God dag! So how have the past two and a half days been for you?
Well, I'm okay. It's been a little tought this week, not home sick exactly, but I am kinda missing all the hugs I would get through my day. I get maybe a couple a week now... so, when I get back expect some clingage... My teeth still hurt, and a recent development is now they are very sensitive to te cold... ugh...
Yesterday was fun. I have been writing a story that i came up with a long while ago. It's really fun, especially since I was harrased by one of my peers in sociology into letting her read my dictionary for the story, then she was reading my story. she is going to help me finish it, and I am going to try and help her write a story too! yay! and no, no vampires, but there is blood drinking because of magic and such...
I am really tired today... not sure why... I have been taking my viatmins, but I still feel a little run down. I am also having a slight foot pain, my right foot has been hurting on top for a while, but recently tingling down the toes too... odd and slightly annoying... sorry, i just realised that im complaining quite a bit... ok, changing from complainy me to reporting me...
A couple of days ago I turned 17.5! I had my half birthday, cool huh? so I am well on my way to being of the legal drinking age in Norway... not thati plan on doing much (any) drinking. My friends say that they don't really drink, maybe have a glass of wine while watching a movie etc...
So I am going to Finnsnes in about an hour... well, I'm going to the docks to get a ferry at half past 7... but since Karro and Odd have to go to håndball practice I am going to be there a little early... about a half an hour early... oh well...
So nothing much has happened, as you might have noticed, except that Karro finally managed to get me mad at her, she wiped her sweaty knee pads on my face twice after I had asked her to stop.... i had to threaten her with not being able to play on my ipod to get her to stop... ewwww...
so, im signing off... maybe take a power nap...
ha en god helge!