatting. Im not sure what exactly we talked about, but it lasted for a good 2-3 hours. then we walked back. We kept meeting horses on the way too! They were a little skittish, which was understandable, Kazan is jumpy, and the snow makes feet sound loud, so it was understandable. So pretty! I love horses... :]

When we got back Karro and I played cards and watched TV together. Eventually it was time to get ready for bed, about which time Guro came home! I am glad she's home, we get along well :)

Today was the normal depressing math class. My only consolation was that I would be avoiding the exam because it was my last day of arbeidsuke (work week) the day we have that exam. note past tense, but im getting there.

In gym we went to Harstad Hallen, a gym place where actual games take place. We played volly ball, again. Today seemed okay though, I actually felt like I was more help than the other girl on my team. I managed to hit the ball over the net a few times, though I can't serve... All the guys are really nice though, they keep trying to cheer me up and applaud me when I actually managed to keep the ball off the ground when it comes flying towards me. Suprisingly, I have only been hit in the head once during the whole time we have played volly ball, and that would be today when I was trying to get the ball back when it was trying to escape. Yet, I manages to hit myself in the head with the ball. wow, just... wow.

So, anyway, I managed to ask if I could get a ride with someone other than Silje and/or Weronica. Instead I asked Ingvild, which even though we hang out with each other when Silje and Weronica are there (because of them really) I have never asked her for a ride before or anything like that. I was very relived when she said it was fine and she didn't mind. :) Which meant that I got back to school on time for class. which might be a half blessing.

We had a semi normal utvekslingstudent norsk class, and might i add that it is rather difficult to switch from norwegian where you use "k" for klasse and "c" for class... okay back on topic, we ended up talking about what we want to do for college and beyond. Knut (the teacher) looked shocked when I told them that I want to be a forensic pthologist. it was really funny to see his facial exspression.

after school I started on my way to get a ride with Mamma and Pappa, which means that I pass the China Butikk (cant remember how to spell "butikk" in english) and when I looked through the window I saw my dear little sister! Karro was shopping for christmas presents, so I went in to say hi. Then was commanded to pick out my christmas present. I am getting a lovely pair of chopsticks, but Im supposed to remember that. So now I am going to forget it :)

When we were in the car my safty net of not having to take exams was ripped. No, I wont take the Biology or Sociology final, the ones I might actually do well on. No, I HAVE TO take the math and possibly the norwegian tests. Math, I have no hope of passing. I have been studying to try and understand what we have been doing in class but im only in the first chapter and I am having problems. AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! And I have NO IDEA what we have been studying in Norwegian, we have been skipping around the textbook and never following a specific subject, except maybe nynorsk. And if the test is in nynorsk then I dont have to take it...


Okay, Mamma and I made pepperkake (gingerbread) and I really want some! So I am going to leave you with the knowledge that Iam feeling slightly better, but Im going to bed early and I will be trying my best to study to pass the one maybe 2 exams I have even though I DONT WANT TO TAKE THEM WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!!! especially since the math exam is on the last day I will be working in the cafe... D: I want to keep working there, well, as far as I know I want to work there... I'll talk about it after I actually have, sound good?

Vi snakkes!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

As of right now I only have 50 min left of hell* but when I finish this post it will be when I get home...

*Also known as History class

It is 9:00 here, do you know where your child is? Well in my parents' case they know roughly where I am, but not exactly. Which is a really odd thought. They are also asleep, seeing as it is 3 am there... I wish I was asleep too, but the gum I got today from the advent thing makes me a little bit happier.

I also read a really funny post from Hyperbole and a Half that is still making me laugh. I had considered doing something like what she did before I read this post, and now Im glad I didn't. Her's is much funnier. here you go, enjoy!


Okay, i dont think I posted about tuesday because that would ruin my posting ...

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! I just learned that this will be the LAST HISTORY CLASS before JANUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay, class is over. We "watched" a movie on the soviet union and the power struggle that happened in it after Lenin died... at least that's what I think it's about. :) Now I am waiting to see if anybody will show up for math class even though the teacher said she wouldn't be here... I hope nobody shows, that means I can ditch and hope a bus will rescue me from the ice slick that covers the present (withing walking distance) world. Seriously, everywhere is covered in about an inch of clear yet visable ice. even the gravel that is supposed to help ones feet remain on it's surface cannot make it safe to walk on at a reasonable pace. The proper technique for walking on this terrifying frozen element is to take little, no, itty-bitty shuffly steps that really should't be considered steps seeing that you really dont pick your feet of the ground. you keep your arms loose and knees bent so that when you fall (when, not if) you can hopefully catch yourself on the nearest pole or treebranch rather than being sprawled out and visible for everybody to see... the worst places are actually the roads where the cars drive regularly (I have discovered that sidewalks are not always for walking, the occasional car will bully it's way through what i had taken as a place where a pedestrian could concentrate on the task of walking, but obviously I was mistaken)

