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Monday, August 30, 2010

My wonderfull weekend (kinda) and FOOD!

So! I hope you guys (yes, you Zoë, Ve and Grandma...) had a WONDERFULL weekend! I did!

I got out of school at 13:35 but that's only because I didn't realize that my Friday bio class is every other week... :P oh well, I did my math HMWK, which made me happy. Math is the only class that the language barrier isn't so great, so I can do the work by myself :)

We went home and Odd (my host father) made a light dinner like thing... we had our real supper at the hytte! We picked up Tante Eilin (I have no idea how to spell her name) and headed out. We did stop to get some groceries and later we stopped for some softic! Which my friends is the VERY BEST soft serve in the world... something about being able to dip it in caramel, strawberry candy crunchies, or nesquick like chocolate powder! Which is my favorite... skjokolade... yum.

We picked berries at the hytte, there weren't many blueberries so we picked a different kind (I am blanking on the name) so Odd can make wine... Ugh I'm having a very difficult time remembering how to spell words in English that sound similar to Norwegian... I'm guessinf that's a good thing, but it's kinda annoying when I'm trying to write so other people can read and understand... In summary: in my journal is fine to switch between norsk og engelsk, on my blog... not so much.

I took alot of pics and would share them with you except that the school STILL HASN'T GIVEN ME MY COMPUTER BACK!!! I think I should just become a Norwegian citizen so I can get a social security number for Norway, then all the problems would be solved and I could live out my days in the frosty mountains of northern Norway. That would be fun :D

I also learned that there is a A-Ha/Ozzy Osbourn concert in Tromsø, and that my older host sister has an apartment right next to the soccer stadium where it will be held, so she can see everything going on in there without a ticket... lucky her huh? Well anyway, there was a slightly short lived hope that Karoline and I could take the ferry to Tromsø and see the concert and sleep over with another friend (family member) and come back home sometime the next day. I say shortlived because Karoline called Guro before dinner (which was really good tonight) and found out that we would not be able to see the concert from Guro's apartment for some reason or an other... oh well. Maybe we will go see Tove (the dean of Skogfjorden) at some point, since Marit seems to be friends with everybody in Nord Norge... lol :)

So now I want to talk about the food. We eat ALOT of bread... and alot of meat and atleast a salad if not more for veggies at dinner... Its all pretty good... though im still not convinced if i like Salmon and Whale yet... Yes, I have eaten whale, twice. My manners and training in the art of standing up for endangered species have been warring with each other ever since I learned that we were having whale. We had it 2 nights in a row and I'm still not convinced on it... Dang "Save the Whales" board game... Tonight we had Fiskboller... which are kinda like fish dumplings... really good when you mash a potato into the sauce and eat it all together... I am (have) gained some weight in this short time... 3 kgs... which is about 12 lbs I belive... Now I can give double reds!

But don't worry, according to AFS as soon as I get back to the states it will all melt off... and I dont think I look any different. I also think that gym will help turn some of the fat into muscle... or pain... which ever... we had to run(/walk) 3 km today... I managed with my friend Weronika (bizzare right?) to do it in under 20 min I think... not more that 22 min... my knees and hips were not happy after, but the læder said that it was a good time for someone that doesn't run on a regular basis... The best time was 10 min... that's a 10 min mile basically... wow, I wish I hadn't seen how far in miles that was... Now I feel like a wimp... but really, it was all up and down... so maybe not so much like a wimp am I (sorry for the yoda moment... but im to lazy to change it)

OH! and before we completly get off of wonderfull food there is my new favorite Prim! It's brown cheese (which is sweet) that had been whipped to the consistance of smooth peanutbutter... aka SNACKAGE!!!! Im not sure how im going to survive without it when I have to come back to the states... ugh.

alrighty, I should go back downstairs... I ordered my russdress and gave the picture people my adress so they can send my pictures, so Im gonna sign off.

ha det!

1 comment:

  1. and ME, lady -- i read your blog, too!! thanks for keeping us updated on your adventures!
