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Friday, June 17, 2011



Sorry i havent posted for a while. havent really felt like it. and i was trying to enjoy my last month abroad... really, its shocking how quickly this year has passed, and these last few weeks have been almost nothing... its scarey

anyway, first i will tell you about the most interesting things before i load the pics.

first, yesterday I went to Heggen's 3rd year Graduation, and really it wasnt too different from a normal american graduation in terms of what was said and such. and like my own graduation there were students that preformed peices and announced things about the school and the class' times there. but the most interesing thing that happened was:

Im going to begin to abdicate that at least one person in every grade is taught how to juggle so that there can be fire juggling during Mr Peirce's speech (Mr Peirce being the principal of Casco Bay High School)just because Mr Peice is cool enough not to be overshadowed by it, and it would make his already amazing speeches utterly epic XD

after that rousing round and many drops of the flames, there was more talking, then the horror. Ulf, the advisor for the exchange students at Heggen were called up on stage... um, not okay. i was near the front so i got up there a little before Morgan and so i stood there ackwardly and did a little wave of "hi, i would rather be hiding right now, but my friends wouldn't let me, so here i am." which made everybody laugh.

but, it wasnt too long, we got our proof of participation papers (which is probably very crumpled at the bottom of my "purse" at this point (i say "purse" becuase i have sucessfully fit 9+ books and my wallet, phone and ipod in it, so i think it's more like a sack)) and tried to scaddadle (sp) off stage, but we were called back because we were being gifted with a book about Heggen and its 100th anniversary, which was a few years ago...aka, a really boring book.

anyway, after the whole shebang was done my class met up to give our main teacher a bouquet (sp) and watch a slide show of gym photos... XD after that we had a discussion about where we would have our little party thing and gave hugs to Sidsel (Norwegian and Religion teacher) and Jorun (Bio and Gym teacher). When i went to give Jorun a hug and say thanks for the year she gave me a huge hug and said "TUSEN tusen takk for brevet du har skrevt!" (THANK YOU for the letter you wrote!) to which i looked shocked, until she told me she got a copy of the report i wrote about Bio... O.O' I mean, im glad that she liked what i wrote, i really loved her classes (except for the running at the begining of the year in gym) and she was one of my favorite teachers, but if she read the report i wrote does that mean that the other teachers got copies too? for example, does Bente Bitch know how i felt about her class now? or the math teacher? every time i think about the possibilities i feel like im going to break out in a cold sweat... not good. But then again im so glad she liked what i wrote, apparently it was first read to her over the phone because she was in Tromsø (getting an operation maybe? she was on crutches and i remember her talking about getting surgery done on her knee) and apparently she at least got teary over it... i seem to have an ability to make teachers cry with my writing. and i dont mean that its bad writing. poems and heartfelt reports XD

anyway, after the hugs and the thank you for your patience with me this year to to teachers I went out to join my class in one last group photo :D

then we went down to the strange restaurant Milanos. not the best food or service, but they have big tables and its okay to be a bit noisy :)

i realized just how shy i was about speaking to my class in school i was this year when i started talking to some of the people that are not in my circle of friends. they kept commenting on how good i was with Norwegian now, and how they remembered the begining of the year when i kept asking for things to be repeated or said more slowly XD

it was really nice to talk to them all, and i passed around the book on Heggen so people could at least write their names in it if they didnt want to write a message. It was really cool to see what people wrote, and it seems as if they actually do like me at least a little even if we didnt communicate very often or well... most of them told me that i need to come back to Norway soon, and i got a lot of hugs :D

Today I have battled the kitchen and online recipeis to make giant but really good cheese danishes! i started making them around kl 12 and was done about 5 hours later, because the need to chill the dough and such :) i gave about 7 to Kristin and her family as a thank you gift for the year they had let me invade their house and eat their food and their overall kindness. they were very well recieved :D and very pretty no? Oh, and this is my complaint, and the meaning of the post title. I have been usuing folded paper towls to put on the glaze for my masterpeices... and it really doesnt work... thats why i want a pastry brush because i love making pastrys!!!