Anyway, you must be very determined when crossing roads because the cars dont always seem to know they should slow for you, and the roads themselves would like to see you thorwn under the tires of said car. evil twisty icy roads... :P

Nobody has shown up for math, I think I might pack this machine away and begin my journey to the grocery store where I can buy a 2lt bottle of joy (cola with sugar, not the stuff that has been bought recently... sugar free = AAAHHHHH!!!!!) and read some more before taking the bus to the road of doom and eventually home. Yep, that's what I'm gonna do.

(but before I go I will mention that I am listening to the Mariner's Reveng Song and various other songs that encourage randomness and a ever changing tempo in how I feel things should be read... you all probably read this at a sedate pace, but this song (We Both go Down Together) has a really (sickly sounding) weird tone to it and a beat that makes me want to dance... which normally I would, but im in school and I dont think the door is closed, and it would be rather embarassing if (oh, song change, now it's Eli, the Barrow Boy) since they would not hear the music that encouraged such random convulsions. Anyway, I will probably still be listening to this music when I get home so you can expect me to be just as disjointed as i have been so far, except there wont be 50 min breaks between each paragraph... well, hopefully there wont be.) I really didnt need " ( ) " around that paragraph, but it makes me smile so I will leave them there.

Alright, so I'm not listening to music right now, but im watching Ghost Whisperer so that should make me sutiably random... and distracted. This episode is really sad, its about a little girl who got sick and died trying to talk to her divorced parents...

So, I am officially allowed to stay in the country until august!!! Yes, that means I got my visa FINALLY!!! I have to go visit some office to let people know that I'm here (people being the town) so I need to get Morgana or Morgen to show me where this office is.

I got my visa on tuesday, after waiting for the woman in the office to answer 2 phone calls and deal with the couple infront of me that had to fill out paperwork. It was kinda annoying, and it reequired me to run to the library so that i could get the book that Weronica, Silje and Marte and I will be reading. It is Pride and Predgiduce, but i wish there we some zombies involved, that would make it better.

Everybody seemed like they had to be extra slow, the woman at the library took extra long to finish with the woman infront of me, then I had to get a library card and check out the book. Thankfully Silje had her car, so since i only had 5 min to get a bus or wait an hour she gave me a lift to the bus station. I made it JUST! in time, literally, it was pulling out as I was trying to run towards it.

On wednesday I had a normal day, though it was the 1st of december. I had my first experience with an advent calender thing. I got a piece of chocolate with a story about foxes written inside. I cant understand the whole thing, but i know one of them died. Im still trying to figure out the rest.

Yesterday was okay, I had a full day at school. and history, where I drew a pic of Bente... it wasn't very good, and it doesn't show her full evilness, but maybe I will posta pic of it. :P

I did my normal house washing, though I was delayed by Aksel telling me that I was sick and I needed to ly down on syksengen... i cant really think of the word in english... it's too late. but I will try to finish this post. Aksle then decided he was a nurse, or a doctor, im not sure which and he had to give me a check up. which involved sitting on me and making sure there were no lumps in my tummy... then he told me that the couch was unnaceptable for a syksenge and I needed to go to his room to the other syksenge... it was quite humourous to be told by a 2-3 year old that i needed to go to his bed as he was sitting on top of me. The only thing i could think was that if he was this forward when he was older he would definitly make somebody laugh. After being sat on and drooled on for a little I picked him up and swung him around until he told me (between giggles) that he didn't like it. Agnette (baby sister) thought this was very funny, especially when I tossed him on the couch.

I also had to dance and listen to an old norwegian song, that seems to be Aksel's equivilant to what Lovely Ladies was for me when I was around his age... Such a cuty!!! Agnette will be walking soon I think, she keeps standing and bouncing around and she could walk if she had support... she is such a smiler!!! chubby cheeks X) i love kiddies :D

Today I had only one class, and I managed to read through most of the class without attracting attention. I thought I might have math, but as you read earlier. I got home and vaccuumed and read. really boring. I am going to bed now, because I cant think in coherent sentances and the show that is going on right now doesn't help anything.

god natt! vi snakkes!