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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hei Hei fra Norge!!!


Please exscuse my long absence from this blog... I know that there are a few people that want to read this! My computer (from school) is in the shop and has been all week... kansje Æ skal det i morgen. Translation ('cause I'm using dialect and it wont translate in google) maybe I'll get it tomorrow...

SOOOOO! What's happening to Devyn?!?!
I actually slept on the plane over... it was the first time that I remember ever sleeping on a plane... granted it was in multipul periods of about 5-15 min in leangth but whatever! I was in the very middle seat for the 7 hour flight... the one over the atlantic, but one of my fellow AFS Norge-ers we'll call him N.L. sat on one side, and a very nice achitect student who I hope didn't get annoyed with us (me) was on the other. To the architect student: hope you're having fun in Denmark and I hope you found your hostel ok!

It was kinda embarrasing to arrive in Copenhagen with the Finns and Latvians in BRIGHT YELLOW SHIRTS!!!! And by yellow I mean YYYEEELLLLOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they're kinda horrible. But also it was kinda funny to see all of our fellow travlers staring at us in complete confusion. :)

I managed to switch seats for the Copenhagen-Oslo flight with N.L. and sat next to another AFS Norge-er W.P. :) It was fun talking about the minimal politics we knew about and watch our new home approach...

We had our 3 day orientation at a LOVELY hotel somwhere a half an hour from the Oslo airport. It was beside a BIG lake and the water was about the temp that the ocean was when I left! Unfortuanatly we were not allowed to swim... :P We played lots of games and learned some Norsk... okay, the others learned Norsk, I had a review. I had a great time then on Sunday we went back to the Airport to go to our respective homes.

I appologize again to my group even though I doubt you know I have this blog... I'm sorry my snowboard meant that we had to go to the airport 6 hours early... but I got my softic! :D

I met my wonderful hostfamily after my almost 2 hr flight (that I slept through :D )! My little sister recognised me! And I her, but my host mom thought that I was too tall to be me... lol. We claimed my bags and made for the car with Tante Eilin where Kazan (the dog) was waiting.

The house is beautiful, and very cozy! I only got a little homesick when I saw the picture of my natural family sitting on the small coffee table in the living room. I'm okay with it now, but I still can't quite look at it. :/ I have my own room! I unpacked my two bags that night and felt a little better, eventhough I found the letter mum wrote for me and cried again when I read it again... oh well.

I had school the next morning, which was interesting to say the least. I had to wait until the middle of the second class to get my schedual, so I didn't go to my first day's Norsk and Math class. I did go to gym, only to leave after I got the year schedual because I didn't have any gym clothes... Next Monday. I have Biologi at the end of the day so I did go to that, and met a few of my class mates and the lærer. She's nice, but after I finish this and eat middag (supper) I need to go do her HMWK. I have Biology, Sociology and the lowest math class available. Which I think might be my easiest class for a while, the language barrier isn't so big in math. Those are the classes I chose, I'm also taking Norsk, Religion and History... I enjoy them because they are with my klass... Æ er RUSS!!! Russ is the last year in Norwegian schools... not college. They get some really cool clothes (here's the link to my options: ) I like the Amundsen bukser, the Sko Norge, the shirt that says SKÅL (cheers) and the ... sweater! thats the word... it was only coming to me på norsk... the sweater that says RUSSEN ER LØSE! and it has a ball and chain with the ball labled SKOLE (which if you didn't guess means school). There is a great sale that if I order before the 17 of september I can get 369 nok off of a total of 1471 nok... which is really good i Norge. I will also get a free Norge Flag bag if I order more than 1500 nok worth... so with that sale and the genser... SWEATER! I can get another bag to carry it all home in!

We got the catalog yesterday... So I'm kinda REALLY excited!!! XD ( {- thats a face for those who dont know... Mum.)

We had klass pictures today... and singles (which I didn't know about so I'm Not sharing that one ;P) and my klass decided that we all needed to dress up like Cowboys... I'm Kinda in shock about how many Cowboy hats there were... I mean, really. Only 2 people didn't have them, and this was after people went home to get all the ones they had at home... Now for the big question... Why do the Norwegians all have more cowboy hats then most americans? I don't quite understand... LOL makes for a good laugh!

So, Marit (my host mom) went to Oslo today... and Ole-P is woking, Guro is in Tromsø, and Odd and Karoline are on their way to håndball practice... So I will try to get some HMWK done before everybody comes home... And I have to call AT & T to get my phone unblocked... My to do list is growing...

I will post pictures on Flickr when I get my school laptop... until next time!

Ha det! Vi sees!


  1. hey devyn! it's SO exciting to read about your arrival in norway. sounds awesome. definitely keep writing; i am reading!

  2. Sounds like you are having a blast!!! Lol, yellow shirts :) xoxo
