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Monday, July 19, 2010

Devyn = Failure at blogging

Its not like anybody is reading this right now, but if people for some reason decide to look back on to the past of my blog (or lack there of) I'll give a quick overview of the past few months...

I finished applying to AFS and was accepted to my country of choice, NORWAY! I will be living in Harstad, Norway which is just south of Tromsø! Brrrrr! I will be living with a mother, father and little sister and a recent addition a dog! It also sounds like I will have two brothers that are in university... YAY!

I just managed to find the Face Book Group for the AFS Norway Students, after making a group myself... *facepalm*

Well! I have to visit the family a little before I leave on the 18... really i leave for norway the 19th, but the 18th is the last ill see them in person for a year... :$

ttyl! but sooner than this last time...


  1. Hi Devyn, I just wanted you know that I will be reading your blog this year. I'm really interested in what all of you will be doing in Norway, not just Noah. Each of you will be having your own unique experience and I'm looking forward to hearing about all of them.

    Blog away!

    Nina (Noah's mom)

  2. Thanks Nina! I'm really glad that someone other than my parents will read this!

  3. i have in fact decided to look back onto the past of your blog. :) i will definitely be reading as well! i'm still keeping up a blog, btw --
