Heia! Går det bra med alle? Æ håper så!
So, funny story to start off the post! On facebook one of my fellow AFS-ers posted "Jeg elsker min norske familie!" to which another afs-er responded "i og" and from there I wrote "æ og" and yet another person wrote "Jeg også"... what's so funny about this? well if you think about it, Norway isn't actually all that large population wise, yet there are so many different dialects that three of us (2 of whom are not really that far apart physically, since both are in central Norway) have completely different ways of saying the same thing... those 3 responses while understandable sound very different. "i" in norwegian sounds like "eee" and "æ" sounds more like "ayyy" but not quite... (its really a strange sound) and then you have "jeg" which sounds like "yei"... kinda cool huh? but what's really funny about this is that after I commented on the different dialects a conversation completely in dialect started, then suddenly switched to spanish... I could understand what was going on when it was in dialect, everything actually sounds pretty phonetic, but with spanish im a fish out of water! *siiiigh*
I think I might be able to get out of school extra early tomorrow! which would rock except that im plning on meeting someone at the bus station so the can come home with me and help bake pie and make chocolates and such so I cant really go home... I'll end up sitting in the library and reading again... that's what I usually do... but that's ok!
Ok, so it's now tuesday, a series of event made me unable to post yesterday, so please excuse me!
Im going to continue with saturday now! Saturday I got up so that I would have enough time to catch the bus and meet the otehrs to go ice skating! it was the first time for me in about 4-5 years I believe (too much HS) so I was a little wary of it, but it came back pretty quick, though the ice was rougher than whatim used to! Morgana and I were the only 2 out of our group that knew how to ice skate, Morgan and Aom had never been before... so that was funny! Morgan was too scared to move for a while sowe had to tow her out to the rink! Aom was less openly nervous, but she was obiously not comfortable. But, to solve the problem of a lack of walls for them to cling to while trying to figure out how to skate we stole the chairs so they could push them like walkers! Eventually Morgana and I decided that they needed to stop depending on the walker/chairs so we started stealing them and making Morgan and Aom skate to them... >XD
After a while of skating we managed to get Morgan and Aom to goaround the rink without the chairs, then we decided that if we were going to have enough time to eat and catch a bus we needed to stop skating and get going... which obviously we did.
We went to Dolly dimples to eat, but i wont be eating there in a hurry again... Peppe's Pizza is better! I did see my home-room like teacher though, she was picking up a pizza and going home. :) the worst part about this whole thing was that the bus schedual hates me... it said there was a bus at 5:30 but of course it didn't show, so we had to wait for the bus at 6:15 which meant that I missed the bus home... grrrr... But it was okay, because I had somewhere to hang out for the next 4 hours. I went to Aom's of course! It was nice to be able to stay warm and have an interesting conversation instead of shiver in the cold because everything is closed and listen to Savage Garden on repeat until the cold completely drained my battery. (Note that I have been listening to Savage Garden A LOT recently, and the lines that are stuck in my head keep switching between "Come stand a little bit closer, breath in again a bit higher, you'll never know know what hit you when I GET TO YOU!" "I never thought I'd change my opinion again, but you move me in a way that I've never known (you move me in a way that I've never known), but straight away you just move into position again, you abuse me in a way that ive never known (you abuse me in a way that I've never know) So break me, shake me, hate me, take me over! When the madness stops then you will be alone!)" and "there's a time to play the king and a time to be a thief. cause if you're making all these promises you know you cannot keep, you know time will be the thief and your fallen king will end up alone." ok, on second though I have a little of every song stuck in my head at some point, exept Santa Monica)
I did go to the bus eventually and just got there in time! Then I took the bus all the way to the ferry instead of being smart and getting off and walking when the oppertunity arose... oh well, I was warm at least! I didn't get in until about 10:45... the road of doom has ice that is over an inch thick completely covering it so I had to be carful even with my ice shoe things on... urgh...
Sunday I was sorely dissapointed by the fact that my snowboard was in the car, which Pappa and Karro had... obviously not in Harstad, but in some inidetifiable place playing Håndball. I was very sad about that so I spent my day reading in bed and eating... very boring.
On monday I had a normal math class (as normal, im really quite boring there) then the same old same old for norwegian devoted to nynorsk... I read something funny online... I would suggest everybody reads it! :D Then I had gym... which meant that I had to walk a long way to get to harstadhallen, then I had to learn how to play håndball in socks... my sneakers were not in my gym bag despite the fact that I had thought I had packed them. *sigh* Actually it was really fun! I didn't think I'd do that well since Im rather frightened of balls, but I did okay! My team won both games!
I have officially stopped going to utvekslingstudent norsk! I am happy having bio on mondays again!!! we're studying the nervous system! or we're almost done studying it... It was cool! (sorry if everything is realy short and not very detailed, I have friends over but because something amazing and really really exciting happened I have to post while they are here!)
I went for my normal monday swim after school, then Silje and I enjoyed the sauna! so no sore legs today!!! then I got a ride up to Heggen again and set out stuff so that I could "talk" to ungdomsskole kids and their parents. I even did a slide of cheek cells so that was cool! And there was free pizza and boller. Unfortunatly I missed all but thelast bus, but thankfully Asbjørn (Morgana's contact father) was there and he invited me to go over to his house and wait until the bus! so that was cool! It was Diego's 20 birthday (guy from costa rica) so there were people there! and there was dessert, but I was full and had to go before they started eating.
Anyway! Im going to tell you about today becasuse its REALLY REALLY REALLY COOL!!!! I only had one class today, we talked about hijabs and weather it should be illegalized... then i had a free period because my class had a nynorsk quiz! then because i need to see if I can get home and back to the city in time for a boat (and i forgot stuff) I went home for about 10 min. then the bus was late so I was a little cold... brrr...
I ended up back in the city with jsut enoughtime to return a book to the library and get back to the bus to Kanabogen so I could buy a cool shirt and some japanese style sweets... om nom nom... and another softic! YAAAAY!!!
Then it was back to the city where I sat in the bus terminal for an hour while I waited for my new friend Maja! She came over to help me make pie. and chocolate, but we have no cream so I was unsuccessful in that conquest! It is 11:05 here and we are now waiting for brownies, but I did succeed in something way more exciting!!!
YEAH!!!! MY FIRST HAND MADE APPLE PIE!!! Maja and I made it together, though Kristin helped us track down more apples since we only had about half of what we needed... doesn't it look WONDERFUL!!!!! it smells awesome too!!! I cant wait to eat it, and I need to try and save at least one slice for Maja since this was origionally for a birthday... :D that's tomorrow!
okay since I have friends I need to stop this. HA DET!!! VI SNAKKES!!!
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