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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Some pics!!!

So I have finally gotten my school comp back, and unfortuanatly it is about the same as laptops from CBHS... my "H" key is going to drive me up a wall.

But even with this annoyance I will try to persevere, i just ope you can read tis wen i decide not to go back and slam on te key...

also, if you go back a few posts and click on the link to my flickr account, I have finally managed to upload some pics :D

Ill really post something tomorrow... but until then

Ha det!


  1. i asked you this on your flickr too, but just in case you're not e-mailed when one comments -- is that adorable puppy your host dog? does your host family have a dog? sounds like everything's good. and you've already got friends! devyn, i am impressed!

  2. hei hei!
    yeah, that's Kazan, he's a 4 month old english springer spaniel! He is currently in his "room" whining because he wants to come out and cuddle... he is very hypre and likes to chew but as a puppy that is forgivable to a point... I think he's great :)
    and thanks for the support Zoë!
