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Friday, September 10, 2010

"Oh! Hey! Are you the American?"

Sooo!!! IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T BLOG YESTERDAY!!! I was really tired and kinda in pain (I'll explain) so I spaced... :) I'll try not to let it happen again!

So tuesday.. I don't really remember... wow... So moving on...

WEDNESDAY!!!! I only had 2 classes on Wednesday. :) The first was Biologi, but we had a speaker who came to talk about how climate change is affect artic/se ice and biological diversity... hm sounds kinda like something I've experienced before... but there were cute pictures and some of the slides were in english and norsk so it was interesting. After that I had a free periond, so since it was so nice out and I really didn't know where to sit inside I went out to sit on the benches... and read manga... it was really warm, I was happy! Then I had my easy class, that is not so easy now that we are starting logarithms... which i STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! Ugh...

After school I took a tour to a nearby town named Borstad... I think thats what it is called... and the best part! it only took an hour and only cost 40 nok! It was a lovely time! I knew som- Okay... I'm done... IT WAS HORRIBLE AND VERY STRESSFULL AND THE STUPID BUSS DRIVER KNEW I HAD BEEN ON THE BUSS ALREAD AND THAT I HAD JUST GOTTEN OFF BECAUSE I WANTED TO MAKE SURE IT WAS GOING BACK TO HARSTAD!!!!! I SHOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO PAY!!!! X[ I took the wrong buss... I didn't realize it until it was too far for me to walk back in a resonable amount of time... :P It caused me to be unable to go hiking with the college students I think I wrote about... If not, they're from Ghana, and Marit works where they go to school... So that was kinda dissapointing, but I didn't volunteer myself to go, so I was kinda relived at the same time... :/

Instead Weronika picked me up to go bowling! It was really fun! I was 2nd (we didn't use bumpers too!) but Iwas only behind Silje by 3 points! We played 2 games total... :) I got about 3 spares and a strike! HAHAHAHA!!! fun. We all were really lound and discussed the older men's magical bowling balls! They kept getting strikes... I only saw a couple of spares... Magical...

Yesteday, we had turdag! We went up to the folkparke and went up to the summit of the mountain that over looks Harstad... It was so fun hiking up!!! Coming down... was H-E double L... ugh... I went with 4 crazy norwegians who decided to go cross country... :P Both my anckles let out making me fall down steep hills, and when they didn't let out the hills were really steep and covered in dew, so I ended up sliding down on my rump anyway... I also hit my knee when I was tryingto cross a stream without getting more water in my shoes only to not only get my feet wetter, but also get soaked up to my knee... I couldn't let myself fall too far behind either, otherwise I would have been lost... I wanted to cry... But I made it to Musvann, and then started plodding my way down.

On the way down I met a returnee from my school who had lived in the states for a year. His name is Sebastian... And he was the steryotypical norwegian... tall, blond, sporty and great facial structure... He was in the middle of a run with some other guys, but I've heard through Marit who heard through his mother (who works for Heggen) that he want's to be friends... cool huh! Oh, the title of this post is the first think he said to me... It's been making me laugh since...

SO, yeah, when I finally got home my knees and ankles hurt... so I took a shower and Karro made some hot coco... and I relaxed the rest of the day... Oh! Marit and I made kinekibrød too! It is one of my favorite snacks... I like to out butter, jam and bronøst on it... Yummy!

So, today, I only had 2 classes! History and Math... I really, strongly dislike the history teacher... she doesn't understand just how hard it is for me to understand what is going on... she is always bugging me about getting the homework done when she doesn't collect it and she doesn't look at it either... I can barely read a page an hour in that text book and she wants me to answer 10+ questions thaat the answers are spread over 30+ pages... grrrrr... Okay, rant over.

I got home at about noon, and have been enjoying being alone, it doesn't happen often, because I am trying to spend time and get to know my host family... So I barely spend any time in my room... We play games some times, and I'm going to try to bake a cool cake for them... and once I figure it out maybe for my friends too... I'm hoping that norway has the supplies I need... here's the recipe... its soooo cute/cool!

Well... That's about it... Oh! I'm going to Kazan's family reunion tomorrow... fun... lot's of puppies... oh and Kazan is actually turning a year old... whoops!

OK! now I'm done! ha det!!!

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