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Friday, June 10, 2011


Sorry about not posting guys! I spent my monday trying to get a report or 2 done. But I am pleased to announce that I am DONE WITH HEGGEN!!! no more will i si in mind numbing classes wishing that I was elswere! No more will i have to pretend like i give a rat's bum about this school year!!!

anyway, im done with school for the year, I got all my reports done and handed in today. XD

other than that and hanging out with Kristin i have been very boring this week, except the trip to Andøya to go on a whale safari with Morgana and her host father. So, i got up at 5 in the morning and was ready to go at 6 :) I was picked up, still groggy, and then we started our 3 hour trip to the safari!

the difficult things about this trip, 1) it was rainy and cold. very unpleasent weather to be on the water. thus when we finally got to the whale museum where we would get info on the safari, we were told that as of right then the safari would be postponed. :( 2) Morgana's host father is Danish, and while i can understand Danish, it is really difficult and i have little chance of understanding it while in the car, and while being spoken at a normal speed. but by the end of the day i was getting better at understanding it!

anywho, we spent a fine time at the museum learning about sperm whales and a few tidbits about orcas and other whales then we checked to see if the capitan had decided that the weather was ok to go out in, which it was not. the safari was officially postponed until thursday. BOOOOO!!!

we decided that to go all the way out to that island just to come back to Harstad, so we decided to try and find the island a little south that has a mass of puffins nesting on it... we didnt succeed, but we did see a lot of really cool mountains, which i will describe in more detail when i manage to get through all the pics and post the best! which i promise i will do because they are BEAUTIFUL!!!

so anyway, I just learned that it is really difficult to write a cohesive sentance when you are trying not to laugh at the Llama song and try to ignore your friend and her bf in the bathroom right next to you after your friend says "shhhh" to her bf... really not a fun position to be in. thus the llama song. i figured one of them would come out eventually and tell me to shut up XD

and now i am sitting on a couch with a cup of soda that tastes a lot like smirnoff ice, and wondering if i should go back home instead of interrupt their lovey-dovey time...

ok, yeah, nothing really interesting happening right now. but i will probably not post on monday, as i will most likely be at the hytte trying to take pics of midnattsolen :D pretty pretty, but a PAIN IN MY SLEEPINGABILITY!!!

anyway, thought i should update. vi snakkes!!!

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