Im very proud of myself for these master peices. here is the recipe i followed!

anyway... maybe it is time for me to load the pics from my trip to Andøya!!! would you all like that??? i think you will XD

If you cant tell, this is a picture of the signs on the car ferry to the other island, or at least one of the other islands. i think the 2nd sign in looks like a pie!!!

Morgana taking a "thai" picture. One thing you have to note about all the thai AFS-ers is that when they take pictures like face shots or anything where they see the camera 90% of the time they will make a peace sign or put peace signs around their faces XD just a little exasperating at times when you want to take a semi normal pic :$

the skeleton of a very very large sperm whale. O.O

the little bump at the back of the skull has a hole at the top where the brain would sit. did you know that sperm whales have the largest brain in the animal kingdom?

that is the skull of the smallest toothed whale, its sitting on one part of the lower jawbone of the giant sperm whale.

Spekkerhogger translates to killer whale basically :D that is the skull of an Orca!!! I love Orcas! they are very interesting creatures. I learned on a Discover show that Orcas from differnt regions in the world have different dialects. Meaning they have the same songs, but whales from around New Zealand for instance sound different from those from the North Pole! SO COOL!!!

that skeleton is a younger whale of the same species as the whale that had the skull right next to it. apparently the larger whale was the leader of its pod and the pod will follow the leader even if it leads them into a place they are certainly going to die... interesing huh? sorry, i forgot the name of the species.

There are whale songs being played in space? if any other life forms can understand them i hope they arent saying something rude... that wouldnt be good for usearthlings XD

A trailer with a bunch of BMW bikes... *fidgit fidgit* i really want to practice driving a motercycle again...

Here begins the pictures of the amazing floating mountains as i call them. i just love how they clouds make them seem to dissapear!

Looking back at the tunnel we had just driving through. *Note* Most of these pics are taken through a car window at high speeds, and unfortunatly the program i use to check my photos is being uncoupertative, so i cant crop them as i normally would. I shall also note that is all i do with my pics, cropping. I dont edit, partly because im pretty sure i cant do it well and i like to show people the things i see as i see them and show how beautiful something is that can be so common place. :)

A lovely beach, and actually the island at the left side of the frame is the island we were going to try and see, but obviously we missed it D: no puffins for us :(

This picture was taken as i was craning back to try and see the top of the mountain we were parked at the base of. it was just SO TALL!!!

Taken at the outskirts of a little village, tiny actually. only about 4 houses. so maybe it doesnt count? :)

This is the time when i really wish i had my cropping ability!!!

I really liked the lines in this one and the colours too :)

Morgana looking out at the little island we had found, it was covered in gulls and cormarants (or they looked like cormarants)

Morgana in all her lovelyness :)

Morgana's Host father, I really liked his expression in this one... I was actually trying to get a good pic of the birds flying around us, but i liked this one more than the ones with just the birds :)


Purple sea urchin :) love the colours!!!

Sea Urchin bits! I accidently put my knee in bird poo to get this shot... ÆÆÆSJE!!!

Mountains!!! You can see just how suddenly they come out of no where in this pic :)

Colours how i love you!

I love this pic. love it, Love it, LOVE IT!!!

The sheep that blocked the road as i told in an earlier post :)

Now more mountain shots!

The sign that shows where we were, and the direction we are going :D

Anyway, I will post more pics soon, I just have so many i have to go through. it doesnt help that Karro has kidnapped my baby camera... and she is now fiddling with it making bright flashes of light at the corner of my vision while i write this... not the best for my concentration...

also, I was thinking I might try to load a pic or a few onto this website. It seems to be a contest, though i havent really read it as of yet... what do you think? should i? and if so, which pic should i enter? you can chose any picture of mine that you find on this blog. just send me the name of the post and the number it shows up as in that post (as in 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc)

here's the link!!!

okai dokker! Vi snakkes!!!

